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Created September 27, 2011 22:19
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A lazily sorted vector
import scala.collection.GenSeqLike
import scala.collection.mutable.ArraySeq
* A lazily sorted vector.
* Some operations may force some sorting, so return a LazySortedVector as well as the expected result.
sealed trait LazySortedVector[E] {
/** Vector length. */
def length: Int
/** Fetch an element from the vector by index in the sorted result. */
def apply(i: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], E)
/** Fetch the elements in this vector `from` (inclusive) `to` (exclusive).
* The elements may be returned out of order, but will include exactly those values that would be returned in an
* in-order iteration.
* If the indexes are out of bounds (`from<0` or `to>=length`), return the slice after clamping `from` and `to`
* into range.
def slice(from: Int, to: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], Traversable[E])
/** Perform one sorting step on the vector, if unsorted. */
def pivot: LazySortedVector[E]
* A fully sorted block.
* The operations here are in effect the null ops.
case class Sorted[E](elems: ArraySeq[E]) extends LazySortedVector[E] {
def length = elems.length
def apply(i: Int) = (this, elems.apply(i))
def slice(from: Int, to: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], Iterable[E]) = {
def clamp(i: Int) = if(i < 0) 0 else if (i > length) length else i
(this, elems.slice(clamp(from), clamp(to)))
def pivot: LazySortedVector[E] = this
* An unsorted block.
case class Unsorted[E](elems: ArraySeq[E], ord: Ordering[E]) extends LazySortedVector[E] {
def length: Int = elems.length
def apply(i: Int) = pivot.apply(i) // we have to pivot to make sure that `i` is looked up in sorted index space
def slice(from: Int, to: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], Traversable[E]) = // try to avoid forcing a sort if the slice covers this range
if(from <= 0 && to >= elems.length) (this, elems) // optimize for the covering case
else pivot.slice(from, to) // otherwise, pivot and slice
def pivot: LazySortedVector[E] = {
val pivot = elems.head
val rest = elems.tail
val (lower, higher) = rest.partition(, pivot))
Pivoted(Unsorted(lower, ord), pivot, Unsorted(higher, ord))
* A pair of blocks that contain values less than and greater than a pivot value.
case class Pivoted[E](lower: LazySortedVector[E], pivotV: E, higher: LazySortedVector[E]) extends LazySortedVector[E] {
def length = lower.length + 1 + higher.length
def apply(i: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], E) = i match {
case l if l < lower.length =>
val (pl, ei) = lower.pivot.apply(l)
mkFromPivoted(pl, higher) -> ei
case p if p == lower.length =>
this -> pivotV
case h if h > lower.length =>
val (ph, ei) = higher.pivot.apply(h - (lower.length + 1))
mkFromPivoted(lower, ph) -> ei
def slice(from: Int, to: Int): (LazySortedVector[E], Traversable[E]) = {
val partitionI = lower.length
def inHigher(i: Int): Int = i - partitionI - 1 // transform `i` relative to indexes in `higher`
if(to < partitionI) { // only touches the `lower` block
val (pl, ls) = lower.slice(from, to)
mkFromPivoted(pl, higher) -> ls
} else
if(from > partitionI) { // only touches the `higher` block
val (ph, hs) = higher.slice(inHigher(from), inHigher(to))
mkFromPivoted(lower, ph) -> hs
} else
if(from == partitionI) { // includes the partition element and `higher`
val (ph, hs) = higher.slice(inHigher(from), inHigher(to))
mkFromPivoted(lower, ph) -> (List(pivotV) ++: hs)
} else
if(to == partitionI) { // includes the partition element and `higher`
val (pl, ls) = lower.slice(from, to)
mkFromPivoted(pl, higher) -> (ls ++ List(pivotV))
} else { // overlaps both `lower` and `higher`
val (pl, ls) = lower.slice(from, to)
val (ph, hs) = higher.slice(inHigher(from), inHigher(to))
mkFromPivoted(pl, ph) -> (ls ++ List(pivotV) ++ hs)
def pivot: LazySortedVector[E] = this
/** Try to return an optimal representation of this object if the lower and higher blocks where to be replaced. */
protected def mkFromPivoted(pl: LazySortedVector[E], ph: LazySortedVector[E]): LazySortedVector[E] = (pl, ph) match {
case (l, h) if (l == lower && h == higher) => // no change - return this to avoid allocating objects
case (Sorted(sl), Sorted(sh)) => // both are sorted, so we should join this all up to make a larger sorted block
Sorted((sl ++ List(pivotV) ++ sh))
case (_, _) => // otherwise,
Pivoted(pl, pivotV, ph)
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