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Created August 29, 2012 07:50
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A PowerShell script for performing a Dynamic DNS Update with
# UpdateDDNS.ps1
# Update Dynamic DNS on via HTTP GET request.
# Parse the content of an INI file, return a hash with values.
# Source: Artem Tikhomirov.
Function Parse-IniFile ($file) {
$ini = @{}
switch -regex -file $file {
"^\s*([^#].+?)\s*=\s*\`"*(.*?)\`"*$" {
$name,$value = $matches[1..2]
$ini[$name] = $value.Trim()
# Write a message to log.
function Log-Message ($MSG) {
$script:Logger += "$(get-date -format u) $MSG`n"
Write-Output $MSG
# Write an error to log.
function Log-Error ($MSG) {
$script:Logger += "$(get-date -format u) ERROR`: $MSG`n"
Write-Error "ERROR`: $MSG"
# Write contents of log to file.
function Flush-Log {
$file = "ddnsupdate.log"
Write-Output $script:Logger | Out-File $file
# Send an email with the contents of the log buffer.
# SMTP configuration and credentials are in the configuration dictionary.
function Email-Log ($config, $message) {
$EmailFrom = $config["EmailFrom"]
$EmailTo = $config["EmailTo"]
$EmailSubject = "DDNS log $(get-date -format u)"
$SMTPServer = $config["SMTPServer"]
$SMTPPort = $config["SMTPPort"]
$SMTPAuthUsername = $config["SMTPAuthUsername"]
$SMTPAuthPassword = $config["SMTPAuthPassword"]
$mailmessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$mailmessage.From = $EmailFrom
$mailmessage.Subject = $EmailSubject
$mailmessage.Body = $message
$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, $SMTPPort)
$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true
$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("$SMTPAuthUsername", "$SMTPAuthPassword")
function Get-WebClient ($config) {
$client = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
if ($config["ProxyEnabled"]) {
$ProxyAddress = $config["ProxyAddress"]
$ProxyPort = $config["ProxyPort"]
$ProxyDomain = $config["ProxyDomain"]
$ProxyUser = $config["ProxyUser"]
$ProxyPassword = $config["ProxyPassword"]
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy
$proxy.Address = $ProxyAddress
if ($ProxyPort -and $ProxyPort -ne 80) {
$proxy.Address = "$ProxyAddress`:$ProxyPort"
} else {
$proxy.Address = $ProxyAddress
$account = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($ProxyUser, $ProxyPassword, $ProxyDomain)
$proxy.Credentials = $account
$client.Proxy = $proxy
try {
$Logger = ""
Log-Message "Dynamic DNS Update Client"
# Check if a config file exists.
Log-Message "Looking for a configuration file: $ConfigFile"
if (!(Test-Path -path $ConfigFile)) {
Log-Error "A valid configuration file could not be found"
exit 1
# Load configuration:
Log-Message "Parsing $ConfigFile"
$config = Parse-IniFile ($ConfigFile)
if ($config.Count -eq 0) {
Log-Error "The file $ConfigFile didn't have any valid settings"
exit 2
# Create a new web client
$client = Get-WebClient($config)
# Get current public IP address
Log-Message "Retrieving the current public IP address"
$Pattern = '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}'
$CurrentIp = $client.DownloadString('')
Log-Message "Retrieving stored IP address"
$StoredIp = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PUBLIC_IP","User")
if (!($CurrentIp -match $Pattern)) {
Log-Error "A valid public IP address could not be retrieved"
exit 3
Log-Message "Stored IP: [$StoredIp] Retrieved IP: [$CurrentIp]"
# Compare current IP address with environment variable.
if ($StoredIp -eq $CurrentIp ) {
Log-Message "Nothing to see here."
exit 0
Log-Message "Updating IP address on domain registrar"
$DDNSSubdomain = $config["DDNSSubdomain"]
$DDNSDomain = $config["DDNSDomain"]
$DDNSPassword = $config["DDNSPassword"]
$UpdateUrl = "$DDNSSubdomain&domain=$DDNSDomain&password=$DDNSPassword&ip=$CurrentIp"
$UpdateDDNS = $client.DownloadString($UpdateUrl)
Log-Message "$UpdateDDNS"
Log-Message "DDNS Updated at"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PUBLIC_IP", $CurrentIp, "User")
Log-Message "Environment variable set: $CurrentIp"
Email-Log $config $Logger
Log-Message "Email sent"
catch [System.Exception] {
Log-Error $_.Exception.Message
exit 5
finally {
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myatish commented Jul 2, 2018

is asking for config file. can you please provide a sample config file

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