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Last active October 28, 2020 00:35
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hash-maps exercise
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
fn list_users(department: &str, user_map: &HashMap<String, Vec<String>>) {
if department == "All" || department == "all" {
for (key, value) in user_map {
println!("Department - {}:", key);
for user in value {
println!(" •{}", user);
} else {
let users = user_map.get(department);
match users {
Some(info) => {
for user in info {
println!(" •{}", user)
None => println!("Department doesn't exist, or it's empty!"),
fn main() {
// Using a hash map and vectors, create a text interface to allow
// a user to add employee names to a department in a company.
// For example, "Add Sally to Engineering" or "Add Amir to Sales."
// Then let the user retrieve a list of all people in a department
// or all people in the ompany by department sorted alphabetically
let mut user_map: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
loop {
println!("Please enter a command: ");
// Expected commands: Add [name] to [department] || View [all || department]
let mut input = String::new();
.read_line(&mut input)
.expect("Failed to read line");
let input: Vec<&str> = input.trim().split(' ').collect();
let operator = input.get(0).map(|x| x.to_lowercase());
match operator.as_deref() {
Some("add") => match (input.get(1), input.get(3)) {
(Some(name), Some(department)) => {
let user_vec = user_map.entry(department.to_string()).or_insert(Vec::new());
(None, Some(_)) => println!("Please enter a name!"),
(Some(_), None) => println!("Please enter a department!"),
(None, None) => println!("Please enter a name and department!"),
Some("view") => match input.get(1) {
Some(department) => list_users(department, &user_map),
None => println!("Please enter all or a department!"),
Some("exit") => break,
Some(_) | None => println!("Invalid command 😞"),
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