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Created March 11, 2021 07:16
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Save drajathasan/6d8dd3380e9372d1b093d9e9704eb0d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
File label barcode bawaan SLiMS 9.3.1 yang telah dimodifikasi agar muncul warnanya. Cara pasang nya 1. Download skrip ini lalu letakan di folder plugins/label_barcode 2. Jika plugin ini belum diaktifkan aktifkan pada modul system, di menu plugins, lalu klik panel pada plugins dengan nama label barcode yang ada tulisan Ido Alit.
* @Created by : Waris Agung Widodo (
* @Date : 06/11/20 00.56
* @File name : index.php
defined('INDEX_AUTH') OR die('Direct access not allowed!');
// IP based access limitation
require LIB . '';
// start the session
require SB . 'admin/default/';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_GUI/table/';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_GUI/form_maker/';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_GUI/paging/';
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_DB/datagrid/';
function httpQuery($query = [])
return http_build_query(array_unique(array_merge($_GET, $query)));
// privileges checking
$can_read = utility::havePrivilege('bibliography', 'r');
if (!$can_read) {
die('<div class="errorBox">' . __('You are not authorized to view this section') . '</div>');
$max_print = 50;
// for generate barcode && force use zend barcode
ini_set('include_path', LIB);
require_once LIB . 'Zend/Barcode.php';
function generateBarcode($code)
$file_name = __DIR__ . '/../../images/barcodes/' . $code . '.png';
$renderer = Zend_Barcode:: factory(
'code128', 'image', [
'text' => urldecode($code),
'factor' => 2,
'font' => realpath(LIB . 'phpbarcode/DejaVuSans.ttf'),
'fontSize' => 8,
call_user_func('imagepng', $renderer->draw(), $file_name);
$colorMap = [
"0" => '#14d4ff',
"1" => '#ff4ab1',
"2" => '#40ffdf',
"3" => '#a3f59f',
"4" => '#e5f59f',
"5" => '#f5ec9f',
"6" => '#9fdef5',
"7" => '#f39ff5',
"8" => '#ff8ca3',
"9" => '#8cf0ff'
if (isset($_POST['itemID']) AND !empty($_POST['itemID']) AND isset($_POST['itemAction'])) {
if (!$can_read) {
if (!is_array($_POST['itemID'])) {
// make an array
$_POST['itemID'] = array($_POST['itemID']);
$print_count = 0;
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'])) {
$print_count_biblio = count($_SESSION['labels']['biblio']);
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['item'])) {
$print_count_item = count($_SESSION['labels']['item']);
// loop array
foreach ($_POST['itemID'] as $itemID) {
if ($print_count == $max_print) {
$limit_reach = true;
if (stripos($itemID, 'b', 0) !== false) {
// Biblio ID
$biblioID = str_ireplace('b', '', $itemID);
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'][$biblioID])) {
$_SESSION['labels']['biblio'][$biblioID] = $biblioID;
} else {
// Item ID
$itemID = (integer)$itemID;
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['item'][$itemID])) {
$_SESSION['labels']['item'][$itemID] = $itemID;
$print_count = $print_count_item + $print_count_biblio;
echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\'' . $print_count . '\');</script>';
if (isset($limit_reach)) {
$msg = str_replace('{max_print}', $max_print, __('Selected items NOT ADDED to print queue. Only {max_print} can be printed at once'));
utility::jsToastr('Labels Printing', $msg, 'warning');
} else {
// update print queue count object
utility::jsToastr('Labels Printing', __('Selected items added to print queue'), 'success');
// clean print queue
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'clear') {
utility::jsToastr('Labels Printing', __('Print queue cleared!'), 'success');
echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\'0\');</script>';
// on print action
if (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'print') {
// check if label session array is available
if (!isset($_SESSION['labels']['item']) && !isset($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'])) {
utility::jsToastr('Labels Printing', __('There is no data to print!'), 'error');
// concat item ID
$item_ids = '';
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['item'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['labels']['item'] as $id) {
$item_ids .= $id . ',';
// concat biblio ID
$biblio_ids = '';
if (isset($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'])) {
foreach ($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'] as $id) {
$biblio_ids .= $id . ',';
// strip the last comma
$item_ids = substr_replace($item_ids, '', -1);
$biblio_ids = substr_replace($biblio_ids, '', -1);
// SQL criteria
if ($item_ids) {
$criteria = "i.item_id IN($item_ids)";
if ($biblio_ids) {
$criteria = "b.biblio_id IN($biblio_ids)";
if ($item_ids && $biblio_ids) {
$criteria = "i.item_id IN($item_ids) OR b.biblio_id IN($biblio_ids)";
// send query to database
$biblio_q = $dbs->query('SELECT IF(i.call_number<>\'\', i.call_number, b.call_number), i.item_code FROM biblio AS b LEFT JOIN item AS i ON b.biblio_id=i.biblio_id WHERE ' . $criteria);
$label_data_array = array();
while ($biblio_d = $biblio_q->fetch_row()) {
if ($biblio_d[0]) {
$label_data_array[] = $biblio_d;
// include printed settings configuration file
include SB . 'admin' . DS . 'admin_template' . DS . '';
// check for custom template settings
$custom_settings = SB . 'admin' . DS . $sysconf['admin_template']['dir'] . DS . $sysconf['template']['theme'] . DS . '';
if (file_exists($custom_settings)) {
include $custom_settings;
// load print settings from database to override value from printed_settings file
loadPrintSettings($dbs, 'label');
// chunk label array
$chunked_label_arrays = array_chunk($label_data_array, 2);
// create html ouput of images
$html_str = '';
// loop the chunked arrays to row
$html_str .= '<table class="table table-borderless">' . "\n";
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . JWB . 'jquery.js"></script>';
foreach ($chunked_label_arrays as $label_data) {
$html_str .= '<tr>' . "\n";
foreach ($label_data as $labels) {
$barcode_text = trim($labels[1]);
/* replace space */
$barcode_text = str_replace(array(' ', '/', '\/'), '_', $barcode_text);
/* replace invalid characters */
$barcode_text = str_replace(array(':', ',', '*', '@'), '', $barcode_text);
$label = $labels[0];
$html_str .= '<td valign="top">';
$html_str .= '<div class="card card-body"><div class="d-flex align-items-center">';
$html_str .= '<div style="width:240px; margin-right: 40px">';
$html_str .= '<img class="img-fluid" src="' . SWB . IMG . '/barcodes/' . urlencode(urlencode($barcode_text)) . '.png?' . date('YmdHis') . '" border="0" />';
$html_str .= '</div>';
$html_str .= '<div style="width: 80%">';
if ($sysconf['print']['label']['include_header_text']) {
$html_str .= '<div class="labelHeaderStyle pl-2 pt-2" style="background-color: '.$colorMap[substr($label, 0,1)].'">' . ($sysconf['print']['label']['header_text'] ? $sysconf['print']['label']['header_text'] : $sysconf['library_name']) . '</div>';
// explode label data by space except callnumber
$sliced_label = preg_split("/((?<=\w)\s+(?=\D))|((?<=\D)\s+(?=\d))/m", $label);
$html_str .= '<div class="labelStyle pl-2">';
foreach ($sliced_label as $slice_label_item) {
$html_str .= $slice_label_item . '<br />';
$html_str .= '</div></div></div>';
$html_str .= '</div>';
$html_str .= '</td>';
$html_str .= '</tr>' . "\n";
$html_str .= '</table>' . "\n";
$__ = '__';
$template = <<<HTML
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<title>Label & Barcode Printing</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$SWB}css/bootstrap.min.css">
@media print {
.no-print {
display: none !important;
.rotate {
transform: rotate(-90deg);
-webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(-90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(-90deg);
filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3);
.labelHeaderStyle {
border-bottom: 1px solid #8d8d8d;
padding-bottom: 8px;
margin-bottom: 8px;
.labelStyle {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 14px;
<a href="#" class="no-print btn btn-success mb-4" onclick="window.print()">{$__('Print Again')}</a>
<script type="text/javascript">self.print();</script>
// unset the session
// write to file
$print_file_name = 'label_print_result_' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $_SESSION['uname'])) . '.html';
$file_write = @file_put_contents(UPLOAD . $print_file_name, $template);
if ($file_write) {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">parent.$(\'#queueCount\').html(\'0\');</script>';
// open result in new window
echo '<script type="text/javascript">top.$.colorbox({href: "' . SWB . FLS . '/' . $print_file_name . '", iframe: true, width: (1200), height: (parent.window.innerHeight - 200), title: "' . __('Labels Printing') . '"})</script>';
} else {
utility::jsToastr('Labels Printing', str_replace('{directory}', SB . FLS, __('ERROR! Label failed to generate, possibly because {directory} directory is not writable')), 'error');
/* search form */
<div class="menuBox">
<div class="menuBoxInner printIcon">
<div class="per_title">
<h2><?php echo __('Labels & Barcode Printing'); ?></h2>
<div class="sub_section">
<div class="btn-group">
<a target="blindSubmit" href="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . httpQuery(['action' => 'clear']) ?>"
class="btn btn-default notAJAX "><?php echo __('Clear Print Queue'); ?></a>
<a target="blindSubmit" href="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . httpQuery(['action' => 'print']) ?>"
class="btn btn-success notAJAX "><?php echo __('Print Labels for Selected Data'); ?></a>
<!-- <a href="-->
<?php //echo MWB; ?><!--bibliography/pop_print_settings.php?type=label" width="780" height="500" class="btn btn-default notAJAX openPopUp" title="-->
<?php //echo __('Change print label settings'); ?><!--">-->
<?php //echo __('Change print label settings'); ?><!--</a>-->
<form name="search" action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . httpQuery() ?>" id="search" method="get"
class="form-inline"><?php echo __('Search'); ?>
<input type="text" name="keywords" class="form-control col-md-3"/>
<input type="submit" id="doSearch" value="<?php echo __('Search'); ?>"
class="s-btn btn btn-default"/>
<div class="infoBox">
echo __('Maximum') . ' <strong class="text-danger">' . $max_print . '</strong> ' . __('records can be printed at once. Currently there is') . ' ';
if (isset($_SESSION['labels'])) {
echo '<strong id="queueCount" class="text-danger">' . @(count($_SESSION['labels']['item']) + count($_SESSION['labels']['biblio'])) . '</strong>';
} else {
echo '<strong id="queueCount" class="text-danger">0</strong>';
echo ' ' . __('in queue waiting to be printed.');
/* search form end */
// create datagrid
$datagrid = new simbio_datagrid();
require SIMBIO . 'simbio_UTILS/';
require LIB . '';
// index choice
if ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'index' || ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'sphinx' && file_exists(LIB . 'sphinx/sphinxapi.php'))) {
if ($sysconf['index']['type'] == 'sphinx') {
require LIB . 'sphinx/sphinxapi.php';
require LIB . '';
} else {
require LIB . '';
// table spec
$table_spec = 'search_biblio AS `index` LEFT JOIN `item` ON `index`.biblio_id=`item`.biblio_id';
if ($can_read) {
$datagrid->setSQLColumn('IF(item.item_id IS NOT NULL, item.item_id, CONCAT(\'b\', index.biblio_id))', 'index.title AS `' . __('Title') . '`',
'IF(item.call_number<>\'\', item.call_number, index.call_number) AS `' . __('Call Number') . '`', 'item.item_code AS `' . __('Item Code') . '`');
} else {
require LIB . '';
// table spec
$table_spec = 'biblio LEFT JOIN item ON biblio.biblio_id=item.biblio_id';
if ($can_read) {
$datagrid->setSQLColumn('IF(item.item_id IS NOT NULL, item.item_id, CONCAT(\'b\', biblio.biblio_id))', 'biblio.title AS `' . __('Title') . '`',
'IF(item.call_number<>\'\', item.call_number, biblio.call_number) AS `' . __('Call Number') . '`', 'item.item_code AS `' . __('Item Code') . '`');
$datagrid->setSQLorder('item.last_update DESC');
// is there any search
if (isset($_GET['keywords']) AND $_GET['keywords']) {
$keywords = utility::filterData('keywords', 'get', true, true, true);
$searchable_fields = array('title', 'author', 'class', 'callnumber', 'itemcode');
$search_str = '';
// if no qualifier in fields
if (!preg_match('@[a-z]+\s*=\s*@i', $keywords)) {
foreach ($searchable_fields as $search_field) {
$search_str .= $search_field . '=' . $keywords . ' OR ';
} else {
$search_str = $keywords;
$biblio_list = new biblio_list($dbs, 20);
$criteria = $biblio_list->setSQLcriteria($search_str);
$criteria_str = 'item.item_code IS NOT NULL';
if (isset($criteria)) {
$criteria_str .= ' AND (' . $criteria['sql_criteria'] . ')';
// set table and table header attributes
$datagrid->table_attr = 'id="dataList" class="s-table table"';
$datagrid->table_header_attr = 'class="dataListHeader" style="font-weight: bold;"';
// edit and checkbox property
$datagrid->edit_property = false;
$datagrid->chbox_property = array('itemID', __('Add'));
$datagrid->chbox_action_button = __('Add To Print Queue');
$datagrid->chbox_confirm_msg = __('Add to print queue?');
// set delete proccess URL
$datagrid->chbox_form_URL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . httpQuery();
$datagrid->column_width = array(0 => '75%', 1 => '20%');
// put the result into variables
$datagrid_result = $datagrid->createDataGrid($dbs, $table_spec, 20, $can_read);
if (isset($_GET['keywords']) AND $_GET['keywords']) {
$msg = str_replace('{result->num_rows}', $datagrid->num_rows, __('Found <strong>{result->num_rows}</strong> from your keywords'));
echo '<div class="infoBox">' . $msg . ' : "' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['keywords']) . '"<div>' . __('Query took') . ' <b>' . $datagrid->query_time . '</b> ' . __('second(s) to complete') . '</div></div>';
echo $datagrid_result;
/* main content end */
Copy link

MuhRos commented Nov 9, 2022

Selamat Siang Pak, terima kasih sudah berbagi, sangat berguna sekali pak, cuma ada 1 yg belum sy pecahkan pak, bgmn caranya memunculkan Judulnya, dan menhilangkan Nomor bercodenya..

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