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Last active June 7, 2023 14:11
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Klipper configuration for a heavily modified CR-10 Max
# This file contains pin mappings for the Creality CR-10 Max. To use
# this config, the firmware should be compiled for the AVR atmega2560.
# See docs/ for a description of parameters.
[include mainsail.cfg]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AR0JQJQ1-if00-port0
# Kinematics
kinematics: cartesian
max_velocity: 200
max_accel: 4000
max_z_velocity: 30
max_z_accel: 150
square_corner_velocity: 6.0
shaper_freq_x: 67.2
shaper_type_x: mzv
shaper_freq_y: 32.8
shaper_type_y: zv
step_pin: PF0
dir_pin: PF1
enable_pin: !PD7
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PE5
position_endstop: 0
position_min: 0
position_max: 450
homing_speed: 75
step_pin: PF6
dir_pin: !PF7
enable_pin: !PF2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PJ1
position_endstop: 0
position_min: 0
position_max: 300
homing_speed: 50
step_pin: PL3
dir_pin: !PL1
enable_pin: !PK0
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
position_min: 0.0
position_max: 450
homing_speed: 15
sensor_pin: ^PD2
control_pin: PB5
probe_with_touch_mode: True
stow_on_each_sample: False
x_offset: -39.0
y_offset: -2.0
z_offset: 2.9
speed: 8.0
samples: 2
sample_retract_dist: 3.0
# Homing & Leveling
home_xy_position: 225,150
speed: 85.0
z_hop: 10.0
z_hop_speed: 100
speed: 170
horizontal_move_z: 8
mesh_min: 5,0
mesh_max: 410,280
probe_count: 5,5
fade_start: 1
fade_end: 10
screw1: 10,0
screw2: 440,0
screw3: 10,300
screw4: 440,300
screw4: 60,30
screw4_name: front left screw
screw3: 440,30
screw3_name: front right screw
screw2: 60,300
screw2_name: rear left screw
screw1: 440,300
screw1_name: rear right screw
horizontal_move_z: 10.0
speed: 100.0
screw_thread: CCW-M4
# Heating
step_pin: PA4
dir_pin: PA6
enable_pin: !PA2
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 8.2
nozzle_diameter: 0.600
filament_diameter: 1.750
max_extrude_only_distance: 500.0
max_extrude_only_velocity: 100.0
max_extrude_only_accel: 1000.0
heater_pin: PB4
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PK5
control: pid
pid_kp: 21.865
pid_ki: 1.869
pid_kd: 63.955
min_extrude_temp: 180
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 280
heater_pin: PH5
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: PK6
control: pid
pid_Kp: 67.826
pid_Ki: 1.178
pid_Kd: 976.697
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 100
pin: PH6
# Accelerometer measurement
[mcu rpi]
serial: /tmp/klipper_host_mcu
cs_pin: rpi:None
accel_chip: adxl345
default_type: echo
# Filament change / runout
[gcode_macro M600]
{% set X = params.X|default(50)|float %}
{% set Y = params.Y|default(0)|float %}
{% set Z = params.Z|default(10)|float %}
G1 E-.8 F2700
G1 Z{Z}
G1 X{X} Y{Y} F3000
G1 E-50 F1000
#[filament_switch_sensor e0_sensor]
#switch_pin: PE4
#pause_on_runout: False
# M600
# Quality of life
# LCD Screen setup
firmware: dgus_reloaded
# This controls how Klipper interacts with the touchscreen. The only possible
# value is "dgus_reloaded" at the moment. This parameter must be provided.
#update_interval: 2
# How often to send data updates to the touchscreen.
volume: 20
# The volume for the touchscreen speaker (as a value from 0 to 100).
brightness: 100
# The brightness for the touchscreen (as a value from 0 to 100).
machine_name: CR-10 Maxxed
# The machine name shown on the information page.
x_min_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the minimum X position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
x_max_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the maximum X position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
y_min_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the minimum Y position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
y_max_inset: 30.0
# The distance (in mm) from the maximum Y position used by the manual leveling
# screen.
# This can be used to provide a lower limit (in mm) to X moves done using the
# touschreen. Movements will still be limited by your [stepper_x]
# configuration values.
# This can be used to provide an upper limit (in mm) to X moves done using the
# touschreen. Movements will still be limited by your [stepper_x]
# configuration values.
# Same as x_min for the Y axis.
# Same as x_max for the Y axis.
#z_min: 0
# Same as x_min for the Z axis.
#z_max: 450
# Same as x_max for the Z axis.
# Macros
[delayed_gcode bed_mesh_init]
initial_duration: .01
[gcode_macro WIPE_LINE]
{% if printer.toolhead.homed_axes != "xyz" %}
{action_respond_info("Please home XYZ first")}
{% elif printer.extruder.temperature < 170 %}
{action_respond_info("Extruder temperature too low")}
{% else %}
# Move Origin
G1 X1 Y1 Z5 F3000
# Drop nozzle to Z0.15
G1 Z0.15 F3000
# 1: Up-Right
G92 E0
G1 X10 Y200 F1000 E25
# 2: Left
G92 E0
G1 X1 F5000 E1
# 3: Down-Right
G92 E0
G1 X15 Y140 F1000 E10
# 4: Left
G92 E0
G1 X1 F2000 E1
# 5: Down-Right
G92 E0
G1 X20 Y10 F1000 E5
# Quickly retract and wipe away
G92 E0
G1 E-1 F500
G1 X150 Y150 F6000
G1 Z0.5 F3000
{% endif %}
[gcode_macro START_PRINT]
{% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %}
{% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(190)|float %}
# Start LED Print Status
{% if 't5uid1' in printer %}
{% endif %}
# Start bed heating
# Use absolute coordinates
# Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed)
# Home the printer
# Bed calibrate
# Move the nozzle near the bed
G1 Z5 F3000
# Move the nozzle very close to the bed
#G1 Z0.15 F300
# Wait for bed to reach temperature
# Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature
# Wipe Nozzle
[gcode_macro END_PRINT]
# Turn off bed, extruder, and fan
M140 S0
M104 S0
M106 S0
# Move nozzle away from print while retracting
G1 X-2 Y-2 E-3 F300
# Raise nozzle by 10mm
G1 Z10 F3000
# Disable steppers
# End LED Print Status
{% if 't5uid1' in printer %}
{% endif %}
[gcode_macro POWEROFF]
RESPOND TYPE=command MSG=action:poweroff
#*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
#*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
#*# [extruder]
#*# [bed_mesh default]
#*# version = 1
#*# points =
#*# 0.173750, 0.160000, 0.186250, 0.142500, 0.213750
#*# 0.037500, 0.075000, 0.100000, 0.012500, 0.017500
#*# -0.108750, -0.027500, -0.022500, -0.142500, -0.151250
#*# -0.136250, -0.005000, 0.020000, -0.077500, -0.126250
#*# 0.165000, 0.295000, 0.310000, 0.167500, 0.166250
#*# x_count = 5
#*# y_count = 5
#*# mesh_x_pps = 2
#*# mesh_y_pps = 2
#*# algo = lagrange
#*# tension = 0.2
#*# min_x = 5.0
#*# max_x = 410.0
#*# min_y = 0.0
#*# max_y = 280.0
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