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drax68 / gist:2412600
Created April 18, 2012 10:01
Zabbix phone notification
Шаг №1 — Пререквизиты. Ставим festival и pjsip
sudo aptitude install festival
Загружаем и собираем pjsip:
tar xfv pjproject-1.10.tar.bz2
cd pjproject-1.10
./configure --disable-sound
drax68 / README
Last active December 16, 2015 06:09
Nginx Virtual Host traffic monitoring munin plugin
You need to log all the Virtual Hosts in the same access file
Filtering and accounting is done by logtail and awk so it has to be efficient
with large logfiles and busy sites.
1. Stop the current gpsd process: killall gpsd
2. Plug in the BU-353
3. Figure out where the gps was loaded: tail dmesg | grep ttyUSB (this will spit out something like /dev/ttyUSB0...note the location).
4. Switch the receiver from binary to nmea (using the result from step 3): gpsctl -f -n /dev/ttyUSB0.
5. Configure the serial port (using the result from step 3): stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 ispeed 4800 (8n1 should be configured by default).
Now, if you listen to the port (echo /dev/ttyUSB0), then you should see the NMEA ASCII messages.
If you want to use gpsd, but you want to keep the device configured to output NMEA, then you have to run gpsd in read only mode. For example, gpsd -b /dev/ttyUSB0.
First make sure that server is running fine. Then you can use djmount for upnp client. I don't know djmount is in the repo or not (I don't use ubuntu now). Install djmount & fuse.
make a mount point in /media
cd /media
sudo mkdir upnp
sudo chmod 777 upnp
You can give any name other than upnp
Then load fuse and mount the filesystem