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// Type definitions for non-npm package Titanium 9.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Axway Appcelerator <>
// Jan Vennemann <>
// Sergey Volkov <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 3.0
type _Omit<T, K extends keyof any | undefined> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
type FunctionPropertyNames<T> = {
// tslint:disable-next-line:ban-types
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? K : never
}[keyof T];
type FunctionProperties<T> = Pick<T, FunctionPropertyNames<T>>;
type Dictionary<T> = Partial<_Omit<T, FunctionPropertyNames<Ti.Proxy>>>;
interface ProxyEventMap {}
* The APIs that reside in the global scope, which may be called without a namespace prefix.
* An alias for [Titanium.Locale.getString](Titanium.Locale.getString).
declare function L(key: string, hint?: string): string;
* Displays a pop-up alert dialog with the passed in `message`.
declare function alert(message: string): void;
* Cancels an interval timer.
declare function clearInterval(timerId: number): void;
* Cancels a one-time timer.
declare function clearTimeout(timerId: number): void;
* Replaces each escape sequence in the specified string, created using the `encodedURI`
* method, with the character that it represents.
declare function decodeURIComponent(encodedURI: string): string;
* Replaces each special character in the specified string with the equivalent URI escape
* sequence. Useful for encoding URIs.
declare function encodeURIComponent(string: string): string;
* Loads either a native Titanium module or a CommonJS module.
declare function require(moduleId: string): any;
* Executes a function repeatedly with a fixed time delay between each call to that function.
declare function setInterval(func: (...args: any[]) => void, delay: number): number;
* Executes code or a function after a delay.
declare function setTimeout(func: (...args: any[]) => void, delay: number): number;
* Global JSON object providing the [parse](Global.JSON.parse) and [stringify](Global.JSON.stringify) methods.
interface JSON {
* Parses a JSON text to produce an object or array.
parse(text: string, reviver: (...args: any[]) => void): any;
* Produces a JSON text from a JavaScript value.
stringify(value: any, replacer?: (...args: any[]) => void | string[], space?: number | string): string;
* The JavaScript built-in String type.
interface String {
* Formats a string using `printf`-style substitution.
format(formatString: string, value: string | number): string;
* Formats a number into the currency format, including currency symbol, of the locale
* configured for the system.
formatCurrency(value: number): string;
* Formats a date into the date format of the locale configured for the system.
formatDate(date: Date, format?: string): string;
* Formats a number into the decimal format, including decimal symbol, of the locale
* configured for the system.
formatDecimal(value: number, locale?: string, pattern?: string): string;
* Formats a date into the time format of the locale configured for the system.
formatTime(date: Date, format?: string): string;
* Console logging facilities.
interface console {
* Log a message at the `debug` level.
debug(message: any): void;
* Log a message at the `error` level.
error(message: any): void;
* Log a message at the `info` level.
info(message: any): void;
* Log a message at the `info` level.
log(message: any): void;
* Start a timer to track duration of an operation.
time(label?: string): void;
* Stop a timer that was previously started.
timeEnd(label?: string): void;
* Log duration taken so far for an operation.
timeLog(label?: string, data?: any): void;
* Log a message at the `warn` level.
warn(message: any): void;
* An extension of the [NSURLConnectionDelegate]( protocol to allow users to participate in authentication and resource management for this HTTPClient.
interface APSConnectionDelegate {
* Options object for the [accept](Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.accept) method.
interface AcceptDict {
* Callback to be fired when the socket enters the [ERROR](Titanium.Network.Socket.ERROR) state.
error?: (param0: ErrorCallbackArgs) => void;
* Timeout, in milliseconds, for all `write` operations.
timeout?: number;
* Argument object passed to the [accepted](Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.accepted)
* callback when a listener accepts a connection.
interface AcceptedCallbackArgs {
* Socket which represents the inbound connection.
inbound?: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* Socket which received the connection.
socket?: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* Simple object passed to the <Titanium.Android.Activity> callbacks for
* onCreate, onDestroy, onPause, onResume, onStart, onStop, onRestart.
* Additional properties may be set on the Object.
interface ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject {
* The Activity firing the callback.
source?: Titanium.Android.Activity;
* Simple object passed to the
* [startActivityForResult](Titanium.Android.Activity.startActivityForResult) callback.
interface ActivityResult {
* Intent that can contain data returned to the caller. Data can be attached to
* the intent as "extras").
intent?: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* Unique, automatically generated integer request code.
requestCode?: number;
* Integer result code that the started activity passed to
* [setResult](Titanium.Android.Activity.setResult).
resultCode?: number;
* A JavaScript object holding an `animated` property. Used for many UI methods as a means of specifying some transition should be animated.
interface AnimatedOptions {
* If `true`, animate a transition for the method/value change.
* Note that for most uses cases the default is assumed to be `false`. The exceptions tend to be <Titanium.UI.Window> methods.
animated?: boolean;
* A JavaScript object holding `animated` and `duration` properties. Used on iOS For [TablewView](Titanium.UI.TableView) and [ListView](Titanium.UI.ListView) content offset transitions.
interface AnimatedWithDurationOptions extends AnimatedOptions {
* If `true`, animate a transition for the method/value change.
* Note that for most uses cases the default is assumed to be `false`. The exceptions tend to be <Titanium.UI.Window> methods.
animated?: boolean;
* The duration in `milliseconds` for animation
duration?: number;
* An abstract datatype for specifying an attributed string attribute.
interface Attribute {
* Attribute range.
range: number[];
* Attribute to apply to the text.
type: number;
* Attribute value.
value: number;
* The object returned to the <Titanium.UI.WebView.backForwardList> method.
interface BackForwardList {
* The item immediately preceding the current item.
backItem?: BackForwardListItem;
* The portion of the list preceding the current item.
backList?: BackForwardListItem[];
* The current item.
currentItem?: BackForwardListItem;
* The item immediately following the current item.
forwardItem?: BackForwardListItem;
* The portion of the list following the current item.
forwardList?: BackForwardListItem[];
* The object represents a webpage in the back-forward of a web view.
interface BackForwardListItem {
* The URL of the initial request that created this item.
initialUrl?: string;
* The title of the webpage represented by this item.
title?: string;
* The URL of the webpage represented by this item.
url?: string;
* Object describing a button bar or tabbed bar item.
interface BarItemType {
* A succint label associated with the bar item for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel?: string;
* Whether the button is enabled initially.
enabled?: boolean;
* Button icon. If specified, takes precedence over `title`.
image?: string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* Button title, used if no `image` is specified.
title?: string;
* Width for this button.
width?: number;
* Simple `Error` instance thrown from the
* [executeAll](Titanium.Database.DB.executeAll) method in case of failure
interface BatchQueryError {
* Index of the failed query
index?: number;
* partial `ResultSet`s of any successful queries before the failure
results?: Titanium.Database.ResultSet[];
* Dictionary to specify a boundary identifier for <Titanium.UI.iOS.CollisionBehavior.addBoundary>.
interface BoundaryIdentifier {
* Arbitrary identifier for the boundary
identifier?: string;
* Start point for the boundary
point1?: Point;
* End point for the boundary
point2?: Point;
* Simple object holding the data for a logical cpu.
interface CPU {
* General description of the CPU
model?: string;
* Speed of the CPU in MHz
speed?: number;
* A collection of timings for this logical CPU.
times?: CPUTimes;
* Simple object holding the data for a logical cpu execution times.
interface CPUTimes {
* The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in idle mode.
idle?: number;
* The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in irq mode.
irq?: number;
* The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in nice mode.
nice?: number;
* The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in sys mode.
sys?: number;
* The number of milliseconds the CPU has spent in user mode.
user?: number;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CalendarPermissionResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* A media object from the camera or photo gallery.
interface CameraMediaItemType extends SuccessResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0.
code?: number;
* Simple object defining the user's selected crop rectangle, or `null` if the user has not edited the photo. `width`/`height` values are assumed to be in pixels.
cropRect?: Dimension;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* The live photo object, as a <Titanium.UI.iOS.LivePhoto> and
* `undefined` if no live photo is selected.
livePhoto?: Titanium.UI.iOS.LivePhoto;
* The media object, as a [Blob](Titanium.Blob).
media?: Titanium.Blob;
* The type of media, either `MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO`, `MEDIA_TYPE_LIVEPHOTO` or `MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO` defined in <Titanium.Media>.
mediaType?: string;
* Simple object defining the preview image size. This will be undefined when custom camera overlay is not used. Values are assumed to be in pixels.
previewRect?: Size;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `true`.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object for specifying options to [showCamera](Titanium.Media.showCamera).
interface CameraOptionsType {
* Specifies if the media should be editable after capture/selection.
allowEditing?: boolean;
* Specifies if the dialog should be animated upon showing and hiding.
animated?: boolean;
* Controls the type of arrow and position of the popover.
arrowDirection?: number;
* Specifies if the camera should be hidden automatically after the media capture is completed.
autohide?: boolean;
* Determines if the camera preview should rotate or not.
autorotate?: boolean;
* Function to call if the user presses the cancel button.
cancel?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Function to call upon receiving an error.
error?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Show the camera in a popover.
inPopOver?: boolean;
* Array of media type constants to allow. Note: If you want to select live photos, iOS only allows
* you to select existing live photos from the gallery, capturing new live photos is not supported by
* iOS public API, yet.
mediaTypes?: string[];
* View to added as an overlay to the camera UI (on top).
overlay?: Titanium.UI.View;
* View to position the camera or photo gallery popover on top of.
popoverView?: Titanium.UI.View;
* Specifies if the media should be saved to the photo gallery upon successful capture.
saveToPhotoGallery?: boolean;
* Indicates if the built-in camera controls should be displayed.
showControls?: boolean;
* Function to call when the camera is closed after a successful capture/selection.
success?: (param0: CameraMediaItemType) => void;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the camera or photogallery view.
transform?: Titanium.UI.Matrix2D;
* Maximum duration (in milliseconds) to allow video capture before completing.
videoMaximumDuration?: number;
* Constant to indicate the video quality during capture.
videoQuality?: number;
* Opens the camera with the specified camera direction.
whichCamera?: number;
* Dictionary describing the items for <Titanium.UI.Clipboard.setItems>.
interface ClipboardItemsType {
* An array of key-value items to add to the clipboard. The key must a valid mime-type
* matching the mime-type of the value.
items?: any[];
* The privacy options to apply to all the items on the clipboard. The available options are
* described in `Ti.UI.CLIPBOARD_OPTION_*`. Depending on the key, the value can be a Date or
* Boolean.
options?: any;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudACLsCheckResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Dictionary of permissions.
permission?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudACLsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Set of ACL objects, if any exist.
acls?: any[];
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudChatGroupsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Set of `chat_groups` objects, if any exist.
chat_groups?: any[];
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudChatsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Set of `chats` objects, if any exist.
chats?: any[];
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudCheckinsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Set of `checkins` objects, if any exist.
checkins?: any[];
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudClientsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* IP address of client.
ip_address?: string;
* Location of client.
location?: any;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudEmailsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudEventOccurrencesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `event` objects, if any exist.
event_occurrences?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudEventsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `event` objects, if any exist.
events?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudFilesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `file` objects, if any exist.
files?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudFriendRequestsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `user` objects, if any exist.
friend_requests?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudFriendsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Set of `user` objects, if any exist.
users?: any[];
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudGeoFenceResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of geo-fence objects, if any exist.
geo_fences?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudKeyValuesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `keyvalues` objects, if any exist.
keyvalues?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudLikesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Set of `like` objects, if any exist.
likes?: any[];
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudMessagesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Set of `message` objects, if any exist.
messages?: any[];
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudObjectsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Set of `classname` objects, if any exist.
classname?: any[];
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPhotoCollectionsPhotosResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `photos` objects, if any exist.
photos?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Set of `collections` objects, if any exist.
collections?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPhotosResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `photos` objects, if any exist.
photos?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPlacesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `places` objects, if any exist.
places?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPostsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `posts` objects, if any exist.
posts?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object for specifying token retrieval options to [retrieveDeviceToken](Modules.CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken).
interface CloudPushNotificationConfig {
* Callback function called when an error occurs during registration.
error?: (param0: CloudPushNotificationErrorArg) => void;
* Callback function called when the push registration is successfully completed.
success?: (param0: CloudPushNotificationSuccessArg) => void;
* A simple object passed to the [retrieveDeviceToken](Modules.CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken) error callback.
interface CloudPushNotificationErrorArg {
* Description of the error.
error?: string;
* A simple object passed to the [retrieveDeviceToken](Modules.CloudPush.retrieveDeviceToken) success callback.
interface CloudPushNotificationSuccessArg {
* The device token which this device was registered for.
deviceToken?: string;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully.
interface CloudPushNotificationsQueryChannelResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Array of `push_channel` names, if any exist.
push_channels?: string[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPushNotificationsQueryResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `subscription` objects, if any exist.
subscriptions?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudPushNotificationsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully.
interface CloudPushNotificationsShowChannelResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Dictionary containing counts of devices subscribed to a push channel, grouped by platform.
devices?: any;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully.
interface CloudPushSchedulesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Array of [schedules push notifications](!/api/PushSchedules), if any exist.
push_schedules?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudReviewsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `reviews` objects, if any exist.
reviews?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudSocialIntegrationsResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Set of `users` objects, if any exist.
users?: any[];
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudStatusesResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Set of `statuses` objects, if any exist.
statuses?: any[];
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback as a request is transmitted or received.
interface CloudStreamProgress {
* A value from 0.0-1.0 with the progress of the exchange.
progress?: number;
* The URL for the request, to help identify it.
url?: string;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudUsersResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Set of `user` objects, if any exist.
users?: any[];
* Properties for the modal dialog used in 3-Legged OAuth
interface CloudUsersSecureDialog {
* Defines the title for the dialog.
title?: string;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface CloudUsersSecureResponse extends CloudResponse {
* Identifies the current access token when using 3-Legged OAuth.
accessToken?: string;
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Indicates whether the request failed.
error?: boolean;
* Indicates the number of seconds before the access token expires.
expiresIn?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
message?: string;
* Meta data, if any returned.
meta?: any;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument object passed to the [connected](Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.connected) callback when the socket connects.
interface ConnectedCallbackArgs {
* Socket instance that has been connected.
socket?: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface ContactsAuthorizationResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object for defining a single image in a cover flow view.
interface CoverFlowImageType {
* Display height of the image, in Apple points.
height?: number;
* Image to use, as a local file URL, `Blob`, or `File`.
image?: string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* Display width for the image, in Apple points.
width?: number;
* Arguments to be passed to createBuffer
interface CreateBufferArgs {
* The byte order of this buffer.
byteOrder?: number;
* The length of the buffer.
length?: number;
* The type of data encoding to use with `value`.
type?: string;
* An initial value which will be encoded and placed in the buffer. If value is a Number, type must also be set. (this is simply a convenient way of calling <Titanium.Codec.encodeString> or <Titanium.Codec.encodeNumber> and placing the encoded value in the returned buffer.)
value?: string | number;
* Argument passed to [createStream](Titanium.Stream.createStream).
interface CreateStreamArgs {
* Mode to open the stream in.
mode?: number;
* Object that the stream will read from or write to.
source?: Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Buffer;
* Argument object passed to the data callback when data arrives on the
* [UDP socket](
interface DataCallbackArgs {
* The remote host address where the data came from.
address?: string;
* The data returned as an array of bytes.
bytesData?: Titanium.Blob;
* The local port on which the data arrived.
port?: string;
* The data returned as a string.
stringData?: string;
* Named parameters for <Titanium.Codec.decodeNumber>.
interface DecodeNumberDict {
* byte order to decode with.
byteOrder?: number;
* Index in the `source` buffer of the first byte of data to decode.
position?: number;
* Buffer to decode.
source: Titanium.Buffer;
* The encoding type to use.
type: string;
* Named parameters for <Titanium.Codec.decodeString>.
interface DecodeStringDict {
* Character set to use when encoding this string to bytes.
charset?: string;
* Number of bytes to decode.
length?: number;
* Index in the `source` buffer of the first byte of data to decode.
position?: number;
* Buffer to decode.
source: Titanium.Buffer;
* A simple object consisting of the position and size measurements. Effectively combines <Size> and <Point> but ensures numeric x/y values.
interface Dimension extends Size {
* The height measurement.
height?: number;
* The width measurement.
width?: number;
* The x-axis coordinate of the position. When returned by <Titanium.UI.View.rect> the position is relative to it's parent.
x?: number;
* The y-axis coordinate of the position. When returned by <Titanium.UI.View.rect> the position is relative to it's parent.
y?: number;
* An extension of <Dimension> where Android returns additional absolute X/Y values/properties for <Titanium.UI.View.rect>
interface DimensionWithAbsolutes extends Dimension {
* The x-axis coordinate of the position relative to the main window.
absoluteX?: number;
* The y-axis coordinate of the position relative to the main window.
absoluteY?: number;
* The height measurement.
height?: number;
* The width measurement.
width?: number;
* The x-axis coordinate of the position. When returned by <Titanium.UI.View.rect> the position is relative to it's parent.
x?: number;
* The y-axis coordinate of the position. When returned by <Titanium.UI.View.rect> the position is relative to it's parent.
y?: number;
* A simple object for specifying options when showing or dismissing a <Titanium.UI.iOS.DocumentViewer>.
interface DocumentViewerOptions {
* Indicates whether to animate the transition.
animated?: boolean;
* Anchors the options menu to the specified view.
view?: Titanium.UI.View;
* Named parameters for <Titanium.Codec.encodeNumber>.
interface EncodeNumberDict {
* Byte order to encode with.
byteOrder?: number;
* Destination buffer.
dest: Titanium.Buffer;
* Index in the `dest` buffer of the first byte of encoded data.
position?: number;
* Number to encode.
source: number;
* Encoding type to use.
type: string;
* Named parameters for <Titanium.Codec.encodeString>.
interface EncodeStringDict {
* Character encoding to use when encoding this string to bytes.
charset?: string;
* Destination buffer.
dest: Titanium.Buffer;
* Index in the `dest` buffer of the first byte of the encoded string.
destPosition?: number;
* Source string to encode.
source: string;
* Number of characters in `source` to encode.
sourceLength?: number;
* Position in `source` to start encoding.
sourcePosition?: number;
* Object passed to the error callback when the socket enters the [ERROR](Titanium.Network.Socket.ERROR) state.
interface ErrorCallbackArgs extends FailureResponse {
* Error code. Returns a non-zero value.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* The error code of the error (potentially system-dependent).
errorCode: never;
* Socket that experienced the error.
socket?: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `false`.
success?: boolean;
* Properties used in any event or callback which needs to report a success or failure.
interface ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface EventsAuthorizationResponse {
* Error code, if any returned.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates whether the request succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object for specifying options to
* [requestExtendedExecution](Titanium.App.Windows.requestExtendedExecution).
interface ExtendedExecutionOptionsType {
* Reason for the background execution request.
reason?: number;
* Function to call upon extended execution request.
* Callbacks `true` when request is granted.
result?: (param0: boolean) => void;
* Function to call upon extended execution revocation.
* Callbacks one of the <Titanium.App.Windows.EXTENDED_EXECUTION_REVOKED_REASON_*> constants.
revoked?: (param0: number) => void;
* Properties used in any event or callback which needs to report a failure.
interface FailureResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns a non-zero value.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `false`.
success?: boolean;
* An abstract datatype for specifying a text font.
interface Font {
* Specifies the font family or specific font to use.
fontFamily?: string;
* Font size, in platform-dependent units.
fontSize?: number | string;
* Font style. Valid values are "italic" or "normal".
fontStyle?: string;
* Font weight. Valid values are "bold", "semibold", "normal", "thin",
* "light" and "ultralight".
fontWeight?: string;
* The text style for the font.
textStyle?: string;
* Simple object returned in the callback from the
* [forwardGeocoder](Titanium.Geolocation.forwardGeocoder) method.
* Note that Android includes a number of extra fields.
interface ForwardGeocodeResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Estimated accuracy of the geocoding, in meters.
accuracy?: number;
* Full address.
address?: string;
* City name.
city?: string;
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Country name.
country?: string;
* Country code.
countryCode?: string;
* Country code. Same as `countryCode`.
country_code?: string;
* Display address. Identical to `address`.
displayAddress?: string;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Latitude of the geocoded address.
latitude?: string;
* Longitude of the geocoded address.
longitude?: string;
* Postal code.
postalCode?: string;
* First line of region.
region1?: string;
* Not used.
region2?: string;
* Street name, without street address.
street?: string;
* Street name.
street1?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object representing a place, returned in the callback from the
* [reverseGeocoder](Titanium.Geolocation.reverseGeocoder) method.
interface GeocodedAddress {
* Full address.
address?: string;
* City name.
city?: string;
* Country name.
country?: string;
* Country code.
countryCode?: string;
* Country code. To be replaced by `countryCode`.
country_code: never;
* Display address. Identical to `address`.
displayAddress: never;
* Latitude of the geocoded point.
latitude?: number;
* Longitude of the geocoded point.
longitude?: number;
* Postal code
postalCode?: string;
* First line of region.
region1?: string;
* Not used.
region2?: string;
* Street name, without street address.
street?: string;
* Street name.
street1?: string;
* Postal code. To be replaced by `postalCode`
zipcode: never;
* Dictionary object of parameters used to register the application with local notifications using
* the <Titanium.App.iOS.registerUserNotificationSettings> method.
interface GetUserNotificationSettings {
* The current alert settings.
alertSetting?: number;
* The current alert style used to display notifications.
alertStyle?: number;
* The current authorization status for using notifications.
authorizationStatus?: number;
* The current badge settings.
badgeSetting?: number;
* The current CarPlay settings.
carPlaySetting?: number;
* Set of categories of user notification actions required by the applicaiton to use.
categories?: Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory[];
* The authorization status to play sounds for critical alerts.
* Available in Titanium SDK 7.4.0 and later.
criticalAlertSetting?: number;
* The current lock-screen settings.
lockScreenSetting?: number;
* The current notication-center settings.
notificationCenterSetting?: number;
* A Boolean value indicating the system displays a button for in-app notification settings.
* Available in Titanium SDK 7.4.0 and later.
providesAppNotificationSettings?: number;
* The current sound settings.
soundSetting?: number;
* Notification types to use.
types?: number[];
* A simple object defining a color gradient.
interface Gradient {
* Set to `true` to continue filling with the final color beyond the `endPoint`.
backfillEnd?: boolean;
* Set to `true` to continue filling with the starting color beyond the `startPoint`.
backfillStart?: boolean;
* An array of colors, as a color name or hex triplet.
colors?: string[] | GradientColorRef[];
* End point for the gradient.
endPoint?: Point;
* For a radial gradient, the radius at the `endPoint`.
endRadius?: number;
* Start point for the gradient.
startPoint?: Point;
* For a radial gradient, the radius at the `startPoint`.
startRadius?: number;
* Type of gradient, either 'linear' or 'radial'.
type?: string;
* A simple object consisting of a color and an offset.
interface GradientColorRef {
* Color value at this point in the gradient, as a color name or hex triplet.
color?: string;
* The color's normalized position within the gradient, ranging from 0 (start) to 1 (end).
offset?: number;
* Simple object holding compass heading data.
interface HeadingData {
* Accuracy of the compass heading, in platform-specific units.
accuracy?: number;
* Declination in degrees from magnetic North.
magneticHeading?: number;
* Timestamp for the heading data, in milliseconds.
timestamp?: number;
* Declination in degrees from true North.
trueHeading?: number;
* Raw geomagnetic data for the X axis.
x?: number;
* Raw geomagnetic data for the Y axis.
y?: number;
* Raw geomagnetic data for the Z axis.
z?: number;
* Argument passed to the [getCurrentHeading](Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentHeading) callback.
interface HeadingResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* If `success` is true, the actual heading data.
heading?: HeadingData;
* Indicates a successful operation.
success?: boolean;
* Dictionary object of parameters for horizontal-only insets applied to [Table](Titanium.UI.TableView) and [List](Titanium.UI.ListView) views. Only `left` and `right` properties are used (see <Padding>).
interface HorizontalInsets {
* Left padding/inset
left?: number;
* Right padding/inset
right?: number;
* Template that represents the basic appearance of a list item.
interface ItemTemplate {
* Contains an array of subview templates to be added (in order) as children to this view.
childTemplates?: ViewTemplate[];
* Contains key-value pairs of view events and their listeners that are applied to the ListItem.
events?: any;
* Contains key-value pairs of view properties and their values that are applied to the ListItem.
properties?: Dictionary<Titanium.UI.ListItem>;
* See [TextView.setLineSpacing](,%20float))
interface LabelLineSpacing {
* The value in pixels that should be added to each line other than the last line. This will be applied after the multiplier
add?: number;
* The value by which each line height other than the last line will be multiplied by
multiply?: number;
* Dictionary object of parameters used to identify an incoming URL that is handled
* by the application.
interface LaunchOptionsType {
* The application or service that triggered the handled URL.
source?: string;
* The url that was triggered by the application or service.
url?: string;
* Represents displayed item data.
interface ListDataItem {
* Contains key-value pairs of view properties and their values that are applied to the
* `ListItem`.
properties?: Dictionary<Titanium.UI.ListItem>;
* Template ID configured with the <Titanium.UI.ListView.templates> property or
template?: string | number;
* The arguments for the <Titanium.UI.ListView.prefetch> and <Titanium.UI.ListView.cancelprefetch> events.
interface ListItemEventType {
* The item ID bound to the list item that generated the event.
itemId?: string;
* Item index.
itemIndex?: number;
* List section if the item is contained in a list section.
section?: Titanium.UI.ListSection;
* Section index.
sectionIndex?: number;
* A simple object for specifying the animation properties to use when inserting or deleting
* sections or cells, or scrolling the list.
interface ListViewAnimationProperties {
* Whether this list change should be animated. Ignored if any `animationStyle` value is specified.
animated?: boolean;
* Type of animation to use for cell insertions and deletions.
animationStyle?: number;
* Specifies what position to scroll the selected cell to.
position?: number;
* A simple object that represents an index entry in a `ListView`.
interface ListViewIndexEntry {
* Section index associated with this title.
index?: number;
* Title to display in the index bar.
title?: string;
* The parameter for [setMarker](Titanium.UI.ListView.setMarker) and [addMarker](Titanium.UI.ListView.addMarker) methods.
interface ListViewMarkerProps {
* The itemIndex of the reference item.
itemIndex?: number;
* The sectionIndex of the reference item.
sectionIndex?: number;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface LocationAuthorizationResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object holding the data for a location update.
interface LocationCoordinates {
* Accuracy of the location update, in meters.
accuracy?: number;
* Altitude of the location update, in meters.
altitude?: number;
* Vertical accuracy of the location update, in meters.
altitudeAccuracy?: number;
* The floor of the building on which the user is located.
floor?: LocationCoordinatesFloor;
* Compass heading, in degrees. May be unknown if device is not moving. On
* iOS, a negative value indicates that the heading data is not valid.
heading?: number;
* Latitude of the location update, in decimal degrees.
latitude?: number;
* Longitude of the location update, in decimal degrees.
longitude?: number;
* Current speed in meters/second. On iOS, a negative value indicates that the
* heading data is not valid or the accuracy is configured incorrectly.
* Note: Due to the Apple Geolocation API, set the <Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy>
* property to <Titanium.Geolocation.ACCURACY_BEST_FOR_NAVIGATION> in order to properly
* measure speed changes and prevent the app from returning negative values.
speed?: number;
* Timestamp for this location update, in milliseconds.
timestamp?: number;
* Simple object holding floor of the building on which the user is located.
interface LocationCoordinatesFloor {
* The logical floor of the building.
level?: number;
* Simple object describing a location provider.
interface LocationProviderDict {
* Accuracy of the location provider, either fine (1) or coarse (2).
accuracy?: number;
* Name of the location provider.
name?: string;
* Power consumption for this provider, either low (1), medium (2), or high (3).
power?: number;
* Argument passed to the [getCurrentPosition](Titanium.Geolocation.getCurrentPosition) callback.
interface LocationResults extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* If `success` is true, actual location data for this update.
coords?: LocationCoordinates;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* If `success` is true, object describing the location provider generating this update.
provider?: LocationProviderDict;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object passed to <Titanium.UI.createMatrix2D> to initialize a matrix.
interface Matrix2DCreationDict {
* Point to rotate around, specified as a dictionary object with `x` and `y`
* properties, where { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } represents the center of whatever is being
* rotated.
anchorPoint?: Point;
* Rotation angle, in degrees. See the [rotate](Titanium.UI.Matrix2D.rotate) method
* for a discussion of rotation.
rotate?: number;
* Scale the matrix by the specified scaling factor. The same scaling factor is used
* for both horizontal and vertical scaling.
scale?: number;
* Simple object passed to <Titanium.UI.createMatrix3D> to initialize a matrix.
interface Matrix3DCreationDict {
* Scale the matrix by the specified scaling factor.
scale?: number;
* Simple object passed to <Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix> to initialize a matrix.
interface MatrixCreationDict {
* Point to rotate around, specified as a dictionary object with `x` and `y`
* properties, where { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 } represents the center of whatever is being
* rotated.
anchorPoint?: Point;
* Rotation angle, in degrees. See the [rotate](Titanium.UI.2DMatrix.rotate) method
* for a discussion of rotation.
rotate?: number;
* Scale the matrix by the specified scaling factor. The same scaling factor is used
* for both horizontal and vertical scaling.
scale?: number;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface MediaAuthorizationResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* A full query descriptor for a filtering predicate.
interface MediaQueryInfoType {
* Whether or not the predicate is for an exact match. The default is `true`.
exact?: boolean;
* The value for the given predicate. See the descriptions in <MediaQueryType> for information about which properties require which values.
value?: number | string | boolean;
* A specifier for a media library query. By default, filters perform an exact match.
interface MediaQueryType {
* The album artist to filter on. Value should be a String.
albumArtist?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The album artist persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
albumArtistPersistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The album persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
albumPersistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The album title to filter on. Value should be a String.
albumTitle?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The artist to filter on. Value should be a String.
artist?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The composer to filter on. Value should be a String.
composer?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The composer persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
composerPersistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The genre to filter on. Value should be a String.
genre?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The genre persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
genrePersistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* A constant that specifies the ordering of the result array.
grouping?: number;
* Filter by whether or not the item is a protected asset.
* Value should be a Boolean.
hasProtectedAsset?: MediaQueryInfoType | boolean;
* Filter by whether or not the item is a cloud item.
* Value should be a Boolean.
isCloudItem?: MediaQueryInfoType | boolean;
* Filter by whether or not the item is a compilation.
* The value should be a Boolean.
isCompilation?: MediaQueryInfoType | boolean;
* The media type to filter on.
mediaType?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
persistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The play count to filter on. Value should be a Number.
playCount?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The podcast persistent ID to filter on. Value should be a Number.
podcastPersistentID?: MediaQueryInfoType | number;
* The podcast title to filter on. Value should be a String.
podcastTitle?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* The title to filter on. Value should be a String.
title?: MediaQueryInfoType | string;
* Simple object passed to the [scanMediaFiles](Titanium.Media.Android.scanMediaFiles) callback.
interface MediaScannerResponse {
* Path to the media file that was scanned.
path?: string;
* URI to the file if it was scanned and added to the media library, or `null`
* if the file was not added.
uri?: string;
* Dictionary of options for showing a menu popup with <>.
interface MenuPopupShowParams {
* Determines whether the menu popup should be opened or closed animated.
animated?: boolean;
* Indicates the arrow direction of the menu popup.
arrowDirection?: number;
* The view where the menu pop is shown at.
view: Titanium.UI.View;
* Reply message received from watch app.
interface MessageReply {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Reply message from watchapp.
message?: any;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* An object for setting `min`/`max` value pairs.
interface MinMaxOptions {
* Maximum value
max?: number;
* Minimum value
min?: number;
* Optional Titanium modules.
declare namespace Modules {
* The top level Cloud module for making calls to ArrowDB and Arrow Push.
namespace Cloud {
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB access control lists (ACLs).
class ACLs extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Adds one or more users to an ACL object.
static addUser(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Checks a user's permission in an ACL object.
static checkUser(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsCheckResponse) => void): void;
* Creates an ACL object.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ACLs.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ACLs.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ACLs.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Deletes an ACL object.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Removes one or more users from an ACL object.
static removeUser(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ACLs.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ACLs.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Shows an ACL object.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Updates an ACL object.
static update(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudACLsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB chat messages.
class Chats extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Send a chat message to another user or a group of users.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudChatsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Chats.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Chats.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Retrieve a list of chat groups the current user belongs to.
static getChatGroups(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudChatGroupsResponse) => void): void;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Chats.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of chat messages with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudChatsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of chat groups with sorting and pagination.
static queryChatGroups(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudChatGroupsResponse) => void): void;
* Deletes a chat message.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Chats.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Chats.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB checkins.
class Checkins extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Check in to a place or event.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudCheckinsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Checkins.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Checkins.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Checkins.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of checkins with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudCheckinsResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a checkin.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudCheckinsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Checkins.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Checkins.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a checkin.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudCheckinsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB clients.
class Clients extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Locate a mobile device based on the IP address of the device.
static geolocate(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudClientsResponse) => void): void;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Clients.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Clients.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Clients.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Clients.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Clients.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB Email service.
class Emails extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Emails.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Emails.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Emails.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Send an email to a list of email adresses.
static send(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudEmailsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Emails.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Emails.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB events.
class Events extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a new event.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Events.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Events.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Events.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of events with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of event occurrences with sorting and pagination.
static queryOccurrences(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventOccurrencesResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a event.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Retrieve a list of events with full text search.
static search(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of event occurrences with full text search.
static searchOccurrences(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventOccurrencesResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Events.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Events.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of events.
static show(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of event occurrences for a given event.
static showOccurrences(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudEventOccurrencesResponse) => void): void;
* Update information about a event.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudEventsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB files.
class Files extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a file.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFilesResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Files.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Files.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Files.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of files with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudFilesResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a file.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFilesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Files.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Files.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve information about a file.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFilesResponse) => void): void;
* Update the information for a file.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFilesResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB friends.
class Friends extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Add friends to the current user.
static add(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFriendsResponse) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Approve existing friend requests.
static approve(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFriendsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Friends.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Friends.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Friends.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes one or more friends from the current user.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFriendsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* View pending friend requests.
static requests(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFriendRequestsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of friends.
static search(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudFriendsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Friends.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Friends.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB geo-fence objects.
class GeoFences extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a new geofence object.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudGeoFenceResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.GeoFences.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.GeoFences.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.GeoFences.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of places with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudGeoFenceResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a place.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudGeoFenceResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.GeoFences.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.GeoFences.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Update information about a place.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudGeoFenceResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB Key-Values storage.
class KeyValues extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Add the given value to the end of an existing value.
static append(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudKeyValuesResponse) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Retrieve a string or binary value.
static get(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudKeyValuesResponse) => void): void;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.KeyValues.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.KeyValues.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.KeyValues.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Increment the value by the given value.
static increment(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudKeyValuesResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a value.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudKeyValuesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets a string or binary value referenced by the key name.
static set(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudKeyValuesResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.KeyValues.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.KeyValues.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB likes.
class Likes extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties: never;
* Create a like.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudLikesResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Likes.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Likes.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Likes.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Delete a like.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudLikesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Likes.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Likes.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB messages.
class Messages extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a message.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Messages.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Messages.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Messages.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Delete a message.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Delete all messages in a thread.
static removeThread(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Reply to all recipients of a message.
static reply(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Messages.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Messages.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve information about a message.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of messages in the current user's inbox.
static showInbox(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of messages in the current user's inbox.
static showSent(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of messages in a thread from the current user's inbox.
static showThread(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of message threads in the current users' inbox.
static showThreads(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudMessagesResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB custom objects.
class Objects extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a custom object of type `classname`.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudObjectsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Objects.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Objects.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Objects.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of custom objects of type `classname`.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudObjectsResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a custom object of type `classname`.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudObjectsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Objects.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Objects.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of custom objects of type `classname`.
static show(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudObjectsResponse) => void): void;
* Update the fields of a custom object of type `classname`.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudObjectsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for ArrowDB photo collections.
class PhotoCollections extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates a photo collection.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PhotoCollections.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PhotoCollections.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PhotoCollections.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Deletes an empty collection.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Retrieves a list of top-level collections owned by a user.
static search(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PhotoCollections.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PhotoCollections.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieves details about a photo collection.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieves photos in a collection.
static showPhotos(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieves a list of subcollections of a collection.
static showSubCollections(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Updates a photo collection.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotoCollectionsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB photos.
class Photos extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create or upload a new photo.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Photos.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Photos.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Photos.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of photos with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a photo.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Retrieve a list of photos.
static search(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Photos.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Photos.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve information about a photo.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Update a photo.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPhotosResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB places.
class Places extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a new place.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Places.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Places.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Places.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of places with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a place.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Retrieve a list of places.
static search(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Places.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Places.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve information about a place.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Update information about a place.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPlacesResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB posts.
class Posts extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a post.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPostsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Posts.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Posts.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Posts.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of posts with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudPostsResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a post.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPostsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Posts.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Posts.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve information about a post.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPostsResponse) => void): void;
* Update the information for a post.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPostsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing Arrow push notification channels.
class PushNotifications extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Send a push notification to a channel.
static notify(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Send a push notification to a channel to the specified devices.
static notifyTokens(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Custom query of push notification subscriptions with paginating.
static query(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsQueryResponse) => void): void;
* Returns a list of push notification channels the user is subscribed to.
static queryChannels(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsQueryChannelResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Resets the badge value to zero but does not update it on the device.
static resetBadge(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the badge value but does not update it on the device.
static setBadge(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushNotifications.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Returns the number of devices subscribed to the specified channel.
static showChannels(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsShowChannelResponse) => void): void;
* Subscribe a mobile device to a push notification channel.
static subscribe(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Subscribe a mobile device to a push notification channel using a device token.
static subscribeToken(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Unsubscribe a mobile device from a push notification channel.
static unsubscribe(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Unsubscribe a mobile device from a push notification channel using a device token.
static unsubscribeToken(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Updates a user's notification subscription with the device's location.
static updateSubscription(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushNotificationsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for scheduling Arrow push notifications
class PushSchedules extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Schedules a push notification.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushSchedulesResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushSchedules.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushSchedules.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushSchedules.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Queries the list of scheduled push notifications.
static query(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushSchedulesResponse) => void): void;
* Deletes a scheduled push notification.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudPushSchedulesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushSchedules.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.PushSchedules.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB reviews.
class Reviews extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Add a review, comment, rating, or like.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudReviewsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Reviews.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Reviews.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Reviews.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of reviews with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudReviewsResponse) => void): void;
* Delete a review.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudReviewsResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Reviews.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Reviews.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve details of a review.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudReviewsResponse) => void): void;
* Update a review.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudReviewsResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for access ArrowDB social integrations.
class SocialIntegrations extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Associate an external account with an existing ArrowDB user account.
static externalAccountLink(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudSocialIntegrationsResponse) => void): void;
* Login to ArrowDB using an external account such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
static externalAccountLogin(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudSocialIntegrationsResponse) => void): void;
* Disassociate an external account from a ArrowDB user account.
static externalAccountUnlink(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudSocialIntegrationsResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.SocialIntegrations.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.SocialIntegrations.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.SocialIntegrations.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Returns a list of the current user's Facebook friends who are also using this application.
static searchFacebookFriends(callback: (param0: CloudSocialIntegrationsResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.SocialIntegrations.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.SocialIntegrations.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB Statuses.
class Statuses extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates a status for the currently logged in user.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudStatusesResponse) => void): void;
* Deletes a status.
static delete(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Statuses.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Statuses.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Statuses.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Retrieve a list of statuses with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudStatusesResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Retrieve the statuses for a user.
static search(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudStatusesResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Statuses.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Statuses.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Shows a status.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudStatusesResponse) => void): void;
* Updates a status.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudStatusesResponse) => void): void;
* Provides methods for accessing ArrowDB user objects.
class Users extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Create a new user.
static create(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Users.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Users.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Users.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Log in a user.
static login(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Log out the current user.
static logout(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of users with sorting and pagination.
static query(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Delete the current user.
static remove(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Send an email to user to recover lost password.
static requestResetPassword(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Re-send a user verification email.
static resendConfirmation(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of users based on the specified search criteria.
static search(parameters?: any, callback?: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Create a new user using 3-Legged OAuth.
static secureCreate: never;
* Log in a user using 3-Legged OAuth.
static secureLogin: never;
* Checks if the user is authenticated with 3-Legged OAuth.
static secureStatus: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Users.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.Users.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Show public user information.
static show(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Show both public and private information about the user currently logged in.
static showMe(callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* Update the current user.
static update(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudUsersResponse) => void): void;
* The top level Cloud module for making calls to ArrowDB and Arrow Push.
class Cloud extends Titanium.Module {
* Identifies the current access token when using 3-Legged OAuth
static accessToken: string;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Indicates whether internal debug logging should be output to the console.
static debug: boolean;
* Indicates the number of seconds before the access token expires
static readonly expiresIn: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Function to be called at regular intervals as the request data is being received.
static ondatastream: (param0: CloudStreamProgress) => void;
* Function to be called at regular intervals as the request data is being transmitted.
static onsendstream: (param0: CloudStreamProgress) => void;
* Identifies the current session
static sessionId: string;
* Indicates whether to use SSL when sending requests to ArrowDB.
static useSecure: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* creates a security manager to authenticate specified HTTPS URLs.
static createX509CertificatePinningSecurityManager(params: ReadonlyArray<any>): SecurityManagerProtocol;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.accessToken> property.
static getAccessToken: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.debug> property.
static getDebug: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.expiresIn> property.
static getExpiresIn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ondatastream> property.
static getOndatastream: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.onsendstream> property.
static getOnsendstream: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.sessionId> property.
static getSessionId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.useSecure> property.
static getUseSecure: never;
* Checks if there is a stored user session.
static hasStoredSession(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Returns the stored user session identifier.
static retrieveStoredSession(): string;
* Makes a REST API call to the ArrowDB server.
static sendRequest(parameters: any, callback: (param0: CloudResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.accessToken> property.
static setAccessToken: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.debug> property.
static setDebug: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.ondatastream> property.
static setOndatastream: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.onsendstream> property.
static setOnsendstream: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.sessionId> property.
static setSessionId: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.Cloud.useSecure> property.
static setUseSecure: never;
* Base event for class Modules.CloudPush
interface CloudPushBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Modules.CloudPush;
* Fired when a tray notification is shown and the application is not running.
interface CloudPush_trayClickLaunchedApp_Event extends CloudPushBaseEvent {
* A JSON string of your data payload. Use JSON.parse to turn this into an object you can use.
payload: string;
* Fired when a tray notification is shown and the application is already running.
interface CloudPush_trayClickFocusedApp_Event extends CloudPushBaseEvent {
* A JSON string of your data payload. Use JSON.parse to turn this into an object you can use.
payload: string;
* Fired whenever a push notification is received.
interface CloudPush_callback_Event extends CloudPushBaseEvent {
* A JSON string of your data payload. Use JSON.parse to turn this into an object you can use.
payload: string;
interface CloudPushEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
callback: CloudPush_callback_Event;
trayClickFocusedApp: CloudPush_trayClickFocusedApp_Event;
trayClickLaunchedApp: CloudPush_trayClickLaunchedApp_Event;
* Provides support for Android push notifications.
class CloudPush extends Titanium.Module {
* Code returned from <Modules.PlayServices.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable>. Google Play services has been disabled on this device.
static readonly SERVICE_DISABLED: number;
* Code returned from <Modules.PlayServices.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable>. The version of Google Play services installed on this device is not authentic.
static readonly SERVICE_INVALID: number;
* Code returned from <Modules.PlayServices.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable>. Google Play services is not installed on the device.
static readonly SERVICE_MISSING: number;
* Code returned from <Modules.PlayServices.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable>. Google Play services is out of date.
static readonly SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED: number;
* Code returned from <Modules.PlayServices.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable>. Google Play services is available, and the connection is successful.
static readonly SUCCESS: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Whether or not this device will receive push notifications.
static enabled: boolean;
* Whether or not your application is brought to the foreground whenever a new push is received.
static focusAppOnPush: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Whether or not clicking the tray notification will bring your application to the foreground.
static showAppOnTrayClick: boolean;
* Whether or not to show a tray notification when a new push is received.
static showTrayNotification: boolean;
* Whether or not to show tray notifications when your application is in the foreground.
static showTrayNotificationsWhenFocused: boolean;
* Set to true to trigger a single callback for the selected push notification when multiple push notifications are displayed in the tray.
static singleCallback: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof CloudPushEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Modules.CloudPush, event: CloudPushEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Clears the CloudPush module's stored status, including the push type, device token, GCM sender ID, etc.
static clearStatus(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof CloudPushEventMap>(name: K, event?: CloudPushEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.enabled> property.
static getEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.focusAppOnPush> property.
static getFocusAppOnPush: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showAppOnTrayClick> property.
static getShowAppOnTrayClick: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showTrayNotification> property.
static getShowTrayNotification: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showTrayNotificationsWhenFocused> property.
static getShowTrayNotificationsWhenFocused: never;
* Gets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.singleCallback> property.
static getSingleCallback: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener<K extends keyof CloudPushEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Modules.CloudPush, event: CloudPushEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Asynchronously retrieves the application specific device token.
static retrieveDeviceToken(config: CloudPushNotificationConfig): void;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.enabled> property.
static setEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.focusAppOnPush> property.
static setFocusAppOnPush: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showAppOnTrayClick> property.
static setShowAppOnTrayClick: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showTrayNotification> property.
static setShowTrayNotification: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.showTrayNotificationsWhenFocused> property.
static setShowTrayNotificationsWhenFocused: never;
* Sets the value of the <Modules.CloudPush.singleCallback> property.
static setSingleCallback: never;
* Simple object used to describe the size of a movie.
interface MovieSize {
* Height of the movie.
height?: number;
* Width of the movie.
width?: number;
* Simple object for specifying options to [openMusicLibrary](Titanium.Media.openMusicLibrary).
interface MusicLibraryOptionsType {
* Set to `true` to allow the user to select multiple items from the library.
allowMultipleSelections?: boolean;
* Boolean if the dialog should be animated when showing and hiding.
animated?: boolean;
* Specifies that the library should be hidden automatically after media selection is completed.
autohide?: boolean;
* Function to call if the user presses the cancel button.
cancel?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Function to call upon receiving an error.
error?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* An array of media type constants defining selectable media.
mediaTypes?: number | number[];
* Function to call when the music library selection is made.
success?: (param0: MusicLibraryResponseType) => void;
* Simple object passed to the [openMusicLibrary](Titanium.Media.openMusicLibrary)
* `success` callback function.
interface MusicLibraryResponseType {
* A list of all the items chosen by the user.
items?: Titanium.Media.Item[];
* A single representative of the selected items.
representative?: Titanium.Media.Item;
* Media types in this collection, represented as the bitwise OR of the media type
* values for all media types represented in `items`.
types?: number;
* Dictionary object of parameters used to create a notification using
* <Titanium.App.iOS.scheduleLocalNotification>.
interface NotificationParams {
* Alert button text ('Open', by default) or home text ('Press Home to unlock', by default)
* to display.
alertAction?: string;
* Alert message to display.
alertBody?: string;
* Image to display instead of `Default.png` when launching the application.
alertLaunchImage?: string;
* Alert subtitle to display.
alertSubtitle?: string;
* Alert title to display.
alertTitle?: string;
* Notification attachments to display.
attachments?: UserNotificationAttachment[];
* Application badge value.
badge?: number;
* String identifier of category of actions to be displayed for an interactive notification.
category?: string;
* Date and time for the notification to occur.
date?: Date;
* The notification identifier.
identifier: string;
* Region the notification will be triggered in. Allowed parameter are:
* - `latitude`: Latitude of the location center, in decimal degrees (required).
* - `longitude`: Longitude of the location center, in decimal degrees (required).
* - `triggersOnce`: Whether or not the notification will only fire once (optional, default: true).
region?: any;
* Interval to repeat the notification. One of `weekly`, `daily`, `yearly,` `monthly`.
repeat?: string;
* Path to the sound file to play when notification occurs, relative to the `Resources` folder.
sound?: string;
* The string the notification adds to the category's summary format string.
summaryArgument?: string;
* The number of items the notification adds to the category's summary format string.
summaryArgumentCount?: string;
* Timezone of the date configured for the notification. If not set, the system timezone is used.
timezone?: string;
* Data to pass to the application with the notification event.
userInfo?: any;
* An object returned when the <Titanium.UI.WebView.onlink> callback is fired.
interface OnLinkURLResponse {
* The url of the link that should be navigated to.
url?: string;
* The optional options to pass to the URL handling (iOS 10+). Pass a
* dictionary with one or more of the following string-keys:
* * `UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey` (String value)
* * `UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey` (Array value)
* * `UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsOpenInPlaceKey` (Boolean value)
* * `UIApplicationOpenURLOptionUniversalLinksOnly` (Boolean value)
* Read more about the available keys in the [Apple documentation](
interface OpenURLOptions {
* When you include this key in the options dictionary, the method opens the URL only if the URL is a valid universal link and there is an installed app capable of opening that URL.
UIApplicationOpenURLOptionUniversalLinksOnly?: boolean;
* contains the information passed to a document interaction controller object's annotation property.
UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsAnnotationKey?: any[];
* When the value of this property is `false`, you must copy the document to maintain access to it. If the flag is not set, you also must copy the document before you can use it.
UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsOpenInPlaceKey?: boolean;
* The value of this key is an String containing the bundle ID of the app that made the request. If the request originated from another app belonging to your team, UIKit sets the value of this key to the ID of that app. If the team identifier of the originating app is different than the team identifier of the current app, the value of the key is nil.
UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey?: string;
* Simple object passed to the <Titanium.Android.Activity> callbacks for
* onPrepareOptionsMenu and onCreateOptionsMenu.
* Additional properties may be set on the Object.
interface OptionsMenuCallbackObject {
* The relevant Menu.
menu?: Titanium.Android.Menu;
* Dictionary object of parameters for the padding/insets applied to all kinds of views.
interface Padding extends HorizontalInsets {
* Bottom padding/inset
bottom?: number;
* Left padding/inset
left?: number;
* Right padding/inset
right?: number;
* Top padding/inset
top?: number;
* An abstract datatype for specifying an Paragraph style attribute.
interface ParagraphAttribute {
* The text alignment of the receiver.
alignment?: number;
* A Boolean value indicating whether the system may tighten inter-character spacing
* before truncating text.
allowsDefaultTighteningForTruncation?: boolean;
* The indentation of the first line of the receiver.
firstLineHeadIndent?: number | string;
* The indentation of the lines of lines other than the first.
headIndent?: number | string;
* The threshold of paragraph for hyphenation.
hyphenationFactor?: number;
* The mode that should be used to break lines in the receiver.
lineBreakMode?: number;
* The line height multiple.
lineHeightMultiple?: number;
* The distance in points between the bottom of one line fragment and the top of the next.
lineSpacing?: number | string;
* The maximum line height of receiver.
maximumLineHeight?: number | string;
* The minimum height of receiver.
minimumLineHeight?: number | string;
* The space after the end of the paragraph.
paragraphSpacingAfter?: number | string;
* The distance between the top of paragraph and the beginning of its text content.
paragraphSpacingBefore?: number | string;
* The trailing indentation of the receiver.
tailIndent?: number | string;
* Simple object for specifying options to
* [openPhotoGallery](Titanium.Media.openPhotoGallery).
interface PhotoGalleryOptionsType {
* Specifies if the media should be editable after capture/selection.
allowEditing?: boolean;
* Specifies if the user should be able to select multiple photos.
allowMultiple?: boolean;
* Specifies if the video should be transcoded (using highest quality preset) . If set to false no video transcoding will be performed.
allowTranscoding?: boolean;
* Specifies if the dialog should be animated upon showing and hiding.
animated?: boolean;
* Controls the type of arrow and position of the popover.
arrowDirection?: number;
* Specifies if the photo gallery should be hidden automatically after the media
* selection is completed.
autohide?: boolean;
* Function to call if the user presses the cancel button.
cancel?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Function to call upon receiving an error.
error?: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Array of media type constants to allow.
* Live photos is only supported on the iOS platform, starting with iOS 9.1. If you want
* to allow live photos with <Titanium.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_LIVEPHOTO>, you also need to specify
* at least <Titanium.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO> as a fallback. If you do not allow live
* photos, they still can be selected, but will be represented as a normal static photo.
mediaTypes?: string[];
* View to position the photo gallery popover on top of.
popoverView?: Titanium.UI.View;
* Function to call when the photo gallery is closed after a successful selection.
success?: (param0: CameraMediaItemType) => void;
* A pair of coordinates used to describe the location of a <Titanium.UI.View>.
interface Point {
* The x-axis coordinate of this point.
x?: number | string;
* The y-axis coordinate of this point.
y?: number | string;
* Simple `Error` argument provided to the callback from the
* [executeAllAsync](Titanium.Database.DB.executeAllAsync) method in case of failure
interface PossibleBatchQueryError {
* Index of the failed query
index?: number;
* The parameter passed to the `error` callback of <PreviewImageOptions>.
interface PreviewImageError extends FailureResponse {
* Error code, if applicable.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Description of the error.
message?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `false`.
success?: boolean;
* Options passed to <Titanium.Media.previewImage>.
interface PreviewImageOptions {
* Function called back if the preview fails. Check the `message` property of passed back parameter.
error?: (param0: PreviewImageError) => void;
* The image to preview. Must be a blob based on a file, such as from <>.
image?: Titanium.Blob;
* Function to be called back if the preview succeeds. No info is passed.
success?: (param0: SuccessResponse) => void;
* Argument passed to the callback each time the
* [pump](Titanium.Stream.pump) operation has new data to deliver.
interface PumpCallbackArgs extends ErrorResponse {
* Buffer object holding the data currently being pumped to the handler method.
buffer?: Titanium.Buffer;
* Number of bytes being passed to this invocation of the handler, or
* -1 in the event of an error or end of stream.
bytesProcessed?: number;
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Text description of the error.
errorDescription: never;
* Whether an error was encountered. Set to 1 in the case of an error, 0
* otherwise.
errorState: never;
* Stream being read from.
source?: Titanium.IOStream;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Total number of bytes read from the stream so far,
* including the data passed to this current invocation of the handler.
totalBytesProcessed?: number;
* Simple object for specifying push notification options to
* [registerForPushNotifications](Titanium.Network.registerForPushNotifications).
interface PushNotificationConfig {
* Callback function invoked upon receiving a new push notification.
callback?: (param0: PushNotificationData) => void;
* Callback function called when an error occurs during registration.
error?: (param0: PushNotificationErrorArg) => void;
* Callback function called when the push registration is successfully completed.
success?: (param0: PushNotificationSuccessArg) => void;
* Array of `NOTIFICATION_TYPE` constants that the application would like to receive.
types?: number[];
* A simple object representing a push notification.
interface PushNotificationData {
* The `userinfo` dictionary passed to the Apple Push Notification Service.
data?: any;
* Boolean indicating if notification was received while app was in background.
inBackground?: boolean;
* A simple object passed to the
* [registerForPushNotifications](Titanium.Network.registerForPushNotifications) error callback.
interface PushNotificationErrorArg extends FailureResponse {
* Error code. Returns a non-zero value.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `false`.
success?: boolean;
* The value of this string is always "remote".
type?: string;
* A simple object passed to the
* [registerForPushNotifications](Titanium.Network.registerForPushNotifications) success callback.
interface PushNotificationSuccessArg extends SuccessResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0.
code?: number;
* The device token which this device was registered for.
deviceToken?: string;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `true`.
success?: boolean;
* The value of this string is always "remote".
type?: string;
* Argument passed to the read callback when an asynchronous [read]( operation
* finishes.
interface ReadCallbackArgs extends ErrorResponse {
* Number of bytes processed, or -1 in the event of an error or end of stream.
bytesProcessed?: number;
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Text description of the error.
errorDescription: never;
* Whether an error was encountered. Set to 1 in the case of an error, 0
* otherwise.
errorState: never;
* Stream being read.
source?: Titanium.IOStream;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* An Object describing the current ready state. See [onreadystatechange](Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onreadystatechange) for more information.
interface ReadyStatePayload {
* The state for which `onreadystatechange` was invoked. Set to one of `Titanium.Network.HTTPClient` ready-state constants
readyState?: number;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface RequestCameraAccessResult extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface RequestMusicLibraryAccessResult extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface RequestPermissionAccessResult extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface RequestPhotoGalleryAccessResult extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Argument passed to the callback when a request finishes successfully or erroneously.
interface RequestStorageAccessResult extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Simple object returned in the callback from the
* [reverseGeocoder](Titanium.Geolocation.reverseGeocoder) method.
interface ReverseGeocodeResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* An array of reverse-geocoded addresses matching the requested location.
places?: GeocodedAddress[];
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* An Object describing the current audio route.
interface RouteDescription {
* An Array of current input ports for the session. See the `AUDIO_SESSION_PORT` constants.
inputs?: string[];
* An Array of current output ports for the session. See the `AUDIO_SESSION_PORT` constants.
outputs?: string[];
* Represents the custom edit action for a ListItem.
interface RowActionType {
* The background color of the row action.
color?: string;
* The [identifier](RowActionType. identifier) of the row action. Only included in the event
* if previously defined. Available in Titanium 6.0.0 and later.
identifier?: string;
* The style of the row action.
style: number;
* The title of the row action.
title: string;
* The parameter passed to the <Titanium.Media.takeScreenshot> callback.
interface ScreenshotResult {
* The screenshot image.
media?: Titanium.Blob;
* The protocol that the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.securityManager> must implement.
interface SecurityManagerProtocol {
* The <APSConnectionDelegate> for this connection.
connectionDelegateForUrl(url: any): APSConnectionDelegate;
* Returns an array of objects implementing the [X509KeyManager]( protocol for the SSL Context.
getKeyManagers(proxy: any): any[];
* Returns an array of objects implementing the [X509TrustManager]( protocol for the SSL Context.
getTrustManagers(proxy: any): any[];
* Returns if the security manager will participate in authentication of this end point.
willHandleURL(url: any): boolean;
* The arguments for the <Titanium.UI.ListView.itemsselected> event.
interface SelectedItem {
* Item index.
itemIndex?: number;
* List section if the item is contained in a list section.
section?: Titanium.UI.ListSection;
* Section index.
sectionIndex?: number;
* The arguments for the <Titanium.UI.TableView.rowsselected> event.
interface SelectedRowObject {
* Row index.
index?: number;
* Table view row object.
row?: Titanium.UI.TableViewRow;
* Properties of the row. Use this property rather than `row` to access any custom row properties.
rowData?: Dictionary<Titanium.UI.TableViewRow>;
* Table view section object, if the clicked row is contained in a section.
section?: Titanium.UI.TableViewSection;
* Options passed to <Titanium.Android.createServiceIntent>.
interface ServiceIntentOptions {
* One of the `START_*` constants from <Titanium.Android> to specify the "stickiness" of the Service when Android shuts down the host application.
startMode?: number;
* URL for the service's JavaScript.
url?: string;
* Object of options for <Titanium.UI.iOS.ApplicationShortcuts.addDynamicShortcut>.
interface ShortcutParams {
* The icon to be displayed on the application shortcut. You can either use one of the constants like
* <Titanium.UI.iOS.SHORTCUT_ICON_TYPE_COMPOSE>, a local image specified by the image path or a reference to a
* <Titanium.Contacts.Person>.
icon?: number | string | Titanium.Contacts.Person;
* The unique key for the application shortcut. Equates to the underlying `UIApplicationShortcutItemIconType` key
identifier: string;
* The subtitle displayed on the application shortcut.
subtitle?: string;
* The title of the application shortcut.
title: string;
* The userInfo of the application shortcut.
userInfo?: any;
* Dictionary of options for <>.
interface ShowPopoverParams {
* Indicates whether to animate showing the popover.
animated?: boolean;
* Sets the arrow position of the popover relative to the attached view object's dimensions
* when showing the popover.
rect?: Dimension;
* Attaches the popover to the specified view when showing the popover.
view: Titanium.UI.View;
* A simple object consisting of size measurements.
interface Size {
* The height measurement.
height?: number;
* The width measurement.
width?: number;
* The parameter passed to the <Titanium.UI.WebView.takeSnapshot> callback.
interface SnapshotResult {
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* The snapshot image.
snapshot?: Titanium.Blob;
* Indicates if the snapshot taken.
success?: boolean;
* Argument object passed to the data callback when the local UDP socket enters the "bound" state.
interface StartedCallbackArgs {
* The remote host address where the data came from.
address?: string;
* The local port on which the data arrived.
port?: string;
* Properties used in any event or callback which needs to report a success.
interface SuccessResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns `true`.
success?: boolean;
* Dictionary to specify edge insets for <Titanium.UI.Tab.iconInsets>. Difference from typical <Padding> is that `right` and `bottom` are ignored and calculated internally from `top`/`left` values.
interface TabIconInsets extends Padding {
* Bottom padding/inset
bottom: never;
* Left inset.
left?: number;
* Right padding/inset
right: never;
* Top inset.
top?: number;
* A simple object for specifying the animation properties to use when inserting or deleting rows, or scrolling the table.
interface TableViewAnimationProperties {
* Whether this table change should be animated. Ignored if any `animationStyle` value is specified.
animated?: boolean;
* Type of animation to use for row insertions and deletions.
animationStyle?: number;
* Specifies what position to scroll the selected row to.
position?: number;
* A simple object that represents an index entry in a `TableView`.
interface TableViewIndexEntry {
* Row index associated with this item.
index?: number;
* Title to display in the index bar for this item.
title?: string;
* Dictionary object of parameters for the <Titanium.UI.TextField.padding> that describes the padding. Most notable difference from typical <Padding> is that `top`/`bottom` are only supported on Android.
interface TextFieldPadding extends Padding {
* Bottom padding (Android only, since 6.1.0)
bottom?: number;
* Left padding
left?: number;
* Right padding
right?: number;
* Top padding (Android only, since 6.1.0)
top?: number;
* Simple object passed to the thumbnail callback in response to the
* [requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes)
* method.
interface ThumbnailResponse extends ErrorResponse {
* Error code. Returns 0 if `success` is `true`.
code?: number;
* Error message, if any returned.
error?: string;
* Thumbnail image, as a `Blob`.
image?: Titanium.Blob;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded.
success?: boolean;
* Time offset for the thumbnail, in seconds.
time?: number;
* An abstract type to represent a metadata item inside the `metadata` event (iOS only).
interface TiMetadataItemType {
* A dictionary of the additional attributes.
extraAttributes?: any;
* The key of the metadata item, e.g. "title".
key?: string;
* The key-path of the metadata item.
keySpace?: string;
* The value of the metadata item. Can be represented as various types.
value?: string | number | boolean;
* The top-level Titanium module.
declare namespace Titanium {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
const apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
let bubbleParent: boolean;
* Date of the Titanium build.
const buildDate: string;
* Git hash of the Titanium build.
const buildHash: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
let lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* User-agent string used by Titanium.
let userAgent: string;
* Version of Titanium that is executing.
const version: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
function addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
function applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates a new buffer based on the params.
function createBuffer(params: CreateBufferArgs): Titanium.Buffer;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.Proxy>.
function createProxy(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.Proxy>): Titanium.Proxy;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
function fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.apiName> property.
const getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.bubbleParent> property.
const getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.buildDate> property.
const getBuildDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.buildHash> property.
const getBuildHash: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.lifecycleContainer> property.
const getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.userAgent> property.
const getUserAgent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.version> property.
const getVersion: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
function removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.bubbleParent> property.
const setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.lifecycleContainer> property.
const setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.userAgent> property.
const setUserAgent: never;
* The top-level Android module.
namespace Android {
* User switched airplane mode on or off.
* List all applications.
const ACTION_ALL_APPS: string;
* Handle an incoming phone call.
const ACTION_ANSWER: string;
* Used to indicate that the data is an attachment.
const ACTION_ATTACH_DATA: string;
* Listen to battery state change status.
* Indicates low battery condition on the device.
const ACTION_BATTERY_LOW: string;
* Inidicates the battery is now okay after being low.
const ACTION_BATTERY_OKAY: string;
* Indicates the system has finished booting.
* Show activity for reporting a bug.
const ACTION_BUG_REPORT: string;
* Perform a call to someone specified by the `data` property.
const ACTION_CALL: string;
* User pressed the call button.
const ACTION_CALL_BUTTON: string;
* The camera button was pressed.
* Display an activity chooser.
const ACTION_CHOOSER: string;
* User dismissed a temporary system dialog, such as the notification drawer or recent-app drawer.
* The device's configuration changed.
* Create a shortcut.
* Date changed.
const ACTION_DATE_CHANGED: string;
* Default action, which is `Titanium.Android.ACTION_VIEW`
const ACTION_DEFAULT: string;
* Delete the data specified by the Intent's `data` property.
const ACTION_DELETE: string;
* Indicates a low memory condition on the device.
* Dial a number specified by the Intent's `data` property.
const ACTION_DIAL: string;
* Provide editable access to the data specified by the Intent's `data` property.
const ACTION_EDIT: string;
* Allow the user to select a particular kind of data specified by the Intent's `type` property.
const ACTION_GET_CONTENT: string;
* GTalk connection has been established.
* GTalk connection has been disconnected.
* A wired headset has been plugged in or unplugged.
const ACTION_HEADSET_PLUG: string;
* An input method has been changed.
* Insert an empty item into the given container.
const ACTION_INSERT: string;
* Pick an existing item or insert an empty item, then edit it.
const ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT: string;
* Start as the main entry point.
const ACTION_MAIN: string;
* Indicates low memory condition notification acknowledged by user and package management should be started.
* External media was removed from SD card slot, but mount point was not unmounted.
* The media button was pressed.
const ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON: string;
* External media is present and being disk-checked.
* User has expressed the desire to remove the external storage media.
const ACTION_MEDIA_EJECT: string;
* External media is present and mounted at its mount point.
* External media is present, but is using an incompatible filesystem or is blank.
const ACTION_MEDIA_NOFS: string;
* External media has been removed.
* The media scanner has finished scanning a directory.
* Request the media scanner to scan a file and add it to the media database.
* The media scanner has started scanning a directory.
* External media is unmounted because it is being shared via USB mass storage.
const ACTION_MEDIA_SHARED: string;
* Corresponds to the Android `Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_UNMOUNTABLE` constant.
* External media is present, but not mounted at its mount point.
* An outgoing call is about to be placed.
* A new application package has been installed on the device.
* An existing application package has been changed.
* The user has cleared the data of a package.
* An existing application package has been removed from the device.
* A new version of an application package has been installed, replacing an existing version that was previously installed.
* The user has restarted a package, and all of its processes have been killed.
* Pick an item from the directory indicated by the Intent's `data` property.
const ACTION_PICK: string;
* Pick an activity given an intent.
* External power has been connected to the device.
* External power has been disconnected from the device.
* Show power usage information to the user.
* Content provider published new events or items.
* Device rebooted.
const ACTION_REBOOT: string;
* Run the data.
const ACTION_RUN: string;
* Sent when the device goes to sleep and becomes non-interactive.
const ACTION_SCREEN_OFF: string;
* Sent when the device wakes up and becomes interactive.
const ACTION_SCREEN_ON: string;
* Perform a search.
const ACTION_SEARCH: string;
* Start action associated with long pressing on the search key.
* Deliver data to another activity.
const ACTION_SEND: string;
* Deliver data to the recipient specified by the Intent's `data` property.
const ACTION_SENDTO: string;
* Deliver multiple data to another activity.
* Show settings for choosing the system wallpaper.
* Device is shutting down.
const ACTION_SHUTDOWN: string;
* Perform data synchronization.
const ACTION_SYNC: string;
* Start the platform-defined tutorial.
* The time was set.
const ACTION_TIME_CHANGED: string;
* The current time changed. Sent every minute.
const ACTION_TIME_TICK: string;
* A user ID was removed from the system.
const ACTION_UID_REMOVED: string;
* Sent when the user is present after device wakes up.
const ACTION_USER_PRESENT: string;
* Display data to the user.
const ACTION_VIEW: string;
* Start voice command.
* The current system wallpaper has changed.
* Perform a web search.
const ACTION_WEB_SEARCH: string;
* Notification category indicating an alarm or timer.
const CATEGORY_ALARM: string;
* Set if the activity should be considered as an alternative action to the data the user is currently viewing.
* Activity can browse the Internet.
* Notification category indicating an incoming call (voice or video) or similar synchronous
* communication request.
const CATEGORY_CALL: string;
* Activity should be used as the default action to perform on a piece of data.
const CATEGORY_DEFAULT: string;
* Activity is in the development preference panel.
* Notification category indicating an asynchronous bulk message (email).
const CATEGORY_EMAIL: string;
* Activity can run inside a parent activity.
const CATEGORY_EMBED: string;
* Notification category indicating an error in background operation or authentication status.
const CATEGORY_ERROR: string;
* Notification category indicating a calendar event.
const CATEGORY_EVENT: string;
* To be used as test code for framework instrumentation tests.
* Home activity, the first activity that is displayed when the device boots.
const CATEGORY_HOME: string;
* Provides information about the package it is in.
const CATEGORY_INFO: string;
* Activity is in the device's launcher.
const CATEGORY_LAUNCHER: string;
* Notification category indicating an incoming direct message (SMS, instant message, etc.).
const CATEGORY_MESSAGE: string;
* This activity may be exercised by the monkey or other automated test tools.
const CATEGORY_MONKEY: string;
* Activity can open raw `file://` or `scheme://` URIs.
const CATEGORY_OPENABLE: string;
* This activity is a preference panel.
* Notification category indicating the progress of a long-running background operation.
const CATEGORY_PROGRESS: string;
* Notification category indicating a promotion or advertisement.
const CATEGORY_PROMO: string;
* Notification category indicating a specific, timely recommendation for a single thing.
* To be used as a sample code example (not part of the normal user experience).
* Activity should be considered as an alternative selection action to the data the user
* has currently selected.
* Notification category for a running background service.
const CATEGORY_SERVICE: string;
* Notification category for a social network or sharing update.
const CATEGORY_SOCIAL: string;
* Notification category indicating ongoing information about device or contextual status.
const CATEGORY_STATUS: string;
* Activity to be used in a tab activity.
const CATEGORY_TAB: string;
* To be used as a test (not part of the normal user experience).
const CATEGORY_TEST: string;
* Notification category indicating media transport control for playback.
* To be used as a unit test (run through the Test Harness).
const CATEGORY_UNIT_TEST: string;
* Use all default settings for a notification; see
* [Notification.defaults](Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults).
const DEFAULT_ALL: number;
* Use the default light settings for a notification; see
* [Notification.defaults](Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults).
const DEFAULT_LIGHTS: number;
* Use the default sound settings for a notification; see
* [Notification.defaults](Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults).
const DEFAULT_SOUND: number;
* Use the default vibration settings for a notification; see
* [Notification.defaults](Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults).
const DEFAULT_VIBRATE: number;
* Integer indicating how many pending alarms are being delivered with the intent.
const EXTRA_ALARM_COUNT: string;
* String array containing e-mail addresses for blind carbon copying.
const EXTRA_BCC: string;
* String array containing e-mail addresses for carbon copying.
const EXTRA_CC: string;
* Boolean indicating full uninstall (true) or partial uninstall (false).
const EXTRA_DATA_REMOVED: string;
* Boolean indicating to restart the application or not.
const EXTRA_DONT_KILL_APP: string;
* String array containing e-mail addresses.
const EXTRA_EMAIL: string;
* An Intent describing the choices you would like shown.
const EXTRA_INTENT: string;
* A KeyEvent object containing the event that triggered the creation of the Intent it is in.
const EXTRA_KEY_EVENT: string;
* String holding the phone number to call or number that was called.
const EXTRA_PHONE_NUMBER: string;
* Boolean indicating if the package is being replaced.
const EXTRA_REPLACING: string;
* Bitmap icon.
const EXTRA_SHORTCUT_ICON: string;
* Resource of the shortcut.
* Intent of a shortcut.
* Name of the shortcut.
const EXTRA_SHORTCUT_NAME: string;
* URI containing the stream data.
const EXTRA_STREAM: string;
* Subject line of a message.
const EXTRA_SUBJECT: string;
* Initial data to place in a newly created record.
const EXTRA_TEMPLATE: string;
* Corresponds to the Android `Intent.EXTRA_TEXT` constant.
const EXTRA_TEXT: string;
* Corresponds to the Android `Intent.EXTRA_TITLE` constant.
const EXTRA_TITLE: string;
* UID of the assigned packaged.
const EXTRA_UID: string;
* Not used.
const FILL_IN_ACTION: number;
* Not used.
const FILL_IN_CATEGORIES: number;
* Not used.
const FILL_IN_COMPONENT: number;
* Not used.
const FILL_IN_DATA: number;
* Not used.
const FILL_IN_PACKAGE: number;
* If activity is already running, bring it to the foreground.
* If the activity is present, removes any activities on top of it to make it the foreground activity.
* Corresponds to the Android `Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET` constant.
* Exclude the activity from recently launched activities.
* Return result to the original calling activity.
* Activity was launched from history.
* Start the activity as a new task even if it exists.
* Activity will be the start of a new task (collection of activities).
* Prevent transition animation.
* Do not keep the activity in the history stack.
* Disables the [onUserLeaveHint()]( callback.
* Corresponds to the Android `Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_PREVIOUS_IS_TOP` constant.
* If the activity already exists, place it at the top of the history stack.
* If the task already exists, resets the task to its initial state.
* Do not launch the activity if it is already running.
* Cancel the notification when it is clicked by the user.
const FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL: number;
* Cancel the current pending intent before creating a new one.
const FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT: number;
* Enable a log message to print out the resolution of the intent.
* Indicates the intent is coming from a background operation.
* Grant read permission on the URI in the Intent's data or clipboard.
* Grants write permission on the URI in the Intent's data or clipboard.
* Repeat audio until the notification is cancelled or the notification window
* is opened.
const FLAG_INSISTENT: number;
* Do not cancel the notification when the user clicks the Clear All button.
const FLAG_NO_CLEAR: number;
* If the current intent does not exist, do not create it.
const FLAG_NO_CREATE: number;
* The pending intent can only be used once.
const FLAG_ONE_SHOT: number;
* Specifies that a notification is in reference to something that is ongoing, like a phone call.
const FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT: number;
* Play an alert (sound, lights, and/or vibration) once each time the notification is sent, even if it has not been canceled before that.
const FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE: number;
* When sending a broadcast, only registered receivers will be called.
* Use LED lights to alert the user to the notification.
const FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS: number;
* If the current pending intent already exists, only update the current intent's extra data.
const FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT: number;
* Constant corresponding to connectedDevice in the R.attr.foregroundServiceType attribute. Auto, bluetooth, TV or other devices connection, monitoring and interaction.
* Constant corresponding to location in the R.attr.foregroundServiceType attribute. GPS, map, navigation location update.
* A special value indicates to use all types set in manifest file.
* Constant corresponding to mediaPlayback in the R.attr.foregroundServiceType attribute. Music, video, news or other media playback.
* Constant corresponding to mediaProjection in the R.attr.foregroundServiceType attribute. Managing a media projection session, e.g for screen recording or taking screenshots.
* The default foreground service type if not been set in manifest file.
* Constant corresponding to phoneCall in the R.attr.foregroundServiceType attribute. Ongoing phone call or video conference.
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
const IMPORTANCE_HIGH: number;
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
const IMPORTANCE_LOW: number;
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
const IMPORTANCE_MAX: number;
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
const IMPORTANCE_MIN: number;
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
const IMPORTANCE_NONE: number;
* Used with [NotificationChannel](Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel) to specify an importance level.
* Standard Action Bar navigation mode.
* Action Bar tab navigation mode.
* Not used.
* Not used.
* Not used.
* Not used.
* Default priority if it does not fit into another priority category.
const PRIORITY_DEFAULT: number;
* Use for high priority notifications like real-time chat messages.
const PRIORITY_HIGH: number;
* Use for low priority notifications like software updates.
const PRIORITY_LOW: number;
* Use for urgent or time-critical notifications, for example, turn-by-turn directions or
* emergency alerts.
const PRIORITY_MAX: number;
* Use for expired events.
const PRIORITY_MIN: number;
* Used with [setResult](Titanium.Android.Activity.setResult) to specify that
* an activity was canceled.
const RESULT_CANCELED: number;
* Used with [setResult](Titanium.Android.Activity.setResult) to specify a
* user-defined result.
const RESULT_FIRST_USER: number;
* Used with [setResult](Titanium.Android.Activity.setResult) to specify that
* an activity succeeded.
const RESULT_OK: number;
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify the activity should run in the same orientation as the activity behind it
* in the activity stack.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify a landscape screen orientation.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify that the sensor should be ignored and the display should not rotate.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify a portrait screen orientation.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify that orientation should be determined by the orientation sensor.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify that the system should use its default rules for determining the best
* orientation.
* Use with [requestedOrientation](Titanium.Android.Activity.requestedOrientation) to
* specify that the system should use the user's preferred orientation.
* Always show this item as an action button in the action bar.
const SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS: number;
* The action view can collapse to a normal menu item.
* Show this item as an action button if the system decides there is room for it.
const SHOW_AS_ACTION_IF_ROOM: number;
* Never display this item as an action button in the action bar.
const SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER: number;
* When this item is in the action bar, always show it with a text label.
* A Service start mode indicating that if the host application is stopped by Android, the service should not be restarted automatically.
const START_NOT_STICKY: number;
* A Service start mode indicating that if the host application is stopped by Android, the service should be restarted automatically and the original Intent re-sent.
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to
* request that the alarm stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_ALARM: number;
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to request that the
* default stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_DEFAULT: number;
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to
* request that the music stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_MUSIC: number;
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to request that the
* notification stream type for notifications be used.
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to request that the
* ring stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_RING: number;
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to request that the
* system stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_SYSTEM: number;
* Use with [audioStreamType](Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType) to request that the
* voice call stream type for notifications be used.
const STREAM_VOICE_CALL: number;
* QuickSettings tile is active.
const TILE_STATE_ACTIVE: number;
* QuickSettings tile is inactive.
const TILE_STATE_INACTIVE: number;
* QuickSettings tile is unavailble.
* The URI scheme used for intent URIs.
const URI_INTENT_SCHEME: number;
* Shows basic information about the notification.
* Shows the notification's full content on the lockscreen. This is the system default if visibility is left unspecified.
const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: number;
* Shows the most minimal information of the notification on the lockscreen.
const VISIBILITY_SECRET: number;
* Turn the screen on when the wake lock is acquired.
* Ensures that the screen and keyboard backlight are on at full brightness.
const WAKE_LOCK_FULL: number;
* When this wake lock is released, poke the user activity timer so the screen stays on for a little longer.
* Ensures that the CPU is running; the screen and keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off.
const WAKE_LOCK_PARTIAL: number;
* Ensures that the screen is on at full brightness; the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off.
* Ensures that the screen is on (but may be dimmed); the keyboard backlight will be allowed to go off.
const WAKE_LOCK_SCREEN_DIM: number;
* An action bar is a window feature that identifies the application and user location,
* and provides user actions and navigation modes.
class ActionBar extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* The background image for the action bar, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Sets a view to be used for a custom navigation mode.
customView: Titanium.UI.View;
* Displays an "up" affordance on the "home" area of the action bar.
displayHomeAsUp: boolean;
* Enable or disable the "home" button in the corner of the action bar.
homeButtonEnabled: boolean;
* Sets the application icon displayed in the "home" area of the action bar, specified as a local file path or URL.
icon: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Sets the application logo displayed in the "home" area of the action bar, specified as a local file path or URL.
logo: string;
* Controls the navigation mode.
navigationMode: number;
* Callback function called when the home icon is clicked.
onHomeIconItemSelected: (...args: any[]) => void;
* Sets the subtitle of the action bar.
subtitle: string;
* Sets the title of the action bar.
title: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.customView> property.
getCustomView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.navigationMode> property.
getNavigationMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.subtitle> property.
getSubtitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Hides the action bar if it is currently showing.
hide(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.customView> property.
setCustomView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.displayHomeAsUp> property.
setDisplayHomeAsUp: never;
* Shows or hides the action bar home icon
setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(show: boolean): void;
* Shows or hides the action bar title/subtitle
setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(show: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.homeButtonEnabled> property.
setHomeButtonEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.icon> property.
setIcon: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.logo> property.
setLogo: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.navigationMode> property.
setNavigationMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.onHomeIconItemSelected> property.
setOnHomeIconItemSelected: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.subtitle> property.
setSubtitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.ActionBar.title> property.
setTitle: never;
* Shows the action bar if it is currently hidden.
show(): void;
* Base event for class Titanium.Android.Activity
interface ActivityBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Android.Activity;
* Fired when the activity is already running and an intent different than the one that launched it was received.
interface Activity_newintent_Event extends ActivityBaseEvent {
* The `Intent` passed to the native `onNewIntent` method.
intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* Fired when the activity is launched.
interface Activity_onIntent_Event extends ActivityBaseEvent {
* The `Intent` used to launch the Activity.
intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* Fired when the activity is about to go into the background as a result of user choice.
interface Activity_userleavehint_Event extends ActivityBaseEvent {
* Called whenever a key, touch, or trackball event is dispatched to the activity.
interface Activity_userinteraction_Event extends ActivityBaseEvent {
interface ActivityEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
newintent: Activity_newintent_Event;
onIntent: Activity_onIntent_Event;
userinteraction: Activity_userinteraction_Event;
userleavehint: Activity_userleavehint_Event;
* The Titanium binding of an Android Activity.
class Activity extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The action bar for this activity.
readonly actionBar: Titanium.Android.ActionBar;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The last `Intent` received by this activity.
readonly intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is created.
onCreate: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called to initially create an Android options menu
* for this Activity when the user presses the **Menu** button.
onCreateOptionsMenu: (param0: OptionsMenuCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is destroyed.
onDestroy: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is paused.
onPause: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called to prepare an options menu for display when the user presses
* the **Menu** button.
onPrepareOptionsMenu: (param0: OptionsMenuCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is restarted.
onRestart: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is resumed.
onResume: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is started.
onStart: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Callback function called when the Android activity is stopped.
onStop: (param0: ActivityLifecycleCallbackObject) => void;
* Specifies a specific orientation for this activity.
requestedOrientation: number;
* Toolbar instance that serves as ActionBar
supportToolbar: Titanium.UI.Toolbar;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof ActivityEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.Activity, event: ActivityEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Closes this activity.
finish(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof ActivityEventMap>(name: K, event?: ActivityEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.actionBar> property.
getActionBar: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.intent> property.
getIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onCreate> property.
getOnCreate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu> property.
getOnCreateOptionsMenu: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onDestroy> property.
getOnDestroy: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onPause> property.
getOnPause: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu> property.
getOnPrepareOptionsMenu: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onRestart> property.
getOnRestart: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onResume> property.
getOnResume: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onStart> property.
getOnStart: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onStop> property.
getOnStop: never;
* Gets an Android or Application string using the specified Resource ID and optional format arguments.
getString(resourceId: number, format: any): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.supportToolbar> property.
getSupportToolbar: never;
* Declares that the option menu has changed and should be recreated.
invalidateOptionsMenu(): void;
* Programmatically opens the options menu.
openOptionsMenu(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof ActivityEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.Activity, event: ActivityEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Broadcast the passed in `Intent` to all `BroadcastReceiver`s.
sendBroadcast(intent: Titanium.Android.Intent): void;
* Broadcast the passed in `Intent` to all `BroadcastReceiver`s with an optional permission.
sendBroadcastWithPermission(intent: Titanium.Android.Intent, receiverPermission?: string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onCreate> property.
setOnCreate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu> property.
setOnCreateOptionsMenu: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onDestroy> property.
setOnDestroy: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onPause> property.
setOnPause: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu> property.
setOnPrepareOptionsMenu: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onRestart> property.
setOnRestart: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onResume> property.
setOnResume: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onStart> property.
setOnStart: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.onStop> property.
setOnStop: never;
* Sets the requested Activity orientation.
setRequestedOrientation(orientation: number): void;
* Sets the result of this activity using an `Intent`.
setResult(resultCode: number, intent?: Titanium.Android.Intent): void;
* Sets a toolbar instance to be used as an ActionBar.
setSupportActionBar(toolbar: Titanium.UI.Toolbar): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Activity.supportToolbar> property.
setSupportToolbar: never;
* Starts a new activity, using the passed in `Intent` as the description.
startActivity(intent: Titanium.Android.Intent): void;
* The same as `startActivity`, but also accepts a callback function for handling the result of the started Activity.
startActivityForResult(intent: Titanium.Android.Intent, callback: (param0: ActivityResult) => void): void;
* Helper object for generating large-format notifications that include a large image attachment.
class BigPictureStyle extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Overrides <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle> in the big form of the notification. This defaults to the value passed to <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle>.
bigContentTitle: string;
* Override the <Titanium.Android.Notification.largeIcon> when the big notification is shown.
bigLargeIcon: number | string;
* Provide the bitmap to be used as the payload for the BigPicture notification.
bigPicture: number | string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Number of times to retry decoding the bitmap at bigPicture URL.
decodeRetries: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Set the first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the notification.
summaryText: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigContentTitle> property.
getBigContentTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigLargeIcon> property.
getBigLargeIcon: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigPicture> property.
getBigPicture: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.decodeRetries> property.
getDecodeRetries: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.summaryText> property.
getSummaryText: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigContentTitle> property.
setBigContentTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigLargeIcon> property.
setBigLargeIcon: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bigPicture> property.
setBigPicture: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.decodeRetries> property.
setDecodeRetries: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle.summaryText> property.
setSummaryText: never;
* Helper object for generating large-format notifications that include a lot of text.
class BigTextStyle extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Overrides <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle> in the big form of the notification. This defaults to the value passed to <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle>.
bigContentTitle: string;
* Sets the longer text to be displayed in the big form of the notification in place of the content text.
bigText: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Set the first line of text after the detail section in the big form of the notification.
summaryText: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bigContentTitle> property.
getBigContentTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bigText> property.
getBigText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.summaryText> property.
getSummaryText: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bigContentTitle> property.
setBigContentTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bigText> property.
setBigText: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle.summaryText> property.
setSummaryText: never;
* Monitor and handle Android system broadcasts.
class BroadcastReceiver extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The function called when a broadcast is received.
onReceived: (param0: any) => void;
* URL of the JavaScript file to handle the broadcast.
url: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.onReceived> property.
getOnReceived: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.onReceived> property.
setOnReceived: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.BroadcastReceiver.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* The Android.Calendar module provides proxies and methods for accessing the native Android
* calendar functionality.
* Use [Titanium.Calendar](Titanium.Calendar) instead.
const Calendar: never;
* Message objects passed between Android application components.
class Intent extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The action associated with this intent.
action: string;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Java class name of the activity associated with this intent
* ([packageName](Titanium.Android.Intent.packageName) must also be set).
className: string;
* The Intent's Data URI.
readonly data: string;
* Intent flags.
flags: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The fully-qualified Java package name of the activity.
packageName: string;
* The MIME type for this Intent.
readonly type: string;
* The URL to a Titanium JavaScript Activity.
url: string;
* Adds a category to this Intent.
addCategory(name: string): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Adds to the existing flags on the `Intent`.
addFlags(flags: number): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.action> property.
getAction: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Get a <Titanium.Blob> property from this `Intent`.
getBlobExtra(name: string): Titanium.Blob;
* Get a boolean property from this Intent.
getBooleanExtra(name: string, defaultValue: boolean): boolean;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.className> property.
getClassName: never;
* Get the Data URI from this `Intent`.
getData(): string;
* Get a double property from this `Intent`.
getDoubleExtra(name: string, defaultValue: number): number;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.flags> property.
getFlags: never;
* Get an integer property from this `Intent`.
getIntExtra(name: string, defaultValue: number): number;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Get a long property from this `Intent`.
getLongExtra(name: string, defaultValue: number): number;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.packageName> property.
getPackageName: never;
* Get a string property from this `Intent`.
getStringExtra(name: string): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.type> property.
getType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Returns `true` if this `Intent` has the specified property.
hasExtra(name: string): boolean;
* Puts an extra property on this `Intent`.
putExtra(name: string, value: any): void;
* Put a URI property on this `Intent` (useful for <Titanium.Android.EXTRA_STREAM>).
putExtraUri(name: string, value: any): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.action> property.
setAction: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.className> property.
setClassName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.flags> property.
setFlags: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.packageName> property.
setPackageName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Intent.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* The Titanium binding of an Android Options Menu.
class Menu extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Array of menu items in this menu.
readonly items: Titanium.Android.MenuItem[];
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Creates a <Titanium.Android.MenuItem> from the passed creation options.
add(options: any): Titanium.Android.MenuItem;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Clears all items from this menu.
clear(): void;
* Closes the menu, if visible.
close(): void;
* Locates a [MenuItem](Titanium.Android.MenuItem) in this menu, by item ID or reference.
findItem(item: number | Titanium.Android.MenuItem): Titanium.Android.MenuItem;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Returns the [MenuItem](Titanium.Android.MenuItem) at a specific index.
getItem(index: number): Titanium.Android.MenuItem;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.items> property.
getItems: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Returns `true` if this menu has visible items.
hasVisibleItems(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Removes all menu items with the specified
* [groupId](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.groupId).
removeGroup(groupId: number): void;
* Removes a specific [MenuItem](Titanium.Android.MenuItem) identified by its
* [itemId](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.itemId).
removeItem(itemId: number): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Enables or disables a group of menu items identified by a
* [groupId](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.groupId).
setGroupEnabled(groupId: number, enabled: boolean): void;
* Shows or hides a group of menu items identified by a
* [groupId](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.groupId).
setGroupVisible(groupId: number, visible: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Menu.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Number of items in this menu.
size(): number;
* Base event for class Titanium.Android.MenuItem
interface MenuItemBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Android.MenuItem;
* Fired when the user clicks the menu item.
interface MenuItem_click_Event extends MenuItemBaseEvent {
* Fired when the action view has been expanded.
interface MenuItem_expand_Event extends MenuItemBaseEvent {
* Fired when the action view has been collapsed.
interface MenuItem_collapse_Event extends MenuItemBaseEvent {
interface MenuItemEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
click: MenuItem_click_Event;
collapse: MenuItem_collapse_Event;
expand: MenuItem_expand_Event;
* The Titanium binding of an Android menu item.
class MenuItem extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: string;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: string;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: string;
* Custom view that replaces the default menu item button.
actionView: Titanium.UI.View;
* True if this menu item's action view has been expanded.
readonly actionViewExpanded: boolean;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Determines if the item can be checked.
checkable: boolean;
* Determines if the item is checked.
checked: boolean;
* Determines if the item is enabled.
enabled: boolean;
* Group ID for this item.
readonly groupId: number;
* Icon to display for the this menu item.
icon: number | string;
* Item ID for this item.
readonly itemId: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Integer used for controlling the category and sort order for menu items.
readonly order: number;
* A set of flags that controls how this item appears in the action bar.
showAsAction: number;
* Title of the item.
title: string;
* Shortened version of the item's title.
titleCondensed: string;
* Determines whether the menu item is visible.
visible: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof MenuItemEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.MenuItem, event: MenuItemEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Collapse the action view associated with this menu item.
collapseActionView(): void;
* Expand the action view associated with this menu item.
expandActionView(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof MenuItemEventMap>(name: K, event?: MenuItemEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.actionView> property.
getActionView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.groupId> property.
getGroupId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.itemId> property.
getItemId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.order> property.
getOrder: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.titleCondensed> property.
getTitleCondensed: never;
* Returns the [actionViewExpanded](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.actionViewExpanded) state of the menu item.
isActionViewExpanded(): boolean;
* Returns the [checkable](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.checkable) state of the menu item.
isCheckable(): boolean;
* Returns the [checked](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.checked) state of the menu item.
isChecked(): boolean;
* Returns the [enabled](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.enabled) state of the menu item.
isEnabled(): boolean;
* Returns the [visible](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.visible) state of the menu item.
isVisible(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof MenuItemEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.MenuItem, event: MenuItemEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.actionView> property.
setActionView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the [checkable](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.checkable) state of the menu item.
setCheckable(checkable: boolean): void;
* Sets the [checked](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.checked) state of the menu item.
setChecked(enabled: boolean): void;
* Sets the [enabled](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.enabled) state of the menu item.
setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.icon> property.
setIcon: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.showAsAction> property.
setShowAsAction: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.title> property.
setTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.MenuItem.titleCondensed> property.
setTitleCondensed: never;
* Sets the [visible](Titanium.Android.MenuItem.visible) state of the menu item.
setVisible(visible: boolean): void;
* UI notifications that can be sent while the application is in the background.
class Notification extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* The audio stream type to use when playing the sound.
audioStreamType: number;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Sets the notification's category.
category: string;
* Accent color used behind icon.
color: string;
* The `PendingIntent` to execute when the expanded status entry is clicked.
contentIntent: Titanium.Android.PendingIntent;
* Description text of the notification.
contentText: string;
* Title of the notification.
contentTitle: string;
* Custom layout to display in the notification.
contentView: Titanium.Android.RemoteViews;
* Specifies which values should be taken from the defaults.
defaults: number;
* The `PendingIntent` to execute when the status entry is deleted by the user with the "Clear All Notifications" button.
deleteIntent: Titanium.Android.PendingIntent;
* Set of flags for the notification.
flags: number;
* The group key that the notification will belong to.
groupKey: string;
* Specifies if this is a group summary notification.
groupSummary: boolean;
* Notification icon, specified as an Android resource ID, or a local URL to a density-specific image.
icon: number | string;
* Add a large icon to the notification (and the ticker on some devices) specified as an Android resource ID, or a local URL to a density-specific image.
largeIcon: number | string;
* The color for the LED to blink.
ledARGB: number;
* The number of milliseconds for the LED to be off while it's flashing.
ledOffMS: number;
* The number of milliseconds for the LED to be on while it's flashing.
ledOnMS: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The number of events that this notification represents.
number: number;
* Sets the priority of the notification.
priority: number;
* A URL to the sound to play.
sound: string;
* Style object that can apply a rich notification style.
style: Titanium.Android.BigTextStyle | Titanium.Android.BigPictureStyle;
* Text to scroll across the screen when this item is added to the status bar.
tickerText: string;
* Allows user to conceal private information of the notification on the lockscreen.
visibility: number;
* Will wake up the device for the given time (in milliseconds) when the notification is shown.
* The application needs to also set the `android.permission.WAKE_LOCK` permission
* in the Android manifest section of the `tiapp.xml` file.
* <ti:app>
* <android>
* <manifest>
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
* </manifest>
* </android>
* </ti:app>
wakeLock: wakeLockOptions;
* The timestamp for the notification (defaults to the current time).
when: Date | number;
* Add an action button to the notification
addAction(icon: number | string, title: string, intent: Titanium.Android.PendingIntent): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType> property.
getAudioStreamType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.category> property.
getCategory: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.color> property.
getColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentIntent> property.
getContentIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentText> property.
getContentText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle> property.
getContentTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults> property.
getDefaults: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.deleteIntent> property.
getDeleteIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.flags> property.
getFlags: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.groupKey> property.
getGroupKey: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.groupSummary> property.
getGroupSummary: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.icon> property.
getIcon: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.largeIcon> property.
getLargeIcon: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledARGB> property.
getLedARGB: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledOffMS> property.
getLedOffMS: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledOnMS> property.
getLedOnMS: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.number> property.
getNumber: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.priority> property.
getPriority: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.sound> property.
getSound: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getStyle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.tickerText> property.
getTickerText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.visibility> property.
getVisibility: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.wakeLock> property.
getWakeLock: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.when> property.
getWhen: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.audioStreamType> property.
setAudioStreamType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.category> property.
setCategory: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.color> property.
setColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentIntent> property.
setContentIntent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentText> property.
setContentText: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentTitle> property.
setContentTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.contentView> property.
setContentView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.defaults> property.
setDefaults: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.deleteIntent> property.
setDeleteIntent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.flags> property.
setFlags: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.groupKey> property.
setGroupKey: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.groupSummary> property.
setGroupSummary: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.icon> property.
setIcon: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.largeIcon> property.
setLargeIcon: never;
* Sets the latest event info using the built-in notification view for this notification.
setLatestEventInfo(contentTitle: string, contentText: string, contentIntent: Titanium.Android.PendingIntent): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledARGB> property.
setLedARGB: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledOffMS> property.
setLedOffMS: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.ledOnMS> property.
setLedOnMS: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.number> property.
setNumber: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.priority> property.
setPriority: never;
* Set the progress this notification represents.
setProgress(max: number, progress: number, indeterminate: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.sound> property.
setSound: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setStyle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.tickerText> property.
setTickerText: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.visibility> property.
setVisibility: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.wakeLock> property.
setWakeLock: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Notification.when> property.
setWhen: never;
* Module for notification channels.
class NotificationChannel extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Whether or not notifications posted to this channel can interrupt the user.
bypassDnd: boolean;
* User visible description of this channel.
description: string;
* Whether notifications posted to this channel should display notification lights
enableLights: boolean;
* Whether notification posted to this channel should vibrate.
enableVibration: boolean;
* Group id this channel belongs to.
groupId: string;
* The channel id specified for the notification channel.
id: string;
* The audio stream type to use when playing the sound.
importance: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The notification light color for notifications posted to this channel.
lightColor: number;
* Whether or not notifications posted to this channel are shown on the lockscreen in full or redacted form.
lockscreenVisibility: number;
* Whether notifications posted to this channel can appear as application icon badges in a Launcher.
showBadge: boolean;
* A URL to the sound to play.
sound: string;
* The vibration pattern for notifications posted to this channel.
vibratePattern: number[];
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.bypassDnd> property.
getBypassDnd: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.description> property.
getDescription: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.enableLights> property.
getEnableLights: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.enableVibration> property.
getEnableVibration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.groupId> property.
getGroupId: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.importance> property.
getImportance: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lightColor> property.
getLightColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lockscreenVisibility> property.
getLockscreenVisibility: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.showBadge> property.
getShowBadge: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.sound> property.
getSound: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.vibratePattern> property.
getVibratePattern: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.bypassDnd> property.
setBypassDnd: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.description> property.
setDescription: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.enableLights> property.
setEnableLights: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.enableVibration> property.
setEnableVibration: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.groupId> property.
setGroupId: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setId: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.importance> property.
setImportance: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lightColor> property.
setLightColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.lockscreenVisibility> property.
setLockscreenVisibility: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.showBadge> property.
setShowBadge: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.sound> property.
setSound: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel.vibratePattern> property.
setVibratePattern: never;
* Module for managing notifications.
class NotificationManager extends Titanium.Module {
* Use <Titanium.Android.DEFAULT_ALL> instead.
static readonly DEFAULT_ALL: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.DEFAULT_LIGHTS> instead.
static readonly DEFAULT_LIGHTS: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.DEFAULT_SOUND> instead.
static readonly DEFAULT_SOUND: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.DEFAULT_VIBRATE> instead.
static readonly DEFAULT_VIBRATE: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL> instead.
static readonly FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_INSISTENT> instead.
static readonly FLAG_INSISTENT: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_NO_CLEAR> instead.
static readonly FLAG_NO_CLEAR: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT> instead.
static readonly FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE> instead.
static readonly FLAG_ONLY_ALERT_ONCE: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS> instead.
static readonly FLAG_SHOW_LIGHTS: number;
* Use <Titanium.Android.STREAM_DEFAULT> instead.
static readonly STREAM_DEFAULT: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Returns whether showing notifications is enabled for the application.
static areNotificationsEnabled(): boolean;
* Cancels a previously displayed notification.
static cancel(id: number): void;
* Cancels all previously displayed notifications.
static cancelAll(): void;
* Create a notification channel.
static createNotificationChannel(parameters: Dictionary<Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel>): Titanium.Android.NotificationChannel;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationManager.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationManager.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationManager.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Adds a persistent notification to the status bar.
static notify(id: number, notification: Titanium.Android.Notification): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationManager.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.NotificationManager.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The Titanium binding of an Android `PendingIntent`.
class PendingIntent extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Flags used for creating the Pending Intent.
flags: number;
* The intent data to pass to the [Activity](Titanium.Android.Activity) launched by this `PendingIntent`.
intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* If this property is true, flag <Titanium.Android.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT> will be
* appended to `flags` automatically. Default value is true.
updateCurrentIntent: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.flags> property.
getFlags: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.intent> property.
getIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.updateCurrentIntent> property.
getUpdateCurrentIntent: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.flags> property.
setFlags: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.intent> property.
setIntent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent.updateCurrentIntent> property.
setUpdateCurrentIntent: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService
interface QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService;
* For Javascript-based services that you create, `pause` fires after each time the JavaScript
* code executes.
interface QuickSettingsService_pause_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Incrementing integer indicating which iteration of an interval-based Service is pausing.
* For example, if you have an interval-based Service running every 10 seconds, iteration
* 3 would occur at about 30 seconds after you start the instance (assuming your service
* code runs quickly).
iteration: number;
* For JavaScript-based Services which you create, `resume` fires each time the JavaScript
* code executes.
interface QuickSettingsService_resume_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Incrementing integer indicating which iteration of an interval-based Service is pausing.
* For example, if you have an interval-based Service running every 10 seconds, iteration
* 3 would occur at about 30 seconds after you start the instance (assuming your service
* code runs quickly).
iteration: number;
* Fired when the bound service instance starts.
interface QuickSettingsService_start_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Fired when the bound service instance stops.
interface QuickSettingsService_stop_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Fired when the task that comes from the service's application has been removed.
interface QuickSettingsService_taskremoved_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Tile is listening for events.
interface QuickSettingsService_startlistening_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Tile has stopped listening for events.
interface QuickSettingsService_stoplistening_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* The Tile has been added in the quick menu.
interface QuickSettingsService_tileadded_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* The Tile has been removed from the quick menu.
interface QuickSettingsService_tileremoved_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* An item from the signle choice menu has been selected.
interface QuickSettingsService_tiledialogoptionselected_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Index of the selected item from the single choice menu in the dialog.
itemIndex: number;
* Dispatched when the alert dialog has been cancelled.
interface QuickSettingsService_tiledialogcancelled_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Dispatched when the positive (index 0) button has been clicked.
interface QuickSettingsService_tiledialogpositive_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Dispatched when the neutral (index 1) button has been clicked.
interface QuickSettingsService_tiledialogneutral_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
* Dispatched when the negative (index 2) button has been clicked.
interface QuickSettingsService_tiledialognegative_Event extends QuickSettingsServiceBaseEvent {
interface QuickSettingsServiceEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
pause: QuickSettingsService_pause_Event;
resume: QuickSettingsService_resume_Event;
start: QuickSettingsService_start_Event;
startlistening: QuickSettingsService_startlistening_Event;
stop: QuickSettingsService_stop_Event;
stoplistening: QuickSettingsService_stoplistening_Event;
taskremoved: QuickSettingsService_taskremoved_Event;
tileadded: QuickSettingsService_tileadded_Event;
tiledialogcancelled: QuickSettingsService_tiledialogcancelled_Event;
tiledialognegative: QuickSettingsService_tiledialognegative_Event;
tiledialogneutral: QuickSettingsService_tiledialogneutral_Event;
tiledialogoptionselected: QuickSettingsService_tiledialogoptionselected_Event;
tiledialogpositive: QuickSettingsService_tiledialogpositive_Event;
tileremoved: QuickSettingsService_tileremoved_Event;
* Android service for creating custom quick settings tiles and handling user's interaction with them.
class QuickSettingsService extends Titanium.Android.Service {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The intent used to start or bind to the Service.
readonly intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* A service can be started more than once -- this number (based on an incrementing integer)
* indicates which "start number" in the sequence the current service instance is.
readonly serviceInstanceId: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof QuickSettingsServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService, event: QuickSettingsServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof QuickSettingsServiceEventMap>(name: K, event?: QuickSettingsServiceEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Puts the service into the "background" state and removes its foreground notification.
foregroundCancel(): void;
* Puts the service into the "foreground" state and displays a notification.
foregroundNotify(id: number, notification: Titanium.Android.Notification, foregroundServiceType?: number): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Returns the Tile's current icon.
getIcon(): string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.intent> property.
getIntent: never;
* Returns the Tile's current label.
getLabel(): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.serviceInstanceId> property.
getServiceInstanceId: never;
* Returns the Tile's current state.
getState(): number;
* Returns 'true' if the device is currently locked, 'false' otherwise.
isLocked(): boolean;
* Returns 'true' if the device is in secure state, 'false' otherwise.
isSecure(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof QuickSettingsServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService, event: QuickSettingsServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Changes the Tile's icon.
setIcon(icon: string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File): void;
* Changes the Tile's label.
setLabel(label: string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.QuickSettingsService.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the state of the Tile.
setState(state: number): void;
* Opens an Alert dialog.
showDialog(options: showParams): void;
* Starts the Service.
start(): void;
* Colapses the quick settings menu and starts an activity for the passed Intent.
startActivityAndCollapse(intent: Titanium.Android.Intent): void;
* Stops this running instance of the Service.
stop(): void;
* Prompts the user to unlock the device and runs the JS code.
unlockAndRun(jsCode: string): void;
* Applies current tile's properties.
updateTile(): void;
* The Titanium binding of the Android system-wide resources class.
class R extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Animation resources. See
* [R.anim](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly anim: any;
* Animator resources. See
* [R.animator](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly animator: any;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Array resources. See [R.array](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly array: any;
* Attribute resources. See
* [R.attr](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly attr: any;
* Boolean resources. See
* [R.bool](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly bool: any;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Color resources. See
* [R.color](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly color: any;
* Dimension resources. See
* [](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly dimen: any;
* Drawable resources. See
* [R.drawable](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly drawable: any;
* Fraction resources. See
* [R.fraction](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly fraction: any;
* ID resources. See
* [](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly id: any;
* Integer resources. See
* [R.integer](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly integer: any;
* Interpolator resources. See
* [R.fraction](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly interpolator: any;
* Layout resources. See
* [R.layout](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly layout: any;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Menu resources. See
* [](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly menu: any;
* Mipmap resources. See
* [R.mipmap](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly mipmap: any;
* Plurals resources. See
* [R.plurals](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly plurals: any;
* Raw resources. See
* [R.raw](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly raw: any;
* String resources. See
* [R.string](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly string: any;
* Style resources. See
* [](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly style: any;
* Styleable resources. See
* [R.styleable](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly styleable: any;
* Transition resources. See
* [R.transition](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly transition: any;
* XML resources. See
* [R.xml](
* in the Android Developer Reference.
readonly xml: any;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.R.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.R.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.R.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.R.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.R.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The Titanium binding of [Android RemoteViews](
class RemoteViews extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Android layout resource ID for the view to display. Required.
layoutId: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Package name that the resource ID lives in. Optional.
packageName: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.layoutId> property.
getLayoutId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.packageName> property.
getPackageName: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Calls a method taking a single `boolean` argument on a view in the remote view
* hierarchy. See Android's documentation for
* [setBoolean](, java.lang.String, boolean)).
setBoolean(viewId: number, methodName: string, value: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the base time, format string, and started flag for a chronometer
* in the remote view hierarchy.
setChronometer(viewId: number, base: Date, format: string, started: boolean): void;
* Calls a method taking a single `double` argument on a view in the remote view
* hierarchy.
setDouble(viewId: number, methodName: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the image for an image view in the remote view hierarchy using an Android drawable resource.
setImageViewResource(viewId: number, srcId: number): void;
* Sets the image for an image view in the remote view hierarchy using a URI.
setImageViewUri(viewId: number, uri: string): void;
* Calls a method taking a single `int` argument on a view in the remote view hierarchy.
setInt(viewId: number, methodName: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.layoutId> property.
setLayoutId: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Launches a <Titanium.Android.PendingIntent> when the specified view is clicked.
setOnClickPendingIntent(viewId: number, pendingIntent: Titanium.Android.PendingIntent): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.RemoteViews.packageName> property.
setPackageName: never;
* Sets the progress, max value, and indeterminate flag of a progress bar in the
* remote view hierarchy.
setProgressBar(viewId: number, max: number, progress: number, indeterminate: boolean): void;
* Calls a method taking a single String argument on a view in the remote view
* hierarchy.
setString(viewId: number, methodName: string, value: string): void;
* Sets the text color of a view in the remote view hierarchy.
setTextColor(viewId: number, color: number): void;
* Sets the text of a text view in the remote view hierarchy.
setTextViewText(viewId: number, text: string): void;
* Calls a method taking one URI on a view in the remote view hierarchy.
setUri(viewId: number, methodName: string, value: string): void;
* Sets the visibility of a view in the remote view hierarchy.
setViewVisibility(viewId: number, visibility: number): void;
* Base event for class Titanium.Android.Service
interface ServiceBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Android.Service;
* For Javascript-based services that you create, `pause` fires after each time the JavaScript
* code executes.
interface Service_pause_Event extends ServiceBaseEvent {
* Incrementing integer indicating which iteration of an interval-based Service is pausing.
* For example, if you have an interval-based Service running every 10 seconds, iteration
* 3 would occur at about 30 seconds after you start the instance (assuming your service
* code runs quickly).
iteration: number;
* For JavaScript-based Services which you create, `resume` fires each time the JavaScript
* code executes.
interface Service_resume_Event extends ServiceBaseEvent {
* Incrementing integer indicating which iteration of an interval-based Service is pausing.
* For example, if you have an interval-based Service running every 10 seconds, iteration
* 3 would occur at about 30 seconds after you start the instance (assuming your service
* code runs quickly).
iteration: number;
* Fired when the bound service instance starts.
interface Service_start_Event extends ServiceBaseEvent {
* Fired when the bound service instance stops.
interface Service_stop_Event extends ServiceBaseEvent {
* Fired when the task that comes from the service's application has been removed.
interface Service_taskremoved_Event extends ServiceBaseEvent {
interface ServiceEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
pause: Service_pause_Event;
resume: Service_resume_Event;
start: Service_start_Event;
stop: Service_stop_Event;
taskremoved: Service_taskremoved_Event;
* Android application component that executes in the background.
class Service extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The intent used to start or bind to the Service.
readonly intent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* A service can be started more than once -- this number (based on an incrementing integer)
* indicates which "start number" in the sequence the current service instance is.
readonly serviceInstanceId: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof ServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.Service, event: ServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof ServiceEventMap>(name: K, event?: ServiceEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Puts the service into the "background" state and removes its foreground notification.
foregroundCancel(): void;
* Puts the service into the "foreground" state and displays a notification.
foregroundNotify(id: number, notification: Titanium.Android.Notification, foregroundServiceType?: number): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.intent> property.
getIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.serviceInstanceId> property.
getServiceInstanceId: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof ServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Android.Service, event: ServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Android.Service.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Starts the Service.
start(): void;
* Stops this running instance of the Service.
stop(): void;
* The top-level App module is mainly used for accessing information about the
* application at runtime, and for sending or listening for system events.
namespace App {
* Convenience constant for system event "accessibilityannouncement".
* Convenience constant for system event "accessibilitychanged".
* A module used to access Android application resources.
namespace Android {
* The Titanium binding of the native Android `R` class, giving access to application resources.
class R extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.R.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.R.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.R.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.R.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.R.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Windows specific app capabilities.
* All properties, methods and events in this namespace will only work on Windows devices.
namespace Windows {
* To support location tracking for the background execution request.
* To save data for the background execution request.
* No reason specified for the background execution request.
* Background execution is revoked because app is resumed.
* Background execution is revoked due to system policy.
* Background Service for Windows
class BackgroundService extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundService.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundService.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundService.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Register a push notification event that triggers a background task to run.
static registerPushNotificationTask(entryPoint: string): Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask;
* Register a time event that triggers a background task to run.
static registerTimerTask(entryPoint: string, freshnessTime: number, oneShot: boolean): Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundService.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundService.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Unregisters all registered background task associated with this application.
static unregisterAllTasks(): void;
* Unregisters registered background task associated with this application.
static unregisterTask(task: number | Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask): void;
* Background Task for Windows
class BackgroundServiceTask extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Identification number for this task
static taskId: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.taskId> property.
static getTaskId: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.BackgroundServiceTask.taskId> property.
static setTaskId: never;
* Unregisters this background task associated with this application.
static unregister(): void;
* The top-level App iOS module, available only to iOS devices, that includes the facilities to
* create and manage local notifications and background services.
namespace iOS {
* Use with [setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval](Titanium.App.iOS.setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval) method.
* Specifies the smallest fetch interval supported by the system.
* Use with [setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval](Titanium.App.iOS.setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval) method.
* Used to specify a fetch interval large enough to prevent fetch operations from occurring.
* Convenience constant for system event "accessibilitylayoutchanged".
* Convenience constant for system event "accessibilityscreenchanged".
* A dark interface style.
* A light interface style.
* An unspecified interface style.
* The action will execute in background. Use with the
* [activationMode](Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.activationMode) property.
* The action will launch the application and execute in the foreground.
* Use with the [activationMode](Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.activationMode) property.
* A alert dialog is presented when the notification is received.
* A banner is presented when the notification is received.
* No banner or alert dialog is presented when the notification is received.
* The application is authorized to post user notifications.
* The application is not authorized to post user notifications.
* The user has not yet made a choice regarding whether the application may post
* user notifications.
* The application is provisionally authorized to post non-interruptive user notifications.
* Default action behavior with no additional action support.
* Provides a textfield with the notification for the user to enter a text response.
* Allow CarPlay to display notifications of this type.
* Send dismiss actions to the UNUserNotificationCenter object's delegate for handling.
* Show the notification's subtitle, even if the user has disabled notification previews for the app.
* Show the notification's title, even if the user has disabled notification previews for the app.
* No options.
* The notification setting is turned off.
* The notification setting is turned on.
* The application does not support this notification type.
* The application may display an alert upon a notification being received.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* The application may badge its icon upon a notification being received.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* The ability to play sounds for critical alerts.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* The application may not present any UI upon a notification being received.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* An option indicating the system should display a button for in-app notification settings.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* The ability to post non-interrupting notifications provisionally to the Notification Center.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* The application may play a sound upon a notification being received.
* Use with the [types](UserNotificationSettings.types) property.
* Uniform type identifier for Mac OS icon images.
const UTTYPE_APPLE_ICNS: string;
* Uniform type identifier for protected MPEG-4 audio (iTunes music store format).
* Uniform type identifier for all audio content.
const UTTYPE_AUDIO: string;
* Uniform type identifier for Windows bitmap images.
const UTTYPE_BMP: string;
* Uniform type identifier for Rich Text with content embedding, pasteboard format.
const UTTYPE_FLAT_RTFD: string;
* Uniform type identifier for GIF images.
const UTTYPE_GIF: string;
* Uniform type identifier for HTML.
const UTTYPE_HTML: string;
* Uniform type identifier for Windows icon images.
const UTTYPE_ICO: string;
* Uniform type identifier for all image types.
const UTTYPE_IMAGE: string;
* Uniform type identifier for JPEG images.
const UTTYPE_JPEG: string;
* Uniform type identifier for JPEG 2000 images.
const UTTYPE_JPEG2000: string;
* Uniform type identifier for all audiovisual content.
const UTTYPE_MOVIE: string;
* Uniform type identifier for MP3 audio.
const UTTYPE_MP3: string;
* Uniform type identifier for MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 content.
const UTTYPE_MPEG: string;
* Uniform type identifier for MPEG-4 content.
const UTTYPE_MPEG4: string;
* Uniform type identifier for MPEG-4 audio.
const UTTYPE_MPEG4_AUDIO: string;
* Uniform type identifier for PDF data.
const UTTYPE_PDF: string;
* Uniform type identifier for PICT images.
const UTTYPE_PICT: string;
* Uniform type identifier for a plain text type, equivalent to MIME type text/plain.
const UTTYPE_PLAIN_TEXT: string;
* Uniform type identifier for PNG images.
const UTTYPE_PNG: string;
* Uniform type identifier for QuickTime images.
* Uniform type identifier for QuickTime movies.
* Uniform type identifier for Rich Text.
const UTTYPE_RTF: string;
* Uniform type identifier for Rich Text Format Directory, that is, Rich Text with content embedding, on-disk format.
const UTTYPE_RTFD: string;
* Uniform type identifier for all text types.
const UTTYPE_TEXT: string;
* Uniform type identifier for TIFF images.
const UTTYPE_TIFF: string;
* Uniform type identifier for MLTE (Textension) format for mixed text and multimedia data.
* Uniform type identifier for Unicode-16 with byte-order mark (BOM), or if BOM is not present,
* an external representation byte order (big-endian).
* Uniform type identifier for Unicode-16, native byte order, with an optional byte-order mark (BOM).
const UTTYPE_UTF16_PLAIN_TEXT: string;
* Uniform type identifier for Unicode-8 plain text type.
const UTTYPE_UTF8_PLAIN_TEXT: string;
* Uniform type identifier for all video content without audio.
const UTTYPE_VIDEO: string;
* Uniform type identifier for WebKit webarchive format.
const UTTYPE_WEB_ARCHIVE: string;
* Uniform type identifier for XML.
const UTTYPE_XML: string;
* A service that runs when the application is placed in the background.
class BackgroundService extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* A local URL to a JavaScript file containing the code to run in the background.
url: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Stops the service from running during the current background session to conserve resources.
stop(): void;
* Unregisters the background service.
unregister(): void;
* A local notification to alert the user of new or pending application information.
class LocalNotification extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Cancels the pending notification.
cancel(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.LocalNotification.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.LocalNotification.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.LocalNotification.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery
interface SearchQueryBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery;
* Fired when the query finds a new batch of matching items.
interface SearchQuery_founditems_Event extends SearchQueryBaseEvent {
* The number of items that are currently fetched.
foundItemsCount: number;
* An array of indexed items that match the specified query.
items: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem[];
* Fired when the query completes to inform you about it's success.
* To receive items, use the `founditems` event.
interface SearchQuery_completed_Event extends SearchQueryBaseEvent {
* Error message, if any returned. Undefined otherwise.
error: string;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns true if download succeeded, false otherwise.
success: boolean;
interface SearchQueryEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
completed: SearchQuery_completed_Event;
founditems: SearchQuery_founditems_Event;
* A search query object manages the criteria to apply when searching app content that you have previously
* indexed by using the Core Spotlight APIs.
class SearchQuery extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* An array of strings that represent the attributes of indexed items.
attributes: string[];
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* A formatted string that defines the matching criteria to apply to indexed items.
queryString: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof SearchQueryEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery, event: SearchQueryEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Cancels a query operation.
cancel(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof SearchQueryEventMap>(name: K, event?: SearchQueryEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* A Boolean value that indicates if the query has been cancelled (`true`) or not (`false`).
isCancelled(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof SearchQueryEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery, event: SearchQueryEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Asynchronously queries the index for items that match the query object's specifications.
start(): void;
* The SearchableIndex module is used to add or remove Ti.App.iOS.SearchableItem objects from the device search index.
class SearchableIndex extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Adds an array of Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem objects to the default search index.
addToDefaultSearchableIndex(Array: ReadonlyArray<Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem>, callback: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Removes search items based on an array of domain identifiers.
deleteAllSearchableItemByDomainIdenifiers(Array: ReadonlyArray<string>, callback: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Removes all search items added by the application.
deleteAllSearchableItems(callback: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Removes search items based on an array of identifiers.
deleteSearchableItemsByIdentifiers(Array: ReadonlyArray<string>, callback: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Indicates whether indexing is supported by the device.
isSupported(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Used to create a unique object containing all of the search information that will appear in the device search index.
class SearchableItem extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Set of metadata properties to display for the item.
attributeSet: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Identifier that represents the "domain" or owner of this item.
domainIdentifier: string;
* Searchable items have an expiration date or time to live. By default it is set to one month.
expirationDate: string;
* Unique identifier to your application group.
uniqueIdentifier: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.domainIdentifier> property.
getDomainIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.expirationDate> property.
getExpirationDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.uniqueIdentifier> property.
getUniqueIdentifier: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.domainIdentifier> property.
setDomainIdentifier: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.expirationDate> property.
setExpirationDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem.uniqueIdentifier> property.
setUniqueIdentifier: never;
* The SearchableItemAttributeSet module defines metadata properties for SearchItem and UserActivity objects.
class SearchableItemAttributeSet extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The date that the item was moved into the current location.
addedDate: string;
* The title for a collection of media.
album: string;
* An array of localized strings of alternate display names for this item.
alternateNames: string[];
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* The artist for the media.
artist: string;
* A class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful.
audiences: string[];
* The audio bit rate.
audioBitRate: number;
* The number of channels in the audio data contained in the file.
audioChannelCount: number;
* The name of the application that encoded the data contained in the audio file.
audioEncodingApplication: string;
* The sample rate of the audio data contained in the file.
audioSampleRate: number;
* The track number of a song/composition when it is part of an album.
audioTrackNumber: number;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The codecs used to encode/decode the media.
codecs: string[];
* Comment related to a file.
comment: string;
* The composer of the song/composition contained in the audio file.
composer: string;
* A list of contacts that are somehow associated with this document beyond what is captured as Author.
contactKeywords: string[];
* Display of the search container
containerDisplayName: string;
* Identifier for the search container
containerIdentifier: string;
* Order the search container is displayed.
containerOrder: number;
* Title displayed in the search container
containerTitle: string;
* The date that the contents of the item were created.
contentCreationDate: string;
* An account of the content of the resource.
contentDescription: string;
* The date that the contents of the item were last modified.
contentModificationDate: string;
* Whether or not the item has explicit content. Set to `1` for explicit or `0` for clean.
contentRating: number;
* Used to indicate where the item was obtained from.
contentSources: string[];
* UTI Type pedigree for an item.
contentType: string;
* Array of strings related to the content tree of the item.
contentTypeTree: string[];
* File URL representing the content to be indexed.
contentURL: string;
* Used to designate the entity responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource.
contributors: string[];
* Copyright of the content.
copyright: string;
* Used to designate the extent or scope of the content of the resource.
coverage: string[];
* Application used to create the document content (e.g. "Word","Framemaker", etc.).
creator: string;
* The delivery type of the item. Set to `0` for fast start and `1` for RTSP.
deliveryType: number;
* Director of the item, for example, the movie director.
director: string;
* A localized string to be displayed in the UI for this item.
displayName: string;
* The date that the file was last downloaded / received.
downloadedDate: string;
* Duration in seconds of the content of the item (if appropriate).
duration: number;
* The list of editor/editors that have worked on this item.
editors: string[];
* Software used to convert the original content into a PDF stream.
encodingApplications: string[];
* Size of the document in MB.
fileSize: number;
* Array of font names used in the item.
fontNames: string[];
* The fully formatted address of the item (obtained from MapKit).
fullyFormattedAddress: string;
* Used to indicates whether the MIDI sequence contained in the file is setup for use with a General MIDI device.
generalMIDISequence: number;
* Genre of the item, for example, movie genre.
genre: string;
* Used to reference to the resource within a given context.
identifier: string;
* Information about the item.
information: string;
* Content type of the attribute set.
itemContentType: string;
* The musical key of the song/composition contained in an audio file.
keySignature: string;
* Represents keywords associated with this particular item. Example keywords might be Birthday etc.
keywords: string[];
* Kind that the item represents.
kind: string;
* Used to designate the languages of the intellectual content of the resource.
languages: string[];
* The date that the item was last used.
lastUsedDate: string;
* Whether or not the item is local. Set to `1` if true and `0` otherwise.
local: number;
* The lyricist/text writer for song/composition contained in the audio file.
lyricist: string;
* Media types present in the content.
mediaTypes: string[];
* The date that the last metadata attribute was changed.
metadataModificationDate: string;
* The musical genre of the song/composition contained in the audio file.
musicalGenre: string;
* Metadata attribute that stores the category of instrument.
musicalInstrumentCategory: string;
* Metadata attribute that stores the name of instrument.
musicalInstrumentName: string;
* Used to indicate company/Organization that created the document.
organizations: string[];
* Original format of the movie.
originalFormat: string;
* Original source of the movie.
originalSource: string;
* Number of pages in the item.
pageCount: number;
* Height in points (72 points per inch) of the document page.
pageHeight: number;
* Width in points (72 points per inch) of the document page.
pageWidth: number;
* The list of people who are visible in an image or movie or written about in a document.
participants: string[];
* The complete path to the item.
path: string;
* Performers in the movie.
performers: string[];
* User play count of this item.
playCount: number;
* The postal code for the item according to guidelines established by the provider.
postalCode: string;
* Producer of the content.
producer: string;
* The list of projects that this item is part of.
projects: string[];
* Used to designate the entity responsible for making the resource available.
publishers: string[];
* User rating of this item out of 5 stars.
rating: number;
* A description of the rating, for example, the number of reviewers.
ratingDescription: string;
* The recording date of the song/composition.
recordingDate: string;
* For activities this is the unique identifier for the item this activity is related to.
relatedUniqueIdentifier: string;
* Used to provide a link to information about rights held in and over resource.
rights: string[];
* Used to indicate the role of the document creator.
role: string;
* Security (encryption) method used in the file.
securityMethod: string;
* Whether the content is prepared for streaming. Set to `0` for not streamable and `1` for streamable.
streamable: number;
* The sub-location (e.g., street number) for the item according to guidelines established by the provider.
subThoroughfare: string;
* Subject of the the item.
subject: string;
* Used to determine if navigation is supported.
supportsNavigation: number;
* Used to indicate that using the phone number is appropriate.
supportsPhoneCall: number;
* The tempo of the music contained in the audio file in Beats Per Minute.
tempo: number;
* Theme of the the item.
theme: string;
* The location (e.g., street name) for the item according to guidelines established by the provider.
thoroughfare: string;
* Image data for thumbnail for this item.
thumbnailData: string | Titanium.Blob;
* File URL pointing to a thumbnail image for this item.
thumbnailURL: string;
* The time signature of the musical composition contained in the audio/MIDI file.
timeSignature: string;
* The title of the particular item.
title: string;
* The total bit rate (audio and video combined) of the media.
totalBitRate: number;
* URL of the item.
url: string;
* A version specifier for this item.
version: string;
* The video bit rate.
videoBitRate: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.addedDate> property.
getAddedDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.album> property.
getAlbum: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.alternateNames> property.
getAlternateNames: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.artist> property.
getArtist: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audiences> property.
getAudiences: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioBitRate> property.
getAudioBitRate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioChannelCount> property.
getAudioChannelCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioEncodingApplication> property.
getAudioEncodingApplication: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioSampleRate> property.
getAudioSampleRate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioTrackNumber> property.
getAudioTrackNumber: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.codecs> property.
getCodecs: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.comment> property.
getComment: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.composer> property.
getComposer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contactKeywords> property.
getContactKeywords: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerDisplayName> property.
getContainerDisplayName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerIdentifier> property.
getContainerIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerOrder> property.
getContainerOrder: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerTitle> property.
getContainerTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentCreationDate> property.
getContentCreationDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentDescription> property.
getContentDescription: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentModificationDate> property.
getContentModificationDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentRating> property.
getContentRating: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentSources> property.
getContentSources: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentType> property.
getContentType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentTypeTree> property.
getContentTypeTree: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentURL> property.
getContentURL: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contributors> property.
getContributors: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.copyright> property.
getCopyright: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.coverage> property.
getCoverage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.creator> property.
getCreator: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.deliveryType> property.
getDeliveryType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.director> property.
getDirector: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.displayName> property.
getDisplayName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.downloadedDate> property.
getDownloadedDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.duration> property.
getDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.editors> property.
getEditors: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.encodingApplications> property.
getEncodingApplications: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fileSize> property.
getFileSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fontNames> property.
getFontNames: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fullyFormattedAddress> property.
getFullyFormattedAddress: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.generalMIDISequence> property.
getGeneralMIDISequence: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.genre> property.
getGenre: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.identifier> property.
getIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.information> property.
getInformation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.keySignature> property.
getKeySignature: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.keywords> property.
getKeywords: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.kind> property.
getKind: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.languages> property.
getLanguages: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.lastUsedDate> property.
getLastUsedDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.local> property.
getLocal: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.lyricist> property.
getLyricist: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.mediaTypes> property.
getMediaTypes: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.metadataModificationDate> property.
getMetadataModificationDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalGenre> property.
getMusicalGenre: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalInstrumentCategory> property.
getMusicalInstrumentCategory: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalInstrumentName> property.
getMusicalInstrumentName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.organizations> property.
getOrganizations: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.originalFormat> property.
getOriginalFormat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.originalSource> property.
getOriginalSource: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageCount> property.
getPageCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageHeight> property.
getPageHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageWidth> property.
getPageWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.participants> property.
getParticipants: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.path> property.
getPath: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.performers> property.
getPerformers: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.playCount> property.
getPlayCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.postalCode> property.
getPostalCode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.producer> property.
getProducer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.projects> property.
getProjects: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.publishers> property.
getPublishers: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.rating> property.
getRating: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.ratingDescription> property.
getRatingDescription: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.recordingDate> property.
getRecordingDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.relatedUniqueIdentifier> property.
getRelatedUniqueIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.rights> property.
getRights: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.role> property.
getRole: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.securityMethod> property.
getSecurityMethod: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.streamable> property.
getStreamable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.subThoroughfare> property.
getSubThoroughfare: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.subject> property.
getSubject: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.supportsNavigation> property.
getSupportsNavigation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.supportsPhoneCall> property.
getSupportsPhoneCall: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.tempo> property.
getTempo: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.theme> property.
getTheme: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thoroughfare> property.
getThoroughfare: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thumbnailData> property.
getThumbnailData: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thumbnailURL> property.
getThumbnailURL: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.timeSignature> property.
getTimeSignature: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.totalBitRate> property.
getTotalBitRate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.version> property.
getVersion: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.videoBitRate> property.
getVideoBitRate: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.addedDate> property.
setAddedDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.album> property.
setAlbum: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.alternateNames> property.
setAlternateNames: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.artist> property.
setArtist: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audiences> property.
setAudiences: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioBitRate> property.
setAudioBitRate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioChannelCount> property.
setAudioChannelCount: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioEncodingApplication> property.
setAudioEncodingApplication: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioSampleRate> property.
setAudioSampleRate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.audioTrackNumber> property.
setAudioTrackNumber: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.codecs> property.
setCodecs: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.comment> property.
setComment: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.composer> property.
setComposer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contactKeywords> property.
setContactKeywords: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerDisplayName> property.
setContainerDisplayName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerIdentifier> property.
setContainerIdentifier: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerOrder> property.
setContainerOrder: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.containerTitle> property.
setContainerTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentCreationDate> property.
setContentCreationDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentDescription> property.
setContentDescription: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentModificationDate> property.
setContentModificationDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentRating> property.
setContentRating: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentSources> property.
setContentSources: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentType> property.
setContentType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentTypeTree> property.
setContentTypeTree: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contentURL> property.
setContentURL: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.contributors> property.
setContributors: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.copyright> property.
setCopyright: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.coverage> property.
setCoverage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.creator> property.
setCreator: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.deliveryType> property.
setDeliveryType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.director> property.
setDirector: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.displayName> property.
setDisplayName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.downloadedDate> property.
setDownloadedDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.duration> property.
setDuration: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.editors> property.
setEditors: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.encodingApplications> property.
setEncodingApplications: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fileSize> property.
setFileSize: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fontNames> property.
setFontNames: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.fullyFormattedAddress> property.
setFullyFormattedAddress: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.generalMIDISequence> property.
setGeneralMIDISequence: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.genre> property.
setGenre: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.identifier> property.
setIdentifier: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.information> property.
setInformation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.keySignature> property.
setKeySignature: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.keywords> property.
setKeywords: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.kind> property.
setKind: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.languages> property.
setLanguages: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.lastUsedDate> property.
setLastUsedDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.local> property.
setLocal: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.lyricist> property.
setLyricist: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.mediaTypes> property.
setMediaTypes: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.metadataModificationDate> property.
setMetadataModificationDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalGenre> property.
setMusicalGenre: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalInstrumentCategory> property.
setMusicalInstrumentCategory: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.musicalInstrumentName> property.
setMusicalInstrumentName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.organizations> property.
setOrganizations: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.originalFormat> property.
setOriginalFormat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.originalSource> property.
setOriginalSource: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageCount> property.
setPageCount: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageHeight> property.
setPageHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.pageWidth> property.
setPageWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.participants> property.
setParticipants: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.path> property.
setPath: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.performers> property.
setPerformers: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.playCount> property.
setPlayCount: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.postalCode> property.
setPostalCode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.producer> property.
setProducer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.projects> property.
setProjects: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.publishers> property.
setPublishers: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.rating> property.
setRating: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.ratingDescription> property.
setRatingDescription: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.recordingDate> property.
setRecordingDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.relatedUniqueIdentifier> property.
setRelatedUniqueIdentifier: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.rights> property.
setRights: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.role> property.
setRole: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.securityMethod> property.
setSecurityMethod: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.streamable> property.
setStreamable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.subThoroughfare> property.
setSubThoroughfare: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.subject> property.
setSubject: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.supportsNavigation> property.
setSupportsNavigation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.supportsPhoneCall> property.
setSupportsPhoneCall: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.tempo> property.
setTempo: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.theme> property.
setTheme: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thoroughfare> property.
setThoroughfare: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thumbnailData> property.
setThumbnailData: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.thumbnailURL> property.
setThumbnailURL: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.timeSignature> property.
setTimeSignature: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.title> property.
setTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.totalBitRate> property.
setTotalBitRate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.version> property.
setVersion: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet.videoBitRate> property.
setVideoBitRate: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity
interface UserActivityBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity;
* Fired if the activity context needs to be saved before being continued on another device.
* To fire the event, set the UserActiviy object's `needsSave ` property to `true`.
* The receiver should update the activity with current activity state.
* After the event is fired, iOS will reset the `needsSave` property to false.
interface UserActivity_useractivitywillsave_Event extends UserActivityBaseEvent {
* The activityType of the User Activity triggering the event.
activityType: string;
* The title of the User Activity if defined.
title: string;
* Dictionary object containing the userInfo data of the User Activity.
userInfo: any;
* The webpageURL of the User Activity if defined.
webpageURL: string;
* Fired when the user activity was continued on another device.
interface UserActivity_useractivitywascontinued_Event extends UserActivityBaseEvent {
* The activityType of the User Activity triggering the event.
activityType: string;
* The title of the User Activity if defined.
title: string;
* Dictionary object containing the userInfo data of the User Activity.
userInfo: any;
* The webpageURL of the User Activity if defined.
webpageURL: string;
* Fired when the user activity get deleted using the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.deleteAllSavedUserActivities> or
* <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.deleteSavedUserActivitiesForPersistentIdentifiers> methods.
interface UserActivity_useractivitydeleted_Event extends UserActivityBaseEvent {
interface UserActivityEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
useractivitydeleted: UserActivity_useractivitydeleted_Event;
useractivitywascontinued: UserActivity_useractivitywascontinued_Event;
useractivitywillsave: UserActivity_useractivitywillsave_Event;
* The UserActivity module is used to enable device Handoff and to create User Activities.
class UserActivity extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Name of the activity type.
activityType: string;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Set to true if this user activity should be eligible to be handed off to another device
eligibleForHandoff: boolean;
* A Boolean value that determines whether Siri can suggest the user activity as a shortcut to the user.
eligibleForPrediction: boolean;
* Set to `true` if the user activity can be publicly accessed by all iOS users.
eligibleForPublicIndexing: boolean;
* Set to true if the user activity should be added to the on-device index.
eligibleForSearch: boolean;
* Absolute date after which the activity is no longer eligible to be indexed or handed off.
expirationDate: string;
* An array of string keywords representing words or phrases that might help the user to find the activity in the application history.
keywords: string[];
* Set to true everytime you have updated the user activity and need the changes to be saved before handing it off to another device.
needsSave: boolean;
* A value used to identify the user activity.
persistentIdentifier: string;
* An array of String keys from the userInfo property which represent the minimal information about the user activity that should be stored for later restoration.
requiredUserInfoKeys: string[];
* Determines if user activities are supported (`true`) or not (`false`) by the device.
supported: boolean;
* An optional, user-visible title for this activity such as a document name or web page title.
title: string;
* The userInfo dictionary contains application-specific state needed to continue an activity on another device.
userInfo: any;
* When no suitable application is installed on a resuming device and the `webpageURL` property is set,
* the user activity will instead be continued in a web browser by loading the specified URL.
webpageURL: string;
* Adds a Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet to the user activity.
addContentAttributeSet(contentAttributeSet: Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof UserActivityEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity, event: UserActivityEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Marks the activity as currently in use by the user.
becomeCurrent(): void;
* Deletes all user activities created by your app.
deleteAllSavedUserActivities(): void;
* Deletes user activities created by your app that have the specified persistent identifiers.
deleteSavedUserActivitiesForPersistentIdentifiers(persistentIdentifiers: ReadonlyArray<string>): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof UserActivityEventMap>(name: K, event?: UserActivityEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.activityType> property.
getActivityType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForHandoff> property.
getEligibleForHandoff: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForPrediction> property.
getEligibleForPrediction: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForPublicIndexing> property.
getEligibleForPublicIndexing: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForSearch> property.
getEligibleForSearch: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.expirationDate> property.
getExpirationDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.keywords> property.
getKeywords: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.needsSave> property.
getNeedsSave: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.persistentIdentifier> property.
getPersistentIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.requiredUserInfoKeys> property.
getRequiredUserInfoKeys: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.supported> property.
getSupported: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.userInfo> property.
getUserInfo: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.webpageURL> property.
getWebpageURL: never;
* Invalidates an activity when it is no longer eligible for continuation.
invalidate(): void;
* Determines if user activities are supported (`true`) or not (`false`) by the device.
isSupported(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof UserActivityEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity, event: UserActivityEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Marks the activity as currently **not** in use and ineligible to be continued.
resignCurrent(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.activityType> property.
setActivityType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForHandoff> property.
setEligibleForHandoff: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForPrediction> property.
setEligibleForPrediction: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForPublicIndexing> property.
setEligibleForPublicIndexing: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.eligibleForSearch> property.
setEligibleForSearch: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.expirationDate> property.
setExpirationDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.keywords> property.
setKeywords: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.needsSave> property.
setNeedsSave: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.persistentIdentifier> property.
setPersistentIdentifier: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.requiredUserInfoKeys> property.
setRequiredUserInfoKeys: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.supported> property.
setSupported: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.title> property.
setTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.userInfo> property.
setUserInfo: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity.webpageURL> property.
setWebpageURL: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults
interface UserDefaultsBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults;
* Fired when a property is changed.
interface UserDefaults_change_Event extends UserDefaultsBaseEvent {
interface UserDefaultsEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
change: UserDefaults_change_Event;
* The UserDefaults module is used for storing application-related data in property/value pairs
* that persist beyond application sessions and device power cycles. UserDefaults allows the suiteName
* of the UserDefaults to be specified at creation time.
interface UserDefaults extends Titanium.App.Properties {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Sets the name of the suite to be used to access UserDefaults.
suiteName: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof UserDefaultsEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults, event: UserDefaultsEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof UserDefaultsEventMap>(name: K, event?: UserDefaultsEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Returns the value of a property as a boolean data type.
getBool(property: string, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Returns the value of a property as a double (double-precision, floating point) data type.
getDouble(property: string, defaultValue?: number): number;
* Returns the value of a property as an integer data type.
getInt(property: string, defaultValue?: number): number;
* Returns the value of a property as an array data type.
getList(property: string, defaultValue?: ReadonlyArray<any>): any[];
* Returns the value of a property as an object.
getObject(property: string, defaultValue?: any): any;
* Returns the value of a property as a string data type.
getString(property: string, defaultValue?: string): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.suiteName> property.
getSuiteName: never;
* Indicates whether a property exists.
hasProperty(property: string): boolean;
* Returns an array of property names.
listProperties(): any[];
* Removes all properties that have been set by the user on runtime, or does nothing otherwise.
removeAllProperties(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof UserDefaultsEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults, event: UserDefaultsEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Removes a property if it exists, or does nothing otherwise.
removeProperty(property: string): void;
* Sets the value of a property as a boolean data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
setBool(property: string, value: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of a property as a double (double-precision, floating point) data type. The
* property will be created if it does not exist.
setDouble(property: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the value of a property as an integer data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
setInt(property: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the value of a property as an array data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
setList(property: string, value: ReadonlyArray<any>): void;
* Sets the value of a property as an object data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
setObject(property: string, value: any): void;
* Sets the value of a property as a string data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
setString(property: string, value: string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.suiteName> property.
setSuiteName: never;
* An action the user selects in response to an interactive notification.
class UserNotificationAction extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Selects how to activate the application.
activationMode: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Set to true if the action requires the device to be unlocked. On the Apple Watch actions never require authentication.
authenticationRequired: boolean;
* Custom behavior the user notification supports.
behavior: number;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: never;
* Set to true if the action causes destructive behavior to the user's data or the application.
destructive: boolean;
* Identifier for this action. Used to identify the action the user pressed.
identifier: string;
* Title of the button displayed in the notification.
title: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.activationMode> property.
getActivationMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.behavior> property.
getBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.activationMode> property.
setActivationMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.behavior> property.
setBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* A set of notification actions to associate with a notification.
class UserNotificationCategory extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Array of notification actions to associate with the group.
actionsForDefaultContext: Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction[];
* Array of notification actions to display for non-dialog-style notification.
actionsForMinimalContext: Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction[];
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: never;
* A format string for the summary description used when the system groups the category's notifications.
categorySummaryFormat: string;
* The placeholder text to display when notification previews are disabled for the app.
hiddenPreviewsBodyPlaceholder: string;
* Identifier for this category.
identifier: string;
* The intents related to notifications of this category.
intentIdentifiers: string[];
* Options for how to handle notifications of this type.
options: number[];
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* The top-level App iOS Notification Center module. It is used to control scheduled notifications
* and receive details about the system-wide notification settings.
class UserNotificationCenter extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCenter.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCenter.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Fetches the delivered notifications asynchronously.
static getDeliveredNotifications(callback: (param0: UserNotificationCallbackResponse) => void): void;
* Fetches the pending notifications asynchronously.
static getPendingNotifications(callback: (param0: UserNotificationCallbackResponse) => void): void;
* Removes the specified delivered notifications from the notification-center.
* If no notifications are specified, all delivered notifications will be removed.
static removeDeliveredNotifications(notifications: ReadonlyArray<UserNotificationDictionary>): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener: never;
* Removes the specified pending notifications to prevent them from being triggered.
* If no notifications are specified, all pending notifications will be removed.
static removePendingNotifications(notifications: ReadonlyArray<UserNotificationDictionary>): void;
* Notification types and user notification categories the application is registered to use.
static requestUserNotificationSettings(callback: (param0: GetUserNotificationSettings) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCenter.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.Android
interface AndroidBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.Android;
* Fired when a <Titanium.UI.ShortcutItem> is clicked.
interface Android_shortcutitemclick_Event extends AndroidBaseEvent {
* Identifier of the clicked shortcut item.
id: string;
interface AndroidEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
shortcutitemclick: Android_shortcutitemclick_Event;
* A module used to access Android application resources.
class Android extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* The version number of the application.
static readonly appVersionCode: number;
* The version name of the application.
static readonly appVersionName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Return the intent that was used to launch the application.
static readonly launchIntent: Titanium.Android.Intent;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof AndroidEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.Android, event: AndroidEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof AndroidEventMap>(name: K, event?: AndroidEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.appVersionCode> property.
static getAppVersionCode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.appVersionName> property.
static getAppVersionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.launchIntent> property.
static getLaunchIntent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener<K extends keyof AndroidEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.Android, event: AndroidEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.Properties
interface PropertiesBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.Properties;
* Fired when a property is changed.
interface Properties_change_Event extends PropertiesBaseEvent {
interface PropertiesEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
change: Properties_change_Event;
* The App Properties module is used for storing application-related data in property/value pairs
* that persist beyond application sessions and device power cycles.
class Properties extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof PropertiesEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.Properties, event: PropertiesEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof PropertiesEventMap>(name: K, event?: PropertiesEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Properties.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Returns the value of a property as a boolean data type.
static getBool(property: string, defaultValue?: boolean): boolean;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Properties.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Returns the value of a property as a double (double-precision, floating point) data type.
static getDouble(property: string, defaultValue?: number): number;
* Returns the value of a property as an integer data type.
static getInt(property: string, defaultValue?: number): number;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Properties.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Returns the value of a property as an array data type.
static getList(property: string, defaultValue?: ReadonlyArray<any>): any[];
* Returns the value of a property as an object.
static getObject(property: string, defaultValue?: any): any;
* Returns the value of a property as a string data type.
static getString(property: string, defaultValue?: string): string;
* Indicates whether a property exists.
static hasProperty(property: string): boolean;
* Returns an array of property names.
static listProperties(): any[];
* Removes all properties that have been set by the user on runtime, or does nothing otherwise.
static removeAllProperties(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener<K extends keyof PropertiesEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.Properties, event: PropertiesEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Removes a property if it exists, or does nothing otherwise.
static removeProperty(property: string): void;
* Sets the value of a property as a boolean data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
static setBool(property: string, value: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Properties.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of a property as a double (double-precision, floating point) data type. The
* property will be created if it does not exist.
static setDouble(property: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the value of a property as an integer data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
static setInt(property: string, value: number): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Properties.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of a property as an array data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
static setList(property: string, value: ReadonlyArray<any>): void;
* Sets the value of a property as an object data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
static setObject(property: string, value: any): void;
* Sets the value of a property as a string data type. The property will be created if it
* does not exist.
static setString(property: string, value: string): void;
* Windows specific app capabilities.
* All properties, methods and events in this namespace will only work on Windows devices.
class Windows extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* End background execution.
static closeExtendedExecution(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Postpone app suspension with background execution.
static requestExtendedExecution(options?: ExtendedExecutionOptionsType): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.Windows.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.App.iOS
interface iOSBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.App.iOS;
* Fired when a local notification is received by the application.
interface iOS_notification_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Alert button text ('View', by default) or slider text ('slide to unlock...', by default).
alertAction: string;
* Alert message.
alertBody: string;
* Image displayed instead of `Default.png` when launching the application.
alertLaunchImage: string;
* Application badge value.
badge: number;
* The identifier of the app-defined [category object](Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory). Available in Titanium SDK 7.5.0+ and iOS 10+.
category: string;
* Date and time when the notification was configured to fire.
date: Date;
* Boolean indicating if notification was received while app was in background. Available in Titanium SDK 6.2.0.
* On iOS 10+ this is no longer available since this event will only fire if the app is in foreground.
inBackground: boolean;
* Name of the sound file configured to play when the notification was fired.
sound: string;
* The unique identifier for the thread or conversation related to this notification request.
* It will be used to visually group notifications together. Available in Titanium SDK 7.5.0+ and iOS 10+.
threadIdentifier: string;
* Timezone of the date when the notification was configured to fire. Available in Titanium SDK 7.4.0+.
timezone: string;
* Custom data object.
userInfo: any;
* Fired when a user selects an action for an interactive local notification.
interface iOS_localnotificationaction_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Alert button text ('Open', by default) or slider text ('slide to unlock...', by default).
alertAction: string;
* Alert message.
alertBody: string;
* Image displayed instead of `Default.png` when launching the application.
alertLaunchImage: string;
* Application badge value.
badge: number;
* The identifier of the app-defined [category object](Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory). Available in Titanium SDK 7.5.0+ and iOS 10+.
category: string;
* Date and time when the notification was configured to fire.
date: Date;
* Identifier of the action that was selected of the interactive notification.
identifier: string;
* Boolean indicating if notification was received while app was in background (since Titanium SDK 6.2.0).
* On iOS 10+ this is no longer available since the event will only fire when opening the app after interacting
* with a notification from the iOS notification center (which means the app was in background when the
* notification was received).
inBackground: boolean;
* Path to the sound file configured to play when the notification was fired.
sound: string;
* The unique identifier for the thread or conversation related to this notification request.
* It will be used to visually group notifications together. Available in Titanium SDK 7.5.0+ and iOS 10+.
threadIdentifier: string;
* Timezone of the date when the notification was configured to fire.
timezone: string;
* User input if the notification used the `USER_NOTIFICATION_BEHAVIOR_TEXTINPUT` behavior.
typedText: string;
* Custom data object.
userInfo: any;
* Fired when a user selects an action for an interactive remote notification.
interface iOS_remotenotificationaction_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Identifier of the category of the interactive notification.
category: string;
* The payload passed to the Apple Push Notification Service.
data: any;
* Identifier of the action that was selected of the interactive notification.
identifier: string;
* Fired when the application is woken up for a fetch operation. Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_backgroundfetch_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Unique string identifier for the `backgroundfetch` event. This identifier should be passed as the argument
* to the [endBackgroundHandler](Titanium.App.iOS.endBackgroundHandler) method.
handlerId: string;
* Fired when the application is woken up by a silent remote notification. Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_silentpush_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Unique string identifier for the `silentpush` event. This identifier should be passed as the argument
* to the [endBackgroundHandler](Titanium.App.iOS.endBackgroundHandler) method.
handlerId: string;
* Fired when the events related to a [urlSession](Modules.URLSession) are waiting to be processed.
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_backgroundtransfer_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Unique string identifier for the `backgroundtransfer` event. This identifier should be passed as the argument
* to the [endBackgroundHandler](Titanium.App.iOS.endBackgroundHandler) method.
handlerId: string;
* The identifier of the URL session requiring attention. If your app was just launched,
* you can use this identifier to create a new `urlSession` object that can receive the events.
sessionId: string;
* Fired periodically to inform the app about the download's progress of a [urlSession](Modules.URLSession).
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_downloadprogress_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The number of bytes transferred since the last time this event was fired.
bytesWritten: number;
* The `urlSession` session identifier. If it does not exist, this property is not provided.
* This property is available since Titanium Mobile 5.4.0.GA.
sessionIdentifier: string;
* The `urlSession` download task's identifier.
taskIdentifier: number;
* The expected length of the file, as provided by the Content-Length header. If this
* header was not provided, the value is zero.
totalBytesExpectedToWrite: number;
* The total number of bytes transferred so far.
totalBytesWritten: number;
* Fired periodically to inform the app about the upload's progress of a [urlSession](Modules.URLSession).
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_uploadprogress_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The number of bytes transferred since the last time this event was fired.
bytesSent: number;
* The `urlSession` session identifier. If it does not exist, this property is not provided.
* This property is available since Titanium Mobile 5.4.0.GA.
sessionIdentifier: string;
* The `urlSession` upload task's identifier.
taskIdentifier: number;
* The expected length of the file, as provided by the Content-Length header. If this
* header was not provided, the value is zero.
totalBytesExpectedToSend: number;
* The total number of bytes transferred so far.
totalBytesSent: number;
* Fired to indicate that a [urlSession's](Modules.URLSession) download task has finished downloading.
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_downloadcompleted_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The downloaded data as a Titanium.Blob object.
data: Titanium.Blob;
* The `urlSession` session identifier. If it does not exist, this property is not provided.
* This property is available since Titanium Mobile 5.4.0.GA.
sessionIdentifier: string;
* The `urlSession` download task's identifier.
taskIdentifier: number;
* Fired to indicate that a [urlSession](Modules.URLSession) task finished transferring data.
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_sessioncompleted_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The error code of the error, if any (potentially system-dependent).
errorCode: number;
* A string containing the localized description of the error.
message: string;
* The response text for upload tasks (since SDK 7.2.0).
responseText: string;
* The `urlSession` session identifier. If it does not exist, this property is not provided.
* This property is available since Titanium Mobile 5.4.0.GA.
sessionIdentifier: string;
* The response status code for upload tasks (since SDK 7.2.0).
statusCode: number;
* Indicates if the operation succeeded. Returns true if download succeeded, false otherwise.
success: boolean;
* The `urlSession` download task's identifier.
taskIdentifier: number;
* Fired to indicate that all messages enqueued for a [urlSession](Modules.URLSession) have been delivered.
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
interface iOS_sessioneventscompleted_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The `urlSession` session identifier. If it does not exist, this property is not provided.
* This property is available since Titanium Mobile 5.4.0.GA.
sessionIdentifier: string;
* Fired when the user notification settings are registered.
interface iOS_usernotificationsettings_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Set of categories of user notification actions the application is registered to use.
categories: Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory[];
* Notification types the application is registered to use.
types: number[];
* Fired when openParentApplication:reply is called from a WatchKit extension. Available only on iOS 8.2 and later.
interface iOS_watchkitextensionrequest_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Unique string identifier for the `watchkitextensionrequest` event. This identifier should be passed an argument
* to the [sendWatchExtensionReply](Titanium.App.iOS.sendWatchExtensionReply) method.
handlerId: string;
* The payload passed to the `openParentApplication:reply` method from the WatchKit extension.
userInfo: any;
* Fired when iOS continueactivity calls `continueUserActivity`.
interface iOS_continueactivity_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* Unique string identifier for the handoff user activity. The identifier must be defined in your `tiapp.xml` file.
activityType: string;
* With field will contain the searchable Unique Identifier if the continueactivity is fired from a Core Spotlight searh result.
searchableItemActivityIdentifier: string;
* The optional title provided to the user activity or search item.
title: string;
* The optional userInfo provided to the user activity. The userInfo is a custom dictionary and can contain any information needed
* to create your handoff or Core Spotlight session.
userInfo: any;
* The optional webpageURL provided to the user activity.
webpageURL: string;
* Fired when a user taps the Application Shortcut.
interface iOS_shortcutitemclick_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The unique identifier for the application shortcut.
itemtype: string;
* The subtitle of the application shortcut.
subtitle: string;
* The title of the application shortcut.
title: string;
* The payload passed by the application shortcut.
userInfo: any;
* Fired when a new URL is handled by the application.
interface iOS_handleurl_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
* The launch options that are related to opening the URL.
launchOptions: LaunchOptionsType;
* Fired when the trait collection of the device changes, e.g. the user interface style.
interface iOS_traitcollectionchange_Event extends iOSBaseEvent {
interface iOSEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
backgroundfetch: iOS_backgroundfetch_Event;
backgroundtransfer: iOS_backgroundtransfer_Event;
continueactivity: iOS_continueactivity_Event;
downloadcompleted: iOS_downloadcompleted_Event;
downloadprogress: iOS_downloadprogress_Event;
handleurl: iOS_handleurl_Event;
localnotificationaction: iOS_localnotificationaction_Event;
notification: iOS_notification_Event;
remotenotificationaction: iOS_remotenotificationaction_Event;
sessioncompleted: iOS_sessioncompleted_Event;
sessioneventscompleted: iOS_sessioneventscompleted_Event;
shortcutitemclick: iOS_shortcutitemclick_Event;
silentpush: iOS_silentpush_Event;
traitcollectionchange: iOS_traitcollectionchange_Event;
uploadprogress: iOS_uploadprogress_Event;
usernotificationsettings: iOS_usernotificationsettings_Event;
watchkitextensionrequest: iOS_watchkitextensionrequest_Event;
* The top-level App iOS module, available only to iOS devices, that includes the facilities to
* create and manage local notifications and background services.
class iOS extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Returns a URL to open the app's settings.
static readonly applicationOpenSettingsURL: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Notification types and user notification categories the application is registered to use.
static readonly currentUserNotificationSettings: UserNotificationSettings;
* Provides an Array of the NSUserActivityTypes keys defined within your Titanium project.
static readonly supportedUserActivityTypes: string[];
* The style associated with the user interface.
static readonly userInterfaceStyle: string[];
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof iOSEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS, event: iOSEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Cancels all scheduled local notifications.
static cancelAllLocalNotifications(): void;
* Cancels a local notification.
static cancelLocalNotification(id: number | string): void;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery>.
static createSearchQuery(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery>): Titanium.App.iOS.SearchQuery;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex>.
static createSearchableIndex(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex>): Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableIndex;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem>.
static createSearchableItem(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem>): Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItem;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet>.
static createSearchableItemAttributeSet(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet>): Titanium.App.iOS.SearchableItemAttributeSet;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity>.
static createUserActivity(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity>): Titanium.App.iOS.UserActivity;
* Creates and returns an instance of Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults.
static createUserDefaults(parameters: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults>): Titanium.App.iOS.UserDefaults;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction>.
static createUserNotificationAction(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction>): Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationAction;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory>.
static createUserNotificationCategory(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory>): Titanium.App.iOS.UserNotificationCategory;
* Marks the end of the app execution after initiating the download operation. Available only on iOS 7 and later.
static endBackgroundHandler(handlerID: string): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof iOSEventMap>(name: K, event?: iOSEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.applicationOpenSettingsURL> property.
static getApplicationOpenSettingsURL: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.currentUserNotificationSettings> property.
static getCurrentUserNotificationSettings: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.supportedUserActivityTypes> property.
static getSupportedUserActivityTypes: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.userInterfaceStyle> property.
static getUserInterfaceStyle: never;
* Registers a service to run when the application is placed in the background.
static registerBackgroundService(params: any): Titanium.App.iOS.BackgroundService;
* Registers the application to use the requested notification types and categories.
static registerUserNotificationSettings(params: UserNotificationSettings): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener<K extends keyof iOSEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.App.iOS, event: iOSEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Schedule a local notification.
static scheduleLocalNotification(params: NotificationParams): Titanium.App.iOS.LocalNotification;
* Marks the end of an `openParentApplication:reply` execution by a WatchKit extension.
static sendWatchExtensionReply(handlerId: string, userInfo: any): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.App.iOS.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Specifies the minimum amount of time that must elapse between background fetch operations.
* Available only on iOS 7 and later.
static setMinimumBackgroundFetchInterval(fetchInterval: number): void;
* The Calendar module provides an API for accessing the native calendar functionality.
namespace Calendar {
* Attendee role is chair.
const ATTENDEE_ROLE_CHAIR: number;
* Attendee is not a participant.
* Attendee role is optional.
* Attendee role is required.
* Attendee role is unknown.
* Attendee status is accepted.
* Attendee status is declined.
* Attendee status is delegated.
* Attendee status is invited.
* Attendee status is in process.
* There is no Attendee status.
* Attendee status is pending.
* Attendee status is tentative.
* Attendee status is unknown.
* Attendee type is group.
const ATTENDEE_TYPE_GROUP: number;
* There is not attendee type.
const ATTENDEE_TYPE_NONE: number;
* Attendee type is person.
* Attendee type is required.
* Attendee type is resource.
* Attendee type is room.
const ATTENDEE_TYPE_ROOM: number;
* Attendee type is unknown.
* An [calendarAuthorization](Titanium.Calendar.calendarAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is authorized to use events in the Calendar.
* An [calendarAuthorization](Titanium.Calendar.calendarAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use events in the Calendar.
* An [calendarAuthorization](Titanium.Calendar.calendarAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use events in the Calendar.
* the user cannot change this application's status.
* An [calendarAuthorization](Titanium.Calendar.calendarAuthorization) value
* indicating that the authorization state is unknown.
* Event has a busy availability setting.
const AVAILABILITY_BUSY: number;
* Event has a free availability setting.
const AVAILABILITY_FREE: number;
* Availability settings are not supported by the event's calendar.
* Event has a tentative availability setting.
* Event has a tentative availability setting.
* Reminder alert delivery method.
const METHOD_ALERT: number;
* Reminder default delivery method.
const METHOD_DEFAULT: number;
* Reminder email delivery method.
const METHOD_EMAIL: number;
* Reminder SMS delivery method.
const METHOD_SMS: number;
* Indicates a daily recurrence rule for a events reccurance frequency.
* Indicates a monthly recurrence rule for a events reccurance frequency.
* Indicates a weekly recurrence rule for a events reccurance frequency.
* Indicates a yearly recurrence rule for a events reccurance frequency.
* Relationship is attendee.
* There is no relationship.
const RELATIONSHIP_NONE: number;
* Attendee is organizer.
* Attendee is performer.
* Attendee is speaker.
* Relationship is unknown.
* A birthday calendar source.
* A calDev calendar source.
const SOURCE_TYPE_CALDAV: number;
* A microsoft exchange calendar source.
* A local calendar source.
const SOURCE_TYPE_LOCAL: number;
* A mobileMe calendar source.
* A subscribed calendar source.
* A [save]([remove](Titanium.Calendar.Event.remove) event value,
* indicating modifications to this event instance should also affect future instances of this event.
const SPAN_FUTUREEVENTS: number;
* A [save]([remove](Titanium.Calendar.Event.remove) event value,
* indicating modifications to this event instance should affect only this instance.
const SPAN_THISEVENT: number;
* Alert dismissed state.
const STATE_DISMISSED: number;
* Alert fired state.
const STATE_FIRED: number;
* Alert scheduled status.
const STATE_SCHEDULED: number;
* Event canceled status.
const STATUS_CANCELED: number;
* Event canceled status.
const STATUS_CANCELLED: never;
* Event confirmed status.
const STATUS_CONFIRMED: number;
* Event has no status.
const STATUS_NONE: number;
* Event tentative status.
const STATUS_TENTATIVE: number;
* Event confidential visibility.
* Event default visibility.
* Event private visibility.
* Event public visibility.
const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: number;
* An object that represents a single alert for an event in an calendar.
class Alert extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The absolute date for the alarm.
absoluteDate: Date;
* Date/time at which this alert alarm is set to trigger.
readonly alarmTime: Date;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Start date/time for the corresponding event.
readonly begin: Date;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* End date/time for the corresponding event.
readonly end: Date;
* Identifier of the event for which this alert is set.
readonly eventId: number;
* Identifier of this alert.
readonly id: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Reminder notice period in minutes, that determines how long prior to the event this alert
* should trigger.
readonly minutes: number;
* The offset from the start of an event, at which the alarm fires.
relativeOffset: number;
* The current state of the alert.
readonly state: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.absoluteDate> property.
getAbsoluteDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.alarmTime> property.
getAlarmTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.begin> property.
getBegin: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.end> property.
getEnd: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.eventId> property.
getEventId: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.minutes> property.
getMinutes: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.relativeOffset> property.
getRelativeOffset: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.state> property.
getState: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.absoluteDate> property.
setAbsoluteDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Alert.relativeOffset> property.
setRelativeOffset: never;
* An object that represents a single attendee of an event.
class Attendee extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The attendee email.
readonly email: string;
* Indicates whether this attendee is the event organizer.
readonly isOrganizer: boolean;
* The attendee name.
readonly name: string;
* The role of the attendee.
readonly role: number;
* The status of the attendee.
readonly status: number;
* The type of the attendee.
readonly type: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getEmail: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.isOrganizer> property.
getIsOrganizer: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.role> property.
getRole: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.status> property.
getStatus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.type> property.
getType: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Attendee.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* An object that represents a single calendar.
class Calendar extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Indicates whether this calendar can be edited or deleted.
readonly hidden: boolean;
* Identifier of this calendar.
readonly id: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Display name of this calendar.
readonly name: string;
* Indicates whether the calendar is selected.
readonly selected: boolean;
* Displays the source identifier.
readonly sourceIdentifier: string;
* Displays the source title.
readonly sourceTitle: string;
* Displays the source type.
readonly sourceType: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates an event in this calendar.
createEvent(properties: Dictionary<Titanium.Calendar.Event>): Titanium.Calendar.Event;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the event with the specified identifier.
getEventById(id: string): Titanium.Calendar.Event;
* Gets events that occur between two dates.
getEventsBetweenDates(date1: Date | string, date2: Date | string): Titanium.Calendar.Event[];
* Gets events that occur on a specified date.
getEventsInDate(year: number, month: number, day: number): Titanium.Calendar.Event[];
* Gets events that occur during a specified month.
getEventsInMonth(year: number, month: number): Titanium.Calendar.Event[];
* Gets all events that occur during a specified year.
getEventsInYear(year: number): Titanium.Calendar.Event[];
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.hidden> property.
getHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.selected> property.
getSelected: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.sourceIdentifier> property.
getSourceIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.sourceTitle> property.
getSourceTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.sourceType> property.
getSourceType: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Calendar.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* An object that represents a single event in a calendar.
class Event extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Alarms associated with the calendar item, as an array of <Titanium.Calendar.Alert> objects.
alerts: Titanium.Calendar.Alert[];
* Indicates whether this event is all day.
allDay: boolean;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* The list of event attendees. This list will be empty if the event has no attendees.
readonly attendees: Titanium.Calendar.Attendee[];
* Availability of this event.
availability: number;
* Start date/time of this event.
begin: Date;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Description of this event.
readonly description: string;
* End date/time of this event.
end: Date;
* Extended properties of this event.
readonly extendedProperties: any;
* Indicates whether an alarm is scheduled for this event.
readonly hasAlarm: boolean;
* Identifier of this event.
readonly id: string;
* Boolean value that indicates whether an event is a detached instance of a
* repeating event.
readonly isDetached: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Location of this event.
location: string;
* Notes for this event.
notes: string;
* The recurrence rules for the calendar item.
recurrenceRules: Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule[];
* Existing reminders for this event.
readonly reminders: Titanium.Calendar.Reminder[];
* Status of this event.
readonly status: number;
* Title of this event.
title: string;
* Visibility of this event.
readonly visibility: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Adds a recurrence rule to the recurrence rule array.
addRecurrenceRule(rule: Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates an alert for this event.
createAlert(data: Dictionary<Titanium.Calendar.Alert>): Titanium.Calendar.Alert;
* Creates an recurrence pattern for a recurring event.
* All of the properties for the recurrence rule must be set during creation.
* The recurrence rule properties cannot be modified.
createRecurrenceRule(data: Dictionary<Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule>): Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule;
* Creates a reminder for this event.
createReminder(data: Dictionary<Titanium.Calendar.Reminder>): Titanium.Calendar.Reminder;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.alerts> property.
getAlerts: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.allDay> property.
getAllDay: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.attendees> property.
getAttendees: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.availability> property.
getAvailability: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.begin> property.
getBegin: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.description> property.
getDescription: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.end> property.
getEnd: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.extendedProperties> property.
getExtendedProperties: never;
* Gets the value of the specified extended property.
getExtendedProperty(name: string): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.hasAlarm> property.
getHasAlarm: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.isDetached> property.
getIsDetached: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.location> property.
getLocation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.notes> property.
getNotes: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.recurrenceRules> property.
getRecurrenceRules: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.reminders> property.
getReminders: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.status> property.
getStatus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.visibility> property.
getVisibility: never;
* Updates the event's data with the current information in the Calendar database.
refresh(): boolean;
* Removes an event from the event store.
remove(span: number): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Removes a recurrence rule to the recurrence rule array.
removeRecurrenceRule(rule: Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule): void;
* Saves changes to an event permanently.
save(span: number): boolean;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.alerts> property.
setAlerts: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.allDay> property.
setAllDay: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.availability> property.
setAvailability: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.begin> property.
setBegin: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.end> property.
setEnd: never;
* Sets the value of the specified extended property.
setExtendedProperty(name: string, value: string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.location> property.
setLocation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.notes> property.
setNotes: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.recurrenceRules> property.
setRecurrenceRules: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Event.title> property.
setTitle: never;
* An object that is used to describe the recurrence pattern for a recurring event.
class RecurrenceRule extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Identifier for the recurrence rule's calendar.
readonly calendarID: string;
* The days of the month that the event occurs, as an array of number objects.
* Values can be from 1 to 31 and from -1 to -31. This parameter is only valid for
* recurrence rules of type
readonly daysOfTheMonth: number[];
* The days of the week that the event occurs, as an array of objects `daysOfWeek` and `Week`.
readonly daysOfTheWeek: daysOfTheWeekDictionary[];
* The days of the year that the event occurs, as an array of number objects.
* Values can be from 1 to 366 and from -1 to -366. This parameter is only valid for
readonly daysOfTheYear: number[];
* End of a recurrence rule.
readonly end: recurrenceEndDictionary;
* Frequency of the recurrence rule.
readonly frequency: number;
* The interval between instances of this recurrence. For example, a weekly
* recurrence rule with an interval of 2 occurs every other week. Must be greater than 0.
readonly interval: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The months of the year that the event occurs, as an array of Number objects.
* Values can be from 1 to 12. This parameter is only valid for recurrence rules of
readonly monthsOfTheYear: number[];
* An array of ordinal numbers that filters which recurrences to include in the
* recurrence rule's frequency. For example, a yearly recurrence rule that has a
* [daysOfTheWeek](Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.daysOfTheWeek) value that specifies
* Monday through Friday, and a `setPositions` array containing 2 and -1, occurs only
* on the second weekday and last weekday of every year.
readonly setPositions: number[];
* The weeks of the year that the event occurs, as an array of number objects.
* Values can be from 1 to 53 and from -1 to -53. This parameter is only valid for
readonly weeksOfTheYear: number[];
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.calendarID> property.
getCalendarID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.daysOfTheMonth> property.
getDaysOfTheMonth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.daysOfTheWeek> property.
getDaysOfTheWeek: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.daysOfTheYear> property.
getDaysOfTheYear: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.end> property.
getEnd: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.frequency> property.
getFrequency: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.interval> property.
getInterval: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.monthsOfTheYear> property.
getMonthsOfTheYear: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.setPositions> property.
getSetPositions: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.weeksOfTheYear> property.
getWeeksOfTheYear: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.RecurrenceRule.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* An object that represents a single reminder for an event in a calendar.
class Reminder extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Identifier of this reminder.
readonly id: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Method by which this reminder will be delivered.
readonly method: number;
* Reminder notice period in minutes, that determines how long prior to the event this reminder
* should trigger.
readonly minutes: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.method> property.
getMethod: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.minutes> property.
getMinutes: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Calendar.Reminder.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The top-level Contacts module, used for accessing and modifying the system contacts address book.
namespace Contacts {
* A [contactsAuthorization](Titanium.Contacts.contactsAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is authorized to use the address book.
* A [contactsAuthorization](Titanium.Contacts.contactsAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use the address book.
* A [contactsAuthorization](Titanium.Contacts.contactsAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use the address book *and*
* the user cannot change this application's status.
* A [contactsAuthorization](Titanium.Contacts.contactsAuthorization) value
* indicating that the authorization state is unknown.
* Specifies that a contact is an organization.
* Specifies that a contact is a person.
* Specifies that group members will be sorted by first name.
* Specifies that group members will be sorted by last name.
* An object which represents a group in the system contacts address book.
class Group extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Identifier of the group.
readonly identifier: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Name of this group.
name: string;
* Record identifier of the group. Single value. Deprecated for iOS 9 and later.
recordId: number;
* Adds a person to this group.
add(person: Titanium.Contacts.Person): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.identifier> property.
getIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.recordId> property.
getRecordId: never;
* Gets people that are members of this group.
members(): Titanium.Contacts.Person[];
* Removes a person from this group. For >= iOS9, it is not
* required to call <> after calling this method.
remove(person: Titanium.Contacts.Person): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Group.recordId> property.
setRecordId: never;
* Gets people that are members of this group, sorted in the specified order.
sortedMembers(sortBy: number): Titanium.Contacts.Person[];
* An object that represents a contact record for a person or organization in the system contacts
* address book.
class Person extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Addresses for the person. Multi-value. Read-only on Android.
address: any;
* Alternate birthday of the person. Single Dictionary.
alternateBirthday: any;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Date of birth of the person. Single value.
birthday: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Date and time that the person record was created. Single value. Deprecated since iOS 9.
readonly created: string;
* Dates associated with the person. Multi-value.
date: any;
* Department of the person. Single value.
department: string;
* Email addresses for the person. Multi-value. Read-only on Android.
email: any;
* First name of the person. Single value.
firstName: string;
* Phonetic first name of the person. Single value.
firstPhonetic: string;
* Localized full name of the person. Single value. Read-only on Android.
readonly fullName: string;
* Record identifier of the person. Single value.
readonly id: number;
* Identifier of the person.
readonly identifier: string;
* Image for the person. Single value. Read-only for >= iOS9
image: Titanium.Blob;
* Instant messenger information of the person. Multi-value.
instantMessage: any;
* Job title of the person. Single value.
jobTitle: string;
* Determines the type of information the person record contains; either person or organization.
* Read-only on Android.
kind: number;
* Last name of the person. Single value.
lastName: string;
* Phonetic last name of the person. Single value.
lastPhonetic: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Middle name of the person. Single value.
middleName: string;
* Phonetic middle name of the person. Single value.
middlePhonetic: string;
* Date and time that the person record was last modified. Single value. Deprecated since iOS 9.
readonly modified: string;
* Nickname of the person. Single value.
nickname: string;
* Notes for the person. Single value.
note: string;
* Organization to which the person belongs. Single value.
organization: string;
* Phone numbers for the person. Multi-value. Read-only on Android.
phone: any;
* Prefix for the person. Single value.
readonly prefix: string;
* Record identifier of the person. Single value. Deprecated since iOS 9.
recordId: number;
* Names of people to which the person is related. Multi-value.
relatedNames: any;
* Social profile information of the person. Multi-value.
socialProfile: any;
* Suffix for the person. Single value.
readonly suffix: string;
* URLs of webpages associated with the person. Multi-value.
url: any;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.address> property.
getAddress: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.alternateBirthday> property.
getAlternateBirthday: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.birthday> property.
getBirthday: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.created> property.
getCreated: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.department> property.
getDepartment: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getEmail: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.firstName> property.
getFirstName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.firstPhonetic> property.
getFirstPhonetic: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.fullName> property.
getFullName: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.identifier> property.
getIdentifier: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.image> property.
getImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.instantMessage> property.
getInstantMessage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.jobTitle> property.
getJobTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.kind> property.
getKind: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lastName> property.
getLastName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lastPhonetic> property.
getLastPhonetic: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.middleName> property.
getMiddleName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.middlePhonetic> property.
getMiddlePhonetic: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.modified> property.
getModified: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.nickname> property.
getNickname: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.note> property.
getNote: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.organization> property.
getOrganization: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getPhone: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.prefix> property.
getPrefix: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.recordId> property.
getRecordId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.relatedNames> property.
getRelatedNames: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.socialProfile> property.
getSocialProfile: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.suffix> property.
getSuffix: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.address> property.
setAddress: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.alternateBirthday> property.
setAlternateBirthday: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.birthday> property.
setBirthday: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.department> property.
setDepartment: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setEmail: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.firstName> property.
setFirstName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.firstPhonetic> property.
setFirstPhonetic: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.image> property.
setImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.instantMessage> property.
setInstantMessage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.jobTitle> property.
setJobTitle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.kind> property.
setKind: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lastName> property.
setLastName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lastPhonetic> property.
setLastPhonetic: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.middleName> property.
setMiddleName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.middlePhonetic> property.
setMiddlePhonetic: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.nickname> property.
setNickname: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.note> property.
setNote: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.organization> property.
setOrganization: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setPhone: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.recordId> property.
setRecordId: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.relatedNames> property.
setRelatedNames: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.socialProfile> property.
setSocialProfile: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Contacts.Person.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* The top-level `Database` module, used for creating and accessing the
* in-application SQLite database.
namespace Database {
* Constant for requesting a column's value returned in double form.
const FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE: number;
* Constant for requesting a column's value returned in float form.
const FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT: number;
* Constant for requesting a column's value returned in integer form.
const FIELD_TYPE_INT: number;
* Constant for requesting a column's value returned in string form.
const FIELD_TYPE_STRING: number;
* The `Database` instance returned by <> or <Titanium.Database.install>.
class DB extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* A `File` object representing the file where this database is stored. Must only be used for
* setting file properties.
readonly file: Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* The identifier of the last populated row.
readonly lastInsertRowId: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The name of the database.
readonly name: string;
* The number of rows affected by the last query.
readonly rowsAffected: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Closes the database and releases resources from memory. Once closed, this instance is no
* longer valid and should not be used. On iOS, also closes all <Titanium.Database.ResultSet>
* instances that exist.
close(): void;
* Executes an SQL statement against the database and returns a `ResultSet`.
execute(sql: string, ...vararg: any[]): Titanium.Database.ResultSet;
* Synchronously executes an array of SQL statements against the database and returns an array of `ResultSet`.
* On failure, this will throw an [Error](BatchQueryError) that reports the failed index and partial results
executeAll(queries: ReadonlyArray<string>): Titanium.Database.ResultSet[];
* Asynchronously executes an array of SQL statements against the database and fires a callback with a possible Error, and an array of `ResultSet`.
* On failure, this will call the callback with an [Error](PossibleBatchQueryError) that reports the failed index, and a second argument with the partial results
executeAllAsync(queries: ReadonlyArray<string>, callback: (param0: PossibleBatchQueryError, param1: Titanium.Database.ResultSet[]) => void): void;
* Asynchronously executes an SQL statement against the database and fires a callback with a possible `Error` argument, and a second argument holding a possible `ResultSet`.
executeAsync(query: string, vararg?: any, callback?: (param0: any, param1: Titanium.Database.ResultSet) => void): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.file> property.
getFile: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.lastInsertRowId> property.
getLastInsertRowId: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.rowsAffected> property.
getRowsAffected: never;
* Removes the database files for this instance from disk. WARNING: this is a destructive
* operation and cannot be reversed. All data in the database will be lost; use with caution.
remove(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Database.DB.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The ResultSet instance returned by <Titanium.Database.DB.execute>.
class ResultSet extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The number of columns in this result set.
readonly fieldCount: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The number of rows in this result set.
readonly rowCount: number;
* Indicates whether the current row is valid.
readonly validRow: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Closes this result set and release resources. Once closed, the result set must no longer
* be used.
close(): void;
* Retrieves the value for the specified field in the current row,
* and casts it to the specified type (String, Integer, Float or Double.)
field(index: number, type?: number): string | number | Titanium.Blob;
* Retrieves the value for the specified field in the current row,
* and casts it to the specified type (String, Integer, Float or Double.)
fieldByName(name: string, type?: number): string | number | Titanium.Blob;
* Returns the field name for the specified field index.
fieldName(index: number): string;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.fieldCount> property.
getFieldCount: never;
* Returns the field name for the specified field index.
getFieldName(index: number): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.rowCount> property.
getRowCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.validRow> property.
getValidRow: never;
* Returns whether the current row is valid.
isValidRow(): boolean;
* Advances to the next row in the result set and returns `true` if one exists,
* or `false` otherwise.
next(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Database.ResultSet.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The top level filesystem module, used to access files and directories on the device.
namespace Filesystem {
* Constant used to set protection key to NSFileProtectionComplete in file attributes.
* Constant used to set protection key to NSFileProtectionCompleteUnlessOpen in file attributes.
* Constant used to set protection key to NSFileProtectionCompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication in file attributes.
* Constant used to set protection key to NSFileProtectionNone in file attributes.
* Constant for append mode for file operations.
const MODE_APPEND: number;
* Constant for read mode for file operations.
const MODE_READ: number;
* Constant for write mode for file operations.
const MODE_WRITE: number;
* Object representing a path to a file or directory in the device's persistent storage.
class File extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* `true` if the file is executable.
readonly executable: boolean;
* Set to `true` if the file is hidden.
hidden: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Name of the file.
readonly name: string;
* Native path associated with this file object, as a file URL.
readonly nativePath: string;
* A `File` object representing the parent directory of the file identified by this object.
readonly parent: Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* `true` if the file identified by this object is read-only.
readonly readonly: boolean;
* Value indicating whether or not to back up to a cloud service.
remoteBackup: boolean;
* Size, in bytes, of the file identified by this object.
readonly size: number;
* `true` if the file identified by this object is a symbolic link.
readonly symbolicLink: boolean;
* `true` if the file identified by this object is writable.
readonly writable: boolean;
* `true` if the file identified by this object is writable.
readonly writeable: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Appends data to the file identified by this file object.
append(data: string | Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File): boolean;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Copies the file identified by this file object to a new path.
copy(destinationPath: string): boolean;
* Creates a directory at the path identified by this file object.
createDirectory(recursive?: boolean): boolean;
* Creates a file at the path identified by this file object.
createFile(): boolean;
* Returns the creation timestamp for the file identified by this file object.
createTimestamp(): number;
* Returns the creation Date for the file identified by this file object.
createdAt(): Date;
* Deletes the directory identified by this file object.
deleteDirectory(recursive?: boolean): boolean;
* Deletes the file identified by this file object.
deleteFile(): boolean;
* Returns `true` if the file or directory identified by this file object exists on the device.
exists(): boolean;
* Returns the extension for the file identified by this file object.
extension(): string;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Returns a listing of the directory identified by this file object, or `null`
* if this object doesn't identify a directory.
getDirectoryListing(): string[];
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.executable> property.
getExecutable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.hidden> property.
getHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.nativePath> property.
getNativePath: never;
* Returns the path of the parent directory holding the file identified by this
* file object, as a String (deprecated) **or** as a `File` object.
getParent(): string | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* Returns the protection key value of this file object.
* Returns `null` if there's an error.
getProtectionKey(): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.readonly> property.
getReadonly: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.remoteBackup> property.
getRemoteBackup: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.symbolicLink> property.
getSymbolicLink: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.writable> property.
getWritable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.writeable> property.
getWriteable: never;
* Returns `true` if this file object represents a directory.
isDirectory(): boolean;
* Returns `true` if this file object represents an ordinary file.
isFile(): boolean;
* Returns the last modification time for this file.
modificationTimestamp(): number;
* Returns the last modification Date for the file identified by this file object.
modifiedAt(): Date;
* Moves the file identified by this file object to another path.
move(newpath: string): boolean;
* Opens the file identified by this file object for random access.
open(mode: number): Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream;
* Returns the contents of the file identified by this file object as a `Blob`.
read(): Titanium.Blob;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Renames the file identified by this file object.
rename(newname: string): boolean;
* Returns the fully-resolved native path associated with this file object.
resolve(): string;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.hidden> property.
setHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the protection key as an attribute to the file identified by this file object.
setProtectionKey(fileProtectionType: string): boolean;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.File.remoteBackup> property.
setRemoteBackup: never;
* Returns the amount of free space available on the device where the file identified by this file object is stored.
spaceAvailable(): number;
* Writes the specified data to the file identified by this file object.
write(data: string | Titanium.Filesystem.File | Titanium.Blob, append?: boolean): boolean;
* Wrapper around `Titanium.Filesystem.File` that implements the `Titanium.IOStream` interface
class FileStream extends Titanium.IOStream {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* closes file stream, exception is thrown on error
close(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Indicates whether this stream is readable.
isReadable(): boolean;
* Indicates whether this stream is writable.
isWritable(): boolean;
* Reads data from this stream into a buffer.
read(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: ReadCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Filesystem.FileStream.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Writes data from a buffer to this stream.
write(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: WriteCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* The top level Geolocation module. The Geolocation module is used for accessing device location based information.
namespace Geolocation {
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request the best
* accuracy available.
const ACCURACY_BEST: number;
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request highest possible
* accuracy and combine it with additional sensor data.
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request more
* accurate location updates with higher battery usage.
const ACCURACY_HIGH: number;
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request location
* updates accurate to the nearest 100 meters.
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request location
* updates accurate to the nearest kilometer.
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request less
* accurate location updates with lower battery usage.
const ACCURACY_LOW: number;
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request location
* updates accurate to the nearest 10 meters.
* Use with [accuracy](Titanium.Geolocation.accuracy) to request location
* updates accurate to the nearest three kilometers.
* The location data is used for tracking location changes to the automobile specifically during vehicular navigation.
* The location data is used for tracking any pedestrian-related activity.
* The location data is being used for an unknown activity.
* The location data is used for tracking movements of other types of vehicular
* navigation that are not automobile related.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is authorized to start location services at any time. This authorization
* includes the use of all location services, including monitoring regions and significant location changes.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is authorized to use location services.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use location services, *or*
* location services are disabled.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is not authorized to use location servies *and*
* the user cannot change this application's status.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the authorization state is unknown.
* A [locationServicesAuthorization](Titanium.Geolocation.locationServicesAuthorization) value
* indicating that the application is authorized to start most location services only while running in the foreground.
* Error code indicating that the user denied access to the location service.
const ERROR_DENIED: number;
* Error code indicating that the heading could not be determined.
* Error code indicating that the user's location could not be determined.
* Error code indicating that the network was unavailable.
const ERROR_NETWORK: number;
* Error code indicating that region monitoring is delayed.
* Error code indicating that region monitoring is denied.
* Error code indicating a region monitoring failure.
* Module for Android-specific geolocation functionality.
namespace Android {
* Specifies the GPS location provider.
const PROVIDER_GPS: string;
* Specifies the network location provider.
const PROVIDER_NETWORK: string;
* Specifies the passive location provider.
const PROVIDER_PASSIVE: string;
* Represents a source of location information, such as GPS.
class LocationProvider extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Don't send a location update unless the location has changed at least `minUpdateDistance`
* meters since the previous update.
minUpdateDistance: number;
* Limits the frequency of location updates to no more than one per `minUpdateTime` seconds.
minUpdateTime: number;
* Type of location provider: [PROVIDER_GPS](Titanium.Geolocation.Android.PROVIDER_GPS),
* [PROVIDER_NETWORK](Titanium.Geolocation.Android.PROVIDER_NETWORK), or
* [PROVIDER_PASSIVE](Titanium.Geolocation.Android.PROVIDER_PASSIVE).
name: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.minUpdateDistance> property.
getMinUpdateDistance: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.minUpdateTime> property.
getMinUpdateTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.minUpdateDistance> property.
setMinUpdateDistance: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider.minUpdateTime> property.
setMinUpdateTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setName: never;
* A location rule to filter the results returned by location providers.
class LocationRule extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Minimum accuracy required for a location update.
accuracy: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Controls the freshness of location updates. Do not forward an update
* unless it is newer than `maxAge` milliseconds.
maxAge: number;
* Controls the frequency of location updates.
minAge: number;
* If specified, this rule only applies to updates generated
* by the specified provider. If `null`, this rule applies to all updates.
name: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.accuracy> property.
getAccuracy: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.maxAge> property.
getMaxAge: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.minAge> property.
getMinAge: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.accuracy> property.
setAccuracy: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.maxAge> property.
setMaxAge: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule.minAge> property.
setMinAge: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setName: never;
* Module for Android-specific geolocation functionality.
class Android extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Set to `true` to enable manual configuration of location updates through this module.
static manualMode: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Adds and enables the specified location provider, possibly replacing an existing one.
static addLocationProvider(provider: Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider): void;
* Adds and enables the specified location rule.
static addLocationRule(rule: Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider>.
static createLocationProvider(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider>): Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule>.
static createLocationRule(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule>): Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.manualMode> property.
static getManualMode: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Disables and removes the specified location provider.
static removeLocationProvider(provider: Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationProvider): void;
* Disables and removes the specified location rule.
static removeLocationRule(rule: Titanium.Geolocation.Android.LocationRule): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Geolocation.Android.manualMode> property.
static setManualMode: never;
* The top-level Media module.
namespace Media {
* Audio file format 3GPP2.
const AUDIO_FILEFORMAT_3GP2: number;
* Audio file format 3GPP.
const AUDIO_FILEFORMAT_3GPP: number;
* Audio file format Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF).
* Audio file format Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR).
* Audio file format Apple Compressed Audio Format (CAF).
* Audio file format MP3.
const AUDIO_FILEFORMAT_MP3: number;
* Audio file format MP4.
const AUDIO_FILEFORMAT_MP4: number;
* Audio file format MP4A.
const AUDIO_FILEFORMAT_MP4A: number;
* Audio file format WAVE.
* Audio format MPEG4 AAC encoding.
const AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC: number;
* Audio format 8-bit [aLaw encoding](
const AUDIO_FORMAT_ALAW: number;
* Audio format Apple lossless encoding.
* Audio format [iLBC encoding](
const AUDIO_FORMAT_ILBC: number;
* Audio format Apple IMA4 encoding.
const AUDIO_FORMAT_IMA4: number;
* Audio format 16-bit, [linear PCM encoding](
* Audio format 8-bit [muLaw encoding](
const AUDIO_FORMAT_ULAW: number;
* Line-type constant for headphones.
const AUDIO_HEADPHONES: never;
* Line-type constant for headphones and microphone.
* Line-type constant for headset in/out.
* Line-type constant for line-out.
const AUDIO_LINEOUT: never;
* Line-type constant for microphone.
const AUDIO_MICROPHONE: never;
* Line-type constant indicated mute switch is on.
const AUDIO_MUTED: never;
* Line-type constant indicating receiver and microphone.
* For long-duration sounds such as rain, car engine noise, and so on.
* Session mode for playing recorded music or other sounds that are central to the successful use of your application.
* Session mode for recording (input) and playback (output) of audio, such as for a VOIP (voice over IP) application.
* Session mode for recording audio; it silences playback audio.
* Session mode for long-duration sounds such as rain, car engine noise, and so on.
* For long-duration sounds such as rain, car engine noise, and so on.
* Session mode for playing recorded music or other sounds that are central to the successful use of your application.
* Session mode for recording (input) and playback (output) of audio, such as for a VOIP (voice over IP) application.
* Session mode for recording audio; it silences playback audio.
* Session mode for long-duration sounds such as rain, car engine noise, and so on.
* Constant that specifies audio should output to the default audio route. See <Titanium.Media.setOverrideAudioRoute> for more information.
* Constant that specifies audio should output to the speaker. See <Titanium.Media.setOverrideAudioRoute> for more information.
* Constant for output on a remote Air Play device. This is an output port.
* Constant for output on a Bluetooth A2DP device. This is an output port.
* Constant for input or output on a Bluetooth Hands-Free Profile device. This can be both an input and output port.
* Constant for output on a Bluetooth Low Energy device. This is an output port. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant for built-in microphone on an iOS device. This is an input port.
* Constant for the speaker you hold to your ear when on a phone call. This is an output port.
* Constant for built-in speaker on an iOS device. This is an output port.
* Constant for Input or output via Car Audio. This can be both an input and output port. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant for output via High-Definition Multimedia Interface. This is an output port
* Constant for headphone or headset output. This is an output port.
* Constant for microphone on a wired headset. This is an input port.
* Constant for line level input on a dock connector. This is an input port.
* Constant for line level output on a dock connector. This is an output port.
* Constant for input or output on a Universal Serial Bus device. This can be both an input and output port.
* Line-type constant for speaker output.
const AUDIO_SPEAKER: never;
* Audio data is being buffered from the network.
* Audio playback is being initialized.
* Playback is paused.
const AUDIO_STATE_PAUSED: number;
* Audio playback is active.
const AUDIO_STATE_PLAYING: number;
* Audio playback is starting.
* Audio playback is stopped.
const AUDIO_STATE_STOPPED: number;
* Audio playback is stopping.
* Player is waiting for audio data from the network.
* Player is waiting for audio data to fill the queue.
* Line-type constant indicating that audio is unavailable.
* Line-type constant indicating that line-type is unknown or not determined.
const AUDIO_UNKNOWN: never;
* Constant specifying that app is authorized to use camera. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant specifying that app is denied usage of camera. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant specifying that app is not yet authorized to use camera. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant specifying that app is restricted from using camera. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant specifying that app is not yet authorized to use camera. This is available on iOS7 and later.
* Constant specifying to have the device determine to use the flash or not.
const CAMERA_FLASH_AUTO: number;
* Constant specifying to never fire the flash.
const CAMERA_FLASH_OFF: number;
* Constant specifying to always fire the flash.
const CAMERA_FLASH_ON: number;
* Constant specifying the front camera.
const CAMERA_FRONT: number;
* Constant indicating the rear camera.
const CAMERA_REAR: number;
* Constant for media device busy error.
const DEVICE_BUSY: number;
* Media type constant for live photo media.
* Media type constant for photo media.
const MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO: string;
* Media type constant for video media.
const MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO: string;
* Constant for grouping query results by album.
* Constant for grouping query results by album and artist.
* Constant for grouping query results by artist.
* Constant for grouping query results by composer.
* Constant for grouping query results by genre.
* Constant for grouping query results by playlist.
* Constant for grouping query results by podcast title.
* Constant for grouping query results by title.
* Music library media containing any type of content.
const MUSIC_MEDIA_TYPE_ALL: number;
* Music library media containing any type of audio content.
* Music library media containing audiobook content.
* Music library media containing music content.
* Music library media containing podcast content.
* Constant for "Repeat All" setting.
* Constant for user's default repeat setting.
* Constant for "No Repeat" setting.
* Constant for "Repeat one item" setting.
* Constant for shuffling complete albums setting.
* Constant for user's default shuffle setting.
* Constant for "no shuffle" setting.
* Constant for shuffling songs setting.
* Constant for interrupted state.
* Constant for paused state.
* Constant for playing state.
* Constant for backward seek state.
* Constant for forward seek state.
* Constant for stopped state.
* Constant for media no camera error.
const NO_CAMERA: number;
* Constant for media no video error.
const NO_VIDEO: number;
* Media type constant for high-quality video recording.
const QUALITY_HIGH: number;
* Media type constant for low-quality video recording.
const QUALITY_LOW: number;
* Media type constant for medium-quality video recording.
const QUALITY_MEDIUM: number;
* Constant for unknown media error.
const UNKNOWN_ERROR: number;
* Constant for default video controls.
* Constant for video controls for an embedded view.
* Constant for fullscreen video controls.
* Constant for video controls hidden.
* Constant for no video controls.
const VIDEO_CONTROL_NONE: number;
* Constant for video controls volume only.
* Video playback ended normally.
* Video playback ended abnormally.
* Video playback ended by user action (such as clicking the `Done` button).
* Indicates that the player can no longer play media items because of an error.
* Current media is playable.
* Playback will be automatically started in this state when `autoplay` is true.
* Playback will be automatically paused in this state, if started.
* Current load state is not known.
* A audio type of media in the movie returned by [Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer) `mediaTypes` property.
* An unknown type of media in the movie returned by [Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer) `mediaTypes` property.
* A video type of media in the movie returned by [Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer) `mediaTypes` property.
* Video playback has been interrupted.
* Video playback is paused.
* Video is being played.
* Video playback is rewinding.
* Video playback is seeking forward.
* Video playback is stopped.
* Constant for disabling repeat on video playback.
* Constant for repeating one video (i.e., the one video will repeat constantly) during playback.
const VIDEO_REPEAT_MODE_ONE: number;
* Scale video to fill the screen, clipping edges if necessary.
* Scale video to fit the screen, letterboxing if necessary.
* Video is scaled until both dimensions fit the screen exactly, stretching if necessary.
* Video scaling is disabled.
const VIDEO_SCALING_NONE: never;
* Specifies that the video should be stretched to fill the bounds of layer.
* Specifies that the player should preserve the aspect ratio of video and fit the video within the bounds of layer.
* Specifies that the player should preserve the aspect ratio of video and fill the bounds of layer.
* Video source type is a file.
* Video source type is a remote stream.
* Video source type is unknown.
* Use the closest sync (or key) frame at given the time.
* Use the exact time.
* Use the closest keyframe in the time.
* Use the sync (or key) frame located right after or at given the time.
* Use the sync (or key) frame located right before or at given the time.
* Android-specific media-related functionality.
class Android extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Android.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Scans newly created or downloaded media files to make them available to other
* Android media providers, such as the Gallery.
static scanMediaFiles(paths: ReadonlyArray<string>, mimeTypes: ReadonlyArray<string>, callback: (param0: MediaScannerResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Set the system homescreen wallpaper.
static setSystemWallpaper(image: Titanium.Blob, scale: boolean): void;
* Base event for class Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer
interface AudioPlayerBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer;
* Fired when the state of the playback changes.
interface AudioPlayer_change_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* Text description of the state of playback.
description: number;
* Current state of playback.
state: number;
* Fired when the audio has finished playing.
interface AudioPlayer_complete_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* Error code.
* Error code will be 0 if `success` is `true`, nonzero otherwise. If the error
* was generated by the operating system, that system's error value is used.
* Otherwise, this value will be -1.
code: number;
* Error message, if any returned. Will be undefined if `success` is `true`.
error: string;
* Indicates if the sound was played successfully.
* Returns `true` if request succeeded, `false` otherwise.
success: boolean;
* Fired when the timed metadata was encountered most recently within the media as it plays.
interface AudioPlayer_metadata_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* An array of metadata items containing relevant information about the current media item.
items: TiMetadataItemType[];
* Fired when there's an error.
interface AudioPlayer_error_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* Error code. Different between android and iOS.
code: number;
* Error message.
error: string;
* Fired once per second with the current progress during playback.
interface AudioPlayer_progress_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* Current progress, in milliseconds.
progress: number;
* Fired once the [seekToTime]( method completes.
interface AudioPlayer_seek_Event extends AudioPlayerBaseEvent {
* The event for any prior seek request that is still in process will be invoked
* immediately with the `finished` parameter set to `false`.
* If the new request completes without being interrupted by another seek
* request or by any other operation this event will be invoked with
* the `finished` parameter set to `true`.
finished: boolean;
interface AudioPlayerEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
change: AudioPlayer_change_Event;
complete: AudioPlayer_complete_Event;
error: AudioPlayer_error_Event;
metadata: AudioPlayer_metadata_Event;
progress: AudioPlayer_progress_Event;
seek: AudioPlayer_seek_Event;
* An audio player object used for streaming audio to the device, and low-level control of the audio playback.
class AudioPlayer extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for alarms.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_ALARM: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for media playback.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_MEDIA: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for notifications.
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for the phone ring.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_RING: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for DTMF tones or beeps.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_SIGNALLING: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for voice calls.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_VOICE: number;
* Audio data is being buffered from the network.
readonly STATE_BUFFERING: number;
* Audio playback is being initialized.
readonly STATE_INITIALIZED: number;
* Playback is paused.
readonly STATE_PAUSED: number;
* Audio playback is active.
readonly STATE_PLAYING: number;
* Audio playback is starting.
readonly STATE_STARTING: number;
* Audio playback is stopped.
readonly STATE_STOPPED: number;
* Audio playback is stopping.
readonly STATE_STOPPING: number;
* Player is waiting for audio data from the network.
readonly STATE_WAITING_FOR_DATA: number;
* Player is waiting for audio data to fill the queue.
readonly STATE_WAITING_FOR_QUEUE: number;
* Boolean to indicate if audio should continue playing even if the associated
* Android [Activity](Titanium.Android.Activity) is paused.
allowBackground: boolean;
* Indicates whether the player allows switching to "external playback" mode.
allowsExternalPlayback: boolean;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Focuses on the current audio player and stops other audio playing.
audioFocus: boolean;
* Changes the audio-stream-type.
audioType: number;
* Indicates if the audio should automatically start playback.
autoplay: boolean;
* Bit rate of the current playback stream.
bitRate: number;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Size of the buffer used for streaming, in milliseconds.
bufferSize: number;
* Estimated duration in milliseconds of the file being played.
readonly duration: number;
* Indicates whether the player is currently playing video in "external playback" mode.
readonly externalPlaybackActive: boolean;
* Boolean indicating if the player is idle.
readonly idle: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Indicates whether or not audio output of the player is muted.
muted: boolean;
* Boolean indicating if audio playback is paused.
paused: boolean;
* Boolean indicating if audio is currently playing.
readonly playing: boolean;
* Current playback progress, in milliseconds.
readonly progress: number;
* Indicates the desired rate of playback; 0.0 means "paused", 1.0 indicates a
* desire to play at the natural rate of the current item. In addition, 2.0
* would mean that the audio plays twice as fast.
rate: number;
* Current state of playback, specified using one of the `STATE` constants defined on this object.
readonly state: number;
* Current playback position of the audio.
time: number;
* URL for the audio stream.
url: string;
* Volume of the audio, from 0.0 (muted) to 1.0 (loudest).
volume: number;
* Boolean indicating if the playback is waiting for audio data from the network.
readonly waiting: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof AudioPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer, event: AudioPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof AudioPlayerEventMap>(name: K, event?: AudioPlayerEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.allowBackground> property.
getAllowBackground: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.allowsExternalPlayback> property.
getAllowsExternalPlayback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.audioFocus> property.
getAudioFocus: never;
* Returns the audio session id.
getAudioSessionId(): number;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.audioType> property.
getAudioType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.autoplay> property.
getAutoplay: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bitRate> property.
getBitRate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bufferSize> property.
getBufferSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.duration> property.
getDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.externalPlaybackActive> property.
getExternalPlaybackActive: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.idle> property.
getIdle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.muted> property.
getMuted: never;
* Returns the value of the [paused](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.paused) property.
getPaused(): boolean;
* Returns the value of the [playing](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.playing) property.
getPlaying(): boolean;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.progress> property.
getProgress: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.rate> property.
getRate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.state> property.
getState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.time> property.
getTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.volume> property.
getVolume: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.waiting> property.
getWaiting: never;
* Returns the value of the [paused](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.paused) property.
isPaused(): boolean;
* Returns the value of the [playing](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.playing) property.
isPlaying(): boolean;
* Pauses audio playback.
pause(): void;
* Starts or resumes audio playback.
play(): void;
* Stops buffering audio data and releases audio resources.
release(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof AudioPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer, event: AudioPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Restarts (stops and stars) audio playback.
restart(): void;
* Moves the playback cursor and invokes the specified block when the seek
* operation has either been completed or been interrupted.
seekToTime(time: number): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.allowBackground> property.
setAllowBackground: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.allowsExternalPlayback> property.
setAllowsExternalPlayback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.audioFocus> property.
setAudioFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.audioType> property.
setAudioType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.autoplay> property.
setAutoplay: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bitRate> property.
setBitRate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.bufferSize> property.
setBufferSize: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.muted> property.
setMuted: never;
* Sets the value of the [paused](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.paused) property.
setPaused(paused: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.rate> property.
setRate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.time> property.
setTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.volume> property.
setVolume: never;
* Starts or resumes audio playback.
start(): void;
* Converts a [state](Titanium.Media.AudioPlayer.state) value into a text description
* suitable for display.
stateDescription(state: number): string;
* Stops audio playback.
stop(): void;
* An audio recorder object used for recording audio from the device microphone.
class AudioRecorder extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Audio compression to be used for the recording.
compression: number;
* Audio format to be used for the recording.
format: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Indicates if the audio recorder is paused.
readonly paused: boolean;
* Indicates if the audio recorder is recording.
readonly recording: boolean;
* Indicates if the audio recorder is stopped.
readonly stopped: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.compression> property.
getCompression: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.format> property.
getFormat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.paused> property.
getPaused: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.recording> property.
getRecording: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.stopped> property.
getStopped: never;
* Pauses the current audio recording.
pause(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Resumes a paused recording.
resume(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.compression> property.
setCompression: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.format> property.
setFormat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.AudioRecorder.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Starts an audio recording.
start(): void;
* Stops the current audio recording and returns the recorded audio file.
stop(): Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* A representation of a media item returned by [openMusicLibrary](Titanium.Media.openMusicLibrary) or [queryMusicLibrary](Titanium.Media.queryMusicLibrary).
class Item extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Artist credited for the album containing this item.
readonly albumArtist: string;
* The persistent identifier for an album artist.
readonly albumArtistPersistentID: number;
* The key for the persistent identifier for an album.
readonly albumPersistentID: number;
* Title of the album containing this item.
readonly albumTitle: string;
* Number of tracks for the album containing this item.
readonly albumTrackCount: number;
* Track number for this item.
readonly albumTrackNumber: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Artist credited for this item.
readonly artist: string;
* Image for the item's artwork as a `Blob` object, or `null` if no artwork is
* available.
readonly artwork: Titanium.Blob;
* A URL pointing to the media item.
readonly assetURL: string;
* The number of musical beats per minute for the media item, corresponding
* to the "BPM" field in the Info tab in the "Get Info" dialog in iTunes.
readonly beatsPerMinute: number;
* The user's place in the media item the most recent time it was played.
readonly bookmarkTime: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Textual information about the media item, corresponding to the "Comments"
* field in in the Info tab in the Get Info dialog in iTunes.
readonly comments: string;
* Composer of this item.
readonly composer: string;
* Date when the item was added to the music library.
readonly dateAdded: Date;
* Total number of discs for the album containing this item.
readonly discCount: number;
* Disc number for this item in the album.
readonly discNumber: number;
* Genre of this item.
readonly genre: string;
* The persistent identifier for a genre.
readonly genrePersistentID: number;
* True if the item represents a protected asset.
readonly hasProtectedAsset: boolean;
* True if the media item is an iCloud item.
readonly isCloudItem: boolean;
* True if this item is part of a compilation album.
readonly isCompilation: boolean;
* True if this item is marked as "Explicit".
readonly isExplicit: boolean;
* The most recent calendar date on which the user played the media item.
readonly lastPlayedDate: Date;
* Lyrics for this item.
readonly lyrics: string;
* The type of the media.
readonly mediaType: number;
* The key for the persistent identifier for the media item.
readonly persistentID: string;
* Number of times the item has been played.
readonly playCount: number;
* Length (in seconds) of this item.
readonly playbackDuration: number;
* Used to enqueue store tracks by their ID.
readonly playbackStoreID: number;
* The persistent identifier for an audio podcast.
readonly podcastPersistentID: number;
* Title of a podcast item.
readonly podcastTitle: string;
* Rating for this item.
readonly rating: number;
* Date when this this item was released.
readonly releaseDate: Date;
* Number of times this item has been skipped.
readonly skipCount: number;
* Title of this item.
readonly title: string;
* Corresponds to the "Grouping" field in the Info tab in the "Get Info"
* dialog in iTunes.
readonly userGrouping: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumArtist> property.
getAlbumArtist: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumArtistPersistentID> property.
getAlbumArtistPersistentID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumPersistentID> property.
getAlbumPersistentID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumTitle> property.
getAlbumTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumTrackCount> property.
getAlbumTrackCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.albumTrackNumber> property.
getAlbumTrackNumber: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.artist> property.
getArtist: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.artwork> property.
getArtwork: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.assetURL> property.
getAssetURL: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.beatsPerMinute> property.
getBeatsPerMinute: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.bookmarkTime> property.
getBookmarkTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.comments> property.
getComments: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.composer> property.
getComposer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.dateAdded> property.
getDateAdded: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.discCount> property.
getDiscCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.discNumber> property.
getDiscNumber: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.genre> property.
getGenre: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.genrePersistentID> property.
getGenrePersistentID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.hasProtectedAsset> property.
getHasProtectedAsset: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.isCloudItem> property.
getIsCloudItem: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.isCompilation> property.
getIsCompilation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.isExplicit> property.
getIsExplicit: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.lastPlayedDate> property.
getLastPlayedDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.lyrics> property.
getLyrics: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.mediaType> property.
getMediaType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.persistentID> property.
getPersistentID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.playCount> property.
getPlayCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.playbackDuration> property.
getPlaybackDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.playbackStoreID> property.
getPlaybackStoreID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.podcastPersistentID> property.
getPodcastPersistentID: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.podcastTitle> property.
getPodcastTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.rating> property.
getRating: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.releaseDate> property.
getReleaseDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.skipCount> property.
getSkipCount: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.title> property.
getTitle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.userGrouping> property.
getUserGrouping: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Item.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer
interface MusicPlayerBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer;
* Fired when the currently playing media item changes.
interface MusicPlayer_playingchange_Event extends MusicPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when the music player's playback state changes.
interface MusicPlayer_statechange_Event extends MusicPlayerBaseEvent {
interface MusicPlayerEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
playingchange: MusicPlayer_playingchange_Event;
statechange: MusicPlayer_statechange_Event;
* This object represents a music controller.
class MusicPlayer extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Current point in song playback, in seconds.
currentPlaybackTime: number;
* An `Item` object representing the currently playing media item.
readonly nowPlaying: Titanium.Media.Item;
* Playback state.
readonly playbackState: number;
* Repeat setting.
repeatMode: number;
* Shuffle setting.
shuffleMode: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof MusicPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer, event: MusicPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof MusicPlayerEventMap>(name: K, event?: MusicPlayerEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.currentPlaybackTime> property.
getCurrentPlaybackTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.nowPlaying> property.
getNowPlaying: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.playbackState> property.
getPlaybackState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.repeatMode> property.
getRepeatMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.shuffleMode> property.
getShuffleMode: never;
* Pauses playback of the current media item.
pause(): void;
* Begins playback of the current media item.
play(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof MusicPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer, event: MusicPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Begins seeking backward in the currently playing media.
seekBackward(): void;
* Begins seeking forward in the currently playing media item.
seekForward(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.currentPlaybackTime> property.
setCurrentPlaybackTime: never;
* Sets the media queue.
setQueue(queue: Titanium.Media.Item | Titanium.Media.Item[] | string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.repeatMode> property.
setRepeatMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.shuffleMode> property.
setShuffleMode: never;
* Skips to the beginning of the currently playing media item.
skipToBeginning(): void;
* Skips to the next media item in the queue.
skipToNext(): void;
* Skips to the previous media item in the queue.
skipToPrevious(): void;
* Stops playback of the current media queue.
stop(): void;
* Ends a seek operation and returns to the previous playback state.
* See also: [seekForward](Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.seekForward) and
* [seekBackward](Titanium.Media.MusicPlayer.seekBackward).
stopSeeking(): void;
* Base event for class Titanium.Media.Sound
interface SoundBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Media.Sound;
* Fired when the state of the playback changes.
interface Sound_change_Event extends SoundBaseEvent {
* Text description of the state of playback.
description: string;
* Current state of playback.
state: number;
* Fired when the audio has finished playing.
interface Sound_complete_Event extends SoundBaseEvent {
* Error code.
* Error code will be 0 if `success` is `true`, nonzero otherwise. If the error
* was generated by the operating system, that system's error value is used.
* Otherwise, this value will be -1.
code: number;
* Error message, if any returned. Will be undefined if `success` is `true`.
error: string;
* Indicates if the sound was played successfully.
* Returns `true` if request succeeded, `false` otherwise.
success: boolean;
* Fired when an error occurs while playing the audio.
interface Sound_error_Event extends SoundBaseEvent {
* Error code.
* If the error was generated by the operating system, that system's error value
* is used. Otherwise, this value will be -1.
code: number;
* Error message, if any returned. May be undefined.
error: string;
* Error message. Use the error property instead.
message: string;
* Indicates a successful operation. Returns `false`.
success: boolean;
* Fired when audio playback is interrupted by the device.
interface Sound_interrupted_Event extends SoundBaseEvent {
* Fired when audio playback is resumed after an interruption.
interface Sound_resume_Event extends SoundBaseEvent {
* Indicates if the resume was from an interruption.
interruption: boolean;
interface SoundEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
change: Sound_change_Event;
complete: Sound_complete_Event;
error: Sound_error_Event;
interrupted: Sound_interrupted_Event;
resume: Sound_resume_Event;
* An object for playing basic audio resources.
class Sound extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for alarms.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_ALARM: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for media playback.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_MEDIA: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for notifications.
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for the phone ring.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_RING: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for DTMF tones or beeps.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_SIGNALLING: number;
* Used to identify the volume of audio streams for voice calls.
readonly AUDIO_TYPE_VOICE: number;
* Audio data is being buffered from the network.
readonly STATE_BUFFERING: number;
* Audio playback is being initialized.
readonly STATE_INITIALIZED: number;
* Playback is paused.
readonly STATE_PAUSED: number;
* Audio playback is active.
readonly STATE_PLAYING: number;
* Audio playback is starting.
readonly STATE_STARTING: number;
* Audio playback is stopped.
readonly STATE_STOPPED: number;
* Audio playback is stopping.
readonly STATE_STOPPING: number;
* Player is waiting for audio data from the network.
readonly STATE_WAITING_FOR_DATA: number;
* Player is waiting for audio data to fill the queue.
readonly STATE_WAITING_FOR_QUEUE: number;
* Determines whether the audio should continue playing even when its activity is paused.
allowBackground: boolean;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Changes the audio-stream-type.
audioType: number;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Duration of the audio resource.
readonly duration: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Determines whether the audio should loop upon completion.
looping: boolean;
* Indicates if the audio is paused.
paused: boolean;
* Indicates if the audio is playing.
readonly playing: boolean;
* Current playback position of the audio.
time: number;
* URL identifying the audio resource.
url: string;
* Volume of the audio from 0.0 (muted) to 1.0 (loudest).
volume: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof SoundEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.Sound, event: SoundEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof SoundEventMap>(name: K, event?: SoundEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.audioType> property.
getAudioType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.duration> property.
getDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.time> property.
getTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.volume> property.
getVolume: never;
* Returns the value of the [looping](Titanium.Media.Sound.looping) property.
isLooping(): boolean;
* Returns the value of the [paused](Titanium.Media.Sound.paused) property.
isPaused(): boolean;
* Returns the value of the [playing](Titanium.Media.Sound.playing) property.
isPlaying(): boolean;
* Pauses the audio.
pause(): void;
* Starting playing the sound, or resume playing a paused sound.
play(): void;
* Releases all internal resources.
release(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof SoundEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.Sound, event: SoundEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Resets the audio playback position to the beginning.
reset(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.audioType> property.
setAudioType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the [looping](Titanium.Media.Sound.looping) property.
setLooping(looping: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the [paused](Titanium.Media.Sound.paused) property.
setPaused(paused: boolean): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.time> property.
setTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.Sound.volume> property.
setVolume: never;
* Stops playing the audio and resets the playback position to the beginning of the clip.
stop(): void;
* An object for playing system sounds.
class SystemAlert extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* URL identifying the audio resource.
url: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.SystemAlert.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.SystemAlert.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.SystemAlert.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Start playing the system alert.
play(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.SystemAlert.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.SystemAlert.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer
interface VideoPlayerBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer;
* Fired when the device detects a long click.
interface VideoPlayer_longclick_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when the device detects a pinch gesture.
interface VideoPlayer_pinch_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* The average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpan: number;
* The average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanX: number;
* The average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanY: number;
* The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusX: number;
* The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusY: number;
* Returns `true` if a scale gesture is in progress, `false` otherwise.
inProgress: boolean;
* The previous average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpan: number;
* The previous average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanX: number;
* The previous average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanY: number;
* The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates.
scale: number;
* The event time of the current event being processed.
time: number;
* The time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted scaling event and the
* current scaling event.
timeDelta: number;
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
velocity: number;
* Fired when the device detects a swipe gesture against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_swipe_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Direction of the swipe--either 'left', 'right', 'up', or 'down'.
direction: string;
* X coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a two-finger tap against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_twofingertap_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
interface VideoPlayer_touchmove_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
interface VideoPlayer_touchstart_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
interface VideoPlayer_touchcancel_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is completed.
interface VideoPlayer_touchend_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a click against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_click_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double click against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_dblclick_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a single tap against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_singletap_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double tap against the view.
interface VideoPlayer_doubletap_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a long press.
interface VideoPlayer_longpress_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the view element gains focus.
interface VideoPlayer_focus_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when a layout cycle is finished.
interface VideoPlayer_postlayout_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when a hardware key is pressed in the view.
interface VideoPlayer_keypressed_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* The code for the physical key that was pressed. For more details, see [KeyEvent]( This API is experimental and subject to change.
keyCode: number;
* Fired when movie playback ends or a user exits playback.
interface VideoPlayer_complete_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Error code.
* Error code will be 0 if `success` is `true`, nonzero otherwise. If the error
* was generated by the operating system, that system's error value is used.
* Otherwise, this value will be -1.
code: number;
* Error message, if any returned. Will be undefined if `success` is `true`.
error: string;
* Reason that playback ended.
reason: number;
* Indicates if the video was played successfully. User exit counts as a success.
* Returns `true` if `reason` is not
* `false` otherwise.
success: boolean;
* Fired when the video duration is available.
interface VideoPlayer_durationavailable_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Video duration, in milliseconds.
duration: number;
* Fired when movie playback encounters an error.
interface VideoPlayer_error_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Error code.
* If the error was generated by the operating system, that system's error value
* is used. Otherwise, this value will be -1.
code: number;
* Error message, if any returned. May be undefined.
error: string;
* Reason for error as a string.
message: string;
* Indicates a successful operation. Returns `false`.
success: boolean;
* Fired when the movie play loads.
interface VideoPlayer_load_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when the network [loadState](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.loadState) changes.
interface VideoPlayer_loadstate_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Current value of the [loadState](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.loadState) property.
loadState: number;
* Fired when the natural size of the current movie is determined.
interface VideoPlayer_naturalsizeavailable_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Current value of the [naturalSize](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.naturalSize) property.
naturalSize: number;
* Fired when the [playbackState](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.playbackState) changes.
interface VideoPlayer_playbackstate_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Current value of the [playbackState](Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.playbackState) property.
playbackState: number;
* Fired when the currently playing movie changes.
interface VideoPlayer_playing_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* URL of the media.
url: string;
* Fired when the movie has preloaded and is ready to play.
interface VideoPlayer_preload_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
* Fired when the movie player is resized.
interface VideoPlayer_resize_Event extends VideoPlayerBaseEvent {
interface VideoPlayerEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
click: VideoPlayer_click_Event;
complete: VideoPlayer_complete_Event;
dblclick: VideoPlayer_dblclick_Event;
doubletap: VideoPlayer_doubletap_Event;
durationavailable: VideoPlayer_durationavailable_Event;
error: VideoPlayer_error_Event;
focus: VideoPlayer_focus_Event;
keypressed: VideoPlayer_keypressed_Event;
load: VideoPlayer_load_Event;
loadstate: VideoPlayer_loadstate_Event;
longclick: VideoPlayer_longclick_Event;
longpress: VideoPlayer_longpress_Event;
naturalsizeavailable: VideoPlayer_naturalsizeavailable_Event;
pinch: VideoPlayer_pinch_Event;
playbackstate: VideoPlayer_playbackstate_Event;
playing: VideoPlayer_playing_Event;
postlayout: VideoPlayer_postlayout_Event;
preload: VideoPlayer_preload_Event;
resize: VideoPlayer_resize_Event;
singletap: VideoPlayer_singletap_Event;
swipe: VideoPlayer_swipe_Event;
touchcancel: VideoPlayer_touchcancel_Event;
touchend: VideoPlayer_touchend_Event;
touchmove: VideoPlayer_touchmove_Event;
touchstart: VideoPlayer_touchstart_Event;
twofingertap: VideoPlayer_twofingertap_Event;
* A native control for playing videos.
class VideoPlayer extends Titanium.UI.View {
* Whether the view should be "hidden" from (i.e., ignored by) the accessibility service.
accessibilityHidden: boolean;
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: string;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: string;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: string;
* Whether or not the current movie can be played on a remote device.
allowsAirPlay: boolean;
* Coordinate of the view about which to pivot an animation.
anchorPoint: Point;
* Current position of the view during an animation.
readonly animatedCenter: Point;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if a movie should automatically start playback.
autoplay: boolean;
* Background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundColor: string;
* Disabled background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundDisabledColor: string;
* Disabled background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundDisabledImage: string;
* Focused background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundFocusedColor: string;
* Focused background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundFocusedImage: string;
* A background gradient for the view.
backgroundGradient: Gradient;
* Background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: string;
* Size of the left end cap.
backgroundLeftCap: number;
* Determines whether to tile a background across a view.
backgroundRepeat: boolean;
* Selected background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundSelectedColor: string;
* Selected background image url for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundSelectedImage: string;
* Size of the top end cap.
backgroundTopCap: number;
* Sets the background view for customization which is always displayed behind movie content.
backgroundView: Titanium.UI.View;
* Border color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
borderColor: string;
* Radius for the rounded corners of the view's border.
borderRadius: number;
* Border width of the view.
borderWidth: number;
* View's bottom position, in platform-specific units.
bottom: number | string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* View's center position, in the parent view's coordinates.
center: Point;
* Array of this view's child views.
readonly children: Titanium.UI.View[];
* View's clipping behavior.
clipMode: number;
* URL of the media to play.
contentURL: never;
* Current playback time of the current movie in milliseconds.
currentPlaybackTime: number;
* The duration of the current movie in milliseconds, or 0.0 if not known.
duration: number;
* Base elevation of the view relative to its parent in pixels.
elevation: number;
* The end time of movie playback, in milliseconds.
endPlaybackTime: number;
* Whether view should be focusable while navigating with the trackball.
focusable: boolean;
* Determines if the movie is presented in the entire screen (obscuring all other application content).
fullscreen: never;
* View height, in platform-specific units.
height: number | string;
* Sets the behavior when hiding an object to release or keep the free space
hiddenBehavior: number;
* Adds a horizontal parallax effect to the view
horizontalMotionEffect: MinMaxOptions;
* Determines whether the layout has wrapping behavior.
horizontalWrap: boolean;
* View's identifier.
id?: string;
* The start time of movie playback, in milliseconds.
initialPlaybackTime: number;
* Determines whether to keep the device screen on.
keepScreenOn: boolean;
* Specifies how the view positions its children.
* One of: 'composite', 'vertical', or 'horizontal'.
layout: string;
* View's left position, in platform-specific units.
left: number | string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Returns the network load state of the movie player.
readonly loadState: number;
* Media object to play, as either a `File`, a `Blob`, or a URL.
media: Titanium.Blob | Titanium.Filesystem.File | string;
* The style of the playback controls.
mediaControlStyle: never;
* The types of media in the movie, or <Titanium.Media.VIDEO_MEDIA_TYPE_NONE> if not known.
mediaTypes: number;
* Returns the status of the movie player.
readonly moviePlayerStatus: number;
* Returns the natural size of the movie.
naturalSize: MovieSize;
* Opacity of this view, from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 1.0 (opaque).
opacity: number;
* Use the overlay view to add additional custom views between the video content and the controls.
overlayView: Titanium.UI.View;
* When on, animate call overrides current animation if applicable.
overrideCurrentAnimation: boolean;
* Whether or not the receiver allows Picture in Picture playback.
pictureInPictureEnabled: boolean;
* Currently playable duration of the movie, in milliseconds, for progressively
* downloaded network content, or 0.0 if not known.
readonly playableDuration: number;
* Current playback state of the video player.
readonly playbackState: number;
* Boolean to indicate if the player has started playing.
readonly playing: boolean;
* The preview context used in the 3D-Touch feature "Peek and Pop".
previewContext: Titanium.UI.iOS.PreviewContext;
* Background color of the wrapper view when this view is used as either <Titanium.UI.ListView.pullView> or <Titanium.UI.TableView.headerPullView>.
* Defaults to `undefined`. Results in a light grey background color on the wrapper view.
pullBackgroundColor: string;
* The bounding box of the view relative to its parent, in system units.
readonly rect: DimensionWithAbsolutes;
* Determines how the movie player repeats when reaching the end of playback.
repeatMode: number;
* View's right position, in platform-specific units.
right: number | string;
* Clockwise 2D rotation of the view in degrees.
rotation: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (x-axis).
rotationX: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (y-axis).
rotationY: number;
* Scaling of the view in x-axis in pixels.
scaleX: number;
* Scaling of the view in y-axis in pixels.
scaleY: number;
* Determines how the content scales to fit the view.
scalingMode: number;
* Whether or not the receiver shows playback controls. Default is true.
showsControls: boolean;
* The size of the view in system units.
readonly size: Dimension;
* Determines keyboard behavior when this view is focused. Defaults to <Titanium.UI.Android.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_ON_FOCUS>.
softKeyboardOnFocus: number;
* The playback type of the movie.
sourceType: never;
* The view's tintColor
tintColor: string;
* The view's top position.
top: number | string;
* Determines whether view should receive touch events.
touchEnabled: boolean;
* A material design visual construct that provides an instantaneous visual confirmation of touch point.
touchFeedback: boolean;
* Optional touch feedback ripple color. This has no effect unless `touchFeedback` is true.
touchFeedbackColor: string;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the view.
transform: Titanium.UI.Matrix2D | Titanium.UI.Matrix3D;
* A name to identify this view in activity transition.
transitionName: string;
* Horizontal location of the view relative to its left position in pixels.
translationX: number;
* Vertical location of the view relative to its top position in pixels.
translationY: number;
* Depth of the view relative to its elevation in pixels.
translationZ: number;
* URL of the media to play.
url: string | string[];
* Adds a vertical parallax effect to the view
verticalMotionEffect: MinMaxOptions;
* Determines the color of the shadow.
viewShadowColor: string;
* Determines the offset for the shadow of the view.
viewShadowOffset: Point;
* Determines the blur radius used to create the shadow.
viewShadowRadius: number;
* Determines whether the view is visible.
visible: boolean;
* Volume of the audio portion of the video.
volume: number;
* View's width, in platform-specific units.
width: number | string;
* Z-index stack order position, relative to other sibling views.
zIndex: number;
* Adds a child to this view's hierarchy.
add(view: Titanium.UI.View | Titanium.UI.View[]): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof VideoPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer, event: VideoPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Animates this view.
animate(animation: Titanium.UI.Animation | Dictionary<Titanium.UI.Animation>, callback?: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Cancels all pending asynchronous thumbnail requests.
cancelAllThumbnailImageRequests(): void;
* Removes all previously added motion effects.
clearMotionEffects(): void;
* Translates a point from this view's coordinate system to another view's coordinate system.
convertPointToView(point: Point, destinationView: Titanium.UI.View): Point;
* Finishes a batch update of the View's layout properties and schedules a layout pass of the
* view tree.
finishLayout: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof VideoPlayerEventMap>(name: K, event?: VideoPlayerEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityHidden> property.
getAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.allowsAirPlay> property.
getAllowsAirPlay: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.anchorPoint> property.
getAnchorPoint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.animatedCenter> property.
getAnimatedCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.autoplay> property.
getAutoplay: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundColor> property.
getBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
getBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
getBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
getBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
getBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundGradient> property.
getBackgroundGradient: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundImage> property.
getBackgroundImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundLeftCap> property.
getBackgroundLeftCap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundRepeat> property.
getBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
getBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
getBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundTopCap> property.
getBackgroundTopCap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundView> property.
getBackgroundView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderColor> property.
getBorderColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderRadius> property.
getBorderRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderWidth> property.
getBorderWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.bottom> property.
getBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.children> property.
getChildren: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.clipMode> property.
getClipMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.contentURL> property.
getContentURL: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.currentPlaybackTime> property.
getCurrentPlaybackTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.duration> property.
getDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.elevation> property.
getElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.endPlaybackTime> property.
getEndPlaybackTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.focusable> property.
getFocusable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.fullscreen> property.
getFullscreen: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.height> property.
getHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.hiddenBehavior> property.
getHiddenBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.horizontalMotionEffect> property.
getHorizontalMotionEffect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.horizontalWrap> property.
getHorizontalWrap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.initialPlaybackTime> property.
getInitialPlaybackTime: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.keepScreenOn> property.
getKeepScreenOn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.layout> property.
getLayout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.left> property.
getLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.loadState> property.
getLoadState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.mediaControlStyle> property.
getMediaControlStyle: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.mediaTypes> property.
getMediaTypes: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.moviePlayerStatus> property.
getMoviePlayerStatus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.naturalSize> property.
getNaturalSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.opacity> property.
getOpacity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.overlayView> property.
getOverlayView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
getOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.pictureInPictureEnabled> property.
getPictureInPictureEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.playableDuration> property.
getPlayableDuration: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.playbackState> property.
getPlaybackState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.playing> property.
getPlaying: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.previewContext> property.
getPreviewContext: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.pullBackgroundColor> property.
getPullBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rect> property.
getRect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.repeatMode> property.
getRepeatMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.right> property.
getRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotation> property.
getRotation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotationX> property.
getRotationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotationY> property.
getRotationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scaleX> property.
getScaleX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scaleY> property.
getScaleY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scalingMode> property.
getScalingMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.showsControls> property.
getShowsControls: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
getSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.sourceType> property.
getSourceType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.tintColor> property.
getTintColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchEnabled> property.
getTouchEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchFeedback> property.
getTouchFeedback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchFeedbackColor> property.
getTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.transform> property.
getTransform: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.transitionName> property.
getTransitionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationX> property.
getTranslationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationY> property.
getTranslationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationZ> property.
getTranslationZ: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.url> property.
getUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.verticalMotionEffect> property.
getVerticalMotionEffect: never;
* Returns the matching view of a given view ID.
getViewById(id: string): Titanium.UI.View;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowColor> property.
getViewShadowColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowOffset> property.
getViewShadowOffset: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowRadius> property.
getViewShadowRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.visible> property.
getVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.volume> property.
getVolume: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.width> property.
getWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.zIndex> property.
getZIndex: never;
* Hides this view.
hide(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Inserts a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
insertAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Pauses playing the video.
pause(): void;
* Starts playing the video.
play(): void;
* Releases the internal video resources immediately.
release(): void;
* Removes a child view from this view's hierarchy.
remove(view: Titanium.UI.View): void;
* Removes all child views from this view's hierarchy.
removeAllChildren(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof VideoPlayerEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer, event: VideoPlayerEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Replaces a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
replaceAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Asynchronously request thumbnail images for one or more points in time in the video.
requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes(times: ReadonlyArray<number>, option: number, callback: (param0: ThumbnailResponse) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityHidden> property.
setAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.allowsAirPlay> property.
setAllowsAirPlay: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.anchorPoint> property.
setAnchorPoint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.autoplay> property.
setAutoplay: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundColor> property.
setBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
setBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
setBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
setBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
setBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundGradient> property.
setBackgroundGradient: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundLeftCap> property.
setBackgroundLeftCap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundRepeat> property.
setBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
setBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
setBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundTopCap> property.
setBackgroundTopCap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.backgroundView> property.
setBackgroundView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderColor> property.
setBorderColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderRadius> property.
setBorderRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.borderWidth> property.
setBorderWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.bottom> property.
setBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setCenter: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.clipMode> property.
setClipMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.contentURL> property.
setContentURL: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.currentPlaybackTime> property.
setCurrentPlaybackTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.duration> property.
setDuration: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.elevation> property.
setElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.endPlaybackTime> property.
setEndPlaybackTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.focusable> property.
setFocusable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.fullscreen> property.
setFullscreen: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.height> property.
setHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.hiddenBehavior> property.
setHiddenBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.horizontalMotionEffect> property.
setHorizontalMotionEffect: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.horizontalWrap> property.
setHorizontalWrap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.initialPlaybackTime> property.
setInitialPlaybackTime: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.keepScreenOn> property.
setKeepScreenOn: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.layout> property.
setLayout: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.left> property.
setLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setMedia: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.mediaControlStyle> property.
setMediaControlStyle: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.mediaTypes> property.
setMediaTypes: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.naturalSize> property.
setNaturalSize: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.opacity> property.
setOpacity: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.overlayView> property.
setOverlayView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
setOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.pictureInPictureEnabled> property.
setPictureInPictureEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.previewContext> property.
setPreviewContext: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.pullBackgroundColor> property.
setPullBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.repeatMode> property.
setRepeatMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.right> property.
setRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotation> property.
setRotation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotationX> property.
setRotationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.rotationY> property.
setRotationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scaleX> property.
setScaleX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scaleY> property.
setScaleY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.scalingMode> property.
setScalingMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.showsControls> property.
setShowsControls: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
setSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.sourceType> property.
setSourceType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.tintColor> property.
setTintColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchEnabled> property.
setTouchEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchFeedback> property.
setTouchFeedback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.touchFeedbackColor> property.
setTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.transform> property.
setTransform: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.transitionName> property.
setTransitionName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationX> property.
setTranslationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationY> property.
setTranslationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.translationZ> property.
setTranslationZ: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.url> property.
setUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.verticalMotionEffect> property.
setVerticalMotionEffect: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowColor> property.
setViewShadowColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowOffset> property.
setViewShadowOffset: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.viewShadowRadius> property.
setViewShadowRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.visible> property.
setVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.volume> property.
setVolume: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.width> property.
setWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Media.VideoPlayer.zIndex> property.
setZIndex: never;
* Makes this view visible.
show(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Starts a batch update of this view's layout properties.
startLayout: never;
* Stops playing the video.
stop(): void;
* Returns a thumbnail image for the video at the specified time.
thumbnailImageAtTime: never;
* Returns an image of the rendered view, as a Blob.
toImage(callback?: (param0: Titanium.Blob) => void, honorScaleFactor?: boolean): Titanium.Blob;
* Performs a batch update of all supplied layout properties and schedules a layout pass after
* they have been updated.
updateLayout: never;
* The top level network module.
namespace Network {
* Special hostname value for listening sockets, representing all
* locally available network interfaces.
const INADDR_ANY: never;
* A [networkType](Titanium.Network.networkType) value indicating that the device is
* communicating over a local-area network.
const NETWORK_LAN: number;
* A [networkType](Titanium.Network.networkType) value indicating that the device is
* communicating over a mobile network.
const NETWORK_MOBILE: number;
* A [networkType](Titanium.Network.networkType) value indicating that no
* network is available.
const NETWORK_NONE: number;
* A [networkType](Titanium.Network.networkType) value indicating that the
* current network type is unknown.
const NETWORK_UNKNOWN: number;
* A [networkType](Titanium.Network.networkType) value indicating that the
* device is communicating over a WiFi network.
const NETWORK_WIFI: number;
* Constant value for an Alert style push notification.
* Constant value for a Badge style push notification.
* Constant value for a Newsstand style push notification. Only available on iOS5 and later
* Constant value for a Sound style push notification.
* Constant value specifying that the progress of a download can not be calculated.
const PROGRESS_UNKNOWN: number;
* Constant value specifying read-only mode for sockets.
const READ_MODE: never;
* Constant value specifying read-write mode for sockets.
const READ_WRITE_MODE: never;
* Constant value representing a socket in the CLOSED state.
const SOCKET_CLOSED: never;
* Constant value representing a socket in the CONNECTED state.
const SOCKET_CONNECTED: never;
* Constant value representing a socket in the ERROR state.
const SOCKET_ERROR: never;
* Constant value representing a socket in the INITIALIZED state.
* Constant value representing a socket in the LISTENING state.
const SOCKET_LISTENING: never;
* Constant value specifying TLS version 1.0 for SSL.
const TLS_VERSION_1_0: number;
* Constant value specifying TLS version 1.1 for SSL.
const TLS_VERSION_1_1: number;
* Constant value specifying TLS version 1.2 for SSL.
const TLS_VERSION_1_2: number;
* Constant value specifying TLS version 1.3 for SSL.
const TLS_VERSION_1_3: number;
* Constant value specifying write-only mode for sockets.
const WRITE_MODE: never;
* Socket module, used for creating sockets.
namespace Socket {
* State value representing a closed socket.
const CLOSED: number;
* State value representing a connected socket.
const CONNECTED: number;
* State value indicating an error has occurred on the socket.
const ERROR: number;
* State value representing an initialized socket.
const INITIALIZED: number;
* State value representing a socket that is listening for connections.
const LISTENING: number;
* TCP socket that implements the `Titanium.IOStream` interface.
class TCP extends Titanium.IOStream {
* Callback to be fired when a listener accepts a connection.
accepted: (param0: AcceptedCallbackArgs) => void;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Callback to be fired when the socket enters the "connected" state.
connected: (param0: ConnectedCallbackArgs) => void;
* Callback to be fired when the socket enters the [ERROR](Titanium.Network.Socket.ERROR) state.
error: (param0: ErrorCallbackArgs) => void;
* The host to connect to or listen on.
host: string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Max number of pending incoming connections to be allowed when the socket is in the [LISTENING](Titanium.Network.Socket.LISTENING) state.
listenQueueSize: number;
* The port to connect to or listen on.
port: number;
* Current state of the socket.
readonly state: number;
* Timeout, in milliseconds, for `connect` and all `write` operations.
timeout: number;
* Tells a [LISTENING](Titanium.Network.Socket.LISTENING) socket to accept a connection request at the top of a listener's request queue when one becomes available.
accept(options: AcceptDict): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Closes a socket.
close(): void;
* Attempts to connect the socket to its host/port.
connect(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.accepted> property.
getAccepted: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.connected> property.
getConnected: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.error> property.
getError: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getHost: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.listenQueueSize> property.
getListenQueueSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.port> property.
getPort: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.state> property.
getState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.timeout> property.
getTimeout: never;
* Indicates whether this stream is readable.
isReadable(): boolean;
* Indicates whether this stream is writable.
isWritable(): boolean;
* Attempts to start listening on the socket's host/port.
listen(): void;
* Reads data from this stream into a buffer.
read(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: ReadCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.accepted> property.
setAccepted: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.connected> property.
setConnected: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.error> property.
setError: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setHost: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.listenQueueSize> property.
setListenQueueSize: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.port> property.
setPort: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP.timeout> property.
setTimeout: never;
* Writes data from a buffer to this stream.
write(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: WriteCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* UDP socket.
class UDP extends Titanium.IOStream {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Callback to be fired when data arrives on the UDP socket.
data: (param0: DataCallbackArgs) => void;
* Callback to be fired if an error occurs during the UDP sockect session.
error: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The port to connect to or listen on.
port: number;
* Callback to be fired when the local UDP socket enters the "bound" state.
started: (param0: StartedCallbackArgs) => void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Closes this stream.
close(): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
getData(): void;
getError(): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
getPort(): void;
getStarted(): void;
* Indicates whether this stream is readable.
isReadable(): boolean;
* Indicates whether this stream is writable.
isWritable(): boolean;
* Reads data from this stream into a buffer.
read(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: ReadCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Will send the bytes as a UDP packet to designated host and port.
sendBytes(port: number, host: string, data: ReadonlyArray<number>): void;
sendString(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
setData(): void;
setError(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
setPort(): void;
setStarted(): void;
* Will start up the local UDP socket.
start(port: number, host?: string): void;
* Will tear down the local UDP socket.
stop(): void;
* Writes data from a buffer to this stream.
write(buffer: Titanium.Buffer, offset?: number, length?: number, resultsCallback?: (param0: WriteCallbackArgs) => void): number;
* Base event for class Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser
interface BonjourBrowserBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser;
* Fired when the discovered services list is updated
interface BonjourBrowser_updatedservices_Event extends BonjourBrowserBaseEvent {
* An array of BonjourService objects corresponding to currently available services. If you cache this value, including using it as table data, be aware that it could become out of date at any time due to the asynchronous nature of Bonjour service discovery.
services: Titanium.Network.BonjourService[];
interface BonjourBrowserEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
updatedservices: BonjourBrowser_updatedservices_Event;
* A browser for the discovery and retrieval of Bonjour services available on the network.
class BonjourBrowser extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The domain the browser is searching in
domain: string;
* Whether or not the browser is currently searching
isSearching: boolean;
* The type of the service the browser searches for
serviceType: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof BonjourBrowserEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser, event: BonjourBrowserEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof BonjourBrowserEventMap>(name: K, event?: BonjourBrowserEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.domain> property.
getDomain: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.isSearching> property.
getIsSearching: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.serviceType> property.
getServiceType: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof BonjourBrowserEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser, event: BonjourBrowserEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Conduct a search for Bonjour services matching the type and domain specified during creation
search(): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.domain> property.
setDomain: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.isSearching> property.
setIsSearching: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourBrowser.serviceType> property.
setServiceType: never;
* Halt an ongoing search
stopSearch(): void;
* Base event for class Titanium.Network.BonjourService
interface BonjourServiceBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.Network.BonjourService;
* Fired when the service has been published (or errored).
interface BonjourService_publish_Event extends BonjourServiceBaseEvent {
* Error code
code: number;
* Error message
error: string;
* Reports if the publish operation was successful
success: boolean;
* Fired when the service has been resolved (or errored). If successful, the [socket](Titanium.Network.BonjourService.socket) property should now be available.
interface BonjourService_resolve_Event extends BonjourServiceBaseEvent {
* Error code
code: number;
* Error message
error: string;
* Reports if the resolve operation was successful
success: boolean;
* Fired when a service's publish or resolution was stopped via <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.stop>
interface BonjourService_stop_Event extends BonjourServiceBaseEvent {
* Error code
code: number;
* Error message
error: string;
* Reports if the stop operation was successful
success: boolean;
interface BonjourServiceEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
publish: BonjourService_publish_Event;
resolve: BonjourService_resolve_Event;
stop: BonjourService_stop_Event;
* Describes a service on the network which is published by Bonjour.
class BonjourService extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* the domain of the service
domain: string;
* whether or not the service is local to the device
isLocal: boolean;
* the name of the service
name: string;
* the TCPSocket object that is used to connect to the service
socket: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* the type of the service
type: string;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof BonjourServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Network.BonjourService, event: BonjourServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof BonjourServiceEventMap>(name: K, event?: BonjourServiceEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.domain> property.
getDomain: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.isLocal> property.
getIsLocal: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.socket> property.
getSocket: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.type> property.
getType: never;
* Asynchronously publish a Bonjour service to the network. Only works if isLocal is TRUE
publish(socket: Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP, callback?: (param0: Error, param1: boolean) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof BonjourServiceEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.Network.BonjourService, event: BonjourServiceEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Asynchronously resolve a Bonjour service from the network. Must be done before attempting to access the service's socket information, if a remote service. You cannot resolve a locally published service.
resolve(timeout?: number, callback?: (param0: Error, param1: boolean) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.domain> property.
setDomain: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.isLocal> property.
setIsLocal: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.socket> property.
setSocket: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.BonjourService.type> property.
setType: never;
* Asynchronously halts a currently running attempt to publish or resolve a service.
stop(callback?: (param0: Error, param1: boolean) => void): void;
* Cookie object used to manage the system cookie store and HTTP client cookie store.
class Cookie extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* The comment describing the purpose of this cookie
comment: string;
* The domain attribute of the cookie.
domain: string;
* The expiration Date of the cookie.
expiryDate: string;
* The httponly attribute of the cookie.
httponly: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Sets the Max-Age attribute of a Cookie, in delta-seconds.
maxAge: number;
* The name of the cookie.
readonly name: string;
* The origual url attribute of the cookie.
originalUrl: string;
* The path attribute of the cookie.
path: string;
* The secure attribute of the cookie.
secure: boolean;
* The value of the cookie.
value: string;
* The version of the cookie specification to which this cookie conforms.
version: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.comment> property.
getComment: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.domain> property.
getDomain: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.expiryDate> property.
getExpiryDate: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.httponly> property.
getHttponly: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.maxAge> property.
getMaxAge: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.originalUrl> property.
getOriginalUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.path> property.
getPath: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getSecure: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.value> property.
getValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.version> property.
getVersion: never;
* Returns true if the cookie is valid.
isValid(): boolean;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.comment> property.
setComment: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.domain> property.
setDomain: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.expiryDate> property.
setExpiryDate: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.httponly> property.
setHttponly: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.maxAge> property.
setMaxAge: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.originalUrl> property.
setOriginalUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.path> property.
setPath: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setSecure: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.value> property.
setValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Cookie.version> property.
setVersion: never;
* HTTP client object that (mostly) implements the XMLHttpRequest specification.
class HTTPClient extends Titanium.Proxy {
* Ready state constant indicating that the request is complete.
readonly DONE: number;
* Ready state constant indicating that response headers have been received.
readonly HEADERS_RECEIVED: number;
* Ready state constant indicating that response data is being received from the remote server.
readonly LOADING: number;
* Ready state constant indicating that the connection has been opened, but the request has
* not yet been sent.
readonly OPENED: number;
* Ready state constant indicating that HTTPClient request has not been opened or sent.
readonly UNSENT: number;
* All of the response headers.
readonly allResponseHeaders: string;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Determines whether automatic encoding is enabled for the specified URL.
autoEncodeUrl: boolean;
* Determines whether automatic automatic handling of HTTP redirects is enabled.
autoRedirect: boolean;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Determines whether HTTP responses are cached.
cache: boolean;
* Indicates whether the response was successful.
readonly connected: boolean;
* Connection type, normally either `GET`, `POST` or `PATCH`.
readonly connectionType: string;
* Sets the domain parameter for authentication credentials.
domain: string;
* Determines whether the client should attempt to keep a persistent connection.
enableKeepAlive: boolean;
* Target local file or file path to receive data.
file: string | Titanium.Filesystem.File;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Absolute URL of the request.
readonly location: string;
* Function to be called at regular intervals as the request data is being received.
ondatastream: (param0: any) => void;
* Function to be called upon a error response.
onerror: (param0: FailureResponse) => void;
* Function to be called upon a successful response.
onload: (param0: SuccessResponse) => void;
* Function to be called for each [readyState](Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.readyState) change.
onreadystatechange: (param0: any) => void;
* Function to be called at regular intervals as the request data is being transmitted.
onsendstream: (param0: any) => void;
* Sets the password parameter for authentication credentials.
password: string;
* The current ready state of this HTTP request.
readonly readyState: number;
* Response data as a `Blob` object.
readonly responseData: Titanium.Blob;
* Returns all the response headers returned with the request.
readonly responseHeaders: any;
* Response as text.
readonly responseText: string;
* Response object as an XML DOM Document object.
readonly responseXML: Titanium.XML.Document;
* The Security Manager for this client.
securityManager: SecurityManagerProtocol;
* Response HTTP status code.
readonly status: number;
* Human-readable status message associated with the status code.
readonly statusText: string;
* Timeout in milliseconds when the connection should be aborted.
timeout: number;
* Sets the TLS version to use for handshakes.
tlsVersion: number;
* Sets the username parameter for authentication credentials.
username: string;
* Determines how SSL certification validation is performed on connection.
validatesSecureCertificate: boolean;
* Cancels a pending request.
abort(): void;
* Registers a new AuthSchemeFactory for a given scheme.
addAuthFactory: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Adds a custom key manager.
addKeyManager: never;
* Adds a custom trust manager.
addTrustManager: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Clears any cookies stored for the host.
clearCookies(host: string): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.allResponseHeaders> property.
getAllResponseHeaders: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.autoEncodeUrl> property.
getAutoEncodeUrl: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.autoRedirect> property.
getAutoRedirect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.cache> property.
getCache: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.connected> property.
getConnected: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.connectionType> property.
getConnectionType: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.domain> property.
getDomain: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.enableKeepAlive> property.
getEnableKeepAlive: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.file> property.
getFile: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.location> property.
getLocation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.ondatastream> property.
getOndatastream: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onerror> property.
getOnerror: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onload> property.
getOnload: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onreadystatechange> property.
getOnreadystatechange: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onsendstream> property.
getOnsendstream: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.password> property.
getPassword: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.readyState> property.
getReadyState: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.responseData> property.
getResponseData: never;
* Returns the value of the specified response header.
getResponseHeader(name: string): string;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.responseHeaders> property.
getResponseHeaders: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.responseText> property.
getResponseText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.responseXML> property.
getResponseXML: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.securityManager> property.
getSecurityManager: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.status> property.
getStatus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.statusText> property.
getStatusText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.timeout> property.
getTimeout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.tlsVersion> property.
getTlsVersion: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.username> property.
getUsername: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.validatesSecureCertificate> property.
getValidatesSecureCertificate: never;
* Opens the request and prepares the connection.
open(method: string, url: string, async?: boolean): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sends the request.
send(data?: any): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.autoEncodeUrl> property.
setAutoEncodeUrl: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.autoRedirect> property.
setAutoRedirect: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.cache> property.
setCache: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.domain> property.
setDomain: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.enableKeepAlive> property.
setEnableKeepAlive: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.file> property.
setFile: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.ondatastream> property.
setOndatastream: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onerror> property.
setOnerror: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onload> property.
setOnload: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onreadystatechange> property.
setOnreadystatechange: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.onsendstream> property.
setOnsendstream: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.password> property.
setPassword: never;
* Sets the value for the specified request header. Must be called after `open` but before `send`.
setRequestHeader(name: string, value: string): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.securityManager> property.
setSecurityManager: never;
* Sets the request timeout.
setTimeout(timeout: number): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.tlsVersion> property.
setTlsVersion: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.username> property.
setUsername: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.HTTPClient.validatesSecureCertificate> property.
setValidatesSecureCertificate: never;
* Socket module, used for creating sockets.
class Socket extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Returns a new TCP socket object.
static createTCP(params?: Dictionary<Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP>): Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP;
* Creates and returns an instance of <Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP>.
static createUDP(parameters?: Dictionary<Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP>): Titanium.Network.Socket.UDP;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Network.Socket.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The TCPSocket instance returned from <Titanium.Network.createTCPSocket>. This object
* represents a socket which either listens locally on the device for connections,
* or connects to a remote machine.
* Use [Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP](Titanium.Network.Socket.TCP) where possible.
const TCPSocket: never;
* The top-level Platform module. The Platform module is used to access the device's platform-related
* functionality.
namespace Platform {
* Constant to indicate that the system is plugged in and currently being charged.
* Constant to indicate that the battery is fully charged.
const BATTERY_STATE_FULL: number;
* Constant to indicate that the battery state is not known or monitoring is disabled.
* Constant to indicate that the system is unplugged.
* The Android-specific Platform module, used to access the device's platform-related functionality.
class Android extends Titanium.Module {
* Android API level identifier of the Operating System.
static readonly API_LEVEL: number;
* Constant to indicate that the physical size category of the current device/emulator is large
static readonly PHYSICAL_SIZE_CATEGORY_LARGE: number;
* Constant to indicate that the physical size category of the current device/emulator is normal
static readonly PHYSICAL_SIZE_CATEGORY_NORMAL: number;
* Constant to indicate that the physical size category of the current device/emulator is small
static readonly PHYSICAL_SIZE_CATEGORY_SMALL: number;
* Constant to indicate that the physical size category of the current device/emulator is undefined
* Constant to indicate that the physical size category of the current device/emulator is extra large
static readonly PHYSICAL_SIZE_CATEGORY_XLARGE: number;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* The physical size category of the Android device or emulator.
static readonly physicalSizeCategory: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.physicalSizeCategory> property.
static getPhysicalSizeCategory: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.Android.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The Display Caps object returned by the <Titanium.Platform.displayCaps> property.
class DisplayCaps extends Titanium.Proxy {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Logical density of the display.
readonly density: string;
* Display density expressed as dots-per-inch.
readonly dpi: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Logical density of the display, as a scaling factor for the Density Independent Pixel (dip)
* unit.
readonly logicalDensityFactor: number;
* Absolute height of the display in relation to UI orientation. Measured in platform-specific
* units; pixels on Android and density-independent pixels (dip) on iOS.
readonly platformHeight: number;
* Absolute width of the display in relation to UI orientation. Measured in platform-specific
* units; pixels on Android and density-independent pixels (dip) on iOS.
readonly platformWidth: number;
* Physical pixels per inch of the display in the X dimension.
readonly xdpi: number;
* Physical pixels per inch of the display in the Y dimension.
readonly ydpi: number;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.density> property.
getDensity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.dpi> property.
getDpi: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.logicalDensityFactor> property.
getLogicalDensityFactor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.platformHeight> property.
getPlatformHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.platformWidth> property.
getPlatformWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.xdpi> property.
getXdpi: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.ydpi> property.
getYdpi: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.Platform.DisplayCaps.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* The main <Titanium.UI> module.
namespace UI {
* Use with [Animation.curve](Titanium.UI.Animation.curve) to specify an animation that starts
* slowly and speeds up.
* Use with [Animation.curve](Titanium.UI.Animation.curve) to specify an animation that starts
* slowly, and speeds up, then slows down at the end of the animation.
* Use with [Animation.curve](Titanium.UI.Animation.curve) to specify an animation that starts
* quickly, then slows down at the end of the animation.
* Use with [Animation.curve](Titanium.UI.Animation.curve) to specify an animation that proceeds
* at a constant rate.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify a background color.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to apply a different baseline to the text.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to stretch the text horizontally.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify a font.
const ATTRIBUTE_FONT: number;
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify a font color.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify kerning (space between characters).
const ATTRIBUTE_KERN: number;
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use a letterpress text effect.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to enable or disable ligatures.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to wrap and truncate the text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to wrap words at word boundaries.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to set lines to not draw past the edge of the text container.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use ellipsis glyph at the beginning of the line for missing text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use ellipsis glyph at the middle of the line for missing text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use ellipsis glyph at the end of the line for missing text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to wrap words at word boundaries.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to create a link.
const ATTRIBUTE_LINK: number;
* Use with <Attribute.type> to skew the text.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to manages the behaviour of string set.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to display a shadow behind the text.
const ATTRIBUTE_SHADOW: number;
* Use with <Attribute.type> to change the color of the horizontal line.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to place a horizontal line through the text.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify a color for the stroke text.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to specify the width of the stroke text.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to place the text in a lower position.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to place the text in an upper position.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to apply a text effect.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to place a horizontal line under the text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a line only underneath or through words.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to change the color of the horizontal line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a dashed line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw an alternating line of dashes and dots.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw an alternating line of dashes and two dots.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a dotted line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a solid line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a double line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to not draw a line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a single line.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to draw a thick line.
* Use with <Attribute.type> to control the direction of the text.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use the embedded text direction.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to write text left to right.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to use the
* [Unicode Bidirection Algorithm rules P2 and P3](
* to determine which direction to use.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to override the text direction.
* Use with <Attribute.value> to write text right to left.
* Converts strings formatted as addresses into clickable links.
* Converts all detectable types of data into clickable links.
const AUTODETECT_ALL: never;
* Converts strings formatted as calendar events into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as URLs into clickable links.
const AUTODETECT_LINK: never;
* Disables converting strings into clickable links.
const AUTODETECT_NONE: never;
* Converts strings formatted as phone numbers into clickable links.
const AUTODETECT_PHONE: never;
* Specifies the expectation of an address.
* Specifies the expectation of a city name.
* Specifies the expectation of a city name combined with a state name.
* Specifies the expectation of the first line of a street address.
* Specifies the expectation of the second line of a street address.
* Specifies the expectation of a state name.
* Specifies the expectation of a card expiration date.
* Specifies the expectation of a card expiration day.
* Specifies the expectation of a card expiration month.
* Specifies the expectation of a card expiration year.
* Specifies the expectation of a card number.
* Specifies the expectation of a card security code.
* Specifies the expectation of a country name.
* Specifies the expectation of an email address.
const AUTOFILL_TYPE_EMAIL: string;
* Specifies the expectation of a family name.
* Specifies the expectation of a given name.
* Specifies the expectation of a job title.
* Specifies the expectation of a location, such as a point of interest, an address, or another way to identify a location.
* Specifies the expectation of a middle name.
* Specifies the expectation of a name.
const AUTOFILL_TYPE_NAME: string;
* Specifies the expectation of a prefix or title, such as 'Dr.'
* Specifies the expectation of a suffix, such as 'Jr.'
* Specifies the expectation of a new password.
* Specifies the expectation of a nickname.
* Specifies the expectation of a single-factor SMS login code.
* Specifies the expectation of an organization name.
* Specifies the expectation of a password.
* Specifies the expectation of a telephone number.
const AUTOFILL_TYPE_PHONE: string;
* Specifies the expectation of a postal code.
* Specifies the expectation of a sublocality.
* Specifies the expectation of a URL.
const AUTOFILL_TYPE_URL: string;
* Specifies the expectation of an account or login name.
* Converts all detectable types of data into clickable links.
const AUTOLINK_ALL: number;
* Converts strings formatted as calendar events into clickable links.
const AUTOLINK_CALENDAR: number;
* Converts strings formatted as email addresses into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as addresses into clickable links.
* Disables converting strings into clickable links.
const AUTOLINK_NONE: number;
* Converts strings formatted as phone numbers into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as URLs into clickable links.
const AUTOLINK_URLS: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_CLEAR: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_COLOR: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_COPY: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_DARKEN: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_HUE: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_NORMAL: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_SCREEN: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_SOURCE_IN: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_SOURCE_OUT: number;
* Use with [MaskedImage.mode](Titanium.UI.MaskedImage.mode) to specify a blend mode.
const BLEND_MODE_XOR: number;
* Specifies the time and date that you want the system to remove the clipboard items from the clipboard.
* Specifies that the clipboard items should not be available to other devices through Handoff.
* Specifies that all the edges of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_ALL: number;
* Specifies that the bottom edge of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_BOTTOM: number;
* Specifies that the left edge of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_LEFT: number;
* Specifies that none of the edges of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_NONE: number;
* Specifies that the right edge of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_RIGHT: number;
* Specifies that the top edge of the window can extend.
const EXTEND_EDGE_TOP: number;
* Constant value for face-down orientation.
const FACE_DOWN: number;
* Constant value for face-up orientation.
const FACE_UP: number;
* FILL behavior for UI layout.
const FILL: string;
* Release free space when hiding an object.
* Keeps free space when hiding an object.
* Use when creating a TextField to specify the hintType as animated.
const HINT_TYPE_ANIMATED: number;
* Use when creating a TextField to specify the hintType as static.
const HINT_TYPE_STATIC: number;
* Use a bezel-style border on the input field.
* Use a simple line border on the input field.
* Use no border on the input field.
* Use a rounded-rectangle border on the input field.
* Always show buttons on the input field.
* Never show buttons on the input field.
* Show buttons on the input field when it loses focus.
* Show buttons on the input field when it gains focus.
* Use a keyboard with a number pad only, with the pad keyboard layout. Accepts only numbers.
* Use an ASCII keyboard, with the standard keyboard layout.
const INPUT_TYPE_CLASS_TEXT: number;
* Use a keyboard appearance suitable for entering text on an alert.
* Use the platform-specific dark keyboard appearance.
* Use the platform-specific default keyboard appearance.
* Use the platform-specific light keyboard appearance.
* Use an ASCII keyboard, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_ASCII: never;
* Use a keyboard with decimal numbers only, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use the default keyboard, depending on the platform.
const KEYBOARD_DEFAULT: never;
* Use a keyboard suitable for composing email, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_EMAIL: never;
* Use a keyboard suitable for entering names and phone numbers, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with numbers and punctuation only, with the standard keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with a number pad only, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with a phone-style number pad, with the pad keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_PHONE_PAD: never;
* Use an ASCII keyboard, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_TYPE_ASCII: number;
* Use a keyboard with decimal numbers only, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use the default keyboard, depending on the platform.
* Use a keyboard suitable for composing email, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_TYPE_EMAIL: number;
* Use a keyboard suitable for entering names and phone numbers, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with numbers and punctuation only, with the standard keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with a number pad only, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard with a phone-style number pad, with the pad keyboard layout.
* Use a keyboard optimized for twitter text entry, with easy access to the @ and
* Use a keyboard optimized for entering URLs, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_TYPE_URL: number;
* Use a keyboard optimized for web search terms and URL entry.
* Use a keyboard optimized for entering URLs, with the standard keyboard layout.
const KEYBOARD_URL: never;
* Standard landscape orientation (home button on left).
const LANDSCAPE_LEFT: number;
* Reverse landscape orientation (home button on right).
const LANDSCAPE_RIGHT: number;
* Displays a checkmark on the right side of an item in a list view.
* Displays a detail disclosure button on the right side of an item in a list view.
* Displays a disclosure indicator on the right side of an item in a list view.
* Do not display anything on the right side of an item in a list view.
* A built-in style for an item with a right-aligned title label on the left side of the cell,
* which is next to a left-aligned subtitle label.
* A built-in style for an item with an image view and left-aligned title label.
* A built-in style for a item with an image view; a left-aligned title label; and a
* right-aligned subtitle label.
* A built-in style for an item with an image view; a black, left-aligned title label across the
* top of the cell and a subtitle label below it.
* Specifies a long duration for an Android Toast notification (<Titanium.UI.Notification>).
* Specifies a short duration for an Android Toast notification (<Titanium.UI.Notification>).
* Use a picker with a countdown timer appearance, showing hours and minutes.
* Use a date picker.
const PICKER_TYPE_DATE: number;
* Use a date and time picker.
* Use a plain picker (for values other than date or time).
const PICKER_TYPE_PLAIN: number;
* Use a time picker.
const PICKER_TYPE_TIME: number;
* Orientation constant for portrait mode orientation.
const PORTRAIT: number;
* Set the return key text to "Continue".
* Use the default return key on the virtual keyboard.
const RETURNKEY_DEFAULT: number;
* Set the return key text to "Done".
const RETURNKEY_DONE: number;
* Set the return key text to "Emergency Call".
* Set the return key text to "Go".
const RETURNKEY_GO: number;
* Set the return key text to "Google".
const RETURNKEY_GOOGLE: number;
* Set the return key text to "Join".
const RETURNKEY_JOIN: number;
* Set the return key text to "Next".
const RETURNKEY_NEXT: number;
* Set the return key text to "Route".
const RETURNKEY_ROUTE: number;
* Set the return key text to "Search".
const RETURNKEY_SEARCH: number;
* Set the return key text to "Send".
const RETURNKEY_SEND: number;
* Set the return key text to "Yahoo".
const RETURNKEY_YAHOO: number;
* Return the dark value from the applications colorset
* Return the light value from the applications colorset.
* SIZE behavior for UI layout.
const SIZE: string;
* The row divider is hidden.
* The row divider is shown as a single line.
* Center align text.
const TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: number | string;
* Justify align text.
const TEXT_ALIGNMENT_JUSTIFY: number | string;
* Left align text.
const TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT: number | string;
* Right align text.
const TEXT_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT: number | string;
* Auto-capitalize all text in the input field.
* Do not auto-capitalize.
* Use sentence-style auto-capitalization in the input field.
* Auto-capitalize the first letter of each word in the input field.
* Add ellipses before the first character that doesnt fit.
* Lines are simply not drawn past the edge of the text container.
* Add ellipses at the end of the label if the text is too large to fit.
* Turns on a marquee effect of the label if the text is too large to fit. (This requires <Titanium.UI.Label.focusable> to be true)
* Add ellipses in the middle of the label if the text is too large to fit.
* Disables ellipsizing of the label. The text will be cut off if it is too long.
* Add ellipses at the beginning of the label if the text is too large to fit.
* Add ellipses at word boundaries, unless the word itself doesn't fit on a single line.
* The font used for body texts.
const TEXT_STYLE_BODY: string;
* The font used for callouts.
const TEXT_STYLE_CALLOUT: string;
* The font used for standard captions.
const TEXT_STYLE_CAPTION1: string;
* The font used for alternate captions.
const TEXT_STYLE_CAPTION2: string;
* The font used in footnotes.
const TEXT_STYLE_FOOTNOTE: string;
* The font used for headings.
const TEXT_STYLE_HEADLINE: string;
* Specifies the text style for the <Font> Object.
* The font used for subheadings.
* The font used for first level hierarchical headings.
const TEXT_STYLE_TITLE1: string;
* The font used for second level hierarchical headings.
const TEXT_STYLE_TITLE2: string;
* The font used for third level hierarchical headings.
const TEXT_STYLE_TITLE3: string;
* Align text to the bottom of the view.
const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM: number | string;
* Vertically align text to the center of the view.
const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER: number | string;
* Align text to the top of the view.
const TEXT_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_TOP: number | string;
* Unit constant representing units in centimeters.
const UNIT_CM: string;
* Unit constant representing units in density-independent pixels.
const UNIT_DIP: string;
* Unit constant representing units in inches.
const UNIT_IN: string;
* Unit constant representing units in millimeters.
const UNIT_MM: string;
* Unit constant representing units in pixels.
const UNIT_PX: string;
* Orientation constant representing an unknown orientation.
const UNKNOWN: number;
* Orientation constant for inverted portait orientation.
const UPSIDE_PORTRAIT: number;
* Authentication error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error>.
* Bad url error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error>.
const URL_ERROR_BAD_URL: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> for a failure to connect to host.
const URL_ERROR_CONNECT: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> for a failure to access a file resource on a host, except "file not found", which has its own constant.
const URL_ERROR_FILE: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when a requested file does not exist on the host.
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when a host name cannot be resolved, such as via a DNS lookup error.
const URL_ERROR_HOST_LOOKUP: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when a redirect loop is detected.
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> for an SSL failure.
const URL_ERROR_SSL_FAILED: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when a timeout occurs.
const URL_ERROR_TIMEOUT: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when an unknown error occurs.
const URL_ERROR_UNKNOWN: number;
* Error code reported via <Titanium.UI.WebView.error> when a url contains an unsupported scheme.
* The Android-specific UI capabilities. All properties, methods and events in this namespace will
* only work on Android systems.
namespace Android {
* Window flag which makes the Android system's navigation bar semi-transparent.
* Window flag which makes the Android system's top status bar semi-transparent.
* Raw bit controlling whether the right/bottom edge is clipped to its container, based on the gravity direction being applied.
const GRAVITY_AXIS_CLIP: number;
* Raw bit controlling how the right/bottom edge is placed.
* Raw bit controlling how the left/top edge is placed.
* Raw bit indicating the gravity for an axis has been specified.
* Bits defining the horizontal axis.
const GRAVITY_AXIS_X_SHIFT: number;
* Bits defining the vertical axis.
const GRAVITY_AXIS_Y_SHIFT: number;
* Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_BOTTOM: number;
* Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_CENTER: number;
* Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size.
* Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size.
* Flag to clip the edges of the object to its container along the horizontal axis.
* Flag to clip the edges of the object to its container along the vertical axis.
* Special constant to enable clipping to an overall display along the horizontal dimension.
* Special constant to enable clipping to an overall display along the vertical dimension.
* Push object to x-axis position at the end of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_END: number;
* Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container.
const GRAVITY_FILL: number;
* Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container.
* Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container.
* Binary mask to get the absolute horizontal gravity of a gravity.
* Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_LEFT: number;
* Constant indicating that no gravity has been set
const GRAVITY_NO_GRAVITY: number;
* Binary mask for the horizontal gravity and script specific direction bit.
* Raw bit controlling whether the layout direction is relative or not (GRAVITY_START/GRAVITY_END instead of absolute GRAVITY_LEFT/GRAVITY_RIGHT).
* Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_RIGHT: number;
* Push object to x-axis position at the start of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_START: number;
* Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size.
const GRAVITY_TOP: number;
* Binary mask to get the vertical gravity of a gravity.
* Converts all detectable types of data into clickable links.
const LINKIFY_ALL: never;
* Converts strings formatted as email addresses into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as addresses into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as phone numbers into clickable links.
* Converts strings formatted as URLs into clickable links.
const LINKIFY_WEB_URLS: never;
* Always allow a user to over-scroll this view, provided it is a view that can scroll.
const OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS: number;
* Allow a user to over-scroll this view only if the content is large enough to meaningfully scroll, provided it is a view that can scroll.
* Never allow a user to over-scroll this view.
const OVER_SCROLL_NEVER: number;
* Android A_8 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_A_8: number;
* Android LA_88 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_LA_88: number;
* Android L_8 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_L_8: number;
* Android OPAQUE pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_OPAQUE: number;
* Android RGBA_4444 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_4444: number;
* Android RGBA_5551 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_5551: number;
* Android RGBA_8888 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888: number;
* Android RGBX_8888 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBX_8888: number;
* Android RGB_332 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_332: number;
* Android RGB_565 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_565: number;
* Android RGB_888 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
const PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_888: number;
* Android TRANSLUCENT pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
* Android A_8 pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format can
* improve image clarity and performance.
* Android UNKNOWN pixel format for <Titanium.UI.Window>. Selecting the correct pixel format
* can improve image clarity and performance.
* Used with the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.type> property to indicate an ongoing
* activity of determinate length.
* Display <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator> as a modal dialog. (default)
* Used with the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.type> property to indicate an ongoing
* activity of indeterminate length. (default)
* Display <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator> as a horizontal progress bar in the title of
* the window.
* Pan the current heavyweight window when the input method (ie software keyboard) is shown, to
* ensure that its contents are not obscured.
const SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN: number;
* Resize the current heavyweight window when the input method (ie software keyboard) is shown,
* to ensure that its contents are not obscured.
* Use the system-default behavior to determine how the soft input area (ie software keyboard)
* is accomodated by the current heavyweight window when it receives focus (default.)
* Always hide the soft input area (ie software keyboard) when the current heavyweight window
* receives focus.
* Always show the soft input area (ie software keyboard) when the current heavyweight window
* receives focus.
* Attempt to hide the soft input area (ie software keyboard) when the current heavyweight
* window receives focus.
* Use the system-default behavior to determine whether to show the soft input area
* (ie software keyboard) when the current heavyweight window receives focus.
* Attempt to show the soft input area (ie software keyboard) when the current heavyweight
* window receives focus.
* Use Android default behavior to handle keyboard visibility when a view receives focus.
* (default)
* Attempt to hide the soft keyboard when a view receives focus. Note: system can override
* request.
* Attempt to show the soft keyboard when a view receives focus. Note: system can override
* request.
* Display a checkbox.
* Display a switch.
const SWITCH_STYLE_SWITCH: number;
* Display a toggle button.
* TabGroup style taking advantage of a bottom navigation controller for switching between tabs.
* The default TabGroup style that places the Tabs bellow the ActionBar and above the Window content.
const TABS_STYLE_DEFAULT: number;
* Captures layout bounds of target views before and after the scene change and animates those changes during the transition.
* Captures the clip bounds before and after the scene change and animates those changes during the transition.
* Captures an ImageView's matrix before and after the scene change and animates it during the transition.
* Captures scale and rotation for Views before and after the scene change and animates those changes during the transition.
* Moves views in or out from the edges of the scene.
* Fades in the views.
const TRANSITION_FADE_IN: number;
* Fades out the views.
const TRANSITION_FADE_OUT: number;
* Resets transition to platform default.
const TRANSITION_NONE: number;
* Moves views to bottom.
* Moves views to left.
* Moves views to right.
* Moves views to top.
* Use with [WebView.cacheMode](Titanium.UI.WebView.cacheMode) to override how the cache is used in a web view.
* Use with [WebView.cacheMode](Titanium.UI.WebView.cacheMode) to override how the cache is used in a web view.
* Use with [WebView.cacheMode](Titanium.UI.WebView.cacheMode) to override how the cache is used in a web view.
* Use with [WebView.cacheMode](Titanium.UI.WebView.cacheMode) to override how the cache is used in a web view.
const WEBVIEW_LOAD_NO_CACHE: number;
* Use with [WebView.pluginState](Titanium.UI.WebView.pluginState) to disable plugins in a web view.
const WEBVIEW_PLUGINS_OFF: number;
* Use with [WebView.pluginState](Titanium.UI.WebView.pluginState) to enable plugins in a web view.
const WEBVIEW_PLUGINS_ON: number;
* Display a placeholder and only load plugins when user selects it.
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Android.CardView
interface CardViewBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Android.CardView;
* Fired when the device detects a long click.
interface CardView_longclick_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when the device detects a pinch gesture.
interface CardView_pinch_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* The average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpan: number;
* The average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanX: number;
* The average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanY: number;
* The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusX: number;
* The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusY: number;
* Returns `true` if a scale gesture is in progress, `false` otherwise.
inProgress: boolean;
* The previous average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpan: number;
* The previous average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanX: number;
* The previous average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanY: number;
* The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates.
scale: number;
* The event time of the current event being processed.
time: number;
* The time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted scaling event and the
* current scaling event.
timeDelta: number;
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
velocity: number;
* Fired when the device detects a swipe gesture against the view.
interface CardView_swipe_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* Direction of the swipe--either 'left', 'right', 'up', or 'down'.
direction: string;
* X coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a two-finger tap against the view.
interface CardView_twofingertap_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
interface CardView_touchmove_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
interface CardView_touchstart_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
interface CardView_touchcancel_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is completed.
interface CardView_touchend_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Penciland are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a click against the view.
interface CardView_click_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double click against the view.
interface CardView_dblclick_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a single tap against the view.
interface CardView_singletap_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double tap against the view.
interface CardView_doubletap_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a long press.
interface CardView_longpress_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the view element gains focus.
interface CardView_focus_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when a layout cycle is finished.
interface CardView_postlayout_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when a hardware key is pressed in the view.
interface CardView_keypressed_Event extends CardViewBaseEvent {
* The code for the physical key that was pressed. For more details, see [KeyEvent]( This API is experimental and subject to change.
keyCode: number;
interface CardViewEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
click: CardView_click_Event;
dblclick: CardView_dblclick_Event;
doubletap: CardView_doubletap_Event;
focus: CardView_focus_Event;
keypressed: CardView_keypressed_Event;
longclick: CardView_longclick_Event;
longpress: CardView_longpress_Event;
pinch: CardView_pinch_Event;
postlayout: CardView_postlayout_Event;
singletap: CardView_singletap_Event;
swipe: CardView_swipe_Event;
touchcancel: CardView_touchcancel_Event;
touchend: CardView_touchend_Event;
touchmove: CardView_touchmove_Event;
touchstart: CardView_touchstart_Event;
twofingertap: CardView_twofingertap_Event;
* CardView provides a layout container with rounded corners and a shadow indicating the view is elevated.
class CardView extends Titanium.UI.View {
* Whether the view should be "hidden" from (i.e., ignored by) the accessibility service.
accessibilityHidden: boolean;
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: string;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: string;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: string;
* Coordinate of the view about which to pivot an animation.
anchorPoint: Point;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Background color for CardView as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundColor: string;
* Disabled background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundDisabledColor: string;
* Disabled background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundDisabledImage: string;
* Focused background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundFocusedColor: string;
* Focused background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundFocusedImage: string;
* A background gradient for the view.
backgroundGradient: never;
* Background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: never;
* Determines whether to tile a background across a view.
backgroundRepeat: never;
* Selected background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundSelectedColor: string;
* Selected background image url for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundSelectedImage: string;
* Border color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
borderColor: never;
* Corner radius for CardView.
borderRadius: number;
* Border width of the view.
borderWidth: number;
* View's bottom position, in platform-specific units.
bottom: number | string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* Background color for CardView as a color name or hex triplet.
cardBackgroundColor: never;
* Corner radius for CardView.
cardCornerRadius: never;
* Elevation for CardView.
cardElevation: never;
* Maximum Elevation for CardView.
cardMaxElevation: never;
* Add padding to CardView on API level 20 and before to prevent intersections between
* the Card content and rounded corners.
cardPreventCornerOverlap: never;
* Add padding on API level 21 and above to have the same measurements with previous versions.
cardUseCompatPadding: never;
* View's center position, in the parent view's coordinates.
center: Point;
* Array of this view's child views.
readonly children: Titanium.UI.View[];
* Inner padding between the edges of the Card and children of the CardView.
contentPadding: never;
* Inner padding between the bottom edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
contentPaddingBottom: never;
* Inner padding between the left edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
contentPaddingLeft: never;
* Inner padding between the right edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
contentPaddingRight: never;
* Inner padding between the top edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
contentPaddingTop: never;
* Elevation for CardView.
elevation: number;
* Whether view should be focusable while navigating with the trackball.
focusable: boolean;
* View height, in platform-specific units.
height: number | string;
* Sets the behavior when hiding an object to release or keep the free space
hiddenBehavior: number;
* Determines whether the layout has wrapping behavior.
horizontalWrap: boolean;
* View's identifier.
id?: string;
* Determines whether to keep the device screen on.
keepScreenOn: boolean;
* Specifies how the view positions its children.
* One of: 'composite', 'vertical', or 'horizontal'.
layout: string;
* View's left position, in platform-specific units.
left: number | string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Maximum Elevation for CardView.
maxElevation: number;
* Opacity of this view, from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 1.0 (opaque).
opacity: number;
* When on, animate call overrides current animation if applicable.
overrideCurrentAnimation: boolean;
* Inner padding between the edges of the Card and children of the CardView.
padding: number;
* Inner padding between the bottom edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
paddingBottom: number;
* Inner padding between the left edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
paddingLeft: number;
* Inner padding between the right edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
paddingRight: number;
* Inner padding between the top edge of the Card and children of the CardView.
paddingTop: number;
* Add padding to CardView on API level 20 and before to prevent intersections between
* the Card content and rounded corners.
preventCornerOverlap: boolean;
* The bounding box of the view relative to its parent, in system units.
readonly rect: DimensionWithAbsolutes;
* View's right position, in platform-specific units.
right: number | string;
* Clockwise 2D rotation of the view in degrees.
rotation: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (x-axis).
rotationX: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (y-axis).
rotationY: number;
* Scaling of the view in x-axis in pixels.
scaleX: number;
* Scaling of the view in y-axis in pixels.
scaleY: number;
* The size of the view in system units.
readonly size: Dimension;
* Determines keyboard behavior when this view is focused. Defaults to <Titanium.UI.Android.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_ON_FOCUS>.
softKeyboardOnFocus: number;
* The view's top position.
top: number | string;
* Determines whether view should receive touch events.
touchEnabled: boolean;
* A material design visual construct that provides an instantaneous visual confirmation of touch point.
touchFeedback: boolean;
* Optional touch feedback ripple color. This has no effect unless `touchFeedback` is true.
touchFeedbackColor: string;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the view.
transform: Titanium.UI.Matrix2D | Titanium.UI.Matrix3D;
* A name to identify this view in activity transition.
transitionName: string;
* Horizontal location of the view relative to its left position in pixels.
translationX: number;
* Vertical location of the view relative to its top position in pixels.
translationY: number;
* Depth of the view relative to its elevation in pixels.
translationZ: number;
* Add padding on API level 21 and above to have the same measurements with previous versions.
useCompatPadding: boolean;
* Determines whether the view is visible.
visible: boolean;
* View's width, in platform-specific units.
width: number | string;
* Z-index stack order position, relative to other sibling views.
zIndex: number;
* Adds a child to this view's hierarchy.
add(view: Titanium.UI.View | Titanium.UI.View[]): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof CardViewEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.CardView, event: CardViewEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Animates this view.
animate(animation: Titanium.UI.Animation | Dictionary<Titanium.UI.Animation>, callback?: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Translates a point from this view's coordinate system to another view's coordinate system.
convertPointToView(point: Point, destinationView: Titanium.UI.View): Point;
* Finishes a batch update of the View's layout properties and schedules a layout pass of the
* view tree.
finishLayout: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof CardViewEventMap>(name: K, event?: CardViewEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityHidden> property.
getAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.anchorPoint> property.
getAnchorPoint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundColor> property.
getBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
getBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
getBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
getBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
getBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundGradient> property.
getBackgroundGradient: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundImage> property.
getBackgroundImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundRepeat> property.
getBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
getBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
getBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderColor> property.
getBorderColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderRadius> property.
getBorderRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderWidth> property.
getBorderWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.bottom> property.
getBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardBackgroundColor> property.
getCardBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardCornerRadius> property.
getCardCornerRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardElevation> property.
getCardElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardMaxElevation> property.
getCardMaxElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardPreventCornerOverlap> property.
getCardPreventCornerOverlap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardUseCompatPadding> property.
getCardUseCompatPadding: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.children> property.
getChildren: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPadding> property.
getContentPadding: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingBottom> property.
getContentPaddingBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingLeft> property.
getContentPaddingLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingRight> property.
getContentPaddingRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingTop> property.
getContentPaddingTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.elevation> property.
getElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.focusable> property.
getFocusable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.height> property.
getHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.hiddenBehavior> property.
getHiddenBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.horizontalWrap> property.
getHorizontalWrap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.keepScreenOn> property.
getKeepScreenOn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.layout> property.
getLayout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.left> property.
getLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.maxElevation> property.
getMaxElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.opacity> property.
getOpacity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
getOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.padding> property.
getPadding: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingBottom> property.
getPaddingBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingLeft> property.
getPaddingLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingRight> property.
getPaddingRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingTop> property.
getPaddingTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.preventCornerOverlap> property.
getPreventCornerOverlap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rect> property.
getRect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.right> property.
getRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotation> property.
getRotation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotationX> property.
getRotationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotationY> property.
getRotationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.scaleX> property.
getScaleX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.scaleY> property.
getScaleY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
getSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchEnabled> property.
getTouchEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchFeedback> property.
getTouchFeedback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchFeedbackColor> property.
getTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.transform> property.
getTransform: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.transitionName> property.
getTransitionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationX> property.
getTranslationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationY> property.
getTranslationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationZ> property.
getTranslationZ: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.useCompatPadding> property.
getUseCompatPadding: never;
* Returns the matching view of a given view ID.
getViewById(id: string): Titanium.UI.View;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.visible> property.
getVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.width> property.
getWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.zIndex> property.
getZIndex: never;
* Hides this view.
hide(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Inserts a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
insertAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Removes a child view from this view's hierarchy.
remove(view: Titanium.UI.View): void;
* Removes all child views from this view's hierarchy.
removeAllChildren(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof CardViewEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.CardView, event: CardViewEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Replaces a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
replaceAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityHidden> property.
setAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.anchorPoint> property.
setAnchorPoint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundColor> property.
setBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
setBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
setBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
setBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
setBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundGradient> property.
setBackgroundGradient: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundRepeat> property.
setBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
setBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
setBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderColor> property.
setBorderColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderRadius> property.
setBorderRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.borderWidth> property.
setBorderWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.bottom> property.
setBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardBackgroundColor> property.
setCardBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardCornerRadius> property.
setCardCornerRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardElevation> property.
setCardElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardMaxElevation> property.
setCardMaxElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardPreventCornerOverlap> property.
setCardPreventCornerOverlap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.cardUseCompatPadding> property.
setCardUseCompatPadding: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setCenter: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPadding> property.
setContentPadding: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingBottom> property.
setContentPaddingBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingLeft> property.
setContentPaddingLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingRight> property.
setContentPaddingRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.contentPaddingTop> property.
setContentPaddingTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.elevation> property.
setElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.focusable> property.
setFocusable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.height> property.
setHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.hiddenBehavior> property.
setHiddenBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.horizontalWrap> property.
setHorizontalWrap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.keepScreenOn> property.
setKeepScreenOn: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.layout> property.
setLayout: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.left> property.
setLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.maxElevation> property.
setMaxElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.opacity> property.
setOpacity: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
setOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.padding> property.
setPadding: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingBottom> property.
setPaddingBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingLeft> property.
setPaddingLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingRight> property.
setPaddingRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.paddingTop> property.
setPaddingTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.preventCornerOverlap> property.
setPreventCornerOverlap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.right> property.
setRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotation> property.
setRotation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotationX> property.
setRotationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.rotationY> property.
setRotationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.scaleX> property.
setScaleX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.scaleY> property.
setScaleY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
setSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchEnabled> property.
setTouchEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchFeedback> property.
setTouchFeedback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.touchFeedbackColor> property.
setTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.transform> property.
setTransform: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.transitionName> property.
setTransitionName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationX> property.
setTranslationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationY> property.
setTranslationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.translationZ> property.
setTranslationZ: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.useCompatPadding> property.
setUseCompatPadding: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.visible> property.
setVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.width> property.
setWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.CardView.zIndex> property.
setZIndex: never;
* Makes this view visible.
show(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Starts a batch update of this view's layout properties.
startLayout: never;
* Returns an image of the rendered view, as a Blob.
toImage(callback?: (param0: Titanium.Blob) => void, honorScaleFactor?: boolean): Titanium.Blob;
* Performs a batch update of all supplied layout properties and schedules a layout pass after
* they have been updated.
updateLayout: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout
interface DrawerLayoutBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout;
* Fired when the device detects a long click.
interface DrawerLayout_longclick_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Fired when the device detects a pinch gesture.
interface DrawerLayout_pinch_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* The average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpan: number;
* The average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanX: number;
* The average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanY: number;
* The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusX: number;
* The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusY: number;
* Returns `true` if a scale gesture is in progress, `false` otherwise.
inProgress: boolean;
* The previous average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpan: number;
* The previous average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanX: number;
* The previous average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanY: number;
* The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates.
scale: number;
* The event time of the current event being processed.
time: number;
* The time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted scaling event and the
* current scaling event.
timeDelta: number;
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
velocity: number;
* Fired when the device detects a swipe gesture against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_swipe_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Direction of the swipe--either 'left', 'right', 'up', or 'down'.
direction: string;
* X coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a two-finger tap against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_twofingertap_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
interface DrawerLayout_touchmove_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
interface DrawerLayout_touchstart_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
interface DrawerLayout_touchcancel_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is completed.
interface DrawerLayout_touchend_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Penciland are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a click against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_click_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double click against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_dblclick_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a single tap against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_singletap_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double tap against the view.
interface DrawerLayout_doubletap_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a long press.
interface DrawerLayout_longpress_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the view element gains focus.
interface DrawerLayout_focus_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Fired when a layout cycle is finished.
interface DrawerLayout_postlayout_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Fired when a hardware key is pressed in the view.
interface DrawerLayout_keypressed_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* The code for the physical key that was pressed. For more details, see [KeyEvent]( This API is experimental and subject to change.
keyCode: number;
* Fired when the drawer view is opened.
interface DrawerLayout_open_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Contains the drawer frame type. Either `left` or `right`.
drawer: string;
* Fired when the drawer view is closed.
interface DrawerLayout_close_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Contains the drawer frame type. Either `left` or `right`.
drawer: string;
* Fired when the motion state of the drawer view changes.
interface DrawerLayout_change_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Whether or not the drawer is currently dragging.
dragging: boolean;
* Contains the drawer frame type. Either `left` or `right`.
drawer: string;
* Whether or not the drawer is currently idle.
idle: boolean;
* Whether or not the drawer is currently settling.
settling: boolean;
* The current drawer state.
state: number;
* Fired when the drawer view changes it's position.
interface DrawerLayout_slide_Event extends DrawerLayoutBaseEvent {
* Contains the drawer frame type. Either `left` or `right`.
drawer: string;
* The current drawer offset.
offset: number;
interface DrawerLayoutEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
change: DrawerLayout_change_Event;
click: DrawerLayout_click_Event;
close: DrawerLayout_close_Event;
dblclick: DrawerLayout_dblclick_Event;
doubletap: DrawerLayout_doubletap_Event;
focus: DrawerLayout_focus_Event;
keypressed: DrawerLayout_keypressed_Event;
longclick: DrawerLayout_longclick_Event;
longpress: DrawerLayout_longpress_Event;
open: DrawerLayout_open_Event;
pinch: DrawerLayout_pinch_Event;
postlayout: DrawerLayout_postlayout_Event;
singletap: DrawerLayout_singletap_Event;
slide: DrawerLayout_slide_Event;
swipe: DrawerLayout_swipe_Event;
touchcancel: DrawerLayout_touchcancel_Event;
touchend: DrawerLayout_touchend_Event;
touchmove: DrawerLayout_touchmove_Event;
touchstart: DrawerLayout_touchstart_Event;
twofingertap: DrawerLayout_twofingertap_Event;
* A panel that displays the app's main navigation options on the left edge of the screen.
class DrawerLayout extends Titanium.UI.View {
* Use with [DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode](Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode) to specify the drawer is locked closed.
readonly LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED: number;
* Use with [DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode](Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode) to specify the drawer is locked opened.
readonly LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_OPEN: number;
* Use with [DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode](Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode) to specify the drawer is reset to default lock state.
readonly LOCK_MODE_UNDEFINED: number;
* Use with [DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode](Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode) to specify the drawer is unlocked.
readonly LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED: number;
* Whether the view should be "hidden" from (i.e., ignored by) the accessibility service.
accessibilityHidden: boolean;
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: string;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: string;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: string;
* Coordinate of the view about which to pivot an animation.
anchorPoint: Point;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundColor: string;
* Disabled background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundDisabledColor: string;
* Disabled background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundDisabledImage: string;
* Focused background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundFocusedColor: string;
* Focused background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundFocusedImage: string;
* A background gradient for the view.
backgroundGradient: Gradient;
* Background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: string;
* Determines whether to tile a background across a view.
backgroundRepeat: boolean;
* Selected background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundSelectedColor: string;
* Selected background image url for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundSelectedImage: string;
* Border color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
borderColor: string;
* Radius for the rounded corners of the view's border.
borderRadius: number;
* Border width of the view.
borderWidth: number;
* View's bottom position, in platform-specific units.
bottom: number | string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* View's center position, in the parent view's coordinates.
center: Point;
* Get or set the center view
centerView: Titanium.UI.View;
* Array of this view's child views.
readonly children: Titanium.UI.View[];
* Determine the drawer indicator status
drawerIndicatorEnabled: boolean;
* Get or set the drawerLockMode
drawerLockMode: number;
* Base elevation of the view relative to its parent in pixels.
elevation: number;
* Whether view should be focusable while navigating with the trackball.
focusable: boolean;
* View height, in platform-specific units.
height: number | string;
* Sets the behavior when hiding an object to release or keep the free space
hiddenBehavior: number;
* Determines whether the layout has wrapping behavior.
horizontalWrap: boolean;
* View's identifier.
id?: string;
* Determine whether the left drawer is open
isLeftOpen: boolean;
* Determine whether the left drawer is visible
isLeftVisible: boolean;
* Determine whether the right drawer is open
isRightOpen: boolean;
* Determine whether the right drawer is visible
isRightVisible: boolean;
* Determines whether to keep the device screen on.
keepScreenOn: boolean;
* Specifies how the view positions its children.
* One of: 'composite', 'vertical', or 'horizontal'.
layout: string;
* View's left position, in platform-specific units.
left: number | string;
* Get or set the view of the left drawer
leftView: Titanium.UI.View;
* Get or set the width of the left drawer
leftWidth: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Opacity of this view, from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 1.0 (opaque).
opacity: number;
* When on, animate call overrides current animation if applicable.
overrideCurrentAnimation: boolean;
* The bounding box of the view relative to its parent, in system units.
readonly rect: DimensionWithAbsolutes;
* View's right position, in platform-specific units.
right: number | string;
* Get or set the view of the right drawer
rightView: Titanium.UI.View;
* Get or set the width of the right drawer
rightWidth: number;
* Clockwise 2D rotation of the view in degrees.
rotation: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (x-axis).
rotationX: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (y-axis).
rotationY: number;
* Scaling of the view in x-axis in pixels.
scaleX: number;
* Scaling of the view in y-axis in pixels.
scaleY: number;
* The size of the view in system units.
readonly size: Dimension;
* Determines keyboard behavior when this view is focused. Defaults to <Titanium.UI.Android.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_ON_FOCUS>.
softKeyboardOnFocus: number;
* A Toolbar instance to use as a toolbar.
toolbar: Titanium.UI.Toolbar;
* Determine whether to enable the toolbar.
toolbarEnabled: boolean;
* The view's top position.
top: number | string;
* Determines whether view should receive touch events.
touchEnabled: boolean;
* A material design visual construct that provides an instantaneous visual confirmation of touch point.
touchFeedback: boolean;
* Optional touch feedback ripple color. This has no effect unless `touchFeedback` is true.
touchFeedbackColor: string;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the view.
transform: Titanium.UI.Matrix2D | Titanium.UI.Matrix3D;
* A name to identify this view in activity transition.
transitionName: string;
* Horizontal location of the view relative to its left position in pixels.
translationX: number;
* Vertical location of the view relative to its top position in pixels.
translationY: number;
* Depth of the view relative to its elevation in pixels.
translationZ: number;
* Determines whether the view is visible.
visible: boolean;
* View's width, in platform-specific units.
width: number | string;
* Z-index stack order position, relative to other sibling views.
zIndex: number;
* Adds a child to this view's hierarchy.
add(view: Titanium.UI.View | Titanium.UI.View[]): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof DrawerLayoutEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout, event: DrawerLayoutEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Animates this view.
animate(animation: Titanium.UI.Animation | Dictionary<Titanium.UI.Animation>, callback?: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Close the left view.
closeLeft(): void;
* Close the right view.
closeRight(): void;
* Translates a point from this view's coordinate system to another view's coordinate system.
convertPointToView(point: Point, destinationView: Titanium.UI.View): Point;
* Finishes a batch update of the View's layout properties and schedules a layout pass of the
* view tree.
finishLayout: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof DrawerLayoutEventMap>(name: K, event?: DrawerLayoutEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityHidden> property.
getAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.anchorPoint> property.
getAnchorPoint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundColor> property.
getBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
getBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
getBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
getBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
getBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundGradient> property.
getBackgroundGradient: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundImage> property.
getBackgroundImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundRepeat> property.
getBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
getBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
getBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderColor> property.
getBorderColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderRadius> property.
getBorderRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderWidth> property.
getBorderWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.bottom> property.
getBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.centerView> property.
getCenterView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.children> property.
getChildren: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerIndicatorEnabled> property.
getDrawerIndicatorEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode> property.
getDrawerLockMode: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.elevation> property.
getElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.focusable> property.
getFocusable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.height> property.
getHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.hiddenBehavior> property.
getHiddenBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.horizontalWrap> property.
getHorizontalWrap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isLeftOpen> property.
getIsLeftOpen: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isLeftVisible> property.
getIsLeftVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isRightOpen> property.
getIsRightOpen: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isRightVisible> property.
getIsRightVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.keepScreenOn> property.
getKeepScreenOn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.layout> property.
getLayout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.left> property.
getLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.leftView> property.
getLeftView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.leftWidth> property.
getLeftWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.opacity> property.
getOpacity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
getOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rect> property.
getRect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.right> property.
getRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rightView> property.
getRightView: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rightWidth> property.
getRightWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotation> property.
getRotation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotationX> property.
getRotationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotationY> property.
getRotationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.scaleX> property.
getScaleX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.scaleY> property.
getScaleY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
getSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.toolbar> property.
getToolbar: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.toolbarEnabled> property.
getToolbarEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchEnabled> property.
getTouchEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchFeedback> property.
getTouchFeedback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchFeedbackColor> property.
getTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.transform> property.
getTransform: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.transitionName> property.
getTransitionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationX> property.
getTranslationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationY> property.
getTranslationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationZ> property.
getTranslationZ: never;
* Returns the matching view of a given view ID.
getViewById(id: string): Titanium.UI.View;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.visible> property.
getVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.width> property.
getWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.zIndex> property.
getZIndex: never;
* Hides this view.
hide(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Inserts a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
insertAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Disallow touch events on a specific view.
interceptTouchEvent(view: Titanium.UI.View, disallowIntercept: boolean): void;
* Open the left view.
openLeft(): void;
* Open the right view.
openRight(): void;
* Removes a child view from this view's hierarchy.
remove(view: Titanium.UI.View): void;
* Removes all child views from this view's hierarchy.
removeAllChildren(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof DrawerLayoutEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout, event: DrawerLayoutEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Replaces a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
replaceAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityHidden> property.
setAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.anchorPoint> property.
setAnchorPoint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundColor> property.
setBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
setBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
setBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
setBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
setBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundGradient> property.
setBackgroundGradient: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundRepeat> property.
setBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
setBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
setBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderColor> property.
setBorderColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderRadius> property.
setBorderRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.borderWidth> property.
setBorderWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.bottom> property.
setBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setCenter: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.centerView> property.
setCenterView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerIndicatorEnabled> property.
setDrawerIndicatorEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.drawerLockMode> property.
setDrawerLockMode: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.elevation> property.
setElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.focusable> property.
setFocusable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.height> property.
setHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.hiddenBehavior> property.
setHiddenBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.horizontalWrap> property.
setHorizontalWrap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isLeftOpen> property.
setIsLeftOpen: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isLeftVisible> property.
setIsLeftVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isRightOpen> property.
setIsRightOpen: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.isRightVisible> property.
setIsRightVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.keepScreenOn> property.
setKeepScreenOn: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.layout> property.
setLayout: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.left> property.
setLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.leftView> property.
setLeftView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.leftWidth> property.
setLeftWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.opacity> property.
setOpacity: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
setOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.right> property.
setRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rightView> property.
setRightView: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rightWidth> property.
setRightWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotation> property.
setRotation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotationX> property.
setRotationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.rotationY> property.
setRotationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.scaleX> property.
setScaleX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.scaleY> property.
setScaleY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
setSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.toolbar> property.
setToolbar: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.toolbarEnabled> property.
setToolbarEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchEnabled> property.
setTouchEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchFeedback> property.
setTouchFeedback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.touchFeedbackColor> property.
setTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.transform> property.
setTransform: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.transitionName> property.
setTransitionName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationX> property.
setTranslationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationY> property.
setTranslationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.translationZ> property.
setTranslationZ: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.visible> property.
setVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.width> property.
setWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.DrawerLayout.zIndex> property.
setZIndex: never;
* Makes this view visible.
show(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Starts a batch update of this view's layout properties.
startLayout: never;
* Returns an image of the rendered view, as a Blob.
toImage(callback?: (param0: Titanium.Blob) => void, honorScaleFactor?: boolean): Titanium.Blob;
* Toggle the visibility of the left view.
toggleLeft(): void;
* Toggle the visibility of the right view.
toggleRight(): void;
* Performs a batch update of all supplied layout properties and schedules a layout pass after
* they have been updated.
updateLayout: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator
interface ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator;
* Fired when the device detects a long click.
interface ProgressIndicator_longclick_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* Fired when the device detects a pinch gesture.
interface ProgressIndicator_pinch_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* The average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpan: number;
* The average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanX: number;
* The average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanY: number;
* The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusX: number;
* The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusY: number;
* Returns `true` if a scale gesture is in progress, `false` otherwise.
inProgress: boolean;
* The previous average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpan: number;
* The previous average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanX: number;
* The previous average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanY: number;
* The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates.
scale: number;
* The event time of the current event being processed.
time: number;
* The time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted scaling event and the
* current scaling event.
timeDelta: number;
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
velocity: number;
* Fired when the device detects a swipe gesture against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_swipe_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* Direction of the swipe--either 'left', 'right', 'up', or 'down'.
direction: string;
* X coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a two-finger tap against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_twofingertap_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
interface ProgressIndicator_touchmove_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
interface ProgressIndicator_touchstart_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
interface ProgressIndicator_touchcancel_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is completed.
interface ProgressIndicator_touchend_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Penciland are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a click against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_click_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double click against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_dblclick_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a single tap against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_singletap_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double tap against the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_doubletap_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a long press.
interface ProgressIndicator_longpress_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the view element gains focus.
interface ProgressIndicator_focus_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* Fired when a layout cycle is finished.
interface ProgressIndicator_postlayout_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* Fired when a hardware key is pressed in the view.
interface ProgressIndicator_keypressed_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
* The code for the physical key that was pressed. For more details, see [KeyEvent]( This API is experimental and subject to change.
keyCode: number;
* Fired when the user has canceled the progress indicator dialog.
interface ProgressIndicator_cancel_Event extends ProgressIndicatorBaseEvent {
interface ProgressIndicatorEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
cancel: ProgressIndicator_cancel_Event;
click: ProgressIndicator_click_Event;
dblclick: ProgressIndicator_dblclick_Event;
doubletap: ProgressIndicator_doubletap_Event;
focus: ProgressIndicator_focus_Event;
keypressed: ProgressIndicator_keypressed_Event;
longclick: ProgressIndicator_longclick_Event;
longpress: ProgressIndicator_longpress_Event;
pinch: ProgressIndicator_pinch_Event;
postlayout: ProgressIndicator_postlayout_Event;
singletap: ProgressIndicator_singletap_Event;
swipe: ProgressIndicator_swipe_Event;
touchcancel: ProgressIndicator_touchcancel_Event;
touchend: ProgressIndicator_touchend_Event;
touchmove: ProgressIndicator_touchmove_Event;
touchstart: ProgressIndicator_touchstart_Event;
twofingertap: ProgressIndicator_twofingertap_Event;
* A progress dialog or a horizontal progress bar in the title of the window.
class ProgressIndicator extends Titanium.UI.View {
* Whether the view should be "hidden" from (i.e., ignored by) the accessibility service.
accessibilityHidden: never;
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: never;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: never;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: never;
* Coordinate of the view about which to pivot an animation.
anchorPoint: never;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundColor: never;
* Disabled background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Disabled background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Focused background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Focused background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundFocusedImage: never;
* A background gradient for the view.
backgroundGradient: never;
* Background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: never;
* Determines whether to tile a background across a view.
backgroundRepeat: never;
* Selected background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Selected background image url for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Border color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
borderColor: never;
* Radius for the rounded corners of the view's border.
borderRadius: never;
* Border width of the view.
borderWidth: never;
* View's bottom position, in platform-specific units.
bottom: never;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* When `true` allows the user to cancel the progress dialog by pressing the BACK button.
cancelable: boolean;
* When `cancelable` is set to `true` and this is set to `true`, the dialog is canceled when touched outside the window's bounds.
canceledOnTouchOutside: boolean;
* View's center position, in the parent view's coordinates.
center: never;
* Array of this view's child views.
readonly children: never;
* Base elevation of the view relative to its parent in pixels.
elevation: number;
* Whether view should be focusable while navigating with the trackball.
focusable: never;
* View height, in platform-specific units.
height: never;
* Sets the behavior when hiding an object to release or keep the free space
hiddenBehavior: number;
* Determines whether the layout has wrapping behavior.
horizontalWrap: never;
* View's identifier.
id?: string;
* Determines whether to keep the device screen on.
keepScreenOn: never;
* Specifies how the view positions its children.
* One of: 'composite', 'vertical', or 'horizontal'.
layout: never;
* View's left position, in platform-specific units.
left: never;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Location for the progress indicator.
location: number;
* Maximum value of the progress bar.
max: number;
* Message text.
message: string;
* Key identifying a string in the locale file to use for the message text.
messageid: string;
* Minimum value of the progress bar.
min: number;
* Opacity of this view, from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 1.0 (opaque).
opacity: never;
* When on, animate call overrides current animation if applicable.
overrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* The bounding box of the view relative to its parent, in system units.
readonly rect: never;
* View's right position, in platform-specific units.
right: never;
* Clockwise 2D rotation of the view in degrees.
rotation: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (x-axis).
rotationX: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (y-axis).
rotationY: number;
* Scaling of the view in x-axis in pixels.
scaleX: number;
* Scaling of the view in y-axis in pixels.
scaleY: number;
* The size of the view in system units.
readonly size: never;
* Determines keyboard behavior when this view is focused. Defaults to <Titanium.UI.Android.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_ON_FOCUS>.
softKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* The view's top position.
top: never;
* Determines whether view should receive touch events.
touchEnabled: never;
* A material design visual construct that provides an instantaneous visual confirmation of touch point.
touchFeedback: boolean;
* Optional touch feedback ripple color. This has no effect unless `touchFeedback` is true.
touchFeedbackColor: string;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the view.
transform: never;
* A name to identify this view in activity transition.
transitionName: string;
* Horizontal location of the view relative to its left position in pixels.
translationX: number;
* Vertical location of the view relative to its top position in pixels.
translationY: number;
* Depth of the view relative to its elevation in pixels.
translationZ: number;
* Type for the progress indicator.
type: number;
* Determines whether the view is visible.
visible: never;
* View's width, in platform-specific units.
width: never;
* Z-index stack order position, relative to other sibling views.
zIndex: never;
* Adds a child to this view's hierarchy.
add: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof ProgressIndicatorEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator, event: ProgressIndicatorEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Animates this view.
animate: never;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Translates a point from this view's coordinate system to another view's coordinate system.
convertPointToView: never;
* Finishes a batch update of the View's layout properties and schedules a layout pass of the
* view tree.
finishLayout: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof ProgressIndicatorEventMap>(name: K, event?: ProgressIndicatorEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityHidden> property.
getAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.anchorPoint> property.
getAnchorPoint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundColor> property.
getBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
getBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
getBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
getBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
getBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundGradient> property.
getBackgroundGradient: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundImage> property.
getBackgroundImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundRepeat> property.
getBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
getBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
getBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderColor> property.
getBorderColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderRadius> property.
getBorderRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderWidth> property.
getBorderWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.bottom> property.
getBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.cancelable> property.
getCancelable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.canceledOnTouchOutside> property.
getCanceledOnTouchOutside: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.children> property.
getChildren: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.elevation> property.
getElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.focusable> property.
getFocusable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.height> property.
getHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.hiddenBehavior> property.
getHiddenBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.horizontalWrap> property.
getHorizontalWrap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.keepScreenOn> property.
getKeepScreenOn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.layout> property.
getLayout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.left> property.
getLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.location> property.
getLocation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.max> property.
getMax: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.message> property.
getMessage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.messageid> property.
getMessageid: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.min> property.
getMin: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.opacity> property.
getOpacity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
getOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rect> property.
getRect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.right> property.
getRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotation> property.
getRotation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotationX> property.
getRotationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotationY> property.
getRotationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.scaleX> property.
getScaleX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.scaleY> property.
getScaleY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
getSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchEnabled> property.
getTouchEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchFeedback> property.
getTouchFeedback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchFeedbackColor> property.
getTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.transform> property.
getTransform: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.transitionName> property.
getTransitionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationX> property.
getTranslationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationY> property.
getTranslationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationZ> property.
getTranslationZ: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.type> property.
getType: never;
* Returns the matching view of a given view ID.
getViewById(id: string): Titanium.UI.View;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.visible> property.
getVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.width> property.
getWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.zIndex> property.
getZIndex: never;
* Hides the progress indicator and stops the animation.
hide(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Inserts a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
insertAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Removes a child view from this view's hierarchy.
remove: never;
* Removes all child views from this view's hierarchy.
removeAllChildren: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof ProgressIndicatorEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator, event: ProgressIndicatorEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Replaces a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
replaceAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityHidden> property.
setAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.anchorPoint> property.
setAnchorPoint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundColor> property.
setBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
setBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
setBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
setBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
setBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundGradient> property.
setBackgroundGradient: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundRepeat> property.
setBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
setBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
setBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderColor> property.
setBorderColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderRadius> property.
setBorderRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.borderWidth> property.
setBorderWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.bottom> property.
setBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.cancelable> property.
setCancelable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.canceledOnTouchOutside> property.
setCanceledOnTouchOutside: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setCenter: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.elevation> property.
setElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.focusable> property.
setFocusable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.height> property.
setHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.hiddenBehavior> property.
setHiddenBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.horizontalWrap> property.
setHorizontalWrap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.keepScreenOn> property.
setKeepScreenOn: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.layout> property.
setLayout: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.left> property.
setLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.location> property.
setLocation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.max> property.
setMax: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.message> property.
setMessage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.messageid> property.
setMessageid: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.min> property.
setMin: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.opacity> property.
setOpacity: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
setOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.right> property.
setRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotation> property.
setRotation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotationX> property.
setRotationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.rotationY> property.
setRotationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.scaleX> property.
setScaleX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.scaleY> property.
setScaleY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
setSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchEnabled> property.
setTouchEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchFeedback> property.
setTouchFeedback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.touchFeedbackColor> property.
setTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.transform> property.
setTransform: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.transitionName> property.
setTransitionName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationX> property.
setTranslationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationY> property.
setTranslationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.translationZ> property.
setTranslationZ: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.type> property.
setType: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.visible> property.
setVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.width> property.
setWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.ProgressIndicator.zIndex> property.
setZIndex: never;
* Shows the progress indicator and starts the animation.
show(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Starts a batch update of this view's layout properties.
startLayout: never;
* Returns an image of the rendered view, as a Blob.
toImage: never;
* Performs a batch update of all supplied layout properties and schedules a layout pass after
* they have been updated.
updateLayout: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView
interface SearchViewBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView;
* Fired when the device detects a long click.
interface SearchView_longclick_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when the device detects a pinch gesture.
interface SearchView_pinch_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* The average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpan: number;
* The average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanX: number;
* The average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
currentSpanY: number;
* The X coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusX: number;
* The Y coordinate of the current gesture's focal point.
focusY: number;
* Returns `true` if a scale gesture is in progress, `false` otherwise.
inProgress: boolean;
* The previous average distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpan: number;
* The previous average X distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanX: number;
* The previous average Y distance between each of the pointers forming the gesture in progress through
* the focal point.
previousSpanY: number;
* The scale factor relative to the points of the two touches in screen coordinates.
scale: number;
* The event time of the current event being processed.
time: number;
* The time difference in milliseconds between the previous accepted scaling event and the
* current scaling event.
timeDelta: number;
* The velocity of the pinch in scale factor per second.
velocity: number;
* Fired when the device detects a swipe gesture against the view.
interface SearchView_swipe_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Direction of the swipe--either 'left', 'right', 'up', or 'down'.
direction: string;
* X coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event's endpoint from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a two-finger tap against the view.
interface SearchView_twofingertap_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects movement of a touch.
interface SearchView_touchmove_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired as soon as the device detects a touch gesture.
interface SearchView_touchstart_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is interrupted by the device.
interface SearchView_touchcancel_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when a touch event is completed.
interface SearchView_touchend_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* A value which indicates the stylus angle on the screen. If the stylus is perpendicular to the screen or no stylus is
* being used, the value will be Pi/2. If the stylus is parallel to the screen, the value will be 0.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and are 9.1 or later.
altitudeAngle: number;
* The x value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Pencil and are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewX: number;
* The y value of the unit vector that points in the direction of the azimuth of the stylus.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support the Apple Penciland are 9.1 or later.
azimuthUnitVectorInViewY: number;
* The current force value of the touch event.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later and on some Android devices.
force: number;
* Maximum possible value of the force property.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
maximumPossibleForce: number;
* The current size of the touch area. Note: This property is only available on some Android devices.
size: number;
* The time (in seconds) when the touch was used in correlation with the system start up.
* Note: This property is only available for iOS devices that support 3D-Touch and run 9.0 or later.
timestamp: number;
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a click against the view.
interface SearchView_click_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double click against the view.
interface SearchView_dblclick_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a single tap against the view.
interface SearchView_singletap_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a double tap against the view.
interface SearchView_doubletap_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the device detects a long press.
interface SearchView_longpress_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* X coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
x: number;
* Y coordinate of the event from the `source` view's coordinate system.
y: number;
* Fired when the search view gains focus.
interface SearchView_focus_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when a layout cycle is finished.
interface SearchView_postlayout_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when a hardware key is pressed in the view.
interface SearchView_keypressed_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* The code for the physical key that was pressed. For more details, see [KeyEvent]( This API is experimental and subject to change.
keyCode: number;
* Fired when the search view loses focus.
interface SearchView_blur_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when the cancel button is pressed.
interface SearchView_cancel_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* Fired when the value of the search view changes.
interface SearchView_change_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
* If the search query is not empty, fired when the search button is clicked on soft keyboard
interface SearchView_submit_Event extends SearchViewBaseEvent {
interface SearchViewEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
blur: SearchView_blur_Event;
cancel: SearchView_cancel_Event;
change: SearchView_change_Event;
click: SearchView_click_Event;
dblclick: SearchView_dblclick_Event;
doubletap: SearchView_doubletap_Event;
focus: SearchView_focus_Event;
keypressed: SearchView_keypressed_Event;
longclick: SearchView_longclick_Event;
longpress: SearchView_longpress_Event;
pinch: SearchView_pinch_Event;
postlayout: SearchView_postlayout_Event;
singletap: SearchView_singletap_Event;
submit: SearchView_submit_Event;
swipe: SearchView_swipe_Event;
touchcancel: SearchView_touchcancel_Event;
touchend: SearchView_touchend_Event;
touchmove: SearchView_touchmove_Event;
touchstart: SearchView_touchstart_Event;
twofingertap: SearchView_twofingertap_Event;
* A specialized text field for entering search text.
class SearchView extends Titanium.UI.View {
* Whether the view should be "hidden" from (i.e., ignored by) the accessibility service.
accessibilityHidden: boolean;
* Briefly describes what performing an action (such as a click) on the view will do.
accessibilityHint: string;
* A succint label identifying the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityLabel: string;
* A string describing the value (if any) of the view for the device's accessibility service.
accessibilityValue: string;
* Coordinate of the view about which to pivot an animation.
anchorPoint: Point;
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
readonly apiName: string;
* Background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundColor: string;
* Disabled background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundDisabledColor: string;
* Disabled background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundDisabledImage: string;
* Focused background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundFocusedColor: string;
* Focused background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundFocusedImage: string;
* A background gradient for the view.
backgroundGradient: Gradient;
* Background image for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundImage: string;
* Determines whether to tile a background across a view.
backgroundRepeat: boolean;
* Selected background color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
backgroundSelectedColor: string;
* Selected background image url for the view, specified as a local file path or URL.
backgroundSelectedImage: string;
* Border color of the view, as a color name or hex triplet.
borderColor: string;
* Radius for the rounded corners of the view's border.
borderRadius: number;
* Border width of the view.
borderWidth: number;
* View's bottom position, in platform-specific units.
bottom: number | string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
bubbleParent: boolean;
* View's center position, in the parent view's coordinates.
center: Point;
* Array of this view's child views.
readonly children: Titanium.UI.View[];
* Color of the text in this SearchView, as a color name or hex triplet.
color: string;
* Base elevation of the view relative to its parent in pixels.
elevation: number;
* Whether view should be focusable while navigating with the trackball.
focusable: boolean;
* View height, in platform-specific units.
height: number | string;
* Sets the behavior when hiding an object to release or keep the free space
hiddenBehavior: number;
* Text to show when the search view field is not focused.
hintText: string;
* Color of hint text that displays when field is empty.
hintTextColor: string;
* Determines whether the layout has wrapping behavior.
horizontalWrap: boolean;
* Iconifies or expands the search view
iconified: boolean;
* Sets the default or resting state of the search view
iconifiedByDefault: boolean;
* View's identifier.
id?: string;
* Determines whether to keep the device screen on.
keepScreenOn: boolean;
* Specifies how the view positions its children.
* One of: 'composite', 'vertical', or 'horizontal'.
layout: string;
* View's left position, in platform-specific units.
left: number | string;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Opacity of this view, from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Defaults to 1.0 (opaque).
opacity: number;
* When on, animate call overrides current animation if applicable.
overrideCurrentAnimation: boolean;
* The bounding box of the view relative to its parent, in system units.
readonly rect: DimensionWithAbsolutes;
* View's right position, in platform-specific units.
right: number | string;
* Clockwise 2D rotation of the view in degrees.
rotation: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (x-axis).
rotationX: number;
* Clockwise rotation of the view in degrees (y-axis).
rotationY: number;
* Scaling of the view in x-axis in pixels.
scaleX: number;
* Scaling of the view in y-axis in pixels.
scaleY: number;
* The size of the view in system units.
readonly size: Dimension;
* Determines keyboard behavior when this view is focused. Defaults to <Titanium.UI.Android.SOFT_KEYBOARD_DEFAULT_ON_FOCUS>.
softKeyboardOnFocus: number;
* Whether to display the submit button when necessary or never display.
submitEnabled: boolean;
* The view's top position.
top: number | string;
* Determines whether view should receive touch events.
touchEnabled: boolean;
* A material design visual construct that provides an instantaneous visual confirmation of touch point.
touchFeedback: boolean;
* Optional touch feedback ripple color. This has no effect unless `touchFeedback` is true.
touchFeedbackColor: string;
* Transformation matrix to apply to the view.
transform: Titanium.UI.Matrix2D | Titanium.UI.Matrix3D;
* A name to identify this view in activity transition.
transitionName: string;
* Horizontal location of the view relative to its left position in pixels.
translationX: number;
* Vertical location of the view relative to its top position in pixels.
translationY: number;
* Depth of the view relative to its elevation in pixels.
translationZ: number;
* Value of the search view.
value: string;
* Determines whether the view is visible.
visible: boolean;
* View's width, in platform-specific units.
width: number | string;
* Z-index stack order position, relative to other sibling views.
zIndex: number;
* Adds a child to this view's hierarchy.
add: never;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener<K extends keyof SearchViewEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView, event: SearchViewEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Animates this view.
animate(animation: Titanium.UI.Animation | Dictionary<Titanium.UI.Animation>, callback?: (param0: any) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Causes the search view to lose focus.
blur(): void;
* Translates a point from this view's coordinate system to another view's coordinate system.
convertPointToView(point: Point, destinationView: Titanium.UI.View): Point;
* Finishes a batch update of the View's layout properties and schedules a layout pass of the
* view tree.
finishLayout: never;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent<K extends keyof SearchViewEventMap>(name: K, event?: SearchViewEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Causes the search view to gain focus.
focus(): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityHidden> property.
getAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityHint> property.
getAccessibilityHint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityLabel> property.
getAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityValue> property.
getAccessibilityValue: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.anchorPoint> property.
getAnchorPoint: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.apiName> property.
getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundColor> property.
getBackgroundColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
getBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
getBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
getBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
getBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundGradient> property.
getBackgroundGradient: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundImage> property.
getBackgroundImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundRepeat> property.
getBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
getBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
getBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderColor> property.
getBorderColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderRadius> property.
getBorderRadius: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderWidth> property.
getBorderWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.bottom> property.
getBottom: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.bubbleParent> property.
getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getCenter: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.children> property.
getChildren: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.color> property.
getColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.elevation> property.
getElevation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.focusable> property.
getFocusable: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.height> property.
getHeight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hiddenBehavior> property.
getHiddenBehavior: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hintText> property.
getHintText: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hintTextColor> property.
getHintTextColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.horizontalWrap> property.
getHorizontalWrap: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.iconified> property.
getIconified: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.iconifiedByDefault> property.
getIconifiedByDefault: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.keepScreenOn> property.
getKeepScreenOn: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.layout> property.
getLayout: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.left> property.
getLeft: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.lifecycleContainer> property.
getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.opacity> property.
getOpacity: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
getOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rect> property.
getRect: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.right> property.
getRight: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotation> property.
getRotation: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotationX> property.
getRotationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotationY> property.
getRotationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.scaleX> property.
getScaleX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.scaleY> property.
getScaleY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.size> property.
getSize: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
getSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.submitEnabled> property.
getSubmitEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <> property.
getTop: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchEnabled> property.
getTouchEnabled: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchFeedback> property.
getTouchFeedback: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchFeedbackColor> property.
getTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.transform> property.
getTransform: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.transitionName> property.
getTransitionName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationX> property.
getTranslationX: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationY> property.
getTranslationY: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationZ> property.
getTranslationZ: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.value> property.
getValue: never;
* Returns the matching view of a given view ID.
getViewById(id: string): Titanium.UI.View;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.visible> property.
getVisible: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.width> property.
getWidth: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.zIndex> property.
getZIndex: never;
* Hides this view.
hide(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Inserts a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
insertAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Removes a child view from this view's hierarchy.
remove(view: Titanium.UI.View): void;
* Removes all child views from this view's hierarchy.
removeAllChildren(): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener<K extends keyof SearchViewEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView, event: SearchViewEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Replaces a view at the specified position in the [children](Titanium.UI.View.children) array.
replaceAt(params: ViewPositionOptions): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityHidden> property.
setAccessibilityHidden: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityHint> property.
setAccessibilityHint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityLabel> property.
setAccessibilityLabel: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.accessibilityValue> property.
setAccessibilityValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.anchorPoint> property.
setAnchorPoint: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundColor> property.
setBackgroundColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundDisabledColor> property.
setBackgroundDisabledColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundDisabledImage> property.
setBackgroundDisabledImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundFocusedColor> property.
setBackgroundFocusedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundFocusedImage> property.
setBackgroundFocusedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundGradient> property.
setBackgroundGradient: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundImage> property.
setBackgroundImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundRepeat> property.
setBackgroundRepeat: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundSelectedColor> property.
setBackgroundSelectedColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.backgroundSelectedImage> property.
setBackgroundSelectedImage: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderColor> property.
setBorderColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderRadius> property.
setBorderRadius: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.borderWidth> property.
setBorderWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.bottom> property.
setBottom: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.bubbleParent> property.
setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setCenter: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.color> property.
setColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.elevation> property.
setElevation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.focusable> property.
setFocusable: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.height> property.
setHeight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hiddenBehavior> property.
setHiddenBehavior: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hintText> property.
setHintText: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.hintTextColor> property.
setHintTextColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.horizontalWrap> property.
setHorizontalWrap: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.iconified> property.
setIconified: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.iconifiedByDefault> property.
setIconifiedByDefault: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.keepScreenOn> property.
setKeepScreenOn: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.layout> property.
setLayout: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.left> property.
setLeft: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.lifecycleContainer> property.
setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.opacity> property.
setOpacity: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.overrideCurrentAnimation> property.
setOverrideCurrentAnimation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.right> property.
setRight: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotation> property.
setRotation: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotationX> property.
setRotationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.rotationY> property.
setRotationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.scaleX> property.
setScaleX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.scaleY> property.
setScaleY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.softKeyboardOnFocus> property.
setSoftKeyboardOnFocus: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.submitEnabled> property.
setSubmitEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <> property.
setTop: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchEnabled> property.
setTouchEnabled: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchFeedback> property.
setTouchFeedback: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.touchFeedbackColor> property.
setTouchFeedbackColor: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.transform> property.
setTransform: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.transitionName> property.
setTransitionName: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationX> property.
setTranslationX: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationY> property.
setTranslationY: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.translationZ> property.
setTranslationZ: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.value> property.
setValue: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.visible> property.
setVisible: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.width> property.
setWidth: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Android.SearchView.zIndex> property.
setZIndex: never;
* Makes this view visible.
show(options?: AnimatedOptions): void;
* Starts a batch update of this view's layout properties.
startLayout: never;
* Returns an image of the rendered view, as a Blob.
toImage(callback?: (param0: Titanium.Blob) => void, honorScaleFactor?: boolean): Titanium.Blob;
* Performs a batch update of all supplied layout properties and schedules a layout pass after
* they have been updated.
updateLayout: never;
* Windows Phone specific UI capabilities.
* All properties, methods and events in this namespace will only work on Windows or Windows Phone devices.
namespace Windows {
* A set of constants used to create Windows system buttons.
namespace SystemIcon {
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Accept** button.
const ACCEPT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Account** button.
const ACCOUNT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Add** button.
const ADD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Add Friend** button.
const ADDFRIEND: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Admin** button.
const ADMIN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Align Center** button.
const ALIGNCENTER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Align Left** button.
const ALIGNLEFT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Align Right** button.
const ALIGNRIGHT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **All Apps** button.
const ALLAPPS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Attach** button.
const ATTACH: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Attach Camera** button.
const ATTACHCAMERA: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* an **Audio** button.
const AUDIO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Back** button.
const BACK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Back to Window** button.
const BACKTOWINDOW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Block Contact** button.
const BLOCKCONTACT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Bold** button.
const BOLD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Bookmarks** button.
const BOOKMARKS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Browse Photos** button.
const BROWSEPHOTOS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Bullets** button.
const BULLETS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Calculator** button.
const CALCULATOR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Calendar** button.
const CALENDAR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Calendar Day** button.
const CALENDARDAY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Calendar Reply** button.
const CALENDARREPLY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Calendar Week** button.
const CALENDARWEEK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Camera** button.
const CAMERA: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Cancel** button.
const CANCEL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Caption** button.
const CAPTION: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Cellphone** button.
const CELLPHONE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Character** button.
const CHARACTER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Clear** button.
const CLEAR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Clear Selection** button.
const CLEARSELECTION: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Clock** button.
const CLOCK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Closed Caption** button.
const CLOSEDCAPTION: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Close Pane** button.
const CLOSEPANE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Comment** button.
const COMMENT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Contact** button.
const CONTACT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Contact 2** button.
const CONTACT2: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Contact Info** button.
const CONTACTINFO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Contact Presence** button.
const CONTACTPRESENCE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Copy** button.
const COPY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Crop** button.
const CROP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Cut** button.
const CUT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Delete** button.
const DELETE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Directions** button.
const DIRECTIONS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Disable Updates** button.
const DISABLEUPDATES: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Disconnect Drive** button.
const DISCONNECTDRIVE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Dislike** button.
const DISLIKE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Dock Bottom** button.
const DOCKBOTTOM: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Dock Left** button.
const DOCKLEFT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Dock Right** button.
const DOCKRIGHT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Document** button.
const DOCUMENT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Download** button.
const DOWNLOAD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Edit** button.
const EDIT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Emoji** button.
const EMOJI: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Emoji 2** button.
const EMOJI2: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Favorite** button.
const FAVORITE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Filter** button.
const FILTER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Find** button.
const FIND: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Flag** button.
const FLAG: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Folder** button.
const FOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Font** button.
const FONT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Font Color** button.
const FONTCOLOR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Font Decrease** button.
const FONTDECREASE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Font Increase** button.
const FONTINCREASE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Font Size** button.
const FONTSIZE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Forward** button.
const FORWARD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Four Bars** button.
const FOURBARS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Fullscreen** button.
const FULLSCREEN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Globe** button.
const GLOBE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Go** button.
const GO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Go to Start** button.
const GOTOSTART: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Go to Today** button.
const GOTOTODAY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Hangup** button.
const HANGUP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Help** button.
const HELP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Hide BCC** button.
const HIDEBCC: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Highlight** button.
const HIGHLIGHT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Home** button.
const HOME: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Import** button.
const IMPORT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Import All** button.
const IMPORTALL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Important** button.
const IMPORTANT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Italic** button.
const ITALIC: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Keyboard** button.
const KEYBOARD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Leave Chat** button.
const LEAVECHAT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Library** button.
const LIBRARY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Like** button.
const LIKE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Like-Dislike** button.
const LIKEDISLIKE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Link** button.
const LINK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **List** button.
const LIST: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mail** button.
const MAIL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mail Filled** button.
const MAILFILLED: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mail Forward** button.
const MAILFORWARD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mail Reply** button.
const MAILREPLY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mail Reply All** button.
const MAILREPLYALL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Manage** button.
const MANAGE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Map** button.
const MAP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Map Drive** button.
const MAPDRIVE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Map Pin** button.
const MAPPIN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Memo** button.
const MEMO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Message** button.
const MESSAGE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Microphone** button.
const MICROPHONE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **More** button.
const MORE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Move to Folder** button.
const MOVETOFOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Music Info** button.
const MUSICINFO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Mute** button.
const MUTE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **New Folder** button.
const NEWFOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **New Window** button.
const NEWWINDOW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Next** button.
const NEXT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **One Bar** button.
const ONEBAR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Open File** button.
const OPENFILE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Open Local** button.
const OPENLOCAL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Open Pane** button.
const OPENPANE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Open With** button.
const OPENWITH: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Orientation** button.
const ORIENTATION: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Other User** button.
const OTHERUSER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Outline Star** button.
const OUTLINESTAR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Page** button.
const PAGE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Page 2** button.
const PAGE2: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Paste** button.
const PASTE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Pause** button.
const PAUSE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **People** button.
const PEOPLE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Permissions** button.
const PERMISSIONS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Phone** button.
const PHONE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Phonebook** button.
const PHONEBOOK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Pictures** button.
const PICTURES: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Pin** button.
const PIN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Placeholder** button.
const PLACEHOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Play** button.
const PLAY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Post Update** button.
const POSTUPDATE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Preview** button.
const PREVIEW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Preview Link** button.
const PREVIEWLINK: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Previous** button.
const PREVIOUS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Priority** button.
const PRIORITY: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Protected Document** button.
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Read** button.
const READ: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Redo** button.
const REDO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Refresh** button.
const REFRESH: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Remote** button.
const REMOTE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Remove** button.
const REMOVE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Rename** button.
const RENAME: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Repair** button.
const REPAIR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Repeat All** button.
const REPEATALL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Repeat One** button.
const REPEATONE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Report Hacked** button.
const REPORTHACKED: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Reshare** button.
const RESHARE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Rotate** button.
const ROTATE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Rotate Camera** button.
const ROTATECAMERA: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Save** button.
const SAVE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Save Local** button.
const SAVELOCAL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Scan** button.
const SCAN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Select All** button.
const SELECTALL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Send** button.
const SEND: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Set Lock Screen** button.
const SETLOCKSCREEN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Set Tile** button.
const SETTILE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Setting** button.
const SETTING: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Shop** button.
const SHOP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Show BCC** button.
const SHOWBCC: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Show Results** button.
const SHOWRESULTS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Shuffle** button.
const SHUFFLE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Slideshow** button.
const SLIDESHOW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Solid Star** button.
const SOLIDSTAR: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Sort** button.
const SORT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Stop** button.
const STOP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Stop Slideshow** button.
const STOPSLIDESHOW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Street** button.
const STREET: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Switch** button.
const SWITCH: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Switch Apps** button.
const SWITCHAPPS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Sync** button.
const SYNC: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Sync Folder** button.
const SYNCFOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Tag** button.
const TAG: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Target** button.
const TARGET: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Three Bars** button.
const THREEBARS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Touch Pointer** button.
const TOUCHPOINTER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Trim** button.
const TRIM: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Two Bars** button.
const TWOBARS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Two Page** button.
const TWOPAGE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Underline** button.
const UNDERLINE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Undo** button.
const UNDO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Unfavorite** button.
const UNFAVORITE: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Unpin** button.
const UNPIN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Unsync Folder** button.
const UNSYNCFOLDER: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Up** button.
const UP: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Upload** button.
const UPLOAD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Video** button.
const VIDEO: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Video Chat** button.
const VIDEOCHAT: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **View** button.
const VIEW: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **View All** button.
const VIEWALL: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Volume** button.
const VOLUME: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Webcam** button.
const WEBCAM: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **World** button.
const WORLD: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Zero Bars** button.
const ZEROBARS: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Zoom** button.
const ZOOM: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Zoom In** button.
const ZOOMIN: number;
* Use with either the [AppBarButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon) or
* [AppBarToggleButton.icon](Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon) properties to specify
* a **Zoom Out** button.
const ZOOMOUT: number;
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton
interface AppBarButtonBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton;
* Fired when the user presses the button.
interface AppBarButton_click_Event extends AppBarButtonBaseEvent {
interface AppBarButtonEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
click: AppBarButton_click_Event;
* Windows application bar button.
class AppBarButton extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Icon to display for the button.
static icon: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Determines whether the view should receive touch events.
static touchEnabled: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof AppBarButtonEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton, event: AppBarButtonEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof AppBarButtonEventMap>(name: K, event?: AppBarButtonEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon> property.
static getIcon: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.touchEnabled> property.
static getTouchEnabled: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener<K extends keyof AppBarButtonEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton, event: AppBarButtonEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.icon> property.
static setIcon: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarButton.touchEnabled> property.
static setTouchEnabled: never;
* Vertical bar to divide controls in a Windows application bar
class AppBarSeparator extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarSeparator.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarSeparator.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarSeparator.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Removes the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static removeEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarSeparator.bubbleParent> property.
static setBubbleParent: never;
* Sets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarSeparator.lifecycleContainer> property.
static setLifecycleContainer: never;
* Base event for class Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton
interface AppBarToggleButtonBaseEvent extends Ti.Event {
* Source object that fired the event.
source: Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton;
* Fired when the user presses the button.
interface AppBarToggleButton_click_Event extends AppBarToggleButtonBaseEvent {
* Indicates if the button is checked or not.
checked: boolean;
interface AppBarToggleButtonEventMap extends ProxyEventMap {
click: AppBarToggleButton_click_Event;
* Toggle button for the Windows application bar.
class AppBarToggleButton extends Titanium.Module {
* The name of the API that this proxy corresponds to.
static readonly apiName: string;
* Indicates if the proxy will bubble an event to its parent.
static bubbleParent: boolean;
* Indicates if the button is toggled on or off.
static checked: boolean;
* Icon to display for the button.
static icon: number;
* The Window or TabGroup whose Activity lifecycle should be triggered on the proxy.
static lifecycleContainer: Titanium.UI.Window | Titanium.UI.TabGroup;
* Determines whether the view should receive touch events.
static touchEnabled: boolean;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener<K extends keyof AppBarToggleButtonEventMap>(name: K, callback: (this: Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton, event: AppBarToggleButtonEventMap[K]) => void): void;
* Adds the specified callback as an event listener for the named event.
static addEventListener(name: string, callback: (param0: Titanium.Event) => void): void;
* Applies the properties to the proxy.
static applyProperties(props: any): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent<K extends keyof AppBarToggleButtonEventMap>(name: K, event?: AppBarToggleButtonEventMap[K]): void;
* Fires a synthesized event to any registered listeners.
static fireEvent(name: string, event?: any): void;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.apiName> property.
static getApiName: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.bubbleParent> property.
static getBubbleParent: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.checked> property.
static getChecked: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.icon> property.
static getIcon: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.Windows.AppBarToggleButton.lifecycleContainer> property.
static getLifecycleContainer: never;
* Gets the value of the <Titanium.UI.W
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