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Last active November 6, 2021 12:33
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Use Emacs with UE4 and Clangd

Use Emacs with UE4 and Clangd


This article introduces how to setup a basically usable development environment using Emacs to develop Unreal Engine 4 project. The assumed working operating system is Windows, but it can be easily ported to Linux or MacOS. The UE4 project is still compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio tool chain, but Emacs is used as the main code editor.

By “a basically usable development environment”, I mean when using Emacs editing UE code, Emacs provides decent functions a programmer need in one’s everyday development. At least, this include:

  • Jump to definition
  • Find references of symbol
  • Search symbol
  • Auto completion

Those functions are provided by the language server protocol (LSP). Usually, it is quite simple to setup LSP server and client for a project. However, UE4 is a little bit special since it is a huge, multi-platform targeted project with is own compilation tools.


  • Emacs, must be Windows native. Although we can run Emacs in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which is what I have always been done, this setup requires a Windows native Emacs, because UE4 project is compiled using Microsoft Visual Studio tool chain, and it is much more complicated to setup a Linux Emacs to use Windows Clangd, or Linux Clangd to compile Windows project.
  • A language server protocol (LSP) client for Emacs, personally I use lsp-mode.
  • LLVM, specifically Clangd, you may also want to exploit clang-format and clang-tidy. Make sure Clangd binary is visible in PATH.
  • UE4 source code. We need to modify the Unreal Build Tool a bit so the source code is required.

Generate Compilation Database

The simplest way to make Clangd work, is to provide it with a compilation database. The compilation database is just a JASON file which describes how to compile each file in the project to the compiler in detail. If the project uses CMake, then it is quite easy to generate it with CMake’s GENERATE_COMPILE_DATABASE flag in Linux. However, UE4 uses Microsoft Visual Studio to compile its project. Fortunately, Unreal Build Tool provides a mode which could generate this compilation database since 4.24. The following command generate compilation database for project MyProject.

UnrealBuildTool.exe -mode=GenerateClangDatabase -project="path\to\MyProject.uproject" -game -engine MyProjectEditor Development Win64

Since most of the time, programmer works using the Development Editor build configuration, the above command also specifies this build configuration by appending “Editor” after the project name. This is required to generate the correct including path, which is used by Clangd to find those generated header files. You can change these arguments if you are working with other build configuration. The final rule is to make sure the compilation database has the correct include path in it.

Modify Unreal Build Tool Source Code

Although Unreal Build Tool could generate the compilation database for us, it does not contain those paths where the generated header files are located.

If you do not know what I am talking about, here is a simple explanation: Unreal Engine uses macros to mark its source code, and its Unreal Header Tool scans the source code before build starts, and generate the header file which is required for its reflection system to work, those file must be also visible to the LSP server, since they actually take part in the compilation process.

To include those paths in the compilation database, we have to modify UBT’s source code. In GenerateClangDatabase.cs find the following code:

foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in ModuleCompileEnvironment.SystemIncludePaths)
  CommandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);

and add a line of code to it so it looks like this:

foreach (DirectoryReference IncludePath in ModuleCompileEnvironment.SystemIncludePaths)
  CommandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -I\"{0}\"", IncludePath);
  CommandBuilder.AppendFormat(" -I\"{0}\"", Module.GeneratedCodeDirectory);

Add .clangd File

Now, the LSP server could work as long as you put the generated compilation database file to the root of your project. However, there is still another problem you have to deal with.

In Unreal, the widely used macro UCLASS is defined as follows:

#if UE_BUILD_DOCS || defined(__INTELLISENSE__ )
#define UCLASS(...)

In Microsoft Visual Studio, the flag __INTELLISENSE__ is defined, but it is not defined in the generated compilation database.

Here, we can take advantage the .clangd file to solve this problem. .clangd is a configuration file used by Clangd in a per-project level. You can put a .clangd file in the root of your project to apply some project-specific compiler settings. We can use this configuration file to define the flag.

Here is an example:


With this flag well defined, Clangd now should compile the whole UE project without reporting any error.

Use Unreal Header Tool to Update Generated Header Files

Basically, the setup could work really well. However, when you edit a header file and add or remove several lines so some of the macros are not in its original line, you will find LSP server is reporting compilation errors.

This is due to those macros use __LINE__ to generate line numbers to identify themselves. Those macros are then defined in the generated header files. If you move the macros in your source code, the definition of them will not match. That’s where those compilation errors come from.

Thus, to solve this problem, we can regenerate those header files after we finish editing our source code. This is usually done before each time the build process starts. However, we can solely execute the UHT to regenerate header files without start a building process since it might take too much time.

Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Build.bat MyProjectEditor Development Win64 -SkipBuild -project=/Path/To/MyProject.uproject

The above command runs UE script to generate header files only without actually building the project. You can just execute this command after you finish editing the source code which lead to line number changes of those UE macros.


I could not figure all these issues alone. I am an Emacs user and I am working on Unreal projects. Naturally, I would like to use Emacs to edit the code of any project I am working on. Unreal is a complicated project, thanks to its widely use of macros to build its own reflections system. This makes most of the traditional Emacs code analyzer unable to work. Most of them are based on tag systems, which is totally broken when UE macros are involved.

Thanks to LSP, it provides a way for Emacs to take advantage of a real compiler to parse the source code.

Also, there are a lot of people same with me, trying to use Emacs with Unreal. I just collect all the information I found on the Internet and put them together, then it works. Thanks to all the guys who have contributed on thoses threads all over Internet.


Also, check lsp-mode and Clangd documents to find more detail about how to configure them.

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