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Created May 10, 2020 17:13
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// Layer 1 SeExpression
Scale = (1-Scale)*10;
fbmOctaves = fbmOctaves*9+1;
fbmLacunarity = fbmLacunarity*3+1;
Cv2 = cvoronoi(P*Scale,1,Jitter,fbmScale,fbmOctaves,fbmLacunarity,fbmGain)->clamp(0,1)->contrast(.4)->invert()->contrast (.9);
Cv1 = cvoronoi(P*Scale,1,Jitter,fbmScale,fbmOctaves,fbmLacunarity,fbmGain)*.5+.5;
// Layer 2 OSL
voronoi1D (point Pv,
float jitter)
point thiscell = point (floor(Pv[0])+0.5, floor(Pv[1])+0.5,
float f1 = 1000; /* f1 is dist2nearest */
int i, j, k;
for (i = -1; i <= 1; i += 1) {
for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 1) {
for (k = -1; k <= 1; k += 1) {
point testcell = thiscell + vector(i,j,k);
point pos = testcell +
jitter * (cellnoise (testcell) - 0.5);
vector offset = pos - Pv;
float dist = dot (offset , offset); /* actually dist^2 */
if (dist < f1) {
f1 = dist;
return sqrt(f1);
shader voronoi(float jitter = 0.5,
output float Fout = 0,
output color resRGB = color(0))
float result = voronoi1D(P, jitter);
Fout = result * result;
resRGB = color(Fout, Fout, Fout);
# Layer 2 // SeExpression
Twist =floatInput1; #0,30.00
Slope =-floatInput2; #-15,15
stripes =floatInput3; # 1,10
adjust =floatInput4; #1,10.00
thicknessA =0.025;
thicknessB =0.025;
thicknessC =0.025;
thicknessD =0.310;
offsetA =0.493; #0,1.00
offsetB =-0.042; #-1.00,1.00
offsetC =0.413; #0,1.00
offsetD =0.634; #0,1.00
## Stripe A
x = P[0]; y = P[2]; z = P[1];
rho = (x > 0 && y >= 0) ? atan(y/x):
(x > 0 && y < 0) ? atan(y/x) + 2*PI :
(x <0) ? atan(y/x) + PI :
(x == 0 && y > 0) ? PI/2:
(x == 0 && y < 0) ? 3*PI/2: 0;
rho = rho/(PI*2)-offsetA;
theta = atan(sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) / z);
theta = theta/ (PI/2);
x = rho;
y = (P[1] - 7.048) /adjust;#(18.072);
y = y * Twist;
x = x * Slope;
mask = ((x + y)*stripes) %1;
mask = mask > thicknessA;
CoutA =mask;
## Stripe B
x = P[0]; y = P[2]; z = P[1];
rho = (x > 0 && y >= 0) ? atan(y/x):
(x > 0 && y < 0) ? atan(y/x) + 2*PI :
(x <0) ? atan(y/x) + PI :
(x == 0 && y > 0) ? PI/2:
(x == 0 && y < 0) ? 3*PI/2: 0;
rho = rho/(PI*2)+offsetB;
#rho = rho/(PI*2)+testX;
theta = atan(sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) / z);
theta = theta/ (PI/2);
x = rho;
y = (P[1] - 7.048) /adjust;#(18.072);
y = y * Twist;
x = x * Slope;
mask = ((x + y)*stripes) %1;
mask = mask > thicknessB;
CoutB =mask;
## Stripe C
x = P[0]; y = P[2]; z = P[1];
rho = (x > 0 && y >= 0) ? atan(y/x):
(x > 0 && y < 0) ? atan(y/x) + 2*PI :
(x <0) ? atan(y/x) + PI :
(x == 0 && y > 0) ? PI/2:
(x == 0 && y < 0) ? 3*PI/2: 0;
rho = rho/(PI*2)+offsetC;
theta = atan(sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) / z);
theta = theta/ (PI/2);
x = rho;
y = (P[1] - 7.048)/ adjust;#(18.072);
y = y * Twist;
x = x * Slope;
mask = ((x + y)*stripes) %1;
mask = mask > thicknessC;
CoutC =mask;
## Stripe D
x = P[0]; y = P[2]; z = P[1];
rho = (x > 0 && y >= 0) ? atan(y/x):
(x > 0 && y < 0) ? atan(y/x) + 2*PI :
(x <0) ? atan(y/x) + PI :
(x == 0 && y > 0) ? PI/2:
(x == 0 && y < 0) ? 3*PI/2: 0;
rho = rho/(PI*2)+offsetD;
theta = atan(sqrt( pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)) / z);
theta = theta/ (PI/2);
x = rho;
y = (P[1] - 7.048)/ adjust;#(18.072);
y = y * Twist;
x = x * Slope;
mask = ((x + y)*stripes) %1;
mask = mask > thicknessD;
CoutD =mask;
## Min the 3 together
temp1 = min(CoutA, CoutB );
temp2 =min(CoutC, CoutD );
Cout = min(temp1, temp2);
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