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Created March 21, 2023 19:11
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Business logic for the /bid command
// BOTILS -- bot utilities
// Bernoulli trial with probability p
var bern = function(p) { return (Math.random() < p) }
// Respond with string txt to everyone in the channel, echoing the slash command
var shout = function(res, txt) {
res.send({ "response_type": "in_channel", "text": txt })
// Respond with string txt (and optional text attachment att) to just the user
// who issued the slash command, and don't echo their slash command. WHISPer.
var whisp = function(res, txt, att) {
att = typeof att !== 'undefined' ? att : null
res.send({ "response_type": "ephemeral",
"text": txt,
"attachments": [{"text": att}]})
// Post string txt to everyone in the channel, no echoing of the slash command
var shoutDelayed = function(rurl, txt) {, { json: {
"response_type": "in_channel", // in_channel vs ephemeral
"text": txt}
}, function(error, response, body) { }) // error handling? pshaw.
// Random integer from 1 to n inclusive
var randint = function(n) { return Math.floor(Math.random()*n)+1 }
// StackOverflow says this is how you check if a hash is empty in ES5
var isEmpty = function(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0 }
if (process.env.REDISTOGO_URL) {
var rtg = require("url").parse(process.env.REDISTOGO_URL);
var redis = require("redis").createClient(rtg.port, rtg.hostname);
} else {
var redis = require("redis").createClient();
// Returns a hash of usernames (without the @'s) who are @-mentioned in txt
var bidParse = function(txt) {
var pattern = /\B@[a-z0-9_-]+/gi // regex for @-mentions, HT StackOverflow
var users = {}
if(txt.match(pattern)) { // RegExp.exec() might avoid doing match in 2 places
txt.match(pattern).forEach(function(u) { users[u.replace("@", "")] = "" })
return users
// Returns a string representation of the hash (user->bid) of everyone's bids
var bidSummary = function(bids) {
var row = function(u) { return bids[u] ? "\t@" + u + ": " + bids[u]
: "\t~@" + u + "~" }
return Object.keys(bids).map(row).join("\n")
// Takes hash of users->bids, constructs a string like
// "Got bids from {...}, waiting on {...}"
var bidStatus = function(bids) {
return "Got bids from {"
+ Object.keys(bids).filter(function(x) { return bids[x] }).join(", ")
+ "}, waiting on {"
+ Object.keys(bids).filter(function(x) { return !bids[x] }).join(", ")
+ "}"
// Returns whether any of the bids are missing
var bidMissing = function(bids) {
return Object.keys(bids).some(function(x) { return !bids[x] })
// Fetches the hash of bids, h, and then botils.shouts the string indicated by the
// template, substituting $SUMMARY and $STATUS with bidSummary(h) and
// bidStatus(h), respectively.
// (The goofiness with passing in a template and substituting is that hgetall
// is asynchronous. If it were synchronous we'd just fetch the hash of bids and
// then use that to format the output when ready to output it. Instead we need
// to pass a callback function to hgetall and let that function do whatever it's
// going to do with the bid hash -- in our case botils.shout it in the channel.)
var bidAsyncShout = function(res, chan, template) {
redis.hgetall("beebot.auctions." + chan + ".bids", function(err, obj) {
botils.shout(res, template.replace("$SUMMARY", bidSummary(obj))
.replace("$STATUS", bidStatus(obj)))
// Initialize the auction and shot that it's started
var bidStart = function(res, chan, user, text, others) {
others[user] = "" // "others" now includes initiating user too
redis.hmset("beebot.auctions." + chan + ".bids", others, function(err,obj){})
var auction = {}
auction.urtext = "/bid " + text.trim()
auction.initiator = user
redis.hmset("beebot.auctions." + chan, auction, function(err, obj) {
bidAsyncShout(res, chan, "Auction started! $STATUS")
// Deletes all the bids
var bidReset = function(chan) {
redis.hgetall("beebot.auctions." + chan, function(err, obj) {
redis.del("beebot.auctions." + chan, function(err, obj) {
redis.del("beebot.auctions." + chan + ".bids", function(err, obj) { })
// Just returns a string about whether to 10X the payments. Note that the /bid
// command doesn't actually parse out numbers or deal with payments in any way.
var bidPay = function() {
var y, n, r = botils.randint(10) // randint(10)==1 is the same as bern(.1)
y = "/roll 10 → 1 ∴ PAY 10X! :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:"
n = "/roll 10 → " + r + " not 1 ∴ no payments! :sweat_smile:"
return (r === 1 ? y : n)
// Add text as user's bid, botils.shout the results if user is the last one to bid
var bidProc = function(res, chan, user, text, rurl) {
redis.hset("beebot.auctions." + chan + ".bids", user, text,
function(err, obj) {
redis.hgetall("beebot.auctions." + chan + ".bids",
function(err, obj) { // obj is now the hash from users to bids
botils.whisp(res, "Got your bid: " + text)
if(bidMissing(obj)) {
botils.shoutDelayed(rurl, "New bid from " + user + "! " + bidStatus(obj))
} else {
"Got final bid from " + user + "! :tada: Results:\n"
+ bidSummary(obj) + "\n\n_" + bidPay() + "_")
// whisper the documentation
var help = function(res) {
botils.whisp(res, "How to use /bid\n"
+ "`/bid stuff with @-mentions` start new auction with the mentioned people\n"
+ "`/bid stuff` submit your bid (fine to resubmit till last person bids)\n"
+ "`/bid` (with no args) check who has bid and who we're waiting on\n"
+ "`/bid status` show how current auction was initiated and who has bid\n"
+ "`/bid abort` abort the current auction, showing partial results\n"
+ "`/bid help` show this (see for gory details)")
var handleSlash = function(req, res) {
if(req.body.token != process.env.SLACK_TOKEN) {
botils.whisp(res, "This request didn't come from Slack!");
var rurl = req.body.response_url // for delayed responses to slash commands
var chan = req.body.channel_id
var user = req.body.user_name
var text = req.body.text
var urtext = "*/bid " + text + "*\n"
var others = bidParse(text)
redis.hgetall("beebot.auctions." + chan, function(err, obj) {
if(obj) { //--------------------------------- active auction in this channel
if(!botils.isEmpty(others)) {
botils.whisp(res, urtext + "No @-mentions allowed in bids! Try `/bid help`")
} else if(text === "") { // no args
bidAsyncShout(res, chan, "$STATUS")
} else if(text === "status") {
bidAsyncShout(res, chan, "Currently active auction initiated by @"
+ obj.initiator + " via:\n`" + obj.urtext + "`\n$STATUS")
} else if(text === "abort") {
bidAsyncShout(res, chan,
"*Aborted.* :panda_face: Partial results:\n$SUMMARY"
+ "\n\n_" + bidPay() + "_")
} else if(text === "help") {
} else if(text === "debug") {
botils.whisp(res, urtext + "botils.whispered reply. obj = " + JSON.stringify(obj))
botils.shoutDelayed(rurl, "We can also reply publicly w/out echoing the cmd!")
} else { // if the text is anything else then it's a normal bid
// could check if user has an old bid so we can say "Updated your bid"
bidProc(res, chan, user, text, rurl)
} else { //------------------------------- no active auction in this channel
if(!botils.isEmpty(others)) { bidStart(res, chan, user, text, others) }
else if(text === "") { botils.whisp(res, urtext + "No current auction") }
else if(text === "status") { botils.shout(res, "No current auction") }
else if(text === "abort") { botils.whisp(res, urtext + "No current auction") }
else if(text === "help") { help(res) }
else if(text === "debug") { botils.whisp(res, urtext + "No current auction") }
else { // if the text is anything else then it would be a normal bid
botils.whisp(res, "/bid " + text + "\nNo current auction! Try `/bid help`")
module.exports = {
handleSlash: handleSlash
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