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Created June 6, 2015 06:31
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  • Save drewbug/17a5d97e13233e64dd10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save drewbug/17a5d97e13233e64dd10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# create temporary auth key first via gui, then export your whole keyring and modify it
require 'digest'
unpatched = 'temp_auth.key'
unpatched_bytes = unpatched.bytes
packets = []
until unpatched_bytes.empty?
tag = unpatched_bytes.shift
case (tag & 0x03)
when 0
length = unpatched_bytes.shift(1)
count = length[0]
when 1
length = unpatched_bytes.shift(2)
count = length.pack('CC').unpack('n')[0]
body = unpatched_bytes.shift(count)
packet = [tag, length, body]
packets << packet
fail unless packets.count == 5
# primary key
primary_key = packets[0]
length = primary_key[1]
length.unshift(0) unless length.count == 2
primary_key[0] = 0x99
# subkey
subkey = packets[3]
length = subkey[1]
length.unshift(0) unless length.count == 2
subkey[0] = 0x99
# signature
sig = packets[4][2]
hashed_subpacket_data_count = sig[4..5].pack('CC').unpack('n')[0]
sig = sig[0,6+hashed_subpacket_data_count]
# trailer
trailer = [0x04, 0xFF, sig.length]
trailer.insert(2, 0) until trailer.length == 6
# hashyay
bytes_to_hash = [primary_key, subkey, sig, trailer]
to_hash = bytes_to_hash.flatten.pack('c*')
sha256 =
sha256.update to_hash
p sha256.hexdigest
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