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Created March 10, 2019 00:05
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var ImagesClient = require('google-images');
var request = require('request').defaults({ encoding: null });
var Twitter = require('twitter');
var client = new Twitter({
consumer_key: '',
consumer_secret: '',
access_token_key: '',
access_token_secret: ''
var gimg = new ImagesClient('', '');
function tweet() {'potato chips', {
page: Math.floor(Math.random() * 15)
.then(function (images) {
var id = Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length);
var item = images[id];
console.log(id + '/'+images.length+' : ' + item.url);
request.get(item.url, function (err, res, buffer) {
var mediaType = item.type;
var mediaData = buffer;
var mediaSize = item.size;
initUpload() // Declare that you wish to upload some media
.then(appendUpload) // Send the data for the media
.then(finalizeUpload) // Declare that you are done uploading chunks
.then(mediaId => {
var status = {
status: '',
media_ids: mediaId // Pass the media id string
}'statuses/update', status, function(error, tweet, response) {
if (!error) {
// console.log(tweet);
/** * Step 1 of 3: Initialize a media upload * @return Promise resolving to String mediaId */
function initUpload () {
return makePost('media/upload', {
command : 'INIT',
total_bytes: mediaSize,
media_type : mediaType,
}).then(data => data.media_id_string);
/** * Step 2 of 3: Append file chunk * @param String mediaId Reference to media object being uploaded * @return Promise resolving to String mediaId (for chaining) */
function appendUpload (mediaId) {
return makePost('media/upload', {
command : 'APPEND',
media_id : mediaId,
media : mediaData,
segment_index: 0
}).then(data => mediaId);
/** * Step 3 of 3: Finalize upload * @param String mediaId Reference to media * @return Promise resolving to mediaId (for chaining) */
function finalizeUpload (mediaId) {
return makePost('media/upload', {
command : 'FINALIZE',
media_id: mediaId
}).then(data => mediaId);
/** * (Utility function) Send a POST request to the Twitter API * @param String endpoint e.g. 'statuses/upload' * @param Object params Params object to send * @return Promise Rejects if response is error */
function makePost (endpoint, params) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, params, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
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