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[Debug : 11:42:41.855855] - "badges based on position updated to :: (\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"z\", \"\", \"c\", \"\", \"\", \"n\", \"\", \",\", \"\")"
[Debug : 11:42:41.855855] - "badges for applet shortcuts updated to :: QHash()"
[Debug : 11:42:41.861861] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Dash To Panel\" [ \"org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ] - [ \"/home/id/.local/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.dashtopanel\" ]"
[Debug : 11:42:41.861861] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Latte\" [ \"org.kde.latte.default\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/default\" ]"
[Debug : 11:42:41.862862] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Plasma Tab Style\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ]"
[Debug : 11:42:41.862862] - " Indicator Package Loaded ::: \"Plasma\" [ \"org.kde.latte.plasma\" ] - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasma\" ]"
[Debug : 11:42:41.862862] - "\"Latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.862862] - " IMPORTER, STORAGE TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-GzpDja\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.863863] - "---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------"
[Debug : 11:42:41.863863] - "1 __ \"HDMI-0\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.863863] - "2 __ \"HDMI-A-3\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.863863] - "3 __ \"HDMI-A-1\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.863863] - "---------------- --------------- ------------------"
[Debug : 11:42:41.894894] - " Windows default color scheme :: \"/home/id/.local/share/color-schemes/IridescentLightly3.colors\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.895895] - " KWIN SERVICE :: is available..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "package is valid true"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"10\" : \"DP-0\" : QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"11\" : \"HDMI-0\" : QRect(3440,0 1920x1080)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"12\" : \"DP-2\" : QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"13\" : \"HDMI-A-3\" : QRect(0,0 1920x1080)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"14\" : \"DP-1\" : QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "org.kde.latte :: Known Screen - \"15\" : \"HDMI-A-1\" : QRect(3440,0 1920x1080)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "Latte::Corona the package QJsonObject({\"KPlugin\":{\"Authors\":[{\"Email\":\",\",\"Name\":\"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar\"}],\"Description\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[az]\":\"Latte Dok paneli üçün nəzərdə tutulan üzlük\",\"Description[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[da]\":\"Skal til Latte-dokken\",\"Description[de]\":\"Shell für Latte-Dock\",\"Description[el]\":\"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte\",\"Description[en_GB]\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[es]\":\"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock\",\"Description[et]\":\"Latte doki shell\",\"Description[eu]\":\"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat\",\"Description[fi]\":\"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä\",\"Description[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes fourni pour le panneau Latte\",\"Description[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.\",\"Description[id]\":\"Shell disediakan untuk Dock Latte\",\"Description[it]\":\"Shell fornita per Latte Dock\",\"Description[ko]\":\"Latte 독용 셸\",\"Description[lt]\":\"Latte dokui teikiamas apvalkalas\",\"Description[nl]\":\"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock\",\"Description[nn]\":\"Skal frå Latte-dokk\",\"Description[pl]\":\"Powłoka dla doku Latte\",\"Description[pt]\":\"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte\",\"Description[pt_BR]\":\"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock\",\"Description[ru]\":\"Оболочка для Latte Dock\",\"Description[sl]\":\"Shell za dok Latte\",\"Description[sv]\":\"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster\",\"Description[uk]\":\"Оболонка панелі Латте\",\"Description[x-test]\":\"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx\",\"Description[zh_CN]\":\"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell\",\"Description[zh_TW]\":\"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell\",\"Id\":\"\",\"License\":\"GPLv3+\",\"Name\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[az]\":\"Latte Üzlüyü\",\"Name[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[cs]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[da]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[de]\":\"Latte-Shell\",\"Name[el]\":\"Κέλυφος Latte\",\"Name[en_GB]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[es]\":\"Consola de Latte\",\"Name[et]\":\"Latte shell\",\"Name[eu]\":\"Latte Shell-a\",\"Name[fi]\":\"Latte-käyttöliittymä\",\"Name[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes pour Latte\",\"Name[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes de Latte\",\"Name[id]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[it]\":\"shell Latte\",\"Name[ko]\":\"Latte 셸\",\"Name[lt]\":\"Latte apvalkalas\",\"Name[nl]\":\"Latte-shell\",\"Name[nn]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[pl]\":\"Powłoka Latte\",\"Name[pt]\":\"Consola do Latte\",\"Name[pt_BR]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[ru]\":\"Оболочка Latte\",\"Name[sk]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[sl]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[sv]\":\"Latte skal\",\"Name[uk]\":\"Оболонка Латте\",\"Name[x-test]\":\"xxLatte Shellxx\",\"Name[zh_CN]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[zh_TW]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"ServiceTypes\":[\"Plasma/Shell\"],\"Version\":\"0.10.8\",\"Website\":\"\"},\"Keywords\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[az]\":\"üzlük\",\"Keywords[ca@valencia]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[ca]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[cs]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[da]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[de]\":\"Shell\",\"Keywords[el]\":\"κέλυφος\",\"Keywords[en_GB]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[es]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[et]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[eu]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[fi]\":\"käyttöliittymä\",\"Keywords[fr]\":\"interpréteur\",\"Keywords[gl]\":\"intérprete de ordes\",\"Keywords[ia]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[id]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[it]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ko]\":\"셸\",\"Keywords[lt]\":\"apvalkalas\",\"Keywords[nl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[nn]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[pl]\":\"powłoka\",\"Keywords[pt]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[pt_BR]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ru]\":\"оболочка\",\"Keywords[sk]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sv]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[uk]\":\"оболонка\",\"Keywords[x-test]\":\"xxshellxx\",\"Keywords[zh_CN]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[zh_TW]\":\"shell\",\"X-KDE-ParentApp\":\"latte-dock\"}) is valid!"
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "Updating Latte Colors Script presence..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "kwinrc: recovering values..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "current plasma theme ::: \"Layan\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "theme path ::: \"/home/id/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Layan\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "theme widgets path ::: \"/home/id/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Layan/widgets\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.899899] - "plasma theme original colors ::: \"/home/id/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Layan/colors\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.99] - "plasma theme default colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-PpuSBi/default.colors\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.903903] - "plasma theme reversed colors ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-PpuSBi/reversed.colors\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.903903] - "Plasma theme is dark..."
[Warning : 11:42:41.903903] - "Cannot watch QRC-like path \":/icons/hicolor/index.theme\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.903903] - " PLASMA THEME TOPLEFT SHADOW :: pixels : 784 transparent pixels 464 | HAS SHADOWS : true"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER MASK base line length :: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | roundness: 15 center_max_opacity: 0.596077"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | padtop: 16 padleft: 16 padbottom: 16 padright: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::TopEdge | shadowsize: 12 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 0.0392157, 0, 0, 0)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER MASK base line length :: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | roundness: 15 center_max_opacity: 0.596077"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | padtop: 16 padleft: 16 padbottom: 16 padright: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::LeftEdge | shadowsize: 12 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 0.0431373, 0, 0, 0)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " TOP LEFT CORNER MASK base line length :: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | roundness: 15 center_max_opacity: 0.596077"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | padtop: 16 padleft: 16 padbottom: 16 padright: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge | shadowsize: 12 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 0.0392157, 0, 0, 0)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " TOP LEFT CORNER MASK base line length :: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | roundness: 15 center_max_opacity: 0.596077"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | padtop: 16 padleft: 16 padbottom: 16 padright: 16"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: Plasma::Types::RightEdge | shadowsize: 12 shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 0.0431373, 0, 0, 0)"
[Debug : 11:42:41.904904] - "PLASMA THEME MARGINS AREA :: 0 0 0 0"
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout name: \".multiple-layouts_hidden\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYOUTS::STORAGE, TEMP DIR ::: \"/tmp/lattedock-VVUqVa\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout name: \"Default\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.906906] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout name: \"Empty\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout name: \"Extended\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.907907] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.908908] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.908908] - "Layout file to create object: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.908908] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.908908] - "Layout name: \"Unity\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Universal Settings version : 2"
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Latte is loading its layouts..."
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 2.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 2.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Layout name: \"Default - 2\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 3.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.909909] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 3.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout name: \"Default - 3\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 4.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 4.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout name: \"Default - 4\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 5.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 5.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout name: \"Default - 5\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 6.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.9191] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 6.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout name: \"Default - 6\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 7.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 7.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout name: \"Default - 7\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.911911] - "Layout name: \"Default\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Empty.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Empty.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout name: \"Empty\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Extended.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Extended.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout name: \"Extended\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/My Layout.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.912912] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/My Layout.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.913913] - "Layout name: \"My Layout\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.914914] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.914914] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.914914] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.915915] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.915915] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.915915] - "Layout name: \"Unity\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.916916] - "adding layout : \"Default - 8\" based on layout template: \"Default\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.916916] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\" with name: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.916916] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.916916] - "Layout name: \"Default - 8\""
[Debug : 11:42:41.916916] - " >>>>> SWITCHING >> \"Default - 8\" __ from memory: 0 to memory: -1"
[Debug : 11:42:42.267267] - " ... initializing layout in single mode : \"Default - 8\" - \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.267267] - "Layout file to create object: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\" with name: \"Default - 8\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.267267] - "Layout file: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.268268] - "Layout name: \"Default - 8\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.268268] - "Layout ::::: \"Default - 8\" added containments ::: 0"
[Debug : 11:42:42.268268] - "abstract layout is saving... for layout: \"Default - 8\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.288288] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
[Debug : 11:42:42.288288] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
[Debug : 11:42:42.288288] - "LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: \"/home/id/.config/latte/Default - 8.layout.latte\""
[Info : 11:42:42.298298] - "Applet preload policy set to 1"
[Warning : 11:42:42.303303] - "Plugin \"org.kde.latte.contextmenu\" was loaded using deprecated KServiceTypeTrader. Use embedded json metadata and install the plugin in plasma/containmentactions namespace instead"
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "Layout :::: \"Default - 8\" ::: addView was called... m_containments :: 1"
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "step 1..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "step 2..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "step 3..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "Adding view - containment id: 1 ,screen : 14 - \"DP-1\" ,onprimary: true - edge: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge ,screenName: \"DP-1\" ,forceOnPrimary: false"
[Debug : 11:42:42.307307] - "add dock - connector : \"DP-1\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.308308] - "Adding view passed ALL checks ,onPrimary: true ,screen: \"DP-1\" !!!"
[Debug : 11:42:42.318318] - "setScreenToFollow() called for screen: \"DP-1\" update: true"
[Debug : 11:42:42.318318] - "adapting to screen..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.318318] - "setScreenToFollow() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.373373] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
[Warning : 11:42:42.374374] - "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position Plasma::Types::Desktop"
[Warning : 11:42:42.374374] - "wrong location, couldn't update the canvas config window geometry Plasma::Types::Desktop"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"DP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::Desktop"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "SOURCE: QUrl(\"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\")"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "syncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "dock view c++ containment changed 1..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "dock view c++ containment changed 2..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "reconsiderScreen() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - " Delayer "
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - " D, found screen: \"DP-1\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "dock screen exists ::: true"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "syncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "WindowsTracker creating..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "VisibilityManager creating..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - " -> Frame Extents :: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge __ extents :: QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) bypasswm :: false"
[Debug : 11:42:42.374374] - "Updating visibility mode to :::: Latte::Types::DodgeActive"
[Debug : 11:42:42.375375] - "wayland screen edge ghost window surface was created..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.395395] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.395395] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"DP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:42.395395] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
[Debug : 11:42:42.395395] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.682682] - " /////////////////////////"
[Debug : 11:42:42.682682] - "\"Plasma Desktop version: 5.24.5 (333829)\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.682682] - " /////////////////////////"
[Debug : 11:42:42.714714] - "PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.735735] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..."
[Warning : 11:42:42.736736] - "PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead."
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "syncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "syncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "syncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets found :: 2 : (2, 3) :: -1 : -1 | Latte::Types::Center"
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets orphaned added in the end:: \"\""
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets recorded order :: (2, 3)"
[Debug : 11:42:42.829829] - "org.kde.latte ::: applets produced order ?? (2, 3)"
[Warning : 11:42:42.842842] - "file:///usr/share/latte/indicators/default/package/ui/main.qml:88:13: Unable to assign [undefined] to double"
[Debug : 11:42:42.867867] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 1..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.867867] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 2..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "WAYLAND dock window surface was created..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"DP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
[Debug : 11:42:42.868868] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.887887] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.887887] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen: \"DP-1\" _ QRect(0,0 3440x1440)"
[Debug : 11:42:42.887887] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
[Debug : 11:42:42.887887] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
[Debug : 11:42:42.887887] - "syncGeometry() called..."
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