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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Wordpress Deployment


  • Local server: VM machine runnning Ubuntu
  • Staging server: Remote server
  • Production server: Another remote server

Initial Setup

# Clone Wordpress
git clone project-name
cd project-name

# Switch to the lastest stable branch
git branch -r # Then look for the latest version number
git checkout X.X-branch # Substitute X.X with the latest version number

# Add the project, to set up Roots theme + Deploy scripts
git remote add init
git fetch init && git fetch init --tags

# Create a branch to work in
git checkout -b init
git merge init/master

# Run
cd initsh

# Delete the initsh folder
cd ..
rm -rf initsh/

DB Config

  • Set up databases and configure in wp-config.php
  • Give a unique table prefix as well for security reasons
  • Run through the WP installer in a browser Theme + Grunt + Bower Setup

  • Assuming you have Ruby (+ gems for sass & compass), Node.js, NPM, Git installed.
# Optional: create a bash alias to magically jump to your theme folder:
alias theme="cd /var/www/clients/project-name/wp-content/themes/build" >> ~/.bashrc
# now type "theme" to go to that folder quickly


# Initialise grunt in the theme folder
sudo npm install 
# Or run two commands seperately: sudo npm install grunt && sudo npm install bower

# Initialise Bower
bower update

# Run Grunt for first time css generation
grunt build

More info on commands for Roots + Grunt:

You might like to add other useful Grunt tasks to the project:

Roots + LiveReload + Dev build setup

Begin by reading the instructions to set up the theme at:

But here's a blow by blow description of the setup:

In wp-config.php, add the following:

/* */
define('WP_ENV', 'development');

This will tell Roots that WP is in 'development' mode and will enable a custom dev setup. Comment out this line when going to production.

No need to edit anything in Gruntfile.js as 'development' mode will take care of everything. The site should be compiling SASS to assets/css/main.css.

Go to the theme folder and begin a grunt watch task to monitor the folder while editing code:

grunt watch

When getting ready for production, compile a minified version of the scripts:

grunt build

And then comment out the WP_ENV item in wp-config.php


In order for LiveReload to work, you need to change a setting in Gruntfile.js:

options: {
          livereload: true // Originally set to "False"

you need to install a plugin for your browser. This one works: Chrome: Firefox: Github project:

This is another one but may only work on local files. Chrome:

Other useful setup info: mockko/livereload#45

To use LiveReload, run grunt watch and then click the LiveReload plugin button to connect to the server.

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