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Created February 4, 2013 16:52
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I needed a way to load up the children of a very large table with decent referential integrity a lot faster than joins and sub-selects. What I came up with was a stored procedure that loops over the parent ids, and loads up the results into a temp table.
create or replace function locations_for_demand_set(ds_id uuid)
returns table(id uuid,
demand_id uuid,
is_anchor_zip boolean,
latitude double precision,
longitude double precision,
name varchar,
subdivision_rank varchar,
type varchar,
division_permalink varchar,
zip varchar) as $body$
rec demands%rowtype;
create temp table answer on commit drop as
select * from locations
with no data;
for rec in select * from demands where demand_set_id = ds_id
insert into answer
select *
from locations l
where l.demand_id =;
end loop;
return query select * from answer;
$body$ language plpgsql
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