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Last active April 17, 2018 21:52
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Hand Rigging Project – This code automatically rigs a hand in Maya with help from the user
Drew Gillie Hand Rigging Project.
December 2016
This code is working there may be a few bugs in the mirroring portion of this
code depending on the version of Maya being used
if ( `window -exists MyWindow` ) {
deleteUI MyWindow; // delete window when it exists
string $myWindow = `window -title "Hand Rigging Tool" -widthHeight 300 310` ;
string $myForm = `formLayout -numberOfDivisions 10`;
string $HandButton = `button -label "1. Hand" -w 280 -h 40 -command "hand()"`;
string $ThumbButton = `button -label "2. Thumb" -w 130 -h 40 -command "thumb()" `;
string $PointerButton = `button -label "2. Pointer" -w 130 -h 40 -command "pointer()" `;
string $MiddleButton = `button -label "2. Middle" -w 130 -h 40 -command "middle()" `;
string $RingButton = `button -label "2. Ring" -w 130 -h 40 -command "ring()" `;
string $PinkyButton = `button -label "2. Pinky" -w 130 -h 40 -command "pinky()" `;
string $CreateJointButton = `button -label "4. Create Joint" -w 130 -h 40 -command "jointCreate()" `;
string $MirrorHandButton = `button -label "5. Mirror Hand" -w 130 -h 40 -command "mirrorHand()" `;
string $ControlCreateButton = `button -label "3. Control Create" -w 130 -h 40 -command "controlCreate()" `;
string $UserControlButton = `button -label "3. Use Prev Control" -w 130 -h 40 -command "userControl()" `;
formLayout -edit // need to move buttons around at later time {delete comment when done}
-attachForm $HandButton "top" 10
-attachForm $HandButton "left" 10
-attachForm $ThumbButton "top" 60
-attachForm $ThumbButton "left" 10
-attachForm $PointerButton "top" 110
-attachForm $PointerButton "left" 10
-attachForm $MiddleButton "top" 160
-attachForm $MiddleButton "left" 10
-attachForm $RingButton "top" 210
-attachForm $RingButton "left" 10
-attachForm $PinkyButton "top" 260
-attachForm $PinkyButton "left" 10
-attachForm $CreateJointButton "top" 160
-attachForm $CreateJointButton "right" 10
-attachForm $MirrorHandButton "top" 210
-attachForm $MirrorHandButton "right" 10
-attachForm $UserControlButton "top" 60
-attachForm $UserControlButton "right" 10
-attachForm $ControlCreateButton "top" 110
-attachForm $ControlCreateButton "right" 10
showWindow $myWindow;
/* Basically user will create hand control, then place in scene where the
wrist is located on character.
Then pressing button for each finger will create finger locators, which the y
and z values need to be gathered from the wrist and offset by some amount. */
global proc hand(){
spaceLocator -n "handLoc";
move -r 0 0 0; // hand
sets -n locSet handLoc; // creates selection set and adds first locator
global proc controlCreate(){ // creates hand ctrl curve and adds some attrs
curve -d 3 -p 0 0 4
-p 1 0 5
-p 2 0 5
-p 5 0 5
-p 10 0 2
-p 10 0 -4
-p 0 0 -4
-p 0 0 -4
-p 0 0 -4
-p 0 0 4 ;
$WTX = `getAttr "handLoc.tx"`;
$WTY = `getAttr "handLoc.ty"`;
$WTZ = `getAttr ""`;
rename "curve1" "L_handCtrl";
move -r ($WTX + 0) ($WTY + 2) ($WTZ + 0);
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
// attributes
addAttr -ln "__________" -at double -dv 0 L_handCtrl;
setAttr -e-channelBox true |L_handCtrl.__________;
global proc userControl(){ // creates hand ctrl curve and adds some attrs
$WTX = `getAttr "handLoc.tx"`;
$WTY = `getAttr "handLoc.ty"`;
$WTZ = `getAttr ""`;
$uCtrl = `ls -sl`;
rename $uCtrl L_handCtrl;
select -r L_handCtrl;
move -r ($WTX + 0) ($WTY + 2) ($WTZ + 0);
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
// attributes
addAttr -ln "__________" -at double -dv 0 L_handCtrl;
setAttr -e-channelBox true |L_handCtrl.__________;
// error message for user if control is not selected
//error "You must select your hand control curve."
global proc fingerLC( int $fin ){ // finger locator creator
$WTX = `getAttr "handLoc.tx"`;
$WTY = `getAttr "handLoc.ty"`;
$WTZ = `getAttr ""`;
string $fALoc[] = {"space", "ThumbLoc0", "PointerLoc0", "MiddleLoc0", "RingLoc0", "PinkyLoc0"};
string $fingerArray[] = {"space", "Thumb", "Pointer", "Middle", "Ring", "Pinky"};
for ($var = 1; $var < 4; $var ++){
// This for loop creates all space locators for the selected fingers
int $fingerLocator[] = {0,4,6,9,13,16};
int $mX = $WTX + 5 + $var;
int $mY = $WTY + 0;
int $mZ = $WTZ + 2;
spaceLocator -n ($fALoc[$fin] + $var); // Pointer
move -r $mX $mY $mZ;
int $colorLocator = $fingerLocator[$fin];
setAttr ($fALoc[$fin] + $var + ".overrideEnabled") 1;
setAttr ($fALoc[$fin] + $var + ".overrideColor") $colorLocator;
sets -add locSet ($fALoc[$fin] + $var);
creates a mult node with coressponding finger and names it that fingerMult
for example "thummbMult".
It then sets the attr to 10 for each input so that each joint can later
be connected to it
string $LtempName = ("L" + $fingerArray[$fin] + "Mult");
string $RtempName = ("R" + $fingerArray[$fin] + "Mult");
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $LtempName;
shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide -n $RtempName;
setAttr ($LtempName + ".input2X") 10;
setAttr ($LtempName + ".input2Y") 10;
setAttr ($LtempName + ".input2Z") 10;
setAttr ($RtempName + ".input2X") 10;
setAttr ($RtempName + ".input2Y") 10;
setAttr ($RtempName + ".input2Z") 10;
The next five proc are to be called by the buttons to create the joints at each
finger if it is selected.
global proc thumb(){
$fin = 1;
global proc pointer(){
$fin = 2;
global proc middle(){
$fin = 3;
global proc ring(){
$fin = 4;
global proc pinky(){
$fin = 5;
This procedure will get the location of the spaceLocators in the scene
(for the hand creation). it will then create a joint at those points in
world space. Each joint should be parented properly
global proc jointCreate(){ // Joint creation at the locators
// get wrist locator position
$WTX = `getAttr "handLoc.tx"`;
$WTY = `getAttr "handLoc.ty"`;
$WTZ = `getAttr ""`;
// declaring some variables
string $fALoc[] = {"space", "ThumbLoc0", "PointerLoc0",
"MiddleLoc0", "RingLoc0", "PinkyLoc0"};
string $fingerArray[] = {"space", "L_Thumb", "L_Pointer",
"L_Middle", "L_Ring", "L_Pinky"};
string $multAttr[] = {"space", // used for mult node referencing
"Thumb", "Pointer", "Middle", "Ring", "Pinky"};
float $R = 0.5; // setting the radius size
string $addJnt = "Jnt0";
string $XYZ[] = {"0", "X", "Y", "Z"};
// creating the hand joint
select -cl;
joint -n L_handJnt -p $WTX $WTY $WTZ -rad $R;
select -cl;
This loop will creat joints for each finger locator.
First it selects the hand joint so the finger can be properly parented.
Then it needs to get the world space translation of the finger locators.
Next it checks to see if that fingers locators exist, if so create joints
Then it will connect attributes from the hand ctrl to the joint.
for ($lar = 1; $lar < 6; $lar ++){ // finger select loop
select -r L_handJnt;
for ($var = 1; $var < 4; $var ++){ // finger joint loop
// getAttr of selected finger locator
$txyz = ($fALoc[$lar] + $var); // 'ThumbLoc01'
if (`objExists ($txyz) `) {
// get finger locater translation points
float $tx1 = `getAttr ($txyz + ".tx")`;
float $ty1 = `getAttr ($txyz + ".ty")`;
float $tz1 = `getAttr ($txyz + ".tz")`;
// create joint at the finger locator points
joint -n ($fingerArray[$lar] + $addJnt + $var ) -p $tx1 $ty1 $tz1 -rad $R;
$attrName = ($multAttr[$lar] + "0" + $var); // 'finger 01'
$multName = ("L" + $multAttr[$lar]); // 'finger'
if($lar == 1){ // if thumb is selected, connect it on x axis too!
// addAttr to hand ctrl
addAttr -ln $attrName -keyable true -at double -min -10 -max 10 -dv 0 L_handCtrl;
// connect handAttr into mult node
connectAttr ("L_handCtrl." + $attrName) ($multName + "Mult.input1" + $XYZ[$var]) ;
// connect mult node output into joint
connectAttr ($multName + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArray[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateX");
connectAttr ($multName + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArray[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateZ");
// addAttr to hand ctrl
addAttr -ln $attrName -keyable true -at double -min -10 -max 10 -dv 0 L_handCtrl;
// connect handAttr into mult node
connectAttr ("L_handCtrl." + $attrName) ($multName + "Mult.input1" + $XYZ[$var]) ;
// connect mult node output into joint
connectAttr ($multName + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArray[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateZ");
select -cl;
global proc mirrorHand(){ // Mirroring hand joints
// 1. select L_handJnt, mirror it and change name
select -r L_handJnt;
mirrorJoint -mirrorYZ -mirrorBehavior -searchReplace "L" "R";
// 2. select L_handCtrl, group it, duplicate it
select -r L_handCtrl ;
doGroup 0 1 1;
select -r group1 ;
// 3. -1X scale group, freeze transformations
duplicate -rr;
setAttr "group2.scaleX" -1;
rename "group2|L_handCtrl" "R_handCtrl";
makeIdentity -apply true -t 1 -r 1 -s 1 -n 0 -pn 1;
// 4. reparent controls to the world
select -r R_handCtrl ;
parent -w;
select -r L_handCtrl ;
parent -w;
delete group1 group2 ;
// connecting the attributes to the joints
string $fingerArrayR[] = {"space", "R_Thumb", "R_Pointer", "R_Middle", "R_Ring", "R_Pinky"};
string $multAttrR[] = {"space", "Thumb", "Pointer", "Middle", "Ring", "Pinky"};
string $addJnt = "Jnt0";
string $XYZ[] = {"0", "X", "Y", "Z"};
for ($lar = 1; $lar < 6; $lar ++){ // finger select loop
select -r R_handJnt;
for ($var = 1; $var < 4; $var ++){ // finger joint loop
$Rjoint = ("R_handCtrl." + $multAttrR[$var] + "0" + $var);
if (`objExists ($Rjoint) `) {
$attrNameR = ($multAttrR[$lar] + "0" + $var); // 'finger 01'
$multNameR = ("R" + $multAttrR[$lar]); // 'finger'
if($lar == 1){ // if thumb is selected, connect it on x axis too!
// connect handAttr into mult node
connectAttr ("R_handCtrl." + $attrNameR) ($multNameR + "Mult.input1" + $XYZ[$var]) ;
// connect mult node output into joint
connectAttr ($multNameR + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArrayR[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateX");
connectAttr ($multNameR + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArrayR[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateZ");
// connect handAttr into mult node
connectAttr ("R_handCtrl." + $attrNameR) ($multNameR + "Mult.input1" + $XYZ[$var]) ;
// connect mult node output into joint
connectAttr ($multNameR + "Mult.output" + $XYZ[$var]) ($fingerArrayR[$lar] + $addJnt + $var + ".rotateZ");
select -cl;
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