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Created April 10, 2014 08:10
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Save drakeguan/10354767 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mpo2stereo, convert .mpo image into two separated stereo images.
// MPO2Stereo:
// Converts Fujifilm MPO format 3D
// images into JPEG stereo pairs
// code by:
// Andres Hernandez [cybereality]
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int fileSize;
char * stereoData;
char * rightData;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){
// title
printf("\n*********** MPO2Stereo [cybereality] ***********\n");
// print usage if no arguments
if(argc == 1){
printf("Converts MPO files to JPEG stereo pairs.\n");
printf("Usage: MPO2Stereo.exe File_1.MPO [.. File_N.MPO]\n");
// loop through each argument
for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ){
// get the file name
char fileName[255];
char fullName[255];
// locate end of path, which is the last slash in the string
char *ptr = strrchr(argv[i],'/');
// make sure its a directory
if(ptr != NULL){
// copy remainder of string
// remember full name
strcpy(fullName, fileName);
// check if its an MPO file
char *MPO = strstr(fileName, ".MPO");
char *mpo = strstr(fileName, ".mpo");
// strip file extension
ptr = strchr(fileName,'.');
// if the extension exists, truncate it
if(ptr != 0) *ptr = 0;
// make sure its an MPO file
if(MPO == NULL && mpo == NULL){
printf("Cannot Process: \"%s\". Not An MPO File.\n", fullName);
// go to next file if any
} else {
// print file name
printf("Processing MPO File: \"%s\"...\n", fullName);
} else {
// malformed directory
printf("Invalid Directory For File: %s\n", argv[i]);
printf("Must Include Full Directory Path To MPO File.\n");
// skip
// load up the MPO file
ifstream mpoFile (argv[i], ios::in|ios::binary|ios::ate);
// make sure we can open file
if (mpoFile.is_open()) {
// read the image data into a buffer
fileSize = (int)mpoFile.tellg();
stereoData = new char [fileSize];
mpoFile.seekg (0, ios::beg); (stereoData, fileSize);
// start of the next image
char startOfImage [8]= { 'F', 'F', 'D', '8', 'F', 'F', 'E', '1' };
int imageBreak;
// find the break point between the image pairs
for(int i=0; i < fileSize; i+=4){
// get block into a c string
char block[255];
// extract the characters
sprintf(block, "%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X", (unsigned int)(unsigned char)stereoData[i], (unsigned int)(unsigned char)stereoData[i+1], (unsigned int)(unsigned char)stereoData[i+2], (unsigned int)(unsigned char)stereoData[i+3]);
// check for start of image
if(strncmp(block, startOfImage, 8) == 0){
// remember where the image starts
imageBreak = i;
// write left image to new file
char leftName[255];
sprintf(leftName, "%s_L.jpg", fileName);
ofstream leftFile; (leftName, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (leftFile.is_open()) {
leftFile.write (stereoData, imageBreak);
printf("Created JPEG File: \"%s\".\n", leftName);
} else {
printf("Unable To Create JPEG File: \"%s\".\n", leftName);
// write right image to new file
char rightName[255];
sprintf(rightName, "%s_R.jpg", fileName);
ofstream rightFile; (rightName, ios::out | ios::binary);
if (rightFile.is_open()) {
rightFile.write (stereoData + imageBreak, fileSize-imageBreak);
printf("Created JPEG File: \"%s\".\n", rightName);
} else {
printf("Unable To Create JPEG File: \"%s\".\n", rightName);
// delete resources
delete[] stereoData;
} else {
printf("Unable To Open MPO File.\n");
// all done
// return
return 0;
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