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Created August 22, 2012 16:00
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type-encoding of natural numbers
trait CNat {
type succ <: CNat
type pred <: CNat
trait _0 extends CNat {
type pred = _0
type succ = CSucc[_0]
trait CSucc[N <: CNat] extends CNat {
type pred = N
type succ = CSucc[CSucc[N]]
trait ApplyCNat[N <: CNat, B[_]] {
type apply[A]
def apply[A](a: A): apply[A]
implicit def apply_0[B[_]]: ApplyCNat[_0, B] = new ApplyCNat[_0, B] {
type apply[A] = A
def apply[A](a: A) = a
trait SuccCNat[B[_]] {
type Succ[A] = B[A]
def apply[A](a: A): Succ[A]
implicit def apply_succ[N <: CSucc[M], M <: CNat, B[_]](implicit n: ApplyCNat[M, B], b: SuccCNat[B]): ApplyCNat[N, B] = new ApplyCNat[N, B] {
type apply[A] = B[n.apply[A]]
def apply[A](a: A) = b(n(a))
implicit def succList: SuccCNat[List] = new SuccCNat[List] {
def apply[A](a: A) = List(a)
import cbool._
scala> implicitly[ApplyCNat[_0, List]].apply(42)
res1: ApplyCNat[_0,List]#apply[Int] = 42
scala> implicitly[ApplyCNat[_0#succ, List]].apply(42)
res2: ApplyCNat[CSucc[_0],List]#apply[Int] = List(42)
scala> implicitly[ApplyCNat[_0#succ#succ, List]].apply(42)
<console>:12: error: could not find implicit value for parameter e: ApplyCNat[CSucc[CSucc[_0]],List]
implicitly[ApplyCNat[_0#succ#succ, List]].apply(42)
scala> apply_succ[_0#succ#succ, _0#succ, List](implicitly[ApplyCNat[_0#succ, List]], implicitly[SuccCNat[List]])
res3: cbool.ApplyCNat[cbool.CSucc[cbool.CSucc[cbool._0]],List] = cbool$$anon$2@6d6a72f2
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