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Created August 29, 2020 23:52
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How to scrape tables using Scrapy
import scrapy
import pandas
from ..items import YahooItem
class YahooSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = 'Yahoo'
symbols = ["ADSK","BA","CAT","EBAY","GS","HSY","IBM","JPM","WMT","SHOP",
"T", "F", "TRI", "AMZN", "C", "A", "O", "B","MSFT", "NVDA",
"DIS", "AAL", "NFLX", "JNJ","BAC","GOOGL", "WFC"]
start_urls = ['{0}/history?p={0}'.format(x) for x in symbols]
def parse(self, response):
items = YahooItem()
data = response.xpath('//table//text()').extract()
title = response.xpath('//title//text()').extract()
num_cols = 7
output = [data[i:i + num_cols] for i in range(0, len(data), num_cols)]
dictionary = pandas.DataFrame(output[1:], columns=output[0]).set_index('Date').to_dict()
items['title'] = title
items['data'] = dictionary
yield items
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Can you please share the code for YahooItem?

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