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Created February 10, 2021 15:31
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This macro overrides the default get_catalog macro for BigQuery. It extends dbt's catalog generation logic to "squash" date sharded tables with date suffixes that are shorter than 8 characters. With this change, date sharded tables that contain 6-character date shard suffixes will be "squashed" into a single record in the catalog result set.


  • my_date_shard_202001
  • my_date_shard_202002
  • my_date_shard_202003
  • my_date_shard_202004

Without this override, dbt would treat each of these date shards as separate tables. dbt will then try to fetch statistics for every single shard, then it will store those stats in the catalog.json file. With this override, the 4 tables above will be "squashed" into a single record (my_date_shard) to drastically reduce the amount of data returned to dbt (and reduce memory / cpu / disk usage)

Note: the changed code is around line 32 in the catalog macro override. Place this macro in a file called macros/bigquery_catalog_override.sql to override dbt's internal catalog macro from your own project.


# models/sources.yml

version: 2

  - name: 'my_dataset'
      - name: 'my_date_shard*'
{% macro bigquery__get_catalog(information_schema, schemas) -%}
{%- if (schemas | length) == 0 -%}
{# Hopefully nothing cares about the columns we return when there are no rows #}
{%- set query = "select 1 as id limit 0" -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set query -%}
with tables as (
project_id as table_database,
dataset_id as table_schema,
table_id as original_table_name,
concat(project_id, '.', dataset_id, '.', table_id) as relation_id,
size_bytes as size_bytes,
when type = 1 then 'table'
when type = 2 then 'view'
else 'external'
end as table_type,
-- Original logic; depends on 8-digit date suffix
REGEXP_CONTAINS(table_id, '^.+[0-9]{8}$') and coalesce(type, 0) = 1 as is_date_shard,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(table_id, '^(.+)[0-9]{8}$') as shard_base_name,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(table_id, '^.+([0-9]{8})$') as shard_name
-- New logic; supports >= 1 digit date suffix
REGEXP_CONTAINS(table_id, '^.*[^0-9][0-9]+$') and coalesce(type, 0) = 1 as is_date_shard,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(table_id, '^(.*)[^0-9][0-9]+$') as shard_base_name,
REGEXP_EXTRACT(table_id, '^.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)$') as shard_name
from {{ information_schema.replace(information_schema_view='__TABLES__') }}
where (
{%- for schema in schemas -%}
upper(dataset_id) = upper('{{ schema }}'){%- if not loop.last %} or {% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
extracted as (
select *,
when is_date_shard then shard_base_name
else original_table_name
end as table_name
from tables
unsharded_tables as (
coalesce(table_type, 'external') as table_type,
min(shard_name) as shard_min,
max(shard_name) as shard_max,
count(*) as shard_count
) as table_shards,
sum(size_bytes) as size_bytes,
sum(row_count) as row_count,
max(relation_id) as relation_id
from extracted
group by 1,2,3,4,5
info_schema_columns as (
concat(table_catalog, '.', table_schema, '.', table_name) as relation_id,
table_catalog as table_database,
-- use the "real" column name from the paths query below
column_name as base_column_name,
ordinal_position as column_index,
from {{ information_schema.replace(information_schema_view='COLUMNS') }}
where ordinal_position is not null
info_schema_column_paths as (
concat(table_catalog, '.', table_schema, '.', table_name) as relation_id,
field_path as column_name,
data_type as column_type,
column_name as base_column_name,
description as column_comment
from {{ information_schema.replace(information_schema_view='COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS') }}
columns as (
select * except (base_column_name)
from info_schema_columns
join info_schema_column_paths using (relation_id, base_column_name)
column_stats as (
max(relation_id) as relation_id,
max(case when is_partitioning_column = 'YES' then 1 else 0 end) = 1 as is_partitioned,
max(case when is_partitioning_column = 'YES' then column_name else null end) as partition_column,
max(case when clustering_ordinal_position is not null then 1 else 0 end) = 1 as is_clustered,
when clustering_ordinal_position is not null then column_name
else null
end ignore nulls
order by clustering_ordinal_position
), ', '
) as clustering_columns
from columns
group by 1,2,3
when is_date_shard then concat(unsharded_tables.table_name, '*')
else unsharded_tables.table_name
end as table_name,
-- coalesce name and type for External tables - these columns are not
-- present in the COLUMN_FIELD_PATHS resultset
coalesce(columns.column_name, '<unknown>') as column_name,
-- invent a row number to account for nested fields -- BQ does
-- not treat these nested properties as independent fields
row_number() over (
partition by relation_id
order by columns.column_index, columns.column_name
) as column_index,
coalesce(columns.column_type, '<unknown>') as column_type,
'Shard count' as `stats__date_shards__label`,
table_shards.shard_count as `stats__date_shards__value`,
'The number of date shards in this table' as `stats__date_shards__description`,
is_date_shard as `stats__date_shards__include`,
'Shard (min)' as `stats__date_shard_min__label`,
table_shards.shard_min as `stats__date_shard_min__value`,
'The first date shard in this table' as `stats__date_shard_min__description`,
is_date_shard as `stats__date_shard_min__include`,
'Shard (max)' as `stats__date_shard_max__label`,
table_shards.shard_max as `stats__date_shard_max__value`,
'The last date shard in this table' as `stats__date_shard_max__description`,
is_date_shard as `stats__date_shard_max__include`,
'# Rows' as `stats__num_rows__label`,
row_count as `stats__num_rows__value`,
'Approximate count of rows in this table' as `stats__num_rows__description`,
(unsharded_tables.table_type = 'table') as `stats__num_rows__include`,
'Approximate Size' as `stats__num_bytes__label`,
size_bytes as `stats__num_bytes__value`,
'Approximate size of table as reported by BigQuery' as `stats__num_bytes__description`,
(unsharded_tables.table_type = 'table') as `stats__num_bytes__include`,
'Partitioned By' as `stats__partitioning_type__label`,
partition_column as `stats__partitioning_type__value`,
'The partitioning column for this table' as `stats__partitioning_type__description`,
is_partitioned as `stats__partitioning_type__include`,
'Clustered By' as `stats__clustering_fields__label`,
clustering_columns as `stats__clustering_fields__value`,
'The clustering columns for this table' as `stats__clustering_fields__description`,
is_clustered as `stats__clustering_fields__include`
-- join using relation_id (an actual relation, not a shard prefix) to make
-- sure that column metadata is picked up through the join. This will only
-- return the column information for the "max" table in a date-sharded table set
from unsharded_tables
left join columns using (relation_id)
left join column_stats using (relation_id)
{%- endset -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ return(run_query(query)) }}
{%- endmacro %}
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