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Created February 12, 2024 14:36
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lanes_example.lua for parallel processing
-- Specify path to Lua Lanes module
-- Install via: 'luarocks install lanes'
local lanes_path = "/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/lanes.lua"
-- Load Lanes lib
local lanes = assert(loadfile(lanes_path))().configure()
-- Lua function that will be executed as separate threads
local function process_log(timestamp, record)
-- Add your CPU intensive code here
print("Timestamp:", timestamp.sec, timestamp.nsec)
print("Record:", record.message)
record.message = "Modified"
return timestamp, record
-- Entry function
function threads(tag, records)
print("LUA ")
local thread_handles = {}
local results = {}
if records and type(records) == "table" then
print("Number of incoming records:", #records)
for i, log_event in ipairs(records) do
local timestamp = log_event.timestamp
local record = log_event.record
-- Use lanes.gen to create a new thread
local thread = lanes.gen("*", process_log)(timestamp, record)
-- Store the thread handle
table.insert(thread_handles, thread)
-- Wait for all threads to finish
for _, thread in ipairs(thread_handles) do
-- Get the result returned by each thread
local modified_record = thread[2]
local modified_timestamp = thread[1]
local result = {timestamp = modified_timestamp, record = modified_record}
table.insert(results, result)
print("All threads returned")
print("Error: Invalid or nil 'records' table.")
return results
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