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Last active July 16, 2024 09:45
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Plot contributors for repository history
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from git import Repo
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
# Function to read and parse the .mailmap file
def parse_mailmap(repo_path):
mailmap = {}
with open(repo_path + '/.mailmap', 'r') as file:
for line in file:
canonical_name = ''
for part in [n for n in line.split('>') if n != '\n' and n]:
name, email = part.split('<')
name = name.strip()
if not canonical_name:
canonical_name = name
mailmap[email] = canonical_name
except FileNotFoundError:
print(".mailmap file not found, continuing without it")
return mailmap
# Function to process contributors' continuous activity periods
def process_activity_periods(contributors, window, granularity=7):
Processes the activity periods of contributors based on commit dates with a specified granularity.
This function groups the commit dates of each contributor into continuous
activity periods. A continuous activity period is defined as a time
range where the gap between any two consecutive commits does not exceed
the specified 'window' duration.
contributors (dict): A dictionary where keys are contributor names and values are sets of commit dates.
window (timedelta): The maximum allowed gap between consecutive commits to be considered part of the same activity period.
granularity (int): The minimum number of days to consider for an activity period. If an activity period is shorter than this, it is extended to match the granularity.
dict: A dictionary where keys are contributor names and values are lists of tuples. Each tuple represents an activity period (start_date, end_date).
activity_periods = defaultdict(list)
for contributor, dates in contributors.items():
sorted_dates = sorted(list(dates))
start_date = sorted_dates[0]
last_date = start_date
for date in sorted_dates[1:]:
if date - last_date > window:
# Adjust the period length based on the granularity
actual_length = (last_date - start_date).days + 1
period_length = max(actual_length, granularity)
adjusted_end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=period_length)
activity_periods[contributor].append((start_date, adjusted_end_date, actual_length))
start_date = date
last_date = date
actual_length = (last_date - start_date).days + 1
period_length = max(actual_length, granularity)
adjusted_end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=period_length)
# Append the last period
activity_periods[contributor].append((start_date, adjusted_end_date, actual_length))
return activity_periods
# Function to count contributors and their activity dates with a minimum contribution filter
def count_contributors(repo_path, branch, mailmap, exclusions, delta, window, granularity):
repo = Repo(repo_path)
contributors = defaultdict(set)
if delta:
since = - delta
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(branch, since=since.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(branch))
total_commits = len(commits)
print(f"Analyzing {total_commits} commits...")
# Iterating over commits in the specified branch
for i, commit in enumerate(commits, start=1):
commit_date =
contributor =
# Using mailmap to resolve duplicate contributors
contributor = mailmap.get(contributor,
# Check if the contributor is not in the exclusions list
if not any(exclusion in contributor for exclusion in exclusions):
# Print progress every 10% of the total commits
if i % (total_commits // 10) == 0 or i == total_commits:
print(f"Processed {i}/{total_commits} commits ({(i / total_commits) * 100:.1f}%)")
return process_activity_periods(contributors, window, granularity)
# Function to plot the data
def plot_contributors(activity_periods, less_than_year=False):
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 20))
color_map ='hsv', len(activity_periods) + 1)
y_labels = []
y_ticks = []
min_date = min(period[0] for periods in activity_periods.values() for period in periods)
max_date = max(period[1] for periods in activity_periods.values() for period in periods)
# Drawing bars for activity periods
for i, (contributor, periods) in enumerate(activity_periods.items()):
print(f"Contributor: {contributor}")
for start_date, end_date, duration in periods:
print(f" Activity period: {start_date} to {end_date}. Duration: {duration}")
plt.barh(i, (end_date - start_date).days, left=start_date, height=0.4, color=color_map(i), edgecolor='black')
# Adding horizontal lines for better readability
linewidth = 1.0 if i % 10 == 0 else 0.5
plt.axhline(i, color='gray', linestyle='--', linewidth=linewidth)
# Adding gray vertical lines at the start of each year and labeling them
current_year = min_date.year
year_positions = []
while current_year <= max_date.year:
year_start = datetime(current_year, 1, 1)
plt.axvline(year_start, color='gray', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.8)
current_year += 1
plt.yticks(y_ticks, y_labels)
plt.title('Continuous Contribution Periods of Contributors')
if less_than_year:
# Setting less frequent date ticks on x-axis and adding year labels
[datetime(year, 1, 1).strftime('%Y') for year in range(min_date.year, max_date.year + 1)])
plt.ylim(-1, len(activity_periods))
# Calculate the total duration and buffer
total_duration = (max_date - min_date).days
buffer_days = int(total_duration * 0.01) # 1% of the total duration
buffer = timedelta(days=buffer_days)
plt.xlim(min_date - buffer, max_date + buffer)
def aggregate_contributors_by_time(activity_periods):
unique_dates = set()
end_dates = set()
for periods in activity_periods.values():
for start_date, end_date, _ in periods:
sorted_dates = sorted(unique_dates)
contributor_count_by_date = defaultdict(int)
for date in sorted_dates:
for periods in activity_periods.values():
for start_date, end_date, _ in periods:
if start_date <= date <= end_date:
contributor_count_by_date[date] += 1
if date in end_dates:
contributor_count_by_date[date] -= 1
return sorted(contributor_count_by_date.items())
def plot_contributor_count_over_time(aggregated_data):
Plots the number of contributors over time using a bar chart.
aggregated_data: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains a date and the corresponding number of contributors on that date.
dates, counts = zip(*aggregated_data) # Unzip the date and count tuples
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 6))
# Define a color map for different counts
unique_counts = sorted(set(counts))
color_map ='tab20', len(unique_counts))
count_to_color = {count: color_map(i) for i, count in enumerate(unique_counts)}
for i in range(len(dates) - 1):
start_date = dates[i]
end_date = dates[i + 1]
count = counts[i]
width = (end_date - start_date).days, count, width=width, align='edge', edgecolor='black', color=count_to_color[count])
# Set x-axis major locator and formatter
# Set y-axis to have a step size of 1
# Set axis labels and title
plt.ylabel('Number of Contributors')
plt.title('Number of Contributors Over Time')
# Calculate the total duration and buffer for x-axis
min_date = min(dates)
max_date = max(dates)
total_duration = (max_date - min_date).days
buffer_days = int(total_duration * 0.01) # 1% of the total duration
buffer = timedelta(days=buffer_days)
plt.xlim(min_date - buffer, max_date + buffer)
# Add buffer for y-axis
max_count = max(counts)
y_buffer = max_count * 0.01 # 1% of the maximum count
plt.ylim(-y_buffer, max_count + y_buffer)
# Path to the specified repository
repo_path = 'tribler'
branch = 'main'
exclusions = ["dependabot", "snyk", "tribler-ci"]
# Parsing the .mailmap file
mailmap = parse_mailmap(repo_path)
# Analyzing the repository for continuous contribution periods
activity_periods = count_contributors(repo_path, branch, mailmap, exclusions, delta=timedelta(days=365 * 30),
window=timedelta(days=90), granularity=30)
contribution_duration = 2
activity_periods = dict(
(c, p) for c, p in activity_periods.items() if sum(d for sd, ed, d in p) >= contribution_duration)
# Plotting the contribution activity on the graph
plot_contributors(activity_periods, less_than_year=False)
# Aggregate contributor data by time
aggregated_data = aggregate_contributors_by_time(activity_periods)
# Plotting the number of contributors over time
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