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Created December 17, 2012 19:09
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package sbol.device
import sbol.util.{Annotated, Described, Identified}
* A Device is the unit of functional design composition.
* @author Matthew Pocock
sealed trait Device extends Identified with Described with Annotated {
def function: URI
def inputs: Set[InPort]
def outputs: Set[OutPort]
* A device that presents a functional view of a DnaComponent.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait AtomicDevice extends Device {
def part: DNAComponent
trait CompositeDevice extends Device {
def subDevices: Set[Device]
def connections: Set[Connection] // connect inputs from one sub-model to outputs from another
sealed trait Port {
def uri: Option[URI]
def role: URI
def restriction: RDF
trait InPort extends Port
trait OutPort extends Port
trait Connection {
def uri: URI
def input: InPort
def output: OutPort
package sbol.ext
* Provides operations for some type `T`.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait ExtOps[T] {
def views: T
// in your implementation, fill in ops
trait OpsProvider[Ops <: ExtOps[T], T] {
def opsFor(t: T): Ops
package sbol.util
* Any entity that is identified by a URI. All instances of this type should use this URI as their resource when
* represented as RDF.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait Identified {
def uri: URI
* An entity that is described by an identifier, name and description. This corresponds to the appropriate fields of
* Dublin Core.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait Described {
self: Identified =>
def displayId: String
def name: Option[String]
def description: Option[String]
trait Annotated {
self: Identified =>
def annotations: Set[Annotation]
trait Annotation {
def predicate: URI
def `object`: URI // should be URI, datatype, root of an RDF expression tree, an RDF-able object
package sbol.rdf
sealed trait ObjectExpr
case class SubjectExpr(subject: URI, predicates: Seq[PredicateExpr]) extends ObjectExpr
case class UntypedLiteral(value: String) extends ObjectExpr
case class PredicateExpr(predicate: URI, objects: Seq[ObjectExpr])
package sbol.regulation
import sbol.ext.{OpsProvider, ExtOps}
import sbol.device.{Port, Device}
import sbol.util.Identified
* Utilities for managing regulation information.
* @author Matthew Pocock
object Regulation extends OpsProvider[RegulationOps, Device] {
def opsFor(d: Device): RegulationOps = new RegulationOps {
def views = d
def regulations = ???
def regulations_=(rs: Set[Regulation]) {}
* Regulatory information.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait Regulation extends Identified {
def players: Set[Player]
def `type`: URI
trait Player {
def port: Port
def role: URI
* Operations for manipulating the regulation information associated with a device.
* @author Matthew Pocock
trait RegulationOps extends ExtOps[Device] {
def regulations: Set[Regulation]
def regulations_=(rs: Set[Regulation])
package sbol.sequence
import sbol.util.{Described, Identified}
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: nmrp3
* Date: 03/12/12
* Time: 17:51
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
trait DnaSequence extends Identified {
def nucleotides: String
trait DnaComponent extends Identified with Described {
def sequenceType: Set[URI]
def dnaSequence: Option[DnaSequence]
def annotations: Set[SequenceAnnotation]
trait SequenceAnnotation extends Identified {
def bioStart: Option[Int]
def bioEnd: Option[Int]
def strand: Strand
def preceeds: Set[SequenceAnnotation]
def subComponent: DnaComponent
sealed trait Strand
object Strand {
case object + extends Strand
case object - extends Strand
trait Collection extends Identified with Described {
def components: Set[DnaComponent]
package sbol.util
* A resource of type `T` or a URI that identifies it.
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @author Matthew Pocock
sealed trait ReferenceOrInstance[T]
* The case where we have a URI.
* @param uri the URI that identifies a resource of type `T`
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @author Matthew pocock
case class Reference[T](uri: URI) extends ReferenceOrInstance[T]
* The case where we have an instance.
* @param t the resource of type `T`
* @tparam T the type of the resource
case class Instance[T](t: T) extends ReferenceOrInstance[T]
* Utilities for working with references and instances.
* @author Matthew Pocock
object ReferenceOrInstance {
/** Automatically wrap up a URI as a reference.
* @param uri the URI to wrap
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @return a `Reference[T]` wrapping `uri`
implicit def reference[T](uri: URI): Reference[T] = Reference(uri)
/** Automatically wrap up a resource as a reference.
* @param t the reference to wrap
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @return an `Instance[T]` wrapping `t`
implicit def instance[T](t: T): Instance[T] = Instance(t)
/** Automatically dereference an instance to the wrapped instance.
* @param inst the `Instance[T]` to dereference
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @return the wrapped instance
implicit def dereference[T](inst: Instance[T]): T = inst.t
/** Automatically attempt to dereference a reference.
* The details of how URIs are resolved to objects is encapsulated by the implicit `lookup` function. In different
* contexts and at different times, a `URI` may resolve to no or different instances.
* @param ref the `Reference[T]` to resolve
* @param lookup an implicit lookup function
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @return `Some[T]` containing an instance found by resolving the reference if resolution succeeded, `None`
* otherwise
implicit def dereference[T](ref: Reference[T])(implicit lookup: URI => Option[T]): Option[T] = lookup(ref.uri)
/** Automatically attempt to dereference a reference or instance.
* In the case of `roi` being an instance, the wrapped instance is returned. In the case of `roi` being a reference,
* the implicit `lookup` function is used to attempt to resolve the reference.
* @param roi the `ReferenceOrInstance[T]` to resolve
* @param lookup an implicit lookup function
* @tparam T the type of the resource
* @return `Some[T]` containing an instance if dereferencing succeeded, `None` otherwise
implicit def dereference[T](roi: ReferenceOrInstance[T])(implicit lookup: URI => T): Option[T] = roi match {
case inst : Instance[T] => Some(dereference(inst))
case ref : Reference[T] => dereference(ref)
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