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Last active October 11, 2019 14:43
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ADK Group eslint file for react web and native projects
"extends": [
“overrides”: [
"arrow-parens": ["error", "always"] //
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
'use strict';
// Inspired by but less opinionated.
// We use eslint-loader so even warnings are very visible.
// This is why we only use "WARNING" level for potential errors,
// and we don't use "ERROR" level at all.
// In the future, we might create a separate list of rules for production.
// It would probably be more strict.
// The ESLint browser environment defines all browser globals as valid,
// even though most people don't know some of them exist (e.g. `name` or `status`).
// This is dangerous as it hides accidentally undefined variables.
// We blacklist the globals that we deem potentially confusing.
// To use them, explicitly reference them, e.g. `` or `window.status`.
const restrictedGlobals = require('confusing-browser-globals');
module.exports = {
root: true,
parser: 'babel-eslint',
plugins: ['import', 'flowtype', 'jsx-a11y', 'react', 'react-hooks'],
env: {
browser: true,
commonjs: true,
es6: true,
jest: true,
node: true,
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2018,
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
settings: {
react: {
version: 'detect',
overrides: [
files: ['**/*.ts?(x)'],
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2018,
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
// typescript-eslint specific options
warnOnUnsupportedTypeScriptVersion: true,
plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'],
// If adding a typescript-eslint version of an existing ESLint rule,
// make sure to disable the ESLint rule here.
rules: {
// TypeScript's `noFallthroughCasesInSwitch` option is more robust (#6906)
'default-case': 'off',
// 'tsc' already handles this (
'no-dupe-class-members': 'off',
// 'tsc' already handles this (
'no-undef': 'off',
// Add TypeScript specific rules (and turn off ESLint equivalents)
'@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions': 'warn',
'no-array-constructor': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-array-constructor': 'warn',
'@typescript-eslint/no-namespace': 'error',
'no-use-before-define': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define': [
functions: false,
classes: false,
variables: false,
typedefs: false,
'no-unused-vars': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
args: 'none',
ignoreRestSiblings: true,
'no-useless-constructor': 'off',
'@typescript-eslint/no-useless-constructor': 'warn',
// NOTE: When adding rules here, you need to make sure they are compatible with
// `typescript-eslint`, as some rules such as `no-array-constructor` aren't compatible.
rules: {
'array-callback-return': 'warn',
'default-case': ['warn', { commentPattern: '^no default$' }],
'dot-location': ['warn', 'property'],
eqeqeq: ['warn', 'smart'],
'new-parens': 'warn',
'no-array-constructor': 'warn',
'no-caller': 'warn',
'no-cond-assign': ['warn', 'except-parens'],
'no-const-assign': 'warn',
'no-control-regex': 'warn',
'no-delete-var': 'warn',
'no-dupe-args': 'warn',
'no-dupe-class-members': 'warn',
'no-dupe-keys': 'warn',
'no-duplicate-case': 'warn',
'no-empty-character-class': 'warn',
'no-empty-pattern': 'warn',
'no-eval': 'warn',
'no-ex-assign': 'warn',
'no-extend-native': 'warn',
'no-extra-bind': 'warn',
'no-extra-label': 'warn',
'no-fallthrough': 'warn',
'no-func-assign': 'warn',
'no-implied-eval': 'warn',
'no-invalid-regexp': 'warn',
'no-iterator': 'warn',
'no-label-var': 'warn',
'no-labels': ['warn', { allowLoop: true, allowSwitch: false }],
'no-lone-blocks': 'warn',
'no-loop-func': 'warn',
'no-mixed-operators': [
groups: [
['&', '|', '^', '~', '<<', '>>', '>>>'],
['==', '!=', '===', '!==', '>', '>=', '<', '<='],
['&&', '||'],
['in', 'instanceof'],
allowSamePrecedence: false,
'no-multi-str': 'warn',
'no-native-reassign': 'warn',
'no-negated-in-lhs': 'warn',
'no-new-func': 'warn',
'no-new-object': 'warn',
'no-new-symbol': 'warn',
'no-new-wrappers': 'warn',
'no-obj-calls': 'warn',
'no-octal': 'warn',
'no-octal-escape': 'warn',
// TODO: Remove this option in the next major release of CRA.
'no-redeclare': ['warn', { builtinGlobals: false }],
'no-regex-spaces': 'warn',
'no-restricted-syntax': ['warn', 'WithStatement'],
'no-script-url': 'warn',
'no-self-assign': 'warn',
'no-self-compare': 'warn',
'no-sequences': 'warn',
'no-shadow-restricted-names': 'warn',
'no-sparse-arrays': 'warn',
'no-template-curly-in-string': 'warn',
'no-this-before-super': 'warn',
'no-throw-literal': 'warn',
'no-undef': 'error',
'no-restricted-globals': ['error'].concat(restrictedGlobals),
'no-unexpected-multiline': 'warn',
'no-unreachable': 'warn',
'no-unused-expressions': [
allowShortCircuit: true,
allowTernary: true,
allowTaggedTemplates: true,
'no-unused-labels': 'warn',
'no-unused-vars': [
args: 'none',
ignoreRestSiblings: true,
'no-use-before-define': [
functions: false,
classes: false,
variables: false,
'no-useless-computed-key': 'warn',
'no-useless-concat': 'warn',
'no-useless-constructor': 'warn',
'no-useless-escape': 'warn',
'no-useless-rename': [
ignoreDestructuring: false,
ignoreImport: false,
ignoreExport: false,
'no-with': 'warn',
'no-whitespace-before-property': 'warn',
'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps': 'warn',
'require-yield': 'warn',
'rest-spread-spacing': ['warn', 'never'],
strict: ['warn', 'never'],
'unicode-bom': ['warn', 'never'],
'use-isnan': 'warn',
'valid-typeof': 'warn',
'no-restricted-properties': [
object: 'require',
property: 'ensure',
'Please use import() instead. More info:',
object: 'System',
property: 'import',
'Please use import() instead. More info:',
'getter-return': 'warn',
'import/first': 'error',
'import/no-amd': 'error',
'import/no-webpack-loader-syntax': 'error',
'react/forbid-foreign-prop-types': ['warn', { allowInPropTypes: true }],
'react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes': 'warn',
'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props': 'warn',
'react/jsx-no-target-blank': 'warn',
'react/jsx-no-undef': 'error',
'react/jsx-pascal-case': [
allowAllCaps: true,
ignore: [],
'react/jsx-uses-react': 'warn',
'react/jsx-uses-vars': 'warn',
'react/no-danger-with-children': 'warn',
// Disabled because of undesirable warnings
// See for
// blockers until its re-enabled
// 'react/no-deprecated': 'warn',
'react/no-direct-mutation-state': 'warn',
'react/no-is-mounted': 'warn',
'react/no-typos': 'error',
'react/react-in-jsx-scope': 'error',
'react/require-render-return': 'error',
'react/style-prop-object': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/accessible-emoji': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/alt-text': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid': [
aspects: ['noHref', 'invalidHref'],
'jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/aria-props': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/aria-proptypes': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/aria-role': ['warn', { ignoreNonDOM: true }],
'jsx-a11y/aria-unsupported-elements': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/heading-has-content': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/no-access-key': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/role-has-required-aria-props': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/role-supports-aria-props': 'warn',
'jsx-a11y/scope': 'warn',
'react-hooks/rules-of-hooks': 'error',
'flowtype/define-flow-type': 'warn',
'flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation': 'warn',
'flowtype/use-flow-type': 'warn',
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format
module.exports = {
env: {
es6: true,
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'module',
extends: [
'plugin:prettier/recommended', //
plugins: [
settings: {
react: {
version: 'detect',
overrides: [
files: ['*.js'],
parser: 'babel-eslint',
plugins: ['flowtype'],
rules: {
// Flow Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-flowtype`
'flowtype/define-flow-type': 1,
'flowtype/use-flow-type': 1,
files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
plugins: ['@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin'],
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
{argsIgnorePattern: '^_'},
'no-unused-vars': 'off',
files: [
env: {
jest: true,
'jest/globals': true,
// Map from global var to bool specifying if it can be redefined
globals: {
__DEV__: true,
__dirname: false,
__fbBatchedBridgeConfig: false,
alert: false,
cancelAnimationFrame: false,
cancelIdleCallback: false,
clearImmediate: true,
clearInterval: false,
clearTimeout: false,
console: false,
document: false,
ErrorUtils: false,
escape: false,
Event: false,
EventTarget: false,
exports: false,
fetch: false,
FormData: false,
global: false,
Map: true,
module: false,
navigator: false,
process: false,
Promise: true,
requestAnimationFrame: true,
requestIdleCallback: true,
require: false,
Set: true,
setImmediate: true,
setInterval: false,
setTimeout: false,
window: false,
XMLHttpRequest: false,
rules: {
// General
'comma-dangle': [1, 'always-multiline'], // allow or disallow trailing commas
'no-cond-assign': 1, // disallow assignment in conditional expressions
'no-console': 0, // disallow use of console (off by default in the node environment)
'no-const-assign': 2, // disallow assignment to const-declared variables
'no-constant-condition': 0, // disallow use of constant expressions in conditions
'no-control-regex': 1, // disallow control characters in regular expressions
'no-debugger': 1, // disallow use of debugger
'no-dupe-class-members': 2, // Disallow duplicate name in class members
'no-dupe-keys': 2, // disallow duplicate keys when creating object literals
'no-empty': 0, // disallow empty statements
'no-ex-assign': 1, // disallow assigning to the exception in a catch block
'no-extra-boolean-cast': 1, // disallow double-negation boolean casts in a boolean context
'no-extra-parens': 0, // disallow unnecessary parentheses (off by default)
'no-extra-semi': 1, // disallow unnecessary semicolons
'no-func-assign': 1, // disallow overwriting functions written as function declarations
'no-inner-declarations': 0, // disallow function or variable declarations in nested blocks
'no-invalid-regexp': 1, // disallow invalid regular expression strings in the RegExp constructor
'no-negated-in-lhs': 1, // disallow negation of the left operand of an in expression
'no-obj-calls': 1, // disallow the use of object properties of the global object (Math and JSON) as functions
'no-regex-spaces': 1, // disallow multiple spaces in a regular expression literal
'no-reserved-keys': 0, // disallow reserved words being used as object literal keys (off by default)
'no-sparse-arrays': 1, // disallow sparse arrays
'no-unreachable': 2, // disallow unreachable statements after a return, throw, continue, or break statement
'use-isnan': 1, // disallow comparisons with the value NaN
'valid-jsdoc': 0, // Ensure JSDoc comments are valid (off by default)
'valid-typeof': 1, // Ensure that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string
// Best Practices
// These are rules designed to prevent you from making mistakes. They either prescribe a better way of doing something or help you avoid footguns.
'block-scoped-var': 0, // treat var statements as if they were block scoped (off by default)
complexity: 0, // specify the maximum cyclomatic complexity allowed in a program (off by default)
'consistent-return': 0, // require return statements to either always or never specify values
curly: 1, // specify curly brace conventions for all control statements
'default-case': 0, // require default case in switch statements (off by default)
'dot-notation': 1, // encourages use of dot notation whenever possible
eqeqeq: [1, 'allow-null'], // require the use of === and !==
'guard-for-in': 0, // make sure for-in loops have an if statement (off by default)
'no-alert': 1, // disallow the use of alert, confirm, and prompt
'no-caller': 1, // disallow use of arguments.caller or arguments.callee
'no-div-regex': 1, // disallow division operators explicitly at beginning of regular expression (off by default)
'no-else-return': 0, // disallow else after a return in an if (off by default)
'no-eq-null': 0, // disallow comparisons to null without a type-checking operator (off by default)
'no-eval': 2, // disallow use of eval()
'no-extend-native': 1, // disallow adding to native types
'no-extra-bind': 1, // disallow unnecessary function binding
'no-fallthrough': 1, // disallow fallthrough of case statements
'no-floating-decimal': 1, // disallow the use of leading or trailing decimal points in numeric literals (off by default)
'no-implied-eval': 1, // disallow use of eval()-like methods
'no-labels': 1, // disallow use of labeled statements
'no-iterator': 1, // disallow usage of __iterator__ property
'no-lone-blocks': 1, // disallow unnecessary nested blocks
'no-loop-func': 0, // disallow creation of functions within loops
'no-multi-str': 0, // disallow use of multiline strings
'no-native-reassign': 0, // disallow reassignments of native objects
'no-new': 1, // disallow use of new operator when not part of the assignment or comparison
'no-new-func': 2, // disallow use of new operator for Function object
'no-new-wrappers': 1, // disallows creating new instances of String,Number, and Boolean
'no-octal': 1, // disallow use of octal literals
'no-octal-escape': 1, // disallow use of octal escape sequences in string literals, such as var foo = "Copyright \251";
'no-proto': 1, // disallow usage of __proto__ property
'no-redeclare': 0, // disallow declaring the same variable more then once
'no-return-assign': 1, // disallow use of assignment in return statement
'no-script-url': 1, // disallow use of javascript: urls.
'no-self-compare': 1, // disallow comparisons where both sides are exactly the same (off by default)
'no-sequences': 1, // disallow use of comma operator
'no-unused-expressions': 0, // disallow usage of expressions in statement position
'no-void': 1, // disallow use of void operator (off by default)
'no-warning-comments': 0, // disallow usage of configurable warning terms in comments": 1, // e.g. TODO or FIXME (off by default)
'no-with': 1, // disallow use of the with statement
radix: 1, // require use of the second argument for parseInt() (off by default)
'semi-spacing': 1, // require a space after a semi-colon
'vars-on-top': 0, // requires to declare all vars on top of their containing scope (off by default)
'wrap-iife': 0, // require immediate function invocation to be wrapped in parentheses (off by default)
yoda: 1, // require or disallow Yoda conditions
// Variables
// These rules have to do with variable declarations.
'no-catch-shadow': 1, // disallow the catch clause parameter name being the same as a variable in the outer scope (off by default in the node environment)
'no-delete-var': 1, // disallow deletion of variables
'no-label-var': 1, // disallow labels that share a name with a variable
'no-shadow': 1, // disallow declaration of variables already declared in the outer scope
'no-shadow-restricted-names': 1, // disallow shadowing of names such as arguments
'no-undef': 2, // disallow use of undeclared variables unless mentioned in a /*global */ block
'no-undefined': 0, // disallow use of undefined variable (off by default)
'no-undef-init': 1, // disallow use of undefined when initializing variables
'no-unused-vars': [
{vars: 'all', args: 'none', ignoreRestSiblings: true},
], // disallow declaration of variables that are not used in the code
'no-use-before-define': 0, // disallow use of variables before they are defined
// Node.js
// These rules are specific to JavaScript running on Node.js.
'handle-callback-err': 1, // enforces error handling in callbacks (off by default) (on by default in the node environment)
'no-mixed-requires': 1, // disallow mixing regular variable and require declarations (off by default) (on by default in the node environment)
'no-new-require': 1, // disallow use of new operator with the require function (off by default) (on by default in the node environment)
'no-path-concat': 1, // disallow string concatenation with __dirname and __filename (off by default) (on by default in the node environment)
'no-process-exit': 0, // disallow process.exit() (on by default in the node environment)
'no-restricted-modules': 1, // restrict usage of specified node modules (off by default)
'no-sync': 0, // disallow use of synchronous methods (off by default)
// ESLint Comments Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-eslint-comments`
'eslint-comments/no-aggregating-enable': 1, // disallows eslint-enable comments for multiple eslint-disable comments
'eslint-comments/no-unlimited-disable': 1, // disallows eslint-disable comments without rule names
'eslint-comments/no-unused-disable': 1, // disallow disables that don't cover any errors
'eslint-comments/no-unused-enable': 1, // // disallow enables that don't enable anything or enable rules that weren't disabled
// Stylistic Issues
// These rules are purely matters of style and are quite subjective.
'key-spacing': 0,
'keyword-spacing': 1, // enforce spacing before and after keywords
'jsx-quotes': [1, 'prefer-double'], // enforces the usage of double quotes for all JSX attribute values which doesn’t contain a double quote
'comma-spacing': 0,
'no-multi-spaces': 0,
'brace-style': 0, // enforce one true brace style (off by default)
camelcase: 0, // require camel case names
'consistent-this': 1, // enforces consistent naming when capturing the current execution context (off by default)
'eol-last': 1, // enforce newline at the end of file, with no multiple empty lines
'func-names': 0, // require function expressions to have a name (off by default)
'func-style': 0, // enforces use of function declarations or expressions (off by default)
'new-cap': 0, // require a capital letter for constructors
'new-parens': 1, // disallow the omission of parentheses when invoking a constructor with no arguments
'no-nested-ternary': 0, // disallow nested ternary expressions (off by default)
'no-array-constructor': 1, // disallow use of the Array constructor
'no-empty-character-class': 1, // disallow the use of empty character classes in regular expressions
'no-lonely-if': 0, // disallow if as the only statement in an else block (off by default)
'no-new-object': 1, // disallow use of the Object constructor
'no-spaced-func': 1, // disallow space between function identifier and application
'no-ternary': 0, // disallow the use of ternary operators (off by default)
'no-trailing-spaces': 1, // disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines
'no-underscore-dangle': 0, // disallow dangling underscores in identifiers
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': 1, // disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation
quotes: [1, 'single', 'avoid-escape'], // specify whether double or single quotes should be used
'quote-props': 0, // require quotes around object literal property names (off by default)
semi: 1, // require or disallow use of semicolons instead of ASI
'sort-vars': 0, // sort variables within the same declaration block (off by default)
'space-in-brackets': 0, // require or disallow spaces inside brackets (off by default)
'space-in-parens': 0, // require or disallow spaces inside parentheses (off by default)
'space-infix-ops': 1, // require spaces around operators
'space-unary-ops': [1, {words: true, nonwords: false}], // require or disallow spaces before/after unary operators (words on by default, nonwords off by default)
'max-nested-callbacks': 0, // specify the maximum depth callbacks can be nested (off by default)
'one-var': 0, // allow just one var statement per function (off by default)
'wrap-regex': 0, // require regex literals to be wrapped in parentheses (off by default)
// Legacy
// The following rules are included for compatibility with JSHint and JSLint. While the names of the rules may not match up with the JSHint/JSLint counterpart, the functionality is the same.
'max-depth': 0, // specify the maximum depth that blocks can be nested (off by default)
'max-len': 0, // specify the maximum length of a line in your program (off by default)
'max-params': 0, // limits the number of parameters that can be used in the function declaration. (off by default)
'max-statements': 0, // specify the maximum number of statement allowed in a function (off by default)
'no-bitwise': 1, // disallow use of bitwise operators (off by default)
'no-plusplus': 0, // disallow use of unary operators, ++ and -- (off by default)
// React Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-react`.
'react/display-name': 0,
'react/jsx-boolean-value': 0,
'react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes': 1,
'react/jsx-no-duplicate-props': 2,
'react/jsx-no-undef': 2,
'react/jsx-sort-props': 0,
'react/jsx-uses-react': 1,
'react/jsx-uses-vars': 1,
'react/no-did-mount-set-state': 1,
'react/no-did-update-set-state': 1,
'react/no-multi-comp': 0,
'react/no-string-refs': 1,
'react/no-unknown-property': 0,
'react/prop-types': 0,
'react/react-in-jsx-scope': 1,
'react/self-closing-comp': 1,
'react/wrap-multilines': 0,
// React-Hooks Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-react-hooks`
'react-hooks/rules-of-hooks': 'error',
'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps': 'error',
// React-Native Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-react-native`
'react-native/no-inline-styles': 1,
// Jest Plugin
// The following rules are made available via `eslint-plugin-jest`.
'jest/no-disabled-tests': 1,
'jest/no-focused-tests': 1,
'jest/no-identical-title': 1,
'jest/valid-expect': 1,
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As long as we are standardizing around a linting/prettifier configuration and developers no longer going to prettify/lint files with local editor settings. I don't see an issue with semi: 0 myself

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Consider adding with "emotion/styled-import": 2

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