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Created August 10, 2020 23:05
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with hourly_pressure as (
t as date_time
, t::date as date_day
, hour(t) as date_hour
, v:main:pressure::int as pressure_mbars
, pressure_mbars / 1000.0 as pressure_bars
, as country
, as city
, lag(pressure_bars) over (
partition by country, city
order by t
) as t1h_pressure_bars
, max(pressure_bars) over (
partition by country, city
order by t
rows between 35 preceding and current row
) as t36h_max_pressure_bars
, max(pressure_bars) over (
partition by country, city
order by t
rows between 23 preceding and current row
) as t24h_max_pressure_bars
, case
when t1h_pressure_bars > pressure_bars then -1
when t1h_pressure_bars < pressure_bars then 1
else 0
end as pressure_change_direction
where t > '2020-08-01'
and = 'US'
and = 'Philadelphia'
, pressure_bars - t36h_max_pressure_bars as t36h_pressure_delta
, pressure_bars - t24h_max_pressure_bars as t24h_pressure_delta
, avg(t1h_pressure_bars) over (
partition by country, city
order by date_time
rows between 11 preceding and current row
) as t12_avg_hourly_pressure_delta
, sum(case when pressure_change_direction = -1 then 1 else 0 end) over (
partition by country, city
order by date_time
rows between 23 preceding and current row
) as last_24h_hours_with_negative_pressure_delta
from hourly_pressure
order by 1
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