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Created August 30, 2015 03:53
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tymac_komodo_addon ;; komodo 8 addon library
// <reg-file_info>
// main:
// - date: created="Sat Jan 09 06:05:56 2010"
// last: lastmod="2015-03-20 03:34:17"
// name: tymac_komodo_addon
// license: Attribution-Share Alike ;;
// contact: dreftymac
// desc: |
// tymac_komodo_addon.js
// general-purpose addon library for use with komodoedit
// This library is mainly a wrapper around built-in komodo
// macro functions. It is intended to make komodo macro programming
// a little easier for people not familiar with the Komodo API.
// This library has documentation compatible with NaturalDocs
// [[regain://naturaldocs]]
// [[open://c:/sm/docs/mytrybits/n/trynaturaldocs]]
// </reg-file_info>
// begin_: init js
// ------------------------------------------------
//CODE_SNIPPET ;; new fdef_grp section (base64 encoded)
// begin_: classdef
// ------------------------------------------------
// { <reg-cdef>
tymac_komodo_addon_library = function() {
* Class: tymac_komodo_addon
* This is a general-purpose JavaScript addon library for use with komodoedit.
* This library is mainly a wrapper around built-in komodo
* macro functions. It is intended to make komodo macro programming
* a little easier for people who may not be familiar with the Komodo API.
// Group: Configuration Addons
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//ggFuncName ;; custom configuration and helpers
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ggDefaultPrefs() ;; return the default prefs object ">
this.ggDefaultPrefs = function(){
* Function: ggDefaultPrefs
* Return a javascript dictionary object containing default local prefs for tymac_komodo_addon
* Returns:
* Dictionary - javascript Dictionary-style object with the name-value pairs of all local preferences
* See Also:
* <ggGetPref> <ggSetPref>
var vout;
vout =
// {@@reg_addon_settings
// p__: edit_this to match your file paths
,"file_tymac_homedir" : "c:/sm/_large_files/git/tymac_komodo_addon1/_addon"
,"file_lib_directory" : "c:/sm/_large_files/git/tymac_komodo_addon1/_addon/_lib"
,"file_lib_json" : "crockford_json_latest.js"
,"complete_mode_current" : "dictionary"
,"complete_mode_all" : "synonym dictionary"
,"macro_mode_ctrl_enter" : "default"
,"macro_text_transport" : ""
,"munge_dsv_delim" : ";;"
,"snip_sigil_beg" : "<%"
,"snip_sigil_end" : "%>"
,"snip_sigil_javascript" : "js:"
,"snip_languages_all" : "General HTML JavaScript PHP Python Ruby XML"
,"toolbox_active_pane" : "right_toolbox_area"
,"toolbox_size_maxwidth" : "300"
,"toolbox_size_numstops" : "1"
//edit_this to match the location of your local texttransport file
,"texttransport" : "c:/sm/docs/app_data/__a/addonwin/_init/passthru/00texttransport.txt"
// }@@reg_addon_settings
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ggSetPref() ;; set a persistent string preference value ">
this.ggSetPref = function(pref_name,pref_value){
* Function: ggSetPref
* Set a persistent string preference value.
* Parameters:
* pref_name - (string) the name of the pref to set
* pref_value - (string) the value to set
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // TODO: add a code example
* //
* (end)
//var pref_name = ko.interpolate.interpolateStrings(["%(ask: Pref name)"]);
//var pref_value = ko.interpolate.interpolateStrings(["%(ask: Value)"]);
if (pref_name && (pref_value !== null)) {
var prefs = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.koIPrefService).prefs;
//dump("Setting pref '" + pref_name + "' to '" + pref_value + "'\n");
prefs.setStringPref(pref_name, pref_value);
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ggGetPref(pref_name) ;; get a persistent string pref value ">
this.ggGetPref = function(pref_name){
* Function: ggGetPref
* Get a persistent string pref value.
* Parameters:
* pref_name - (string) the name of the pref to get
* Returns:
* string - the value of the output pref
var vout;
if (pref_name) {
var prefs = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.koIPrefService).prefs;
if (prefs.hasStringPref(pref_name)) {
vout = prefs.getStringPref(pref_name);
} else {
//vout = ("No pref exists for '" + pref_name + "'");
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ggInitPrefs() ;; setup the built-in preferences">
this.ggInitPrefs = function(){
* Function: ggInitPrefs
* Initialize the built-in preferences to their default values.
var oprefs = this.ggDefaultPrefs();
for(member in oprefs){
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: CodeGeneration Utils
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//varFuncName ;; Code-generation helper methods
// <reg-fdef ddef=" getUuidLink() ;; return pseudo-uuid link style">
this.getUuidLink = function(){
* Function: getUuidLink
* Return a pseudo-uuid link-style text.
* Returns:
* string - hyperlink style uuid-link
curfile = this.TextArea_getActiveFilePath();
uuid = this.getUuidString();
vout = ''
+'[[%tabstop:href="'+curfile+'" find="'+uuid+'"]] '
+'[[%tabstop:'+uuid+']] '
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" getUuidString() ;; return pseudo-uuid string style">
this.getUuidString = function(){
* Function: getUuidString
* Return uuid string.
* Returns:
* string - plain uuid
vout = ['',(new Date()).getTime().toString(),Math.floor(Math.random()*99)].join('_');
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: General Purpose Utils
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//varFuncName ;; General-purpose utils for strings, arrays, variables ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" aohLookup ;; get value from aoh simpletable">
this.aohLookup = function(otable,searchfield,searchval){
* Function: aohLookup
* Get a value from an AOH simpletable array.
* See <> for definition and example of simpletable AOH
* Parameters:
* otable - (array aoh) array object containing the simpletable data
* searchfield - (string) the fieldname of the field to search
* searchval - (string) the the value to search for
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // TODO: add a code example
* //
* (end)
* Returns:
* (var) - return the variable if it exists, otherwise return false
for(var icc=0;icc<=otable.length;icc=icc+1){
return otable[icc];
return false;
// </reg-fdef>
// { <reg-fdef ddef=" dsvGetColW(sraw,icol,sdelim) ;; get the width of a dsv column ">
this.dsvGetColW = function(sraw,icol,sdelim){
* Function: dsvGetColW
* Get the width of a dsv column.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw string input
* icol - (int) the integer index of the column to get
* sdelim - (string) the string used as the dsv delimiter
* Returns:
* int - column width
sraw = sraw.split(/\n/);
var aflds = [];
var iim = 0;
for (var ixx =0; ixx < sraw.length-1; ixx++){
sline = sraw[ixx];
aflds = sline.split(sdelim);
iim = Math.max(iim,aflds[icol].length);
return iim;
// } </reg-fdef>
/// { <reg-fdef ddef=" dsvSetColW(sraw,icol,iwth,sdelim) ;; set the width of a dsv column ">
this.dsvSetColW = function(sraw,icol,iwth,sdelim){
* Function: dsvSetColW
* Set the width of a dsv column.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw string input
* icol - (int) the integer index of the column to Set
* iwth - (int) the integer width
* sdelim - (string) the string used as the dsv delimiter
* Returns:
* string - the modified raw string input
sraw = sraw.split(/[\n\r]+/);
vout = '';
var aflds = [];
var iim = 0;
var okk = new tymac_komodo_addon();
for (var ixx =0; ixx < sraw.length-1; ixx++){
sline = sraw[ixx];
aflds = sline.split(sdelim);
spad = okk.strRepeat(' ',(iwth - aflds[icol].length)) ;
aflds[icol] = aflds[icol] + spad;
sline = aflds.join(sdelim);
vout += sline + "\n";
return vout;
// } </reg-fdef>
/// { <reg-fdef ddef=" strDSVPretty(sraw,sdelim) ;; pretty-format a dsv string ">
this.strDSVPretty = function(sraw,sdelim){
* Function: strDSVPretty
* Pretty-format a dsv string dsv stands for "Delimiter Separated Values".
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) the raw input string
* sdelim - (string) the dsv delimiter string
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // TODO: add a code example
* //
* (end)
* Returns:
* string - the pretty-formatted string
var stest = sraw;
//var sdelim = ';;';
var iim = 0;
var icolctt = sraw.split(/\n/)[0].split(sdelim).length-1;
for (var ixx =0;ixx <= icolctt; ixx++){
iwth = this.dsvGetColW(stest,ixx,sdelim);
stest = this.dsvSetColW(stest,ixx,iwth,sdelim);
return (stest);
// } </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strHasOnly(vstring,vregex) ;; return true if the string contains ONLY characters occuring in vregex ">
this.strHasOnly = function(sraw,vregex){
* Function: strHasOnly
* Return true if the string contains only characters occuring in vregex.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw input string
* vregex - (regex) the regex used to test containment
* Returns:
* boolean - true or false
var vout = null;
vout = (sraw.split(vregex).join('')=='');
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strEndsWith(sneedle,shaystack) ;; string endswith function ">
this.strEndsWith = function(shaystack,sneedle){
* Function: strEndsWith(shaystack,sneedle)
* Return true if string ends with sneedle.
* Parameters:
* shaystack - (string) the haystack string
* sneedle - (string) the needle string
if(sneedle.length > shaystack.length) return false;
return shaystack.indexOf(sneedle)==(shaystack.length-sneedle.length);
// </reg-fdef>
/// { <reg-fdef ddef=" strRepeat(stxt,itimes) ;; repeat stxt the number of itimes ">
this.strRepeat = function(stxt,itimes){
* Function: strRepeat(sraw,itimes)
* Repeat sraw a number of times.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) the raw input string
* itimes - (string) the number of times to repeat
* Returns:
* string - the repeated output string
return new Array(itimes+1).join(stxt);
// } </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strSlashBack(stext) ;; change all slashes to Back slash">
this.strSlashBack = function(stext){
* Function: strSlashBack
* Return string with all slashes converted to backslash.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw input string
return stext.split(/\x2f/).join("\x5c");
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strSlashForward(stext) ;; change all slashes to Forward slash">
this.strSlashForward = function(stext){
* Function: strSlashForward
* Return string with all slashes converted to Forwardslash.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw input string
return stext.split(/\x5c/).join("\x2f");
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strTrim(str) ;; trim trailing and leading whitespace">
this.strTrim = function(str){
* Function: strTrim
* Trim trailing and leading whitespace.
* Parameters:
* sraw - (string) raw input string
str = str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
for (var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (/\S/.test(str.charAt(i))) {
str = str.substring(0, i + 1);
return str;
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: Appplication Addon Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//appMethods ;; appFuncName ;; Komodo application utility methods ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" appGetDirectory(keyname) ;; return a koDirs directory path">
this.appGetDirectory = function(keyname){
* Function: appGetDirectory
* Return a koDirs directory path based on the supplied keyname.
* Parameters:
* keyname - (string) the built-in keyname of the specific koDirs directory or path you want
* (start code)
* keyname is expected to be one of the following built-in values:
* binDBGPDir
* binDir
* commonDataDir
* docDir
* factoryCommonDataDir
* hostUserDataDir
* installDir
* mozBinDir
* perlDBGPDir
* pythonDBGPDir
* pythonExe
* roamingUserDataDir
* sdkDir
* supportDir
* userCacheDir
* userDataDir
* (end)
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* var komain = new tymac_komodo_addon();
* alert(komain.appGetDirectory('pythonExe'));
* (end)
* Returns:
* string - the the requested directory or path (or empty string if none was found)
var vout = '';
vout = Components.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" appLogWrite(message) ;; write a string message to the komodo log">
this.appLogWrite = function(message){
* Function: appLogWrite
* Write to the komodo log file.
* Parameters:
* message - the string to write to the log file.
//TODO: NO_WORKY fix this, it does not seem to work correctly
var consoleService = Components.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" appStatusWrite(message) ;; write a string message to the status bar ">
this.appStatusWrite = function(message){
* Function: appStatusWrite
* Write a string message to the statusbar.
* Parameters:
* message - (string) string output message
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" appOS() ;; return the OperatingSystem this app is running under">
this.appOS = function(){
* Function: appOS
* Return the operating system this app is running under.
* Returns:
* string - name of the operating system
* > WINNT ;; windows variant
var vout = '';
vout = Components.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" appUriCollection() ;; return array of URIs for currently open buffers ">
this.appUriCollection = function(){
* Function: appUriCollection
* Return array of paths of all currently-open files (edit buffers).
* Returns:
* array - URIs for all currently open buffers
var vout = [];
var view_list = ko.views.manager.topView.getDocumentViewList(true);
var view;
var vtemp;
for (var icc = 0; icc < view_list.length; icc++) {
view = view_list[icc];
if (view.document) {
vtemp = view.document.file.URI;
vtemp = vtemp.split('file:///').join('');
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: Editor Action Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//EditorAction ;; editorFuncName ;; Edit buffer action methods ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" editorOpenURI(spath) ;; open path in a new edit buffer">
this.editorOpenURI = function(spath){[spath].join(''));
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" editorOpenByNumber(spath,inumber) ;; open path and jump to a specific line number ">
this.editorOpenByNumber = function(spath,inumber){
* Function: editorOpenByNumber(spath,inum)
* Open path and jump to a specific line number.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" editorOpenBySearch(spath,stext) ;; open path and jump to first instance of search string ">
this.editorOpenBySearch = function(spath,stext){
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: Disk FileIO Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//FileIO ;; ioFuncName ;; Disk file methods ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioDirectoryExists(filespec) ;; return true if filespec is an existing directory">
this.ioDirectoryExists = function(filespec){
* Function: ioDirectoryExists(filespec)
* Return true if filespec points to an existing directory.
try {
// seealso:
var file = Components
//for(member in file){
// alert(member);
catch(exx) {alert(exx);return false;}
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioFileIsReadable(filename) ;; return true if filename is a readable file path">
this.ioFileIsReadable = function(filename){
* Function: ioFileIsReadable(filespec)
* Return true if filespec is a readable file path.
var vout = false;
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.koIFileEx);
file.path = filename;"rb");
vout = true;
return vout;
this.fileIsReadable = this.ioFileIsReadable; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioStringToFile(filename,sraw) ;; create a text file from a single string">
this.ioStringToFile = function(filename,sraw){
* Function: ioStringToFile(filename,sraw)
* Create a text file from a single string.
var fileSvc = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.koIFileService);
var koIFileEx = fileSvc.getFileFromURI(ko.uriparse.localPathToURI(filename));"w");
gLogFile = koIFileEx;"a");
return filename;
this.stringToFile = this.ioStringToFile; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioStringAppendFile(filename,sraw) ;; append string to an existing file">
this.ioStringAppendFile = function(filename,sraw){
* Function: ioStringAppendFile(filename,sraw)
* Append string to an existing file.
var fileSvc = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.koIFileService);
var koIFileEx = fileSvc.getFileFromURI(ko.uriparse.localPathToURI(filename));"a");
gLogFile = koIFileEx;"a");
return filename;
this.stringAppendFile = this.ioStringAppendFile; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioSelectionToFile(filename,bforce) ;; send currently selected text to a text file ">
this.ioSelectionToFile = function(filename,bforce){
* Function: ioSelectionToFile(filename,bforce)
* Send the currently-selected text to a text file.
* Parameters:
* filename - (string) the path to the output file
* bforce - (boolean) if true, force a selection to exist even if there is no currently-selected text
var sraw = this.TextArea_getSelection(bforce);
return this.stringToFile(filename,sraw);
this.selectionToFile = this.ioSelectionToFile; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioStringFromFile(filename) ;; get contents of entire text file into a single string. return the string">
this.ioStringFromFile = function(filename){
* Function: ioStringFromFile(filename)
* Get the contents of a text file as a single string, return the string.
* Parameters:
* filename - (string) path of input file
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.koIFileEx);
file.path = filename;"r");
var content = file.readfile();
return content;
this.stringFromFile = this.ioStringFromFile; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ioArrayFromFile(filename) ;; get file as array of lines. return the array. ">
this.ioArrayFromFile = function(filename){
* Function: ioArrayFromFile(filename)
* Get the contents of a text file as an array of lines, return the array.
var content = this.stringFromFile(filename);
content = content.split(/\r|\n|\r\n|\n\r/);
return content;
this.arrayFromFile = this.ioArrayFromFile; // legacy_alias_name
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: String Munge Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//StringMunge ;; Commonly-used string munge operations
// change case
// ================================================
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strToUcfirst(raw) ;; uppercase first letter ">
this.strToUcfirst = function(raw){
* Function: strToUcfirst
* Uppercase first letter.
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = vout.toLowerCase();
vout = (vout + '').charAt(0).toUpperCase() + vout.substr(1);
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strToLowerCase(raw) ;; downcase lowercase string ">
this.strToLowerCase = function(raw){
* Function: strToLowerCase
* Lowercase string.
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = vout.toLowerCase();
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strToUpperCase(raw) ;; upcase Uppercase string ">
this.strToUpperCase = function(raw){
* Function: strToUpperCase
* Uppercase upcase string.
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = vout.toUpperCase();
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strWordsUpperCase(raw) ;; upcase Uppercase string ">
this.strWordsUpperCase = function(raw){
* Function: strWordsUpperCase
* Uppercase upcase first letter of words in string.
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = (vout+'').replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g, function( $1 ){return $1.toUpperCase( );} );
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strSpacesToUnd(raw) ;; spaces to underscore ">
this.strSpacesToUnd = function(raw){
* Function: strSpacesToUnd
* Convert spaces to underscore.
* Parameters:
* raw - (string) raw input string
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = vout.toString().split(/[\s\t]+/).join('_');
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strUndToSpaces(raw) ;; underscore to spaces ">
this.strUndToSpaces = function(raw){
* Function: strUndToSpaces
* Convert underscores to spaces.
if(!raw){raw = this.TextArea_getSelection(true);}
vout = raw;
vout = vout.split(/[_]+/).join(' ');
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" strTextWrap(raw,isize,delim) ;; wrap text to maximum line size">
this.strTextWrap = function(raw,isize,delim){
* Function: strTextWrap
* Wrap text to a maxiumm line size.
* Parameters:
* raw - (string) raw input string
* isize - (int) size of string
* delim - (string) delimiter
* CodeExample:
* Returns:
* string - reformatted raw input
var vout ='';
if(!raw){return '';}
for (var icc=0; icc<raw.length; icc++) {
vblurb = '';
vblurb += raw.substring(icc*isize,(icc*isize)+isize);
vout += vblurb.toString()+"\n";
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: TextArea Action Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//TextArea.action ;; general textarea action methods ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_focus() ;; set focus on the last-used edit buffer ">
this.TextArea_focus = function(){
* Function: TextArea_focus
* Set focus on the last-used edit buffer.
if(komodo.view && komodo.view.scintilla){ komodo.view.scintilla.focus(); }
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_selectActiveLine() ;; select current line ">
this.TextArea_selectActiveLine = function(){
* Function: TextArea_selectActiveLine
* Select the current line.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_gotoLine(iline) ;; goto buffer line iline ">
this.TextArea_gotoLine = function(iline){
* Function: TextArea_gotoLine(iline)
* Goto buffer line iline.
iline = iline - 1;
var view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
var scimoz = view.scintilla.scimoz;
scimoz.gotoLine(iline); // First line is 0, adjust as necessary.
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_gotoColumn(icol) ;; goto buffer column icol ">
this.TextArea_gotoColumn = function(icol){
* Function: TextArea_gotoColumn(icol)
* Goto column icol.
var view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
var scimoz = view.scintilla.scimoz;
icol = icol-1;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_setSelection(vtext) ;; set current selection to vtext">
this.TextArea_setSelection = function(vtext){
* Function: TextArea_setSelection(vtext)
* Take the currently-selected text and replace it with vtext.
komodo.view.selection = vtext;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_selectionToTextTransport ;; send currently-selected text to the text transport file">
this.TextArea_selectionToTextTransport = function(){
* Function: TextArea_selectionToTextTransport(vtext)
* TODO: finish this ;; send the currently-selected text to the text transport file
* CodeExample:
* Returns:
* string - blahblah
//TODO: finish this
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: TextArea Getter Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//TextArea.getter ;; get stuff from the active text buffer ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef="TextArea_getActiveFilePath;; get current file path">
this.TextArea_getActiveFilePath = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveFilePath
* Get the current file path as a string.
return komodo.interpolate('%F');
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef="TextArea_getActiveFileParentDir;; get current file parent dir">
this.TextArea_getActiveFileParentDir = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveFileParentDir
* Get the parent directory of the current file as a string.
return komodo.interpolate('%D');
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef="TextArea_getActiveLineColumn;; get current line cursor column">
this.TextArea_getActiveLineColumn = function(){
return komodo.editor.getColumn(komodo.editor.currentPos);
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef="TextArea_getActiveLineNumber;; get current line number">
this.TextArea_getActiveLineNumber = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveLineNumber
* Get the line number of the currently-active line.
return komodo.interpolate('%L');
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_getActiveLineText() ;; get the text of the current line in the current text buffer">
this.TextArea_getActiveLineText = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveLineText
* Get the text of the currently-active line.
var vout = '';
var savepos = komodo.editor.currentPos;
komodo.doCommand('cmd_selectHome'); // do it twice in order to capture leading whitespace
new_selection = komodo.interpolate('%s');
vout = (new_selection);
return vout;
// try a different approach for selecting the current line
// found this from [[google://"text of the current line" komodo]]
//var view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
//var line = view.scimoz.lineFromPosition(view.scimoz.currentPos);
//var lineStart = view.scimoz.positionFromLine(line);
//var lineText = view.scimoz.getTextRange(lineStart, view.scimoz.currentPos);
//return lineText;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_getSelection(bforce) ;; get currently seleted text (if any). force one if bforce is true ">
this.TextArea_getSelection = function(bforce){
* Function: TextArea_getSelection
* Get the currently selected text (if any). Force a selection if bforce is true.
* Parameters:
* bforce - (boolean) set this flag to true if you wish to auto-select text if there is not already a selection
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* var vtext = TextArea_getSelection();
* (end)
var selection = '';
selection = ko.views.manager.currentView.selection;
if(selection=='' && bforce){
selection = ko.views.manager.currentView.selection;
return selection;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_getActiveSubLang() ;; get the current syntax language at the current cursor position ">
this.TextArea_getActiveSubLang = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveSubLang
* Get the current syntax language at the current cursor position.
return ko.views.manager.currentView.document.subLanguage;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_getActiveLanguage() ;; get the current syntax language for the entire buffer ">
this.TextArea_getActiveLanguage = function(){
* Function: TextArea_getActiveLanguage
* Get the current syntax language for the entire edit buffer.
return ko.views.manager.currentView.document.language;
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: TextArea Insert Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//TextArea.insert ;; textarea insert methods insert stuff into the active text buffer ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_insertAsSnippet(vtext) ;; insert raw text as though it were a komodo snippet">
this.TextArea_insertAsSnippet = function(vtext){
* Function: TextArea_insertAsSnippet
* Insert raw text as though it were a komodo snippet with placeholders.
* Parameters:
* vtext - (string) the text you want to insert
var fakeSnippet = {
hasAttribute: function(name) {
return name in this;
getStringAttribute: function(name) {
return this[name];
name: "pasted snippet",
indent_relative: "true",
value: vtext
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_insertAsText(vtext) ;; insert regular no-frills plain text ">
this.TextArea_insertAsText = function(vtext){
* Function: TextArea_insertAsText
* Insert plain text into the current edit buffer.
komodo.view.selection = vtext;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" TextArea_repeatLinePrefix(repeatmode) ;; repeat prefix from previous line">
// TODO: add support for delimiter mode
this.TextArea_repeatLinePrefix = function(rptmode,delimiter){
* Function: TextArea_repeatLinePrefix
* Enter a new line of text based on what appears on the previous line.
* A typical use for this is to enter text inside a comment block
* without having to re-type the comment-block syntax for each and
* every line you enter.
* This can also be used to quickly enter CSV and DSV table rows.
* Parameters:
* repeatmode - (string) the mode this function operates under
* delimiter - (string) specify the delimiter you want to use (for delimiter mode only)
* (start code)
* == repeatmode ==
* repeatmode may be any of the following values
* _blank_ ;; if left blank, repeatmode defaults to "delimiter"
* delimiter ;; repeat from the previous line treating it as a row of delimiter-separated-values
* prefix ;; repeat from the previous line anything that looks like a comment prefix
* (end)
var komain = this;
var vout = '';
var vdelim = '';
var vline = '';
var regex = null;
vline = komain.TextArea_getActiveLineText();
vdelim = komain.ggGetPref('munge_dsv_delim');
if(rptmode === undefined){rptmode='';}
rptmode = rptmode.toString().toLowerCase();
if( rptmode === undefined){ exit(); }
// p__: delimiter_based_prefix
if(vout ==='' && rptmode.toString().toLowerCase()==='delimiter'){
vout = vline.substring(0,(vline.lastIndexOf(vdelim)+vdelim.length));
vout = vout.split(vdelim);
for(var icc=0;icc<=(vout.length-1);icc=icc+1){
//vout[icc] = vout[icc].toString().replace(/[\s]/g, '_');
vout[icc] = '[[%tabstop:' + vout[icc] + ']]';
//vout[icc] = vout[icc].toString().replace(/[\S]+/, '[[%tabstop:'+vout[icc]+']]');
vout = vout.join(vdelim).replace(/^[\s]+/,'') + ' [[%tabstop:...]]';
komain.TextArea_insertAsSnippet( "\n" + vout );
}else{ vout = '';}
// p__: cmmt_line_based_prefix
if(vout ==='' && (rptmode === 'prefix' || rptmode === 'delimiter') ){
regex = new RegExp(/^([\s]*)([\S]+)([\s]*)/);
vout = vline.match(regex);
komain.TextArea_insertAsText( "\n" +vout[1]+vout[2]+vout[3] );
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: TextTransport Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
// TextTransport Methods allow us to pass around text blurbs for processing
if('fgroup'){//TextTransport ;; texttransport allows you to pass around text blurbs
// <reg-fdef ddef=" ttWriteUriCollection() ;; write the URIs of the currently open buffers to the texttransport file">
this.ttWriteUriCollection = function(){
* Function: ttWriteUriCollection
* Write the URIs of the currently open buffers to the texttransport file.
var ttfile = this.ggGetPref('texttransport');
var lstfiles = this.editorUriCollection();
var vout = [];
var vtemp;
for (var ixx =0;ixx < lstfiles.length; ixx++){
vtemp = '';
vtemp = lstfiles[ixx];
vtemp = ['href="',vtemp,'"'].join("");
vout = vout.join("\n");
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: Toolbox Addons
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//Toolbox Addons ;; addons and helpers for toolbars and projects
// <reg-fdef ddef=" tbbGetCurrentProject() ;; get the current project NO_WORKY ">
//this.tbbGetCurrentProject = function(){
// vout = Components.
// classes[';1'].
// getService(Components.interfaces.koIPartService).
// currentProject
// ;
// return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" tbbJScriptInterpo() ;; support for JavaScript interpolation placeholders ">
this.tbbJScriptInterpo = function(){
* Function: tbbJScriptInterpo
* Process JavaScript interpolation placeholders.
var sraw='';
var vout='';
/// p__:
sraw = ko.interpolate.interpolateString('%s');
}catch(exx){sraw = '';}
// p__: get the settings
snip_sigil_begin = this.ggGetPref('snip_sigil_begin'); // custom delimiter for extended placeholders
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" tbbGetSnippetByID(vid) ;; return snippet object by toolbox ID. return false if not found. ">
this.tbbGetSnippetByID = function(vid){
* Function: tbbGetSnippetByID
* Return snippet object by toolbox ID. return false if not found.
* Parameters:
* vid - (string) the ID of the snippet
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
var vtest = false;
partService = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.koIPartService);
abbreviationsFolders = partService.getParts('folder', 'name', 'Abbreviations', '*', partService.currentProject, {});
for(var ijj=0;ijj<abbreviationsFolders.length;ijj++){
vtest = abbreviationsFolders[ijj].
getChildWithTypeAndStringAttribute('snippet', 'id', vid, true);
if(vtest){return vtest;}
return vtest;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" tbbLookupAbbrevs(substring) ;; return a simpletable aoh {,snippet.parent_name} ">
this.tbbLookupAbbrevs = function(substring){
* Function: tbbLookupAbbrevs
* Return a simpletable aoh containing snippets that match a particular substring.
* Parameters:
* substring - (string) a substring to search for inside the snippet caption
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // TODO: add a code example
* //
* (end)
* Returns:
* array aoh - array (simpletable aoh) containing zero or more snippets that matched the substring
* (start code)
* tbbLookupAbbrevs returns an array (simpletable aoh) with the following structure:
* [
* {'parent_name':
* ,'name':
* ,'caption': snippet.caption
* ,'value':
* }
* ]
* (end)
var vout; vout = [];
var alanglookup = this.ggGetPref('snip_languages_all').split(/\s+/);
var Cc = Components.classes;
var Ci = Components.interfaces;
partService = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.koIPartService);
abbreviationsFolders = partService.getParts('folder', 'name', 'Abbreviations', '*', partService.currentProject, {});
for(var ijj=0;ijj<abbreviationsFolders.length;ijj++){
for(var ikk=0;ikk<alanglookup.length;ikk++){
var languageFolder = abbreviationsFolders[ijj].getChildWithTypeAndStringAttribute('folder', 'name', alanglookup[ikk], false);
if (languageFolder){
var folderSnippets = {};
var snippetsLength = {};
languageFolder.getChildrenByType('snippet', true, folderSnippets, snippetsLength); // populate the above variables with this (counter-intuitive)
for(var imm = 0; imm < folderSnippets.value.length; imm++) {
var tmpsnip = folderSnippets.value[imm];
var tmpcaption = [
,(new Array(Math.abs(14 -' '))
if(<0 ){continue;}
,'caption': tmpcaption
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" tbbResizeToolbar() ;; resize a komodo side pane ">
this.tbbResizeToolbar = function(){
var toolbox_pane = '';
toolbox_pane = document.getElementById(this.ggGetPref('toolbox_active_pane'));
//var toolbox_pane = document.getElementById("right_toolbox_area");
//var project_pane = document.getElementById("project_toolbox_area");
var imax_width = this.ggGetPref('toolbox_size_maxwidth');
var num_stops = this.ggGetPref('toolbox_size_numstops');
var iadd_width = parseInt( imax_width/num_stops );
var debugmode = true;
}else if(parseInt(toolbox_pane.width) < 0){
toolbox_pane.width = iadd_width;
}else if(parseInt(toolbox_pane.width) == 10){
toolbox_pane.width = imax_width;
}else if(parseInt(toolbox_pane.width) >= imax_width){
toolbox_pane.width = ( 10 );
if(num_stops==1){ toolbox_pane.width = ( -1 )
}else if(true){
toolbox_pane.width = parseInt(toolbox_pane.width) + parseInt(iadd_width);
if(debugmode){StatusBar_AddMessage(toolbox_pane.width, "debugger", 5000, true)}
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: System-Specific Methods
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//System ;; system and external commands (may not work on all platforms) ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" sysShellRun(srunn,sarg,binsert,bopsel) ;; run external cmd with optional insert and optional operate on selection ">
this.sysShellRun = function(scmd,sargs,binsert,bopsel){
* Function: sysShellRun
* Run external cmd with optional insert and optional operate on selection.
* Parameters:
* scmd - (string) string command
* sargs - (string) arguments for the command
* binsert - (boolean) flag - do you want to insert the result of shellRun?
* bopsel - (boolean) flag - do you want to operate on the currently-selected text?
var sout = '';
var formatter = '';
if(binsert==undefined && binsert!= 'False'){
binsert = 'True'; // insert output into buffer?
if(bopsel==undefined && bopsel!= 'False'){
bopsel = 'True'; // operate on selection?
sout = [scmd,sargs].join(' ');
sout += " {'insertOutput': "+binsert+", 'operateOnSelection': "+bopsel+"}";
formatter = sout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" sysCmdRun(scmd,sargs,fncallback) ;; run a system command with optional callback function ">
this.sysCmdRun = function(scmd,sargs,fncallback){
* Function: sysCmdRun
* Run a system command with optional callback function.
* Parameters:
* scmd - (string) string command
* sargs - (string) arguments for the command
* fncallback - (function_ref) pass a reference to an optional callback function
sout = [scmd,sargs].join(' ');
sout += " {'insertOutput': False, 'operateOnSelection': False }";
if(typeof fncallback == 'undefined'){fncallback=function(){return true;}}
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" sysCmdRunOnSelection(scmd,sargs,fncallback) ;; Run a system command with optional callback function ">
this.sysCmdRunOnSelection = function(scmd,sargs,fncallback){
* Function: sysCmdRunOnSelection
* Run a system command with optional callback function.
* Parameters:
* scmd - (string) string command
* sargs - (string) arguments for the command
* fncallback - (function_ref) pass a reference to an optional callback function
sout = [scmd,sargs].join(' ');
sout += " {'insertOutput': True, 'operateOnSelection': True }";
if(typeof fncallback == 'undefined'){fncallback=function(){return true;}}
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" sysDirectoryOpen(spath) ;; open a directory using the standard desktop-finder-explorer-navigator GUI ">
this.sysDirectoryOpen = function(spath){
var myOS = this.appOS().toLowerCase();
// do_nothing
else if(myOS=='winnt'){
spath = spath.split(/\x2f/).join("\x5c");
this.sysCmdRun('explorer.exe' , spath );
komodo.doCommand('cmd_viewBottomPane'); // close the bottom pane that got auto-opened
// </reg-fdef>
// Group: GUI Simple Tools
// ------------------------------------------------
if('fgroup'){//GUI Simple Tools ;; fast and simple gui dialogs to get user input ;;
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiCMenu(vopts,doaction) ;; get input from a context popup menu. vopts fields={caption,value,hotkey,style} ">
this.guiCMenu = function(vopts,doaction){
* Function: guiCMenu(vopts,doaction)
* Trigger some JavaScript code using a GUI context popup menu.
* Parameters:
* vopts - (array aoh) array (simpletable aoh) that we pass in for constructing the context menu
* doaction - (function_ref) function reference to specify what to do when a context menu item is selected
* (start code)
* The vopts parameter is expected as an array (simpletable aoh).
* It should match the following structure:
* [
* {value:'_value1_' ,caption:'Human Readable Caption1' ,hotkey:'a' ,style:'color:ivory;'}
* ,{value:'_value2_' ,caption:'Human Readable Caption2' ,hotkey:'b' ,style:'color:lightyellow;'}
* ,{value:'_value3_' ,caption:'Human Readable Caption3' ,hotkey:'c' ,style:'color:white;'}
* ]
* See the CodeExample for more details.
* (end)
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // Example1
* omain = new tymac_komodo_addon();
* // choose an action you want to do
* doaction1 = function(vxx){StatusBar_AddMessage(vxx, "debugger", 5000, true)};
* doaction2 = function(vxx){alert(vxx)};
* // setup your options array
* vopts = [{value:'alpha_red',caption:'Alpha Red',hotkey:'a',style:'color:red;'}
* ,{value:'bravo_blue',caption:'Bravo Blue',hotkey:'b',style:'color:blue;'}
* ,{value:'charlie_ivory',caption:'Charlie Ivory',hotkey:'c',style:'font-weight:bold;'}
* ];
* // call the gui context menu -- this will render the menu and invoke the doaction1 callback function
* omain.guiCMenu(vopts,doaction1);
* (end)
// p__: init
var view, editor, menu, item;
view = ko.views.manager.currentView;
editor = view.scimoz;
menu = document.getElementById('tymac_temp_menu1');
this.clstemp = {};
// p__:
menu = document.createElement('menupopup');
menu.setAttribute('id', 'tymac_temp_menu1');
// p__:
for (var vjj=0;vjj<vopts.length;vjj++){
this.clstemp['menuopts'] = vopts;
this.clstemp['doaction'] = doaction;
ctxx = this;
orec = vopts[vjj];
item = document.createElement('menuitem');
item.setAttribute('label' , orec['caption']);
item.setAttribute('accesskey' , orec['hotkey']);
item.setAttribute('style' , orec['style']);
item.setAttribute('default' , false);
item.addEventListener('command', (function(vjj){return function(){
return ctxx.clstemp['doaction']( ctxx.clstemp['menuopts'][vjj]['value'] );
// p__: showmenu
menu = document.getElementById('tymac_temp_menu1');
+ view.boxObject.x,
+ editor.textHeight(editor.lineFromPosition(editor.currentPos))
+ view.boxObject.y,
'context', 'topleft', 'topleft');
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiXUL(uri) ;; use an XUL dialog">
this.guiXUL = function(uri){
* Function: guiXUL
* Get user input using an XUL dialog.
* Parameters:
* uri - (string) the path to the XUL dialog file
* odata - (var) JavaScript data struct
uri = "file:///c:/sm/docs/mytrybits/k/trykomodoedit/tryxul/demo.xul";
data = {
'valid': false,
'configured': false,
'vars': {
'id': '',
'name': 'Damien Extension',
'creator': 'Me',
'version': '0.1',
'description': '',
'homepageURL': '',
'ext_name': ''
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiYesNoCancel(stitle) ;; get input from a YesNoCancel dialog ">
this.guiYesNoCancel = function(stitle){
* Function: guiYesNoCancel
* Simple YesNoCancel dialog.
* Parameters:
* stitle - (string) dialog title
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* var komain = new tymac_komodo_addon();
* var choice = guiYesNoCancel('Please Choose');
* (end)
* Returns:
* boolean - true if yes, false otherwise
var vout = ko.dialogs.yesNoCancel(stitle);
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiInputBox(title,prompt,label,vdefault,mruName) ;; get input from an text inputbox ">
this.guiInputBox = function(title,prompt,label,vdefault,mruName){
* Function: guiInputBox
* Get input from a text inputbox.
* Parameters:
* title - (string) dialog title
* prompt - (string) dialog prompt
* vdefault - (string) (optional) default value
* mruName - (string) (optional) history MRU name for this dialog
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* // TODO: add a code example
* //
* (end)
* Returns:
* string - user input as a string
* See Also:
* <func_name> <func_name>
var vout = ko.dialogs.prompt(prompt, label, vdefault, title, mruName);
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiInputBox2(title, prompt, label1, value1, label2, value2, mruName1, mruName2,) ;; quickpane input dialog ">
this.guiInputBox2 = function(title, prompt, label1, value1, label2, value2, mruName1, mruName2){
var vout = ko.dialogs.prompt2(prompt, label1, value1, label2, value2, title, mruName1, mruName2);
return vout;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiQuickList(title, prompt, items, selectionCondition) ;; get quick input based on a list of choices ">
this.guiQuickList = function(title, prompt, items, selectionCondition){
* Function: guiQuickList
* Get quick input based on a list of choices.
* Parameters:
* title - (string) dialog title
* prompt - (string) dialog prompt
* items - (var) input items for populating the list
* selectionCondition - (string) string option for describing how many items may be selected
* (start code)
* *selectionCondition* is a string describing how items may be selected
* in order for the dialog OK button to be enabled.
* The following may be used to specify selectionCondition:
* "one-or-more" (the default) requires that one or more items be
* selected. By default all items will be selected.
* "zero-or-more" allows any number of items to be selected. By
* default all items will be selected.
* "one" only allows exactly one to be selected. By default the first
* item will be selected.
* (end)
* CodeExample:
* (start code)
* var komain = new tymac_komodo_addon();
* var vitems = '';
* var vtest;
* //simple example
* vitems = 'alpha bravo charlie delta'.split(/\s+/);
* vtest = komain.guiQuickList('title', 'prompt', vitems, 'one-or-more');
* alert(JSON.stringify(vtest));
* //example using simpletable aoh
* vitems = [{'text':'alpha','id':1},{'text':'bravo','id':2},{'text':'charlie','id':3}];
* vtest = komain.guiQuickList('title', 'prompt', vitems, 'one-or-more');
* alert(JSON.stringify(vtest));
* (end)
* Returns:
* var - user choice or NULL if the user did not make a choice
var selopt = selectionCondition || 'one-or-more';
var vtest = ko.dialogs.selectFromList(title, prompt, items, selectionCondition);
return vtest;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiGet(items) ;; quickly choose an item from a list. Short name. One argument. No fluff. ">
this.guiGet = function(items){
var vtest;
var vtitle = 'Choose one';
vtest = this.guiQuickList(vtitle,vtitle,items,'one');
return vtest;
// </reg-fdef>
// <reg-fdef ddef=" guiStatus(vtext) ;; put some text on the statusbar ">
this.guiStatus = function(vtext){
StatusBar_AddMessage(vtext, "debugger", 5000, true);
// </reg-fdef>
// } </reg-cdef>
// begin_: end
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