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Created March 26, 2009 20:15
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/* CREDIT: */
/* define method that takes an upperLimit Int and a function literal that accepts
* a single Int parameter and returns a Boolean */
def totalSelectValuesInRange(upperLimit: Int, isOKToUse: Int => Boolean) = {
/* Create a range by calling to on 1 (in RichInt wrapper for Int) */
val range = 1 to upperLimit
/* Fold left on range, starting with 0 - kind of like Ruby's 'inject' */
(0 /: range) { (sum, number) =>
sum + (if (isOKToUse(number)) number else 0) }
/* _ % 2 == 0 is a function literal - kind of like Ruby lambda, where _ is
* a placeholder for the Int that is passed in */
println "Total of even numbers from 1 to 10 is " +
totalSelectValuesInRange(10, _ % 2 == 0)
println "Total of odd numbers from 1 to 10 is " +
totalSelectValuesInRange(10, _ % 2 == 1)
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