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Created October 27, 2018 00:29
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Drone motor Dyno
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from optparse import OptionParser
from random import choice
import matplotlib.colors as mcol
import as cm
# Blade pitch acts much like the gearing of the final drive of a car. Low
# pitch yields good low speed acceleration (and climb rate in an aircraft)
# while high pitch optimizes high speed performance and economy.
# A propeller blade's "lift", or its thrust, depends on the angle of attack
# combined with its speed. Because the velocity of a propeller blade varies
# from the hub to the tip, it is of twisted form in order for the thrust to
# remain approximately constant along the length of the blade; this is called
# washout. This is typical of all but the crudest propellers.
COLORS = ['b', 'c', 'm', 'k']
STYLES = ['-', '--', '-.', ':']
MARKERS = ['+', ',', '.', '1', '2', '3', '4']
class Propeller():
def __init__(self, prop_dia, prop_pitch, thrust_unit='N'):
self.dia = prop_dia
self.pitch = prop_pitch
self.thrust_unit = thrust_unit
self.speed = 0 # RPM
self.thrust = 0
# From
def set_speed(self, speed):
self.speed = speed
self.thrust = 4.392e-8 * self.speed * math.pow(self.dia,3.5)/(math.sqrt(self.pitch))
self.thrust = self.thrust * (4.23e-4 * self.speed * self.pitch)
if self.thrust_unit == 'Kg':
self.thrust = self.thrust * 0.101972
#print(("%.4f %s thrust per prop" % (self.thrust, self.thrust_unit)))
return self.thrust
def rand_styles(count, max_tries=None):
used = []
if max_tries is None:
max_tries = count * 4
on = 0
while len(used) < count:
c = choice(COLORS)
s = choice(STYLES)
m = choice(MARKERS)
pos = "%s%s%s" % (c, s, m)
if pos not in used:
on = 0
on += 1
return used
def graph_motors(data, max_x, change):
used = rand_styles(len(list(data.keys())))
# evenly sampled time at *change* rpm intervals
x_axis = np.arange(0., max_x, change)
sorted_keys = sorted(
key=lambda ps: (
int(ps.split("x")[0]), float(ps.split("x")[1])
data_len = len(data[sorted_keys[0]])
min_t = data[sorted_keys[0]][-1] - 10
max_t = data[sorted_keys[-1]][-1] + 10
t_range = (max_t - min_t)
Blues = plt.get_cmap('Greens')
Reds = plt.get_cmap('Reds')
# Add data to graph
pcm = None
for prop in sorted_keys:
d = data[prop]
p = (max_t - d[-1]) / (t_range)
if d[-1] >= HOVER_THRUST / 1000:
pcm = Blues(p)
pcm = Reds(p)
plt.plot(x_axis, data[prop], used.pop(), color=pcm)
# horizontal lines
hover_line_data = np.array([(HOVER_THRUST / 1000) for i in range(data_len)])
fly_line_data = np.array([(THRUST_TO_FLY / 1000) for i in range(data_len)])
plt.plot(x_axis, hover_line_data, 'b-')
plt.plot(x_axis, fly_line_data, 'y-')
plt.legend(sorted_keys + ["Hover Line", "Fly Line"])
plt.xlabel("Motor RPMs")
plt.ylabel("Total Thrust (Kg)")
'Drone: %.2fKg Cargo: %.2fKg Motors:%d' % (DRONE_WGHT / 1000, PAYLOAD_WGHT / 1000, NUM_MOTORS),
'boxstyle': 'sawtooth,pad=0.30',
'facecolor': 'blue',
'alpha': 0.4
mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-m", "--motor-rpm", dest="rpms", default=None,
help="Estimated Max RPMs for motors")
parser.add_option("-k", "--motor-kv", dest="kvs", default=None,
help="Advertise k/v of Motor (e.g. 920=920kv)")
parser.add_option("-d", "--drone-weight", dest="drone_grams", default=1000,
help="Drone weight in grams")
parser.add_option("-c", "--carry", dest="carry_grams", default=1000,
help="The desired payload weight in grams")
parser.add_option("-n", "--num-motors", dest="motors", default=4,
help="The desired payload weight in grams")
parser.add_option("-r", "--rpm-step", dest="rpm_step", default=20,
help="The number of RPMs increased between calcs")
parser.add_option("-b", "--batt-cells", dest="batt", default=None,
help="The number of cells in the battery (for KV mode only)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
DRONE_WGHT = float(options.drone_grams)
PAYLOAD_WGHT = float(options.carry_grams)
# Hover and thrust from:
THRUST_TO_FLY = 2 * (DRONE_WGHT + PAYLOAD_WGHT) # Thrust in Grams for flight
HOVER_THRUST = (0.2 * THRUST_TO_FLY) + THRUST_TO_FLY # Higher thrust to hover
if options.rpms is None and options.kvs is None:
print("Need either KV (-k and -b) or Max RPMs (-m) for motors")
if options.kvs is not None and options.batt is not None:
print("Using K/V calc")
volts = 3.7 * int(options.batt)
max_rpm = (
math.floor(volts * float(options.kvs))
) + int(options.rpm_step)
elif options.kvs is not None and options.batt is None:
print("Need a battery size (-b) for K/V mode")
max_rpm = int(options.rpms)
motor_counts = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 16]
if int(options.motors) not in motor_counts:
print(("Supported motor counts: "))
print((",".join([str(i) for i in motor_counts])))
# All from RayCorp catalog
prop_sizes = (
[3, 3.0],
[4, 4.0],
[4, 4.5],
[5, 3.0],
[5, 4.0],
[5, 4.5],
[5, 5.0],
[6, 3.0],
[6, 4.0],
[6, 4.5],
[7, 4.5],
[8, 3.8],
[8, 4.5],
[9, 4.7],
[10, 4.5],
[10, 4.7],
[11, 4.7],
[12, 3.8],
[12, 4.5]
NUM_MOTORS = int(options.motors)
print(("Drone System Weight: %.2f Kg" % (DRONE_WGHT / 1000)))
print(("Payload Weight: %.2f Kg" % (PAYLOAD_WGHT / 1000)))
print(("All Up Weight: %.2f Kg" % AUW))
# For each propeller, go through the accelleration range
print(("Required flight thrust (per motor): %2.f grams" % (THRUST_TO_FLY / NUM_MOTORS)))
print(("Required hover thrust (per motor): %2.f grams" % (HOVER_THRUST / NUM_MOTORS)))
thrusts_sets = {}
if int(options.rpm_step) < 10:
print("RPM step size to low (min 10). Setting to default of 20 rpms")
options.rpm_step = 20
options.rpm_step = int(options.rpm_step)
for Dia, pitch in prop_sizes:
mcn = "%dx%.1f" % (Dia, pitch)
print(("Testing: %s" % mcn))
liftoff = False
hover = False
prop = Propeller(Dia, pitch, "Kg")
cur_thrust = 0
mcd = []
for i in range(0, max_rpm, options.rpm_step):
cur_thrust = NUM_MOTORS * prop.set_speed(i)
#print(("Current total thrust: %.4f" % cur_thrust))
if cur_thrust >= (THRUST_TO_FLY / 1000) and not liftoff:
liftoff = True
print(("\tFlight at %d RPMs ( %.2f percent throttle)" % (i, (i / max_rpm) * 100)))
if cur_thrust >= (HOVER_THRUST / 1000) and not hover:
hover = True
print(("\tHover at %d RPMs ( %.2f percent throttle)" % (i, (i / max_rpm) * 100)))
thrusts_sets[mcn] = mcd
if not liftoff or not hover:
print(("\t***Motor/Prop combo to weak for platform***"))
print(("\tFinal thrust: %.4f Kg at %d RPM" % (cur_thrust, i)))
print(("\tThrust to weight ratio: %.2f:1" % (cur_thrust / AUW)))
graph_motors(thrusts_sets, max_rpm, options.rpm_step)
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