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Created July 6, 2020 18:00
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Generates a per-workflow report of billable GitHub actions usage in the last few days for an organization
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from github import Github
API_KEY = '...'
CUTOFF = - timedelta(days=5)
def analyze_repo(repo):
for workflow in repo.get_workflows():
print(f' {}:')
totals = Counter()
for run in workflow.get_runs():
if run.created_at < CUTOFF:
timing = run.timing()
for (platform, usage) in timing.billable.items():
totals[platform] += usage['total_ms']
for platform, total_ms in totals.items():
total = timedelta(seconds=total_ms / 1e3)
print(f' {platform}: {total}')
def main():
gh = Github(API_KEY)
front = gh.get_organization(ORGANIZATION)
repos = front.get_repos(type='private', sort='updated', direction='desc')
for repo in repos:
if repo.updated_at < CUTOFF:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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