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Self-Hosted WordPress Plugin Updates (Client Plugin)
Plugin Name: Self-Hosted WordPress Plugin Updates - Client
Description: Demo plugin showcasing a client plugin which updates from a custom update server.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Drazen Bebic
Author URI:
Text Domain: shwpuc
Domain Path: /languages
// Current plugin version.
define( "SHWPUC_PLUGIN_VERSION", "1.0.0" );
// Output of this will be
// "self-hosted-plugin-updates/self-hosted-plugin-updates.php".
define( "SHWPUC_PLUGIN_SLUG", plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) );
// Set the server base URL. This should
// be replaced with the actual URL of
// your update server.
define( "SHWPUC_API_BASE_URL", "" );
* Returns the plugin slug: self-hosted-plugin-updates
* @return string
function shwpuc_get_plugin_slug() {
// We split this string because we need the
// slug without the fluff.
list ( $t1, $t2 ) = explode( '/', SHWPUC_PLUGIN_SLUG );
// This will remove the ".php" from the
// "self-hosted-plugin-updates.php" string
// and leave us with the slug only.
return str_replace( '.php', '', $t2 );
* Add our self-hosted auto-update plugin
* to the filter transient.
* @param $transient
* @return object $transient
function shwpuc_check_for_update( $transient ) {
// This will be "self-hosted-plugin-updates-client"
$slug = shwpuc_get_plugin_slug();
// Set the server base URL. This should be replaced
// with the actual URL of your update server.
$api_base = SHWPUC_API_BASE_URL;
// This needs to be obtained from the
// site settings. Somewhere set by a
// setting your plugin provides.
$license_i_surely_paid_for = 'XXX-YYY-ZZZ';
// Get the remote version.
$remote_version = shwpuc_get_remote_version( $slug );
// This is the URL the new plugin
// version will be downloaded from.
$download_url = "$api_base/package/$slug.$$license_i_surely_paid_for";
// If a newer version is available, add the update.
if ( $remote_version
&& version_compare( SHWPUC_PLUGIN_VERSION, $remote_version, '<' )
) {
$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->slug = $slug;
$obj->new_version = $remote_version;
$obj->url = $download_url;
$obj->package = $download_url;
$transient->response[ SHWPUC_PLUGIN_SLUG ] = $obj;
return $transient;
// Define the alternative API for updating checking
add_filter( 'pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', 'shwpuc_check_for_update' );
* Return the latest version of a plugin on
* the remote update server.
* @return string|null $remote_version
function shwpuc_get_remote_version( $slug ) {
$api_base = SHWPUC_API_BASE_URL;
$license = 'XXX-YYY-ZZZ';
$url = "$api_base/version/$slug?license=$license";
$request = wp_remote_get( $url );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $request )
|| wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ) === 200
) {
return $request['body'];
return null;
* Add our self-hosted description to the filter
* @param boolean $false
* @param array $action
* @param stdClass $arg
* @return bool|stdClass
function shwpuc_check_info( $false, $action, $arg ) {
// This will be "self-hosted-plugin-updates"
$slug = shwpuc_get_plugin_slug();
// Abort early if this isn't our plugin.
if ( $arg->slug !== $slug ) {
return false;
// Set the server base URL. This should be replaced
// with the actual URL of your update server.
$api_base = SHWPUC_API_BASE_URL;
$license = 'XXX-YYY-ZZZ';
$url = "$api_base/info/$slug?license=$license";
$request = wp_remote_get( $url );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $request )
|| wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $request ) === 200
) {
return unserialize( $request['body'] );
return null;
// Define the alternative response for information checking
add_filter( 'plugins_api', 'shwpuc_check_info', 10, 3 );
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