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Created December 10, 2009 17:16
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Save drewdeponte/253491 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
select t.category as type, t.date_submitted as time, t.last_updated as changetime, as component, t.severity as severity, t.priority as priority, o.username as owner, u.username as reporter, '' as cc, '' as url, t.version as version, 'Pending' as milestone, t.status as status, t.resolution as resolution, t.summary as summary, HEX(tt.description) as decription, '' as keywords from mantis_bug_table as t INNER JOIN mantis_user_table as u ON = t.reporter_id LEFT JOIN mantis_project_table as p ON = t.project_id LEFT JOIN mantis_user_table as o ON = t.handler_id LEFT JOIN mantis_bug_text_table as tt ON = t.bug_text_id INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/mantistestshit3.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';
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