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Last active March 8, 2021 17:05
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Install Golang On Mac
Install Golang with Homebrew:
$ brew update
$ brew install golang
When installed, try to run go version to see the installed version of Go.
Setup the workspace:
Add Environment variables:
Go has a different approach of managing code, you'll need to create a single Workspace for all your Go projects. For more information consult : How to write Go Code
First, you'll need to tell Go the location of your workspace.
We'll add some environment variables into shell config. One of does files located at your home directory bash_profile, bashrc or .zshrc (for Oh My Zsh Army)
$ vi .bashrc
Then add those lines to export the required variables
# This is actually your .bashrc file
export GOPATH=$HOME/go-workspace # don't forget to change your path correctly!
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Create your workspace:
Create the workspace directories tree:
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH $GOPATH/src $GOPATH/pkg $GOPATH/bin
$GOPATH/src : Where your Go projects / programs are located
$GOPATH/pkg : contains every package objects
$GOPATH/bin : The compiled binaries home
Hello world time!
Create a file in your $GOPATH/src, in my case hello.go Hello world program :
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
Run your first Go program by executing:
$ go run hello.go
You'll see a sweet hello, world stdout
If you wish to compile it and move it to $GOPATH/bin, then run:
$ go install hello.go
Since we have $GOPATH/bin added to our $PATH, you can run your program from placement :
$ hello
Prints : hello, world
Some References and utilities:
Import a Go package:
You can create Go package, as well importing shared ones. To do so you'll need to use go get command
$ go get -u
The command above should import Go package into this directory $GOPATH/src/
You can then use this package in your Go programs by importing it. Example:
package main
import (
"" #Imported Go Package
func YourHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// Routes consist of a path and a handler function.
r.HandleFunc("/", YourHandler)
// Bind to a port and pass our router in
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", r))
Format your Go code
Go has a tool that automatically formats Go source code.
$ gofmt -w yourcode.go
$ go fmt path/to/your/package
Godoc : The documentation tool
Using the godoc command, you can generate a program documentation.
$ godoc fmt # documentation for package fmt
$ godoc fmt Printf # documentation for fmt.Printf
$ godoc -src fmt # fmt package interface in Go source form
You need to respect some spec in order to document using godoc. You can read more about : godoc Documenting Go code
Discovering more the language:
The following interactive tutorial will let you discover Golang world : A tour of Go
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