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Created February 23, 2014 06:07
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Save drdrang/9167711 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pythonista script for generating and displaying the local weather.
import json
import requests
import time
from datetime import datetime
import location
import webbrowser
import BaseHTTPServer
############################### Functions #################################
def wunder(lat, lon, wukey):
"Return a dictionary of weather data for the given location."
# URLs
baseURL = '' % wukey
conditionURL = baseURL + 'conditions/q/%f,%f.json' % (lat, lon)
astroURL = baseURL + 'astronomy/q/%f,%f.json' % (lat, lon)
radarURL = baseURL + 'radar/image.png' \
+ '?centerlat=%f&centerlon=%f' % (lat, lon - 1) \
+ '&radius=100&width=640&height=400&timelabel=1' \
+ '&timelabel.x=10&timelabel.y=390' \
+ '&newmaps=1&noclutter=1'
# Collect data.
c = requests.get(conditionURL)
current = c.json()['current_observation']
a = requests.get(astroURL)
astro = a.json()['moon_phase']
# Turn sun rise and set times into datetimes.
rise = '%s:%s' % (astro['sunrise']['hour'], astro['sunrise']['minute'])
set = '%s:%s' % (astro['sunset']['hour'], astro['sunset']['minute'])
sunrise = datetime.strptime(rise, '%H:%M')
sunset = datetime.strptime(set, '%H:%M')
# Mapping of pressure trend symbols to words.
pstr = {'+': 'rising', '-': 'falling', '0': 'steady'}
# Construct the dictionary and return it.
wudata = {'pressure': float(current['pressure_in']),
'ptrend': pstr[current['pressure_trend']],
'temp': current['temp_f'],
'desc': current['weather'],
'wind_dir': current['wind_dir'],
'wind': current['wind_mph'],
'feel': float(current['feelslike_f']),
'sunrise': sunrise,
'sunset': sunset,
'moon_pct': float(astro['percentIlluminated']),
'moon_age': int(astro['ageOfMoon']),
'radar': radarURL}
return wudata
def wuHTML(lat, lon, wukey):
"Return HTML with WU data for given location."
d = wunder(lat, lon, wukey)
# Get data ready for presentation
sunrise = d['sunrise'].strftime('%-I:%M %p').lower()
sunset = d['sunset'].strftime('%-I:%M %p').lower()
temp = '%.0f°' % d['temp']
pressure = 'Pressure: %.2f and %s' % (d['pressure'], d['ptrend'])
wind = 'Wind: %s at %.0f mph' % (d['wind_dir'], d['wind'])
feel = 'Feels like: %.0f°' % d['feel']
sun = 'Sunlight: %s to %s' % (sunrise, sunset)
moon = 'Moon: %s%% at %s days' % (d['moon_pct'], d['moon_age'])
# Assemble the HTML.
html = '''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<meta name="viewport" content = "width = device-width" />
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: Helvetica; }
h1 { font-size: 175%%;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0; }
h2 { font-size: 125%%;
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0; }
#now { margin-left: 0; }
#gust { padding-left: 2.75em; }
div p { margin-top: .25em;
margin-left: .25em; }
<body onload="setTimeout(function() {, 1) }, 100);">
<h1>%s &bull; %s </h1>
<p><img width="100%%" src="%s" /></p>
<p id="now">%s<br />
%s<br />
%s<br />
%s<br />
%s<br /></p>
</html>''' % (temp, d['desc'], d['radar'], wind, feel, pressure, sun, moon)
return html
############################## Main program ###############################
# My Weather Underground key.
wukey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
# Get the GPS info.
loc = location.get_location()
# Generate the HTML.
html = wuHTML(loc['latitude'], loc['longitude'], wukey)
# Create the request handler.
class MyHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(s):
"""Respond to a GET request."""
s.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
# Start the server and show the page.
server = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 8888), MyHandler)'http://localhost:8888')
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