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Created May 18, 2011 00:12
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GNU Plot error + solution
janitors-Mac-mini:predator id$ octave --verbose run_TLD.m
GNU Octave, version 3.4.0
Copyright (C) 2011 John W. Eaton and others.
This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions.
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type `warranty'.
Octave was configured for "x86_64-apple-darwin10.6.0".
Additional information about Octave is available at
Please contribute if you find this software useful.
For more information, visit
Read to learn how to submit bug reports.
For information about changes from previous versions, type `news'.
executing commands from /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.4.0/share/octave/site/m/startup/octaverc ... done.
executing commands from /usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.4.0/share/octave/3.4.0/m/startup/octaverc ... warning: function /Users/id/octave/statistics-1.0.10/fstat.m shadows a core library function
warning: function /Users/id/octave/statistics-1.0.10/prctile.m shadows a core library function
gnuplot> set terminal aqua enhanced title "Figure 2" size 640 360 font "*,6"
line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list
line 0: No terminal defined
gnuplot> plot "-" binary array=470x310 scan=yx origin=(1,1) dx=1 dy=1 using 1 title "" with image; unset obj 1; plot "-" binary format='%float64' record=35 using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with points linestyle 2 ;
line 0: use 'set term' to set terminal type first
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> B
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> ?B
line 0: invalid character ?
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> ?B
line 0: invalid character ?
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> ?B
line 0: invalid character ?
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> ?B
line 0: invalid character ?
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
sh: C: command not found
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid character
gnuplot> B
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> LC
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> B
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> B
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> C
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> OC
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> B
line 0: invalid command
janitors-Mac-mini:~ id$ brew info octave
octave 3.4.0
Depends on: pkg-config, gnu-sed, texinfo, fftw, dotwrp, readline, suite-sparse, glpk, graphicsmagick, hdf5, pcre, fltk, qhull, qrupdate
/usr/local/Cellar/octave/3.4.0 (1728 files, 64M)
To install, you will need custom installs of fltk and graphicsmagick:
brew install --HEAD fltk
brew install graphicsmagick --with-magick-plus-plus
To omit these features, see "brew options octave"
Octave 3.4.0 supports "native" plotting using OpenGL and FLTK. You can activate
it for all future figures using the Octave command
graphics_toolkit ("fltk")
or for a specific figure handle h using
graphics_toolkit (h, "fltk")
Otherwise, gnuplot is still used by default, if available.
When plotting with gnuplot, you should set "GNUTERM=x11" before running octave;
if you are using Aquaterm, use "GNUTERM=aqua".
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