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Last active December 14, 2015 16:39
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Problem with asynchronously calls
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.805:nREPL-worker-49] INFO slam - crush called with 4 tasks...
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.808:pool-27-thread-2] INFO slam - Starting task 1
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.808:pool-27-thread-1] INFO slam - Starting task 0
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.808:pool-27-thread-4] INFO slam - Starting task 3
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.808:nREPL-worker-49] INFO slam - Finished crush in 2ms.
[2013-03-08 07:50:50.808:pool-27-thread-3] INFO slam - Starting task 2
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-4] INFO slam - Task 3 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-3] INFO slam - Task 2 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-1] INFO slam - Task 0 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-2] INFO slam - Task 1 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-1] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-3] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-4] INFO slam - Finished task in 5001ms.
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.809:pool-27-thread-2] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:50:55.810:nREPL-worker-49] INFO slam - Finished unbound in 5005ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:32.310:nREPL-worker-50] INFO slam - crush called with 4 tasks...
[2013-03-08 07:51:32.313:nREPL-worker-50] INFO slam - Finished crush in 3ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:32.313:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Starting task 0
[2013-03-08 07:51:32.313:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Starting task 1
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.313:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Task 0 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.313:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Task 1 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.314:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.314:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.314:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Starting task 2
[2013-03-08 07:51:37.314:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Starting task 3
[2013-03-08 07:51:42.316:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Task 3 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:51:42.316:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Task 2 is all done
[2013-03-08 07:51:42.316:pool-29-thread-1] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:42.316:pool-29-thread-2] INFO slam - Finished task in 5002ms.
[2013-03-08 07:51:42.317:nREPL-worker-50] INFO slam - Finished bound in 10008ms.
dark-magic.main=> (require 'slam :reload-all)
dark-magic.main=> (slam/unbound 4)
dark-magic.main=> (slam/bound 4)
(ns slam
(:require [dark-magic.async :refer [asynchronously with-fixed-thread-pool wait]]
[dark-magic.logging :refer [log-execution-time!]]
[ :refer [info infof errorf]]))
(defn task
(infof "Starting task %d" i)
(. Thread (sleep 5000))
(infof "Task %d is all done" i))
(log-execution-time! task)
(defn crush
(infof "crush called with %d tasks..." n)
(doseq [i (range n)] (asynchronously (task i))))
(log-execution-time! crush)
(defn unbound
(crush n)
(.shutdown dark-magic.async/*pool*))
(log-execution-time! unbound)
(defn bound
(with-fixed-thread-pool 2
(crush n)
(.shutdown dark-magic.async/*pool*))
(log-execution-time! bound)
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