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Last active July 9, 2018 22:51
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A wrapper of unordered_map that still has O(1) insertion, erasing and access, but keeps the order deterministic
#include <functional> // std::equal_to, std::hash
#include <iterator>
#include <memory> // std::alloactor
#include <type_traits> // std::conditional_t
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility> // std::pair, std::swap
#include <vector>
// A simple implementation of a deterministic wrapper of unordered_map.
// When each element is inserted, it keeps track of the index of insertion, so
// that the final order is only dependent on the order of insertion and erasing,
// but not on the key value.
// It is slower and takes more memory than the standard std::unordered_map but
// preserves the constant complexity (on average) in inserting, erasing and
// accessing.
// Possible improvements include:
// - Use pointers instead of values in internal index tracker (index_) to
// save space.
// - Implement more interface to resemble the STL library.
class Key,
class T,
class Hash = std::hash<Key>,
class KeyEqual = std::equal_to<Key>,
class Allocator = std::allocator< std::pair<const Key, T> >
> class deterministic_unordered_map {
// Types
using umap_type = std::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >;
using vec_type = std::vector< const Key * >;
using key_type = Key;
using mapped_type = T;
using value_type = std::pair< const Key, T >;
using hasher = Hash;
using key_equal = KeyEqual;
using allocator_type = Allocator;
using size_type = typename vec_type::size_type;
using reference = value_type&;
using const_reference = const value_type&;
struct hash_by_ptr_ {
std::size_t operator()(const Key* k) { return hasher()(*k); }
struct key_equal_by_ptr_ {
bool operator()(const Key* k1, const Key* k2) { return key_equal()(*k1, *k2); }
using index_type = std::unordered_map< Key*, size_type, hash_by_ptr_, key_equal_by_ptr_ >;
// The random-access iterator
template< bool Const = false > class iterator_impl_;
using iterator = iterator_impl_< false >;
using const_iterator = iterator_impl_< true >;
// Data members
umap_type data_;
vec_type order_;
std::unordered_map<key_type, size_type> index_;
// Methods
// Currently this map has to be initialized from empty
deterministic_unordered_map() {}
// Erase by position
iterator erase(const_iterator position) {
const key_type& key = position->first;
const key_type& key_last = *order_.back();
if(!key_equal()(key, key_last)) {
// Swap the current key with the last key stored in order_ vector.
size_type& idx_key = index_[key]; // (avg O(1))
size_type& idx_key_last = index_[key_last]; // (avg O(1))
std::swap(order_[idx_key], order_[idx_key_last]); // Swap key with key_last stored in vector (O(1))
idx_key_last = idx_key; // Update key_last index with key index
index_.erase(key); // Erase key in index map (avg O(1))
order_.pop_back(); // Remove last element (O(1))
auto res = data_.erase(position); // (avg O(1))
return iterator(position);
// Erase by key
size_type erase(const key_type& k) {
size_type result = data_.erase(k); // (avg O(1))
if(result) {
const key_type& key_last = *order_.back();
if(!key_equal()(k, key_last)) {
// Swap the current key with the last key stored in order_ vector.
size_type& idx_key = index_[k]; // (avg O(1))
size_type& idx_key_last = index_[key_last]; // (avg O(1))
std::swap(order_[idx_key], order_[idx_key_last]); // Swap key with key_last stored in vector (O(1))
idx_key_last = idx_key; // Update key_last index with key index
index_.erase(k); // Erase key in index map (avg O(1))
order_.pop_back(); // Remove last element (O(1))
return result;
std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& val) {
auto result = data_.insert(val); // Normal insertion (avg O(1))
if(result.second) {
index_.insert({val.first, order_.size()}); // Map key to index (avg O(1))
order_.emplace_back(&result.first->first); // Store key in vector (O(1))
iterator it(&order_.back(), &data_);
return std::pair<iterator, bool>({it, result.second});
// Move insertion is not implemented
mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& k) {
if(data_.find(k) == data_.end()) { // (avg O(1))
// Need insertion
index_.insert({k, order_.size()}); // Map key to index (avg O(1))
order_.emplace_back(&k); // Store key in vector (O(1))
return data_[k];
// operator[] that takes rvalue reference is not implemented
// This function is only dependent on the insertion order.
// No bound checking is performed.
mapped_type& get_by_index(size_type pos) {
return operator[](*order_[pos]);
size_type size()const noexcept {
return data_.size();
template< class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator, bool Const >
inline deterministic_unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >::template iterator_impl_< Const > operator+(
typename deterministic_unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >::vec_type::iterator::difference_type n,
const typename deterministic_unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >::template iterator_impl_< Const >& it
) { return it + n; }
template< class Key, class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual, class Allocator >
template< bool Const >
class deterministic_unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator >::iterator_impl_ {
using difference_type = typename vec_type::iterator::difference_type;
using value_type = deterministic_unordered_map::value_type;
using pointer = typename std::conditional_t< Const, const value_type *, value_type * >;
using reference = typename std::conditional_t< Const, const value_type &, value_type & >;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
iterator_impl_(typename vec_type::iterator::pointer ptr, umap_type* storage) : ptr_(ptr), storage_(storage) {}
reference operator*()const { return *storage_->find(**ptr_); } // (avg O(1))
pointer operator->()const { return storage_->find(**ptr_); } // (avg O(1))
iterator_impl_& operator++() { ++ptr_; return *this; }
iterator_impl_ operator++(int) { iterator_impl_ res = *this; ++ptr_; return res; }
iterator_impl_& operator--() { --ptr_; return *this; }
iterator_impl_ operator--(int) { iterator_impl_ res = *this; --ptr_; return res; }
iterator_impl_& operator+=(difference_type n) { ptr_ += n; return *this; }
iterator_impl_ operator+(difference_type n)const { iterator_impl_ res = *this; res += n; return res; }
friend iterator_impl_ (::operator+ < Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator, Const >)(difference_type n, const iterator_impl_& it);
iterator_impl_& operator-=(difference_type n) { ptr_ -= n; return *this; }
iterator_impl_ operator-(difference_type n)const { iterator_impl_ res = *this; res -= n; return res; }
difference_type operator-(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return ptr_ - rhs.ptr_; }
reference operator[](difference_type n)const { return *storage_->find(**(ptr_ + n)); } // (avg O(1))
bool operator==(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return ptr_ == rhs.ptr_ && storage_ == rhs.storage_; }
bool operator!=(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return ptr_ != rhs.ptr_ || storage_ != rhs.storage_; }
bool operator<(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return ptr_ < rhs.ptr_; }
bool operator>(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return ptr_ > rhs.ptr_; }
bool operator>=(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return !operator<(rhs); }
bool operator<=(const iterator_impl_& rhs)const { return !operator>(rhs); }
typename vec_type::iterator::pointer ptr_; // const Key **
umap_type* storage_;
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