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Created November 16, 2008 23:52
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#!/usr/bin/env python
class HashChain(object):
"""A chain of hash values that can be traversed backwards
A hash chain is a sequence of the form H(s), H(H(s)), H(H(H(s))),
where 'H' is a one-way hash function and s is the initial seed.
This class generates a hash chain and allows you to traverse it
in reverse order (e.g., from H(H(H(s))), to H(H(s)), H(s)).
Construction requires O(N) time (where N is the length of the
hash chain). Preparing the next (previous) value requires
O(log(N)) time. The space requirement is also O(log(N)).
def __init__(self, bits,
oneway = (lambda obj: obj), seed = None,
recorder = (lambda _: None)):
"""Initialize the hash chain
bits -- Base 2 logarithm of the length of the chain
oneway -- Hash function to generate the chain
seed -- Initial value for the hash function
recorder -- logging function to record steps for analysis
state = []
pos = (1 << bits)
val = seed
while pos >= 0:
if (pos & (pos + 1)) == 0:
state.append((pos, val))
pos -= 1
val = oneway(val)
self.__bits = bits
self.__oneway = oneway
self.__state = state
self.__recorder = recorder
def initial_bits(self):
"""Base 2 logarithm of the initial chain length"""
return self.__bits
def internal_state(self):
"""A list containing all of the stored chain values"""
return self.__state
def exhausted(self):
"""True iff the chain is empty"""
return not self.__state
def next_value(self):
return self.__state[0][1]
def prepare_next_value(self):
pos = self.__state[0][0]
## Recursive helper function. state_pos is the index into
## the state array. It's basically an interator over the state.
## We return it from recursive calls because we can't destructively
## increment it. left and right geometrically zoom in on pos.
## The state is logically a linked list (the only operations I use
## are iterating forward and inserting an element before the iterator),
## but I store it as a Python list for convenience, which technically
## breaks the O(log(N)) guarantee, but this is just a demonstration of
## the algorithm.
def prepare(state_pos, left, right):
## The start of a block is a special case.
## All points in the block stay.
if pos == left:
while state_pos < len(self.__state) and \
self.__state[state_pos][0] < right:
self.__recorder(('stay', pos, self.__state[state_pos][0]))
state_pos += 1
return state_pos
## If we are to the right of the midpoint, the left is all done.
## Just tail-recur on the right.
mid = (right+left)/2
if pos >= mid:
return prepare(state_pos, mid, right)
## Otherwise, recur on the left before advancing the right.
state_pos = prepare(state_pos, left, mid)
## The far-left hash on the right half advances down toward the left,
## splitting off a "breadcrumb" if we are at a power of two minus one.
mover = self.__state[state_pos]
moved = (self.__oneway(mover[0]) - 1, self.__oneway(mover[1]))
offset = mover[0] - mid
split = (offset & (offset + 1)) == 0
if split:
self.__recorder(('split', pos, mover[0]))
self.__state[state_pos:state_pos] = [moved]
self.__recorder(('move', pos, mover[0]))
self.__state[state_pos] = moved
state_pos += 1
## The rest of the hashes just stay put.
while state_pos < len(self.__state) and \
self.__state[state_pos][0] < right:
self.__recorder(('stay', pos, self.__state[state_pos][0]))
state_pos += 1
return state_pos
self.__recorder(('used', pos, pos))
del self.__state[0]
prepare(0, 0, 1 << self.__bits)
#!/usr/bin/env python
def main():
import logging
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--bits", default=8, type='int', help="password bits")
parser.add_option("--scale", default=1, type='int', help="image scale")
parser.add_option("--ouput", default="otpa.png", help="output file")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
img_dim = (1 << options.bits) * options.scale
image ='RGB', (img_dim, img_dim), 'white')
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.line([(0,0), (img_dim + 0 , img_dim + 0)], fill='red')
draw.line([(1,0), (img_dim + 1 , img_dim + 0)], fill='red')
draw.line([(0,1), (img_dim + 0 , img_dim + 1)], fill='red')
def recorder(args):
typ, time, pos = args
start = (pos * options.scale, time * options.scale)
if typ == 'split':
recorder(('move', time, pos))
recorder(('stay', time, pos))
elif typ == 'used':
draw.line([start, start], fill='black')
elif typ in ('move', 'stay'):
if typ == 'stay':
endx = pos * options.scale
endx = (pos-1) * options.scale + 1
end = (endx, (time+1) * options.scale - 1)
draw.line([start, end], fill='black')
logging.warning("Unkown operation type: '%s'" % typ)
import hashchain
passwords = hashchain.HashChain(options.bits, recorder = recorder)
while not passwords.exhausted:
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wx
# Application-Specific Event Identifiers
ID_Step = wx.ID_HIGHEST + 1
ID_Anim = wx.ID_HIGHEST + 2
class OtpaApp(wx.App):
def OnInit(self):
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--bits", default=8, type='int', help="password bits")
parser.add_option("--xscale", default=1, type='int', help="image scale")
parser.add_option("--yscale", default=64, type='int', help="image scale")
parser.add_option("--delay", default=250, type='int', help="animation delay in ms")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
frame = OtpaFrame(None, wx.ID_ANY, "One-time Password Algorithm", options)
return True
class OtpaFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title, options):
self, parent, id, title,
self.__options = options
def prepare_chain(self):
import hashchain
self.__chain = hashchain.HashChain(self.__options.bits)
def register_event_handlers(self):
self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
self.__anim_timer = wx.Timer(self)
def build_main_window(self):
main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
info_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
main_panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY)
info_sizer.Add(wx.Button(main_panel, ID_Step, "Step" ))
info_sizer.Add(wx.Button(main_panel, ID_Anim, "Animate" ))
main_sizer.Add(info_sizer, border=4, flag=wx.ALL)
self.__otpa_status = OtpaStatusDisplay(main_panel,
self.__chain, self.__options.xscale, self.__options.yscale)
self.AutoLayout = True
def OnButton(self, event):
if event.GetId() == ID_Step:
if event.GetId() == ID_Anim:
def OnTimer(self, event):
def step(self):
if not self.__chain.exhausted:
class OtpaStatusDisplay(wx.Panel):
def __init__(self, parent, chain, xscale, yscale):
self, parent,
size = wx.Size((1 << chain.initial_bits) * xscale, yscale))
self.__chain = chain
self.__xscale = xscale
self.__yscale = yscale
self.__colours = {}
for cname in ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'black']:
colour = wx.NamedColour(cname)
self.__colours[cname] = (wx.Pen(colour), wx.Brush(colour))
self.BackgroundColour = wx.NamedColour('white')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
def set_colour(self, dc, colour):
pen, brush = self.__colours[colour]
dc.Pen = pen
dc.Brush = brush
def OnPaint(self, event):
## The background should be cleared by Refresh() already.
dc = wx.PaintDC(self)
self.set_colour(dc, 'black')
for pos, k in self.__chain.internal_state:
dc.DrawRectangle(pos * self.__xscale, 0, self.__xscale, self.__yscale)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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