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Last active August 26, 2019 04:43
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Queen's Attack II With Declarative Emphasis
import Foundation
// ==========================================================================
// My Solution
// ==========================================================================
struct Position {
let row: Int
let column: Int
enum Direction: CaseIterable {
case up, down, left, right
case upLeft, upRight, downLeft, downRight
// Filter out obstacles that are not in this direction from the given queen
func filterOutIrrelevantObstacles(for queen: Position) -> (Position) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .up:
return { $0.column == queen.column && $0.row > queen.row }
case .down:
return { $0.column == queen.column && $0.row < queen.row }
case .left:
return { $0.row == queen.row && $0.column < queen.column }
case .right:
return { $0.row == queen.row && $0.column > queen.column }
case .upLeft:
return { ($0.row + $0.column) == (queen.row + queen.column) && $0.column < queen.column }
case .downRight:
return { ($0.row + $0.column) == (queen.row + queen.column) && $0.column > queen.column }
case .upRight:
return { ($0.row - $0.column) == (queen.row - queen.column) && $0.column > queen.column }
case .downLeft:
return { ($0.row - $0.column) == (queen.row - queen.column) && $0.column < queen.column }
// A position at the edge of the board in this direction
func distantPosition(from queen: Position, size: Int) -> Position {
switch self {
case .up:
return Position(row: size + 1, column: queen.column)
case .down:
return Position(row: 0, column: queen.column)
case .left:
return Position(row: queen.row, column: 0)
case .right:
return Position(row: queen.row, column: size + 1)
case .downRight:
return Position(row: 0, column: size + 1)
case .downLeft:
return Position(row: 0, column: 0)
case .upLeft:
return Position(row: size + 1, column: 0)
case .upRight:
return Position(row: size + 1, column: size + 1)
// Closure to choose the closets of two positions
var chooseClosest: (_ left: Position, _ right: Position) -> Position {
switch self {
case .up, .upLeft, .upRight:
return { $0.row < $1.row ? $0 : $1 }
case .down, .left, .right, .downLeft, .downRight:
return { $0.row > $1.row ? $0 : $1 }
// The key path(s) to check for shortest distance
var distanceKeyPaths: [KeyPath<Position, Int>] {
switch self {
case .up, .down:
return [\Position.row]
case .left, .right:
return [\Position.column]
case .upLeft, .downLeft, .upRight, .downRight:
return [\Position.row,\Position.column]
// Complete the queensAttack function below.
func queensAttack(n: Int, k: Int, r_q: Int, c_q: Int, obstacles: [[Int]]) -> Int {
// Improve names to be more readable
let queen = Position(row: r_q, column: c_q)
let obstacles = obstacles
.map({ Position(row: $0[0], column: $0[1]) })
// Filter out any irrelevant obstacles
let sameColumn = $0.column == queen.column
let sameRow = $0.row == queen.row
let diagonalTopLeftToBottomRight = ($0.row + $0.column) == (queen.row + queen.column)
let diagonalBottomLeftToTopRight = ($0.row - $0.column) == (queen.row - queen.column)
return sameColumn || sameRow || diagonalTopLeftToBottomRight || diagonalBottomLeftToTopRight
// Calculate the number of open spaces between two rows or two columns
func openSpacesBetween(_ left: Int, and right: Int) -> Int {
guard left != right else { return 0 }
return abs(left - right) - 1
return Direction.allCases
.map({ direction in
let position: Position = obstacles
.filter(direction.filterOutIrrelevantObstacles(for: queen))
.reduce(direction.distantPosition(from: queen, size: n), direction.chooseClosest)
return direction.distanceKeyPaths
.map({ openSpacesBetween(queen[keyPath: $0], and: position[keyPath: $0]) })
.reduce(.max, min) as Int
.reduce(0, +)
// ==========================================================================
// Testing
// ==========================================================================
struct TestCase: CustomStringConvertible {
let n: Int
let r_q: Int
let c_q: Int
let obstacles: [[Int]]
let expectation: Int
var description: String {
enum Kind {
case obstacle
case queen
case none
var board = [[Kind]](
repeating: [Kind](repeating: .none, count: self.n),
count: self.n
board[r_q - 1][c_q - 1] = .queen
for next in self.obstacles {
board[next[0] - 1][next[1] - 1] = .obstacle
var output = ""
for row in (1 ... self.n).reversed() {
output += "\(row)"
for column in 1 ... self.n {
output += " "
switch board[row - 1][column - 1] {
case .queen:
output += "Q"
case .obstacle:
output += "X"
case .none:
output += "_"
if row != 1 {
output += "\n"
output += "\n\n "
for column in 1 ... self.n {
output += " \(column)"
return output
let cases = [
// Central
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [], expectation: 16),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5]], expectation: 15),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2]], expectation: 13),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3]], expectation: 11),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3],[1, 5]], expectation: 10),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3],[1, 5],[3, 5]], expectation: 9),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3],[1, 5],[3, 5],[3, 1]], expectation: 8),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3],[1, 5],[3, 5],[3, 1],[5,3]], expectation: 7),
TestCase(n: 5, r_q: 3, c_q: 3, obstacles: [[5, 5],[4, 2],[2, 3],[1, 5],[3, 5],[3, 1],[5,3],[1,1]], expectation: 6),
// Special
TestCase(n: 1, r_q: 1, c_q: 1, obstacles: [], expectation: 0),
TestCase(n: 4, r_q: 4, c_q: 4, obstacles: [], expectation: 9),
// Other
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 1, c_q: 1, obstacles: [], expectation: 3),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 1, c_q: 2, obstacles: [], expectation: 3),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 2, c_q: 1, obstacles: [], expectation: 3),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 2, c_q: 2, obstacles: [], expectation: 3),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 1, c_q: 1, obstacles: [[1,2],[2,1],[2,2]], expectation: 0),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 1, c_q: 2, obstacles: [[1,1],[2,1],[2,2]], expectation: 0),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 2, c_q: 1, obstacles: [[1,1],[1,2],[2,2]], expectation: 0),
TestCase(n: 2, r_q: 2, c_q: 2, obstacles: [[1,1],[1,2],[2,1]], expectation: 0),
var successful = true
for (index, next) in cases.enumerated() {
let result = queensAttack(n: next.n, k: next.obstacles.count, r_q: next.r_q, c_q: next.c_q, obstacles: next.obstacles)
if result != next.expectation {
print("\(index) Failed")
print("Expected \(next.expectation) but got \(result)")
successful = false
if successful {
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