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Created May 24, 2024 13:31
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Script to find intersections across multiple bed files and create an UpSet plot illustrating the number of regions shared between them.
# Script for identifying the number of overlaps between any number of bed files. Given a set of N bed files,
# the script will find all 2-, 3- and 4-way unions (if N=4 for example, it will identify 11 unions), as well as
# the unique coordinates of each bed file.
# Load packages
## valr package supports bedtools functions in R
# Pregame: List bed files you want to compare.
## For example, bed files could represent replicates of ChIP-seq peak files of a transcription factor.
beds <- list.files(".")
## the following is an example of how to load your files into the global environment, while giving them a new name
for (i in beds){
# the string name you want to isolate here in order to name your files will be different across files
# so change it accordingly
filename <- str_split_i(i, pattern = "\\.", 1)
# use valr functions to load files
assign(filename, read_bed(i))
# add all bed files in a list object
## bed_list <- list(...)
# name the list objects in a concise way
## names(bed_list) <- c(...)
### for example: names(bed_list) <- c("rep1", "rep2", "rep3", "rep4")
# Step 1: use combinat library to generate all possible intersection names given your set of bed files
# to understand what that looks like run:
# unlist(lapply(2:length(bed_list), function(x) combn(names(bed_list), x, simplify = FALSE)), recursive = FALSE)
find_ovls <- function(bed_list){
ovls <- list()
# Generate all combinations of file names
all_combinations <- unlist(lapply(2:length(bed_list), function(x) combn(names(bed_list), x, simplify = FALSE)), recursive = FALSE)
# Perform intersections for all combinations
for (comb in all_combinations){
comb_name <- paste(comb, collapse = "_")
ovls[[comb_name]] <- bed_list[[comb[[1]]]]
for (i in 2:length(comb)){
if (ncol(ovls[[comb_name]])<=3) {
ovls[[comb_name]] <- bed_intersect(ovls[[comb_name]], bed_list[[comb[[i]]]])
else {
# for 3-way intersections or above, we have to modify the df that has been outputed in the previous if statement
# since it is a product of bed_intersect, it has more than 3 columns with names like so: chrom, start.x, start.y
# and so on
# if you were to use it as so, it would give out an error since the function expects the first three columns
# to be chrom, start, end
ovls[[comb_name]] <- ovls[[comb_name]] %>%
# here you find the start and end of each overlapping interval (basically producing new coordinates)
dplyr::mutate(start = pmax(start.x, start.y), end = pmin(end.x, end.y)) %>%
select(chrom, start, end)
ovls[[comb_name]] <- bed_intersect(ovls[[comb_name]], bed_list[[comb[[i]]]])
ovls <- find_ovls(bed_list)
# Step 2: Identify unique peaks for each bed file
unique <- lapply(names(bed_list), function(x) {
y = bed_intersect(bed_list[[x]], bed_list[!(names(bed_list) == x)], invert=T)
names(unique) <- names(bed_list)
# Create UpSet plot
counts <- unlist(lapply(c(bed_list, ovls), nrow))
names(counts) <- gsub("_", "&", names(counts))
upset(fromExpression(counts), = "freq",
decreasing = TRUE, = "#56B4E9",
mb.ratio = c(0.6, 0.4),
number.angles = 0,
text.scale = 2,
point.size = 2.8,
line.size = 1)
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