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Last active March 21, 2017 17:14
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  • Save drakemccabe/3e156fa1185e3fe8746c2d36ec2f3d97 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save drakemccabe/3e156fa1185e3fe8746c2d36ec2f3d97 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cmds for new dev server

Ubuntu (14.04)

sudo apt-get update

install git

cd && sudo apt-get install git bc

install zsh

sudo apt-get install zsh wget -O - | zsh chsh -s which zsh

set up Vim

cd && git clone ~/.vim ~/.vim/bin/install

install task warrior

sudo apt-get install task

install weechat

sudo apt-get install weechat

one liner

cd && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git bc && sudo apt-get install zsh && wget -O - | zsh && chsh -s which zsh && cd && git clone ~/.vim && sudo apt-get install task && sudo apt-get install weechat

for production clone

edit /etc/unicorn.conf

edit /etc/default/unicorn

edit ip address in /etc/nginx/sites-enables (ssl)


sudo yum -y install tmux && sudo yum -y install ruby-devel && gem install io-console && gem install bundler && cd && rm -rf .vim && git clone ~/.vim && ~/.vim/bin/install && sudo rpm -Uvh && gem install gist && sudo yum -y install zsh && sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

sudo su && cd && rm -rf .vim && git clone ~/.vim && ~/.vim/bin/install && sh -c "$(wget -O -)" && chsh -s $(which zsh)

Remove New Relic: sudo /usr/bin/newrelic-install

Stop Indexing

After call devicedetect

if (req.http.X-UA-Device == "bot") { return (synth(418, "I'm a teapot")); }

sudo service varnish restart

if Drupal, drush pm-enable shield

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