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Created February 15, 2019 10:57
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Visual analysis of Donald Trumps likely BMI
# A quick visual analysis of Donald Trump's BMI assuming that his reported weight
# in 2018 and 2019 are correct, and his real height lies between his claimed
# height of 6'3" (1.9m) and a more likely height of 6'1" (1.854m)
# Include the ggplot library
# Function to calculate BMI from height (m) and mass/weight (Kg)
bmicalc <- function(height, mass){
mass/(height)^2 # Mass_kg /(Height_m)^2
# Convert inches to centimeters -- multiply by 2.54; centimetrees to meters, divide by 100
feet6inches0_m <- (72 * 2.54)/100 # 6'0" is 72" - Probably a little below Donald Trump's real height
feet6inches3_m <- (75 * 2.54)/100 # 6'3" is 75" - Donald Trumps reported height
# Sequence of 10 heights from 6'0" to 6'3" (in )
h201x <- seq(from=feet6inches0_m, to=feet6inches3_m, length.out=10)
# Donald Trumps reported weight in 2018 and 2019
m2018kg <- 108.41 # 239lbs converted to kg
m2019kg <- 110.229 # 243lbs converted to kg
# Make a data frame of the bmi data for plotting
djtDF <- data.frame(
Year = as.factor(c(rep(2018, 10), rep(2019, 10))),
bmi = c(bmicalc(h201x, m2018), bmicalc(h201x, m2019)),
height = c(h201x, h201x)
# Plot the data
ggplot(djtDF, aes(x = height, y = bmi, color = Year)) +
geom_line() +
xlab(expression(Meters^{2})) +
ylab("Body Mass Index") +
geom_hline(yintercept = 30, color = "#990000", linetype="dashed") +
annotate("text", 1.835, 30, vjust = -0.5, label = "Obese") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.854, color = "Black", linetype="dashed") +
annotate("text", 1.854, 33, hjust = -0.3, label = "6'1\"") +
geom_vline(xintercept = 1.90, color = "Black", linetype="dashed") +
annotate("text", 1.90, 33, hjust = -0.3, label = "6'3\"")
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