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Created January 10, 2015 15:32
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Save drdaxxy/5a92c7073e2be21c2256 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//TODO: there's a bug where after around 10 minutes, the text thing just barfs out like all the previous texts in the past 3 minutes multiple times..
//WHY WHY.. I think set interval is to blame or something.asdklfjasdkl;vnh
//or just say, if there's an overflow, don't write out the textaskl;djfasdkl;f
nicoNicoTwitch = function(){
var helper = {
//min inclusive, max exclusive
getRandomInt: function(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max-1 - min + 1) + min);
//gets me the time in the future at which point the text will begin its exit.
textStartExitTime: function(textObj){
var now =;
//the amount of time it takes to process a frame * the # of frames that text will take to begin to reach the other side
return now + parseInt((1000/fps)*(nicoCanvas.width / textObj.velocity));
//gets me the time in the future at which point the text will finish its exit.
textEndExitTime: function(textObj){
var now =;
//the amount of time it takes to process a frame * the # of frames that the text will finish its exit
return now + parseInt((1000/fps)*((nicoCanvas.width + textObj.width) / textObj.velocity));
stackTop: function(array){
if(array.length >0)
return array[array.length-1]
return undefined;
var emoticonUrlMap = [];
var $videoScreen = $('#player');
var vidWidth = parseFloat($videoScreen.css('width'));
var vidHeight = parseFloat($videoScreen.css('height')) - FLASH_COMMAND_BAR_HEIGHT; // -25 to make up for flash's command bar on bottom
//the amount of frames per second you want the thing to run at
var fps = 30;
var $nicoCanvas = $('<canvas/>', {id: 'nicoOverlay', width: vidWidth, height: vidHeight, css: 'z-index:1000; position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px'});
$nicoCanvas.css('z-index', 1000);
$nicoCanvas.css('position', 'absolute');
$nicoCanvas.css('top', '0px');
$nicoCanvas.css('left', '0px');
var nicoCanvas = document.getElementById('nicoOverlay');
//have to reset the width and height of canvas since jquery doesn't seem to do it for you.
//default new canvas is 300width, 150height, which is not what we want.
nicoCanvas.width = vidWidth;
nicoCanvas.height = vidHeight;
var nicoContext = nicoCanvas.getContext("2d");
//code for drawing a border
nicoContext.rect(0, 0, nicoCanvas.width, nicoCanvas.height);
nicoContext.strokeStyle = '#FF00F0'
nicoContext.lineWidth = 3;
//so in this implementation of mimicking niconico, an array of text. The amount of values will be the height of the video player divided by the size of the text? +- some margin
//text can only be queued for each index if the time that one finishes the other starts what?>asdjfkl
var TextObject = function(text, posX, posY, width, velocity, color){
this.text = text || "";
this.posX = posX || nicoCanvas.width;
this.posY = posY || 0;
this.width = width || 0;
this.velocity = velocity || 0;
this.color = color || "yellow";
//constant textBaseline being top. and the font. probably will change in future.
nicoContext.textBaseline = "top";
nicoContext.font = "bold 24px sans-serif";
nicoContext.strokeStyle = '#000000';
nicoContext.lineWidth = 1;
//2d array that holds text objects. each index can hold a list of text Objects.
//pre fill textObj Array with another set of arrays so that we can easily use array methods on it
//pre fill textListTimer with 0 seconds to let insertText know the rows are empty
//the purpose textListTimer is for insertText to easily know which array has time available. It'll always show the latest exit time for each respective row
var textRowHeight = 30;
var textObjArray = [];
var textListTimer = [];
//initialize each textObjArray entry with an empty array.
for(var i = textRowHeight; i <= nicoCanvas.height; i+= textRowHeight)
//need to divide by textRowHeight since that'll give me the count of how many times it ran through this loop.
textListTimer[(i/textRowHeight) - 1] = 0;
//this function will appropriately assign text to the correct row such that
//1. new text shall be placed as close to the top as possible
//2. text should never overlap each other.
function insertText(text, color){
var tempTextObj = new TextObject();
textPreProcObj = textPreProcess(text);
tempTextObj.text = textPreProcObj.text;
//the way width needs to be calculated needs to also consider the space that the emotes take up.
//lets say that each emote is constant EMOTE_PIXEL_WIDTH for now.
tempTextObj.width = nicoContext.measureText(text).width + (textPreProcObj.emoteCount * EMOTE_PIXEL_WIDTH);
//speed is calculated post text process, emotes are calculated to be around 8 characters long.
if(tempTextObj.text.length < 30){
tempTextObj.velocity = helper.getRandomInt(3,6);
else if(tempTextObj.text.length < 60){
tempTextObj.velocity = helper.getRandomInt(5,9);
tempTextObj.velocity = helper.getRandomInt(8, 13);
//default color is white, but color should change based on what the user's color is.
tempTextObj.color = color || "#ffffff";
var startExitTime = helper.textStartExitTime(tempTextObj);
var endExitTime = helper.textEndExitTime(tempTextObj);
//if we weren't able to find a good area to put the new text, pick one row at random and just stuff it in there.
//yeah its going to overlap but.. who cares.
//actually if we can't find a good area to put the new text, just ignore it. code commented out jsut incase if I want to change it later.
// actually this just looks better
var randomRow = helper.getRandomInt(0, textObjArray.length);
tempTextObj.posY = textRowHeight * randomRow;
textListTimer[randomRow] = endExitTime;
return randomRow;
for(var i = 0, length = textListTimer.length; i < length; i++)
//only able to add to current row if the two texts will never overlap.
//what this means is that the second statement can't be faster than the first
//the second statement can't come out while the first one is still being spewed, if there is a first one to begin with.
if((startExitTime > textListTimer[i]))
if(helper.stackTop(textObjArray[i]) != undefined)
if((helper.stackTop(textObjArray[i]).posX + helper.stackTop(textObjArray[i]).width) < nicoCanvas.width)
tempTextObj.posY = textRowHeight * i;
textListTimer[i] = endExitTime;
return i;
//this is the valley of continues where the first statement is still being spewed, go to the next row
tempTextObj.posY = textRowHeight * i;
textListTimer[i] = endExitTime;
return i;
//this function will apply some pre-processing to the text to remove any html from emoticons and replacing it with a placeholder
//will replace all emoticon spans with @@##||| where ## is the number emoticon
//emoticons are in the form of this <span class="emo-64 emoticon"></span>
//since parsing through reg exp is a pain here's how its going to go down
//create an array of the numbers you find in the <span>s by looping through the text. that'll be stored in emoteNumArr
//then go back through the text the same amount of times that the emoteNumArr.length and put the replacement string in with the numbers
//stupid right? there has to be a better way.
//turns out we need to return the updated text, as well as the amount of emotes are in the sentence.
var extractEmoteNumRegExpG = /emo-(\d+)/g;
var emoticonSpanHtmlRegExp = /<span.+?\/span>/;
function textPreProcess(text){
var filteredText = text;
var emoteNumArr = [];
var tempEmoteNum = 0;
var emoteCount = 0;
//programming note: getting multiple instances of a reg exp match requires you to place a /g global and go through the exec multiple times until you hit a null
//how is that acceptable...
while((tempEmoteNum=extractEmoteNumRegExpG.exec(filteredText)) !== null)
//push the second index since exec captures returns the complete match then the captured match........
for(var i = 0, emoteLength = emoteNumArr.length; i < emoteLength; i++)
filteredText = filteredText.replace(emoticonSpanHtmlRegExp, "@@"+emoteNumArr[i]+"|||");
emoteCount = emoteLength;
return {text: filteredText, emoteCount: emoteCount};
//animate takes in that 2d array of strings and processes it,
//removes strings when they reach the end are not visible.
//also interprets image icons and displays those instead of string.
//split the text string to catch emotes tokens @@##|||
//print the array and in between each split, insert the image.
//TODO: issue with the animate in that
var emoteTokenRegExpYesCap = /@{2}(\d+)\|{3}/g;
var emoteTokenRegExpNoCap = /@{2}\d+\|{3}/g
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(callback) {
return function(callback) {window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / fps);};
function animate() {
// clear
nicoContext.clearRect(0, 0, nicoCanvas.width, nicoCanvas.height);
// update AND draw in the same step..?
for(var i = 0, textArrayLength = textObjArray.length; i < textArrayLength; i++)
for(var j = 0, textRowLength = textObjArray[i].length; j < textRowLength; j++)
var textObject = textObjArray[i][j];
//prevents stuff from crashing if the textObject is removed from a previous frame.
var textSplit = textObject.text.split(emoteTokenRegExpNoCap);
//draw for each split,
//step 1. print the stuff at the location of posX
//step 2. calculate the location of the end of the string, keep a running pointer of the width of the building string
//step 3. print the image (if available) at the current running width.
//step 4. update the location of the end of the string by adding the constant EMOTE_PIXEL_WIDTH
//note: this width is different from the textObject.width in that the textObject.width is the TOTAL,
//this width is the running width while painting the string in canvas.
//if everything turns out good, this width should be the same as the total width.
var offset = 0;
var tempToken = undefined;
for(var k = 0, splitLength = textSplit.length; k < splitLength; k++)
nicoContext.fillStyle = textObject.color;
//fillText draws the innards of the text
nicoContext.fillText(textSplit[k], textObject.posX + offset ,textObject.posY);
//stroke test draws the borders of the text
nicoContext.strokeText(textSplit[k], textObject.posX + offset ,textObject.posY);
//add to offset
offset += nicoContext.measureText(textSplit[k]).width;
//parse token regexp on the normal non split text since that has all the tokens in it.
//the for loop will loop through and get the emotes sequentially
tempToken = emoteTokenRegExpYesCap.exec(textObject.text);
if(tempToken !== null && tempToken !== undefined)
var imageObj = new Image();
imageObj.src = emoticonUrlMap[tempToken[1]];
nicoContext.drawImage(imageObj, textObject.posX + offset, textObject.posY);
textObject.posX = textObject.posX - textObject.velocity;
//if text object made it off screen, remove it from the array
//else reupdate the entry in the array.
if(textObject.posX < -textObject.width)
textObjArray[i].splice(j, 1);
textObjArray[i][j] = textObject;
// request new frame
requestAnimFrame(function() {
//dom reading stuff.
//the dom reader doesn't work, deprecated and not replaced by anything better...
//we store a list of all the last id's that we have read since last update
//in the next chat update, we ping the latest id and only collect the chats that come after that
//display the chats and store the last id in our ids read since last update.
function gatherAndDisplayChat(lastOutputtedTextID){
var $lines;
//condition for when we're just starting, display ALL the nicks
if(lastOutputtedTextID === undefined)
$lines = $('.chat-line');
$lines = $('#'+lastOutputtedTextID).nextAll(".chat-line");
if($lines.length != 0)
var color = ($(this).find('.from').attr('style') ? $(this).find('.from').attr('style').split(":")[1] : "white");
insertText($(this).html(), color);
lastOutputtedTextID = $lines.last().attr('id');
return lastOutputtedTextID;
function scheduleTextScrape(lastOutputtedTextID){
setTimeout(function(){gatherAndDisplayChat(lastOutputtedTextID)}, 1000);
//returns array of url mapping
function getEmoticonList(){
var emoticonUrlMap = [];
var insideParensRegExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;
var $iconList = $('<div/>', {id:'iconList'});
$iconList.css('display', 'none');
//Since the emoticon list is ever expanding, we need to find out a good way to find out how long the list is.
//the only way to determine if an emoticon exists for a certain number is to create the element and then find out if it has an existing css 'background-image'
var emoticonLimitFound = false;
var maxEmoticonLimit = 0;
var emoticonCountProgression = 500;
maxEmoticonLimit += 500;
$iconList.html('<span class="emo-'+maxEmoticonLimit+' emoticon"></span>');
($iconList.find('.emoticon').css('background-image') == 'none' ? emoticonLimitFound = true : maxEmoticonLimit += emoticonCountProgression);
var emoteStringBuilder = [];
for (var i = 0; i < maxEmoticonLimit; i++)
emoteStringBuilder.push('<span class="emo-'+i+' emoticon"></span>');
$iconList.html(emoteStringBuilder.join(' '));
var backgroundImage = $(this).css('background-image');
if(backgroundImage !== 'none')
emoticonUrlMap[index] = insideParensRegExp.exec(backgroundImage)[1];
return emoticonUrlMap;
this.init = function(){
// this takes up too much time to load further chat lines
//emoticonUrlMap = getEmoticonList();
var nico = new nicoNicoTwitch();
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