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Last active June 24, 2020 04:48
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Given a string, find the length of the longest substring in it with no more than K distinct characters.
def longest_substring_with_k_distinct(str, k):
windowStart = 0
uniqueCharacterCount = {}
longestRun = 0
currentRun = 0
uniqueCharacters = 0
for windowEnd in range(len(str)):
nextCharacter = str[windowEnd]
nextCharacterCount = uniqueCharacterCount.get(nextCharacter)
# We have seen this character already to increment its count
if nextCharacterCount is None:
print('Added ' + nextCharacter + ' to the count ', currentRun)
currentRun += 1
uniqueCharacters +=1
uniqueCharacterCount.update({nextCharacter: nextCharacterCount})
print('Added ' + nextCharacter + ' to the count ', currentRun)
currentRun += 1
# while greater than k, remove from start window until less than k
# decrement current run
while uniqueCharacters > k:
outOfWindowCharacter = str[windowStart]
print('Out of window char: ', outOfWindowCharacter)
outOfWindowCount = uniqueCharacterCount[outOfWindowCharacter]
if outOfWindowCount == 1:
del uniqueCharacterCount[outOfWindowCharacter]
currentRun -= 1
uniqueCharacters -=1
outOfWindowCount -=1
currentRun -= 1
uniqueCharacterCount.update({outOfWindowCharacter: outOfWindowCount})
windowStart +=1
# if current run is greater than longest run, set longest run to current run
if currentRun > longestRun:
longestRun = currentRun
return longestRun
def main():
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("araaci", 2)))
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("araaci", 1)))
print("Length of the longest substring: " + str(longest_substring_with_k_distinct("cbbebi", 3)))
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