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Last active June 4, 2020 18:46
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script to run alfa-scrapper against a provided URL
import { Awaiter, Scraper, Screenshot } from '@siteimprove/alfa-scraper';
import { Audit, Outcome, Rule } from '@siteimprove/alfa-act';
import { Rules } from '@siteimprove/alfa-rules';
import { Iterable } from '@siteimprove/alfa-iterable';
import { Timeout } from '@siteimprove/alfa-time';
// has to be this path otherwise build error complains about private properties not matching
import { Page } from '@siteimprove/alfa-scraper/node_modules/@siteimprove/alfa-web/src/page';
import * as path from 'path';
async function runTests(name: string, url: string) {
let outputDir = path.join(__dirname, `alfa-${name}.png`);
const scraper = await Scraper.of();
.scrape(url, {
awaiter: Awaiter.duration(3000),
screenshot: Screenshot.of(outputDir),
timeout: Timeout.of(20000),
.then( result => {
if (result.isErr()) {
throw result.getErr();
} else {
const page = result.get();
if (page.response.status !== 200) {
throw Error('page did not respond with 200 OK');
} else {
return page;
.then( (page: Page) => {
const reducedAudit = Rules.reduce(
(audit: Audit<Page>, rule: Rule<Page, any, any>) => {
return audit.add(rule);
return reducedAudit.evaluate().then( (outcomes: Iterable<Outcome<Page, any, any>>) => {
// getting 'inapplicable' for every outcome
for (const outcome of outcomes) {
console.log('outcome', outcome);
.catch(e => {
return scraper.close();
.then(() => {
return scraper.close();
runTests('', '');
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