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Last active August 17, 2022 04:16
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extension Encodable {
// This lets any encodable encode itself into a container.
fileprivate func encode(to container: inout SingleValueEncodingContainer) throws {
try container.encode(self)
// This wraps an encodable so it can be encoded. It uses the above extension so that the
// we don't have to know the encodable's type.
struct AnyEncodable : Encodable {
var value: Encodable
init(_ value: Encodable) {
self.value = value
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
try value.encode(to: &container)
// Usage example, enum with an Encodable associated value.
enum A {
case b
case c(Encodable)
let b = A.b
let c = A.c(123)
if case A.c(let encodable) = c {
let result = try? JSONEncoder().encode(AnyEncodable(encodable))
String(data: result!, encoding: .utf8) // -> "123"
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