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Last active October 16, 2015 02:10
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言語処理100本ノック 第1章: 準備運動
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def chap1_0():
targ = "stressed"
print targ[::-1]
def chap1_1():
targ = u"パタトクカシーー"
print targ[0::2]
def chap1_2():
str1 = u"パトカー"
str2 = u"タクシー"
str3 = u""
for a, b in zip(str1, str2):
str3 = str3 + a + b
print str3
def chap1_3():
targ = "Now I need a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics."
targ = targ.replace(",","")
targ = targ.replace(".","")
ls = []
for s in targ.split():
print ls
def chap1_4():
targ = "Hi He Lied Because Boron Could Not Oxidize Fluorine. New Nations Might Also Sign Peace Security Clause. Arthur King Can."
targ = targ.replace(",", "")
targ = targ.replace(".", "")
mp = {}
i = 0
for s in targ.split():
i += 1
if i in [1,5,6,7,8,9,15,16,19]:
mp[i] = s[0]
mp[i] = s[0:2]
for k, v in mp.items():
print k, v
def chap1_5():
sentence = "I am an NLPer"
#Charactor as bi-gram
charGram = [sentence[i:i+2] for i in range(len(sentence)-1)]
#Word as bi-gram
words = [word.strip(".,") for word in sentence.split()]
wordGram = ["-".join(words[i:i+2]) for i in range(len(words)-1)]
print charGram
print wordGram
def chap1_6():
word1 = "paraparaparadise"
word2 = "paragraph"
setX = set([word1[i:i+2] for i in range(len(word1)-1)])
setY = set([word2[i:i+2] for i in range(len(word2)-1)])
print "setX", setX
print "setY", setY
print "和集合", setX|setY
print "差集合", setX - setY
print "積集合", setX&setY
if "se" in setX:
print "'se' contains setX"
print "'se' does not contain setX"
if "se" in setY:
print "'se' contains setY"
print "'se' does not contain setY"
def chap1_7():
ret = makeStr("12", "気温", "22.4")
print ret
def makeStr(x, y, z):
return "{0}の{1}は{2}".format(x, y, z)
def chap1_8():
print ciph("hello world")
print ciph("Hello World")
print ciph("HELLO WORLD")
print ciph(ciph("hello world"))
import re
def ciph(word):
return "".join(chr(219-ord(c)) if re.match(r"[a-z]", c) else c for c in word)
def chap1_9():
targ = "I couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading : the phenomenal power of the human mind ."
print " ".join(typo(w) if len(w) > 4 else w for w in targ.split())
from random import shuffle
def typo(word):
targ = list(word[1:-1])
return word[0] + ''.join(targ) + word[-1]
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