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Last active January 9, 2018 01:25
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  • Save drewdresser/8153408 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save drewdresser/8153408 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Grabs NBA play-by-play data for a given date range. Example usage: python 2013-12-24 2013-12-26
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib2 import urlopen
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
import sys
import csv
def make_soup(url):
return BeautifulSoup(urlopen(url), "lxml")
def get_games(date):
Gets all the play-by-play URLs for a given date (YYYYMMDD).
Fair warning: ESPN doesn't have play-by-play data for all games.
soup = make_soup(ESPN_URL +
games = soup.find_all("div",
{"class": lambda x: x and x.lower().endswith("expand-gamelinks")})
link_sets = [game.find_all("a") for game in games]
play_by_plays = []
for link_set in link_sets:
for link in link_set:
href = link.get("href")
if "playbyplay" in href:
return play_by_plays
def get_play_by_play(pbp_path, quarter):
"Returns the play-by-play data for a given game id."
soup = make_soup(ESPN_URL + pbp_path + "&period=" + quarter)
table = soup.find("table", "mod-data")
rows = [row.find_all("td") for row in table.find_all("tr",
lambda x: x in ("odd", "even"))]
data = []
for row in rows:
values = []
for value in row:
if value.string is None:
values.append(value.string.replace(u"\xa0", u""))
# handle timeouts being colspan=3
# repeat the timeout or note in the other columns
if len(values) != 4:
values = [values[0], values[1], values[1], values[1]]
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
START_DATE = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[1], "%Y-%m-%d")
END_DATE = datetime.strptime(sys.argv[2], "%Y-%m-%d")
except IndexError:
print "I need a start and end date ('YYYY-MM-DD')."
delta = timedelta(days=1)
while d <= END_DATE:
print "Getting data for: {0}".format(d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
games = get_games(d.strftime("%Y%m%d"))
for game in games:
game_id = game.lower().split("gameid=")[1]
for quarter in ['1','2','3','4']: #4 quarters in a game
write_style = "w" if quarter=="1" else "a" #create/overwrite if first quarter, append other quarters.
print "Writing data for game: {0}".format(game_id)
#Create the nba-play-data directory first, or any other directory you want the psv files to be saved in.
#my file is at /Users/Drew/Documents/nba-play-data/ as you can see below.
with open("/Users/Drew/Documents/nba-play-data/" + str( + "_" + game_id + ".psv", write_style) as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="|")
writer.writerow(["time", "away", "score", "home"])
writer.writerows(get_play_by_play(game, quarter))
except UnicodeEncodeError:
print "Unable to write data for game: {0}".format(game_id) + " quarter: {0}".format(quarter)
print "Moving on ..."
d += delta
sleep(2) # be nice
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