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Created September 25, 2021 20:25
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Codemirror 6 line wrapping that preserves indentation
import _ from "lodash"
import { StateEffect, StateField } from "@codemirror/state"
import { EditorView, Decoration } from "@codemirror/view"
* Plugin that makes line wrapping in the editor respect the identation of the line.
* It does this by adding a line decoration that adds padding-left (as much as there is indentation),
* and adds the same amount as negative "text-indent". The nice thing about text-indent is that it
* applies to the initial line of a wrapped line.
* The identation decorations have to happen in a StateField (without access to the editor),
* because they change the layout of the text :( The character width I need however, is in the editor...
* So I do this ugly hack where I, in `character_width_listener`, I fire an effect that gets picked up
* by another StateField (`extra_cycle_character_width`) that saves the character width into state,
* so THEN I can add the markers in the decorations statefield.
/** @type {any} */
const CharacterWidthEffect = StateEffect.define({})
const extra_cycle_character_width = StateField.define({
create() {
return null
update(value, tr) {
for (let effect of tr.effects) {
if ( return effect.value
return value
let character_width_listener = EditorView.updateListener.of((viewupdate) => {
let width = viewupdate.view.defaultCharacterWidth
let current_width = viewupdate.view.state.field(extra_cycle_character_width, false)
if (current_width !== width) {
console.log(`current_width:`, current_width)
console.log(`width:`, width)
current_width = width
effects: [CharacterWidthEffect.of(current_width)],
let line_wrapping_decorations = StateField.define({
create() {
return Decoration.none
update(deco, tr) {
let tabSize = tr.state.tabSize
let charWidth = tr.state.field(extra_cycle_character_width, false)
if (charWidth == null) return Decoration.none
if (!tr.docChanged && deco !== Decoration.none) return deco
let decorations = []
// TODO? Only apply to visible lines? Wouldn't that screw stuff up??
// TODO? Don't create new decorations when a line hasn't changed?
for (let i of _.range(0, tr.state.doc.lines)) {
let line = tr.state.doc.line(i + 1)
if (line.length === 0) continue
let indented_chars = 0
for (let ch of line.text) {
if (ch === "\t") {
indented_chars = indented_chars + tabSize
} else if (ch === " ") {
indented_chars = indented_chars + 1
} else {
// let tabs_in_front = Math.min(line.text.match(/^\t*/)[0].length) * tabSize
const offset = Math.min(indented_chars, ARBITRARY_INDENT_LINE_WRAP_LIMIT) * charWidth
// TODO? Cache the CSSStyleDeclaration?
const rules = document.createElement("span").style
rules.setProperty("--idented", `${offset}px`)
rules.setProperty("text-indent", "calc(-1 * var(--idented) - 1px)") // I have no idea why, but without the - 1px it behaves weirdly periodically
rules.setProperty("padding-left", "calc(var(--idented) + var(--cm-left-padding, 4px))")
const linerwapper = Decoration.line({
attributes: { style: rules.cssText },
decorations.push(linerwapper.range(line.from, line.from))
return Decoration.set(decorations, true)
provide: (f) => EditorView.decorations.from(f),
export let awesome_line_wrapping_plugin = [extra_cycle_character_width, character_width_listener, line_wrapping_decorations]
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