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Last active January 5, 2023 19:03
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stable diffusion animation prompts
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
p1 = "portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat,"
p2 = "a cyborg steampunk dog,"
common = "octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]"
blendSteps = 300
f = open('prompts.txt', 'w')
p1weights = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=blendSteps)
p2weights = np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, num=blendSteps)
for p1w, p2w in zip(p1weights, p2weights):
# f.write(f"('{p1} {common}', '{p2} {common}').blend({p1w},{p2w}\n")
f.write(f"'{p1} {common}' -V 3080738228:{p1w},712709906:{p2w} -S 3440495673\n")
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.0,712709906:1.0 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.0033444816053511705,712709906:0.9966555183946488 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.006688963210702341,712709906:0.9933110367892977 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.010033444816053512,712709906:0.9899665551839465 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.013377926421404682,712709906:0.9866220735785953 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.016722408026755852,712709906:0.9832775919732442 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.020066889632107024,712709906:0.979933110367893 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.023411371237458192,712709906:0.9765886287625418 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.026755852842809364,712709906:0.9732441471571907 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.030100334448160536,712709906:0.9698996655518395 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.033444816053511704,712709906:0.9665551839464883 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.03678929765886287,712709906:0.9632107023411371 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.04013377926421405,712709906:0.959866220735786 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.043478260869565216,712709906:0.9565217391304348 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.046822742474916385,712709906:0.9531772575250836 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.05016722408026756,712709906:0.9498327759197325 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.05351170568561873,712709906:0.9464882943143813 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.056856187290969896,712709906:0.9431438127090301 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.06020066889632107,712709906:0.939799331103679 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.06354515050167224,712709906:0.9364548494983278 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.06688963210702341,712709906:0.9331103678929766 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.07023411371237458,712709906:0.9297658862876255 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.07357859531772575,712709906:0.9264214046822743 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.07692307692307693,712709906:0.9230769230769231 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.0802675585284281,712709906:0.919732441471572 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.08361204013377926,712709906:0.9163879598662208 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.08695652173913043,712709906:0.9130434782608696 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.0903010033444816,712709906:0.9096989966555185 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.09364548494983277,712709906:0.9063545150501673 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.09698996655518395,712709906:0.903010033444816 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.10033444816053512,712709906:0.8996655518394648 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.10367892976588629,712709906:0.8963210702341137 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.10702341137123746,712709906:0.8929765886287625 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.11036789297658862,712709906:0.8896321070234113 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.11371237458193979,712709906:0.8862876254180602 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.11705685618729096,712709906:0.882943143812709 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.12040133779264214,712709906:0.8795986622073578 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.12374581939799331,712709906:0.8762541806020067 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.12709030100334448,712709906:0.8729096989966555 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.13043478260869565,712709906:0.8695652173913043 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.13377926421404682,712709906:0.8662207357859532 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.13712374581939799,712709906:0.862876254180602 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.14046822742474915,712709906:0.8595317725752508 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.14381270903010032,712709906:0.8561872909698997 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1471571906354515,712709906:0.8528428093645485 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1505016722408027,712709906:0.8494983277591973 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.15384615384615385,712709906:0.8461538461538461 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.15719063545150502,712709906:0.842809364548495 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1605351170568562,712709906:0.8394648829431438 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.16387959866220736,712709906:0.8361204013377926 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.16722408026755853,712709906:0.8327759197324415 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1705685618729097,712709906:0.8294314381270903 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.17391304347826086,712709906:0.8260869565217391 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.17725752508361203,712709906:0.822742474916388 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1806020066889632,712709906:0.8193979933110368 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.18394648829431437,712709906:0.8160535117056856 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.18729096989966554,712709906:0.8127090301003345 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1906354515050167,712709906:0.8093645484949833 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.1939799331103679,712709906:0.8060200668896321 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.19732441471571907,712709906:0.802675585284281 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.20066889632107024,712709906:0.7993311036789298 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2040133779264214,712709906:0.7959866220735786 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.20735785953177258,712709906:0.7926421404682275 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.21070234113712374,712709906:0.7892976588628763 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2140468227424749,712709906:0.7859531772575251 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.21739130434782608,712709906:0.782608695652174 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.22073578595317725,712709906:0.7792642140468228 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.22408026755852842,712709906:0.7759197324414716 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.22742474916387959,712709906:0.7725752508361204 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.23076923076923075,712709906:0.7692307692307693 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.23411371237458192,712709906:0.7658862876254181 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.23745819397993312,712709906:0.7625418060200668 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2408026755852843,712709906:0.7591973244147157 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.24414715719063546,712709906:0.7558528428093645 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.24749163879598662,712709906:0.7525083612040133 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2508361204013378,712709906:0.7491638795986622 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.25418060200668896,712709906:0.745819397993311 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.25752508361204013,712709906:0.7424749163879598 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2608695652173913,712709906:0.7391304347826086 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.26421404682274247,712709906:0.7357859531772575 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.26755852842809363,712709906:0.7324414715719063 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2709030100334448,712709906:0.7290969899665551 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.27424749163879597,712709906:0.725752508361204 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.27759197324414714,712709906:0.7224080267558528 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2809364548494983,712709906:0.7190635451505016 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2842809364548495,712709906:0.7157190635451505 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.28762541806020064,712709906:0.7123745819397993 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.2909698996655518,712709906:0.7090301003344481 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.294314381270903,712709906:0.705685618729097 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.29765886287625415,712709906:0.7023411371237458 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3010033444816054,712709906:0.6989966555183946 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.30434782608695654,712709906:0.6956521739130435 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3076923076923077,712709906:0.6923076923076923 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3110367892976589,712709906:0.6889632107023411 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.31438127090301005,712709906:0.68561872909699 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3177257525083612,712709906:0.6822742474916388 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3210702341137124,712709906:0.6789297658862876 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.32441471571906355,712709906:0.6755852842809364 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3277591973244147,712709906:0.6722408026755853 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3311036789297659,712709906:0.6688963210702341 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.33444816053511706,712709906:0.6655518394648829 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3377926421404682,712709906:0.6622073578595318 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3411371237458194,712709906:0.6588628762541806 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.34448160535117056,712709906:0.6555183946488294 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.34782608695652173,712709906:0.6521739130434783 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3511705685618729,712709906:0.6488294314381271 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.35451505016722407,712709906:0.6454849498327759 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.35785953177257523,712709906:0.6421404682274248 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3612040133779264,712709906:0.6387959866220736 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.36454849498327757,712709906:0.6354515050167224 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.36789297658862874,712709906:0.6321070234113713 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3712374581939799,712709906:0.6287625418060201 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3745819397993311,712709906:0.6254180602006689 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.37792642140468224,712709906:0.6220735785953178 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3812709030100334,712709906:0.6187290969899666 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3846153846153846,712709906:0.6153846153846154 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3879598662207358,712709906:0.6120401337792643 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.391304347826087,712709906:0.6086956521739131 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.39464882943143814,712709906:0.6053511705685619 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.3979933110367893,712709906:0.6020066889632107 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4013377926421405,712709906:0.5986622073578596 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.40468227424749165,712709906:0.5953177257525084 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4080267558528428,712709906:0.5919732441471572 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.411371237458194,712709906:0.5886287625418061 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.41471571906354515,712709906:0.5852842809364549 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4180602006688963,712709906:0.5819397993311037 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4214046822742475,712709906:0.5785953177257526 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.42474916387959866,712709906:0.5752508361204014 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4280936454849498,712709906:0.5719063545150502 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.431438127090301,712709906:0.5685618729096991 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.43478260869565216,712709906:0.5652173913043479 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.43812709030100333,712709906:0.5618729096989967 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4414715719063545,712709906:0.5585284280936456 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.44481605351170567,712709906:0.5551839464882944 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.44816053511705684,712709906:0.5518394648829432 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.451505016722408,712709906:0.548494983277592 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.45484949832775917,712709906:0.5451505016722409 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.45819397993311034,712709906:0.5418060200668897 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4615384615384615,712709906:0.5384615384615385 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4648829431438127,712709906:0.5351170568561874 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.46822742474916385,712709906:0.5317725752508362 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.47157190635451507,712709906:0.5284280936454849 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.47491638795986624,712709906:0.5250836120401338 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4782608695652174,712709906:0.5217391304347826 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4816053511705686,712709906:0.5183946488294314 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.48494983277591974,712709906:0.5150501672240803 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4882943143812709,712709906:0.5117056856187291 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4916387959866221,712709906:0.5083612040133779 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.49498327759197325,712709906:0.5050167224080268 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.4983277591973244,712709906:0.5016722408026756 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5016722408026756,712709906:0.4983277591973244 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5050167224080268,712709906:0.49498327759197325 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5083612040133779,712709906:0.4916387959866221 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5117056856187291,712709906:0.4882943143812709 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5150501672240803,712709906:0.48494983277591974 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5183946488294314,712709906:0.4816053511705686 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5217391304347826,712709906:0.4782608695652174 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5250836120401338,712709906:0.47491638795986624 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5284280936454849,712709906:0.47157190635451507 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5317725752508361,712709906:0.4682274247491639 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5351170568561873,712709906:0.46488294314381273 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5384615384615384,712709906:0.46153846153846156 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5418060200668896,712709906:0.4581939799331104 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5451505016722408,712709906:0.4548494983277592 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5484949832775919,712709906:0.45150501672240806 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5518394648829431,712709906:0.4481605351170569 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5551839464882943,712709906:0.4448160535117057 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5585284280936454,712709906:0.44147157190635455 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5618729096989966,712709906:0.4381270903010034 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5652173913043478,712709906:0.4347826086956522 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.568561872909699,712709906:0.43143812709030105 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5719063545150501,712709906:0.4280936454849499 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5752508361204013,712709906:0.4247491638795987 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5785953177257525,712709906:0.42140468227424754 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5819397993311036,712709906:0.4180602006688964 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5852842809364548,712709906:0.4147157190635452 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.588628762541806,712709906:0.41137123745819404 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5919732441471571,712709906:0.40802675585284287 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5953177257525083,712709906:0.4046822742474917 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.5986622073578595,712709906:0.40133779264214053 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6020066889632107,712709906:0.39799331103678925 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6053511705685619,712709906:0.3946488294314381 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6086956521739131,712709906:0.3913043478260869 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6120401337792643,712709906:0.38795986622073575 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6153846153846154,712709906:0.3846153846153846 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6187290969899666,712709906:0.3812709030100334 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6220735785953178,712709906:0.37792642140468224 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6254180602006689,712709906:0.3745819397993311 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6287625418060201,712709906:0.3712374581939799 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6321070234113713,712709906:0.36789297658862874 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6354515050167224,712709906:0.36454849498327757 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6387959866220736,712709906:0.3612040133779264 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6421404682274248,712709906:0.35785953177257523 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6454849498327759,712709906:0.35451505016722407 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6488294314381271,712709906:0.3511705685618729 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6521739130434783,712709906:0.34782608695652173 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6555183946488294,712709906:0.34448160535117056 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6588628762541806,712709906:0.3411371237458194 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6622073578595318,712709906:0.3377926421404682 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6655518394648829,712709906:0.33444816053511706 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6688963210702341,712709906:0.3311036789297659 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6722408026755853,712709906:0.3277591973244147 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6755852842809364,712709906:0.32441471571906355 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6789297658862876,712709906:0.3210702341137124 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6822742474916388,712709906:0.3177257525083612 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.68561872909699,712709906:0.31438127090301005 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6889632107023411,712709906:0.3110367892976589 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6923076923076923,712709906:0.3076923076923077 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6956521739130435,712709906:0.30434782608695654 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.6989966555183946,712709906:0.3010033444816054 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7023411371237458,712709906:0.2976588628762542 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.705685618729097,712709906:0.29431438127090304 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7090301003344481,712709906:0.29096989966555187 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7123745819397993,712709906:0.2876254180602007 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7157190635451505,712709906:0.28428093645484953 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7190635451505016,712709906:0.28093645484949836 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7224080267558528,712709906:0.2775919732441472 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.725752508361204,712709906:0.274247491638796 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7290969899665551,712709906:0.27090301003344486 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7324414715719063,712709906:0.2675585284280937 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7357859531772575,712709906:0.2642140468227425 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7391304347826086,712709906:0.26086956521739135 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7424749163879598,712709906:0.2575250836120402 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.745819397993311,712709906:0.254180602006689 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7491638795986622,712709906:0.25083612040133785 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7525083612040133,712709906:0.24749163879598668 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7558528428093645,712709906:0.2441471571906355 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7591973244147157,712709906:0.24080267558528434 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7625418060200668,712709906:0.23745819397993317 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.765886287625418,712709906:0.234113712374582 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7692307692307692,712709906:0.23076923076923084 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7725752508361204,712709906:0.22742474916387956 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7759197324414716,712709906:0.2240802675585284 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7792642140468228,712709906:0.22073578595317722 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.782608695652174,712709906:0.21739130434782605 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7859531772575251,712709906:0.21404682274247488 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7892976588628763,712709906:0.21070234113712372 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7926421404682275,712709906:0.20735785953177255 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7959866220735786,712709906:0.20401337792642138 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.7993311036789298,712709906:0.2006688963210702 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.802675585284281,712709906:0.19732441471571904 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8060200668896321,712709906:0.19397993311036787 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8093645484949833,712709906:0.1906354515050167 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8127090301003345,712709906:0.18729096989966554 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8160535117056856,712709906:0.18394648829431437 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8193979933110368,712709906:0.1806020066889632 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.822742474916388,712709906:0.17725752508361203 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8260869565217391,712709906:0.17391304347826086 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8294314381270903,712709906:0.1705685618729097 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8327759197324415,712709906:0.16722408026755853 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8361204013377926,712709906:0.16387959866220736 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8394648829431438,712709906:0.1605351170568562 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.842809364548495,712709906:0.15719063545150502 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8461538461538461,712709906:0.15384615384615385 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8494983277591973,712709906:0.1505016722408027 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8528428093645485,712709906:0.14715719063545152 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8561872909698997,712709906:0.14381270903010035 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8595317725752508,712709906:0.14046822742474918 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.862876254180602,712709906:0.137123745819398 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8662207357859532,712709906:0.13377926421404684 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8695652173913043,712709906:0.13043478260869568 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8729096989966555,712709906:0.1270903010033445 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8762541806020067,712709906:0.12374581939799334 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8795986622073578,712709906:0.12040133779264217 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.882943143812709,712709906:0.117056856187291 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8862876254180602,712709906:0.11371237458193983 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8896321070234113,712709906:0.11036789297658867 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8929765886287625,712709906:0.1070234113712375 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8963210702341137,712709906:0.10367892976588633 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.8996655518394648,712709906:0.10033444816053516 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.903010033444816,712709906:0.09698996655518399 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9063545150501672,712709906:0.09364548494983282 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9096989966555183,712709906:0.09030100334448166 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9130434782608695,712709906:0.08695652173913049 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9163879598662207,712709906:0.08361204013377932 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9197324414715718,712709906:0.08026755852842815 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.923076923076923,712709906:0.07692307692307698 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9264214046822742,712709906:0.07357859531772581 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9297658862876254,712709906:0.07023411371237465 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9331103678929765,712709906:0.06688963210702348 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9364548494983277,712709906:0.06354515050167231 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9397993311036789,712709906:0.06020066889632114 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9431438127090301,712709906:0.05685618729096986 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9464882943143813,712709906:0.05351170568561869 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9498327759197325,712709906:0.050167224080267525 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9531772575250836,712709906:0.04682274247491636 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9565217391304348,712709906:0.04347826086956519 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.959866220735786,712709906:0.04013377926421402 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9632107023411371,712709906:0.03678929765886285 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9665551839464883,712709906:0.03344481605351168 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9698996655518395,712709906:0.030100334448160515 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9732441471571907,712709906:0.026755852842809347 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9765886287625418,712709906:0.02341137123745818 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.979933110367893,712709906:0.02006688963210701 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9832775919732442,712709906:0.01672240802675584 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9866220735785953,712709906:0.013377926421404673 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9899665551839465,712709906:0.010033444816053505 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9933110367892977,712709906:0.006688963210702337 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:0.9966555183946488,712709906:0.0033444816053511683 -S 3440495673
'portrait of a robot cyberpunk cat, octane render, 8k, high detail, global illumination, artstation, [out of frame]' -V 3080738228:1.0,712709906:0.0 -S 3440495673
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dreness commented Jan 5, 2023

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