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Created July 10, 2023 20:06
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import math
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
import numpy as np
import statistics
from collections import Counter
def group_by_visual_row(data, eps=5, min_samples=1):
# Cluster report rows using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm to group OCR lines
# DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) can help
# group points that are packed closely together (points with nearby points i.e. "rows")
orig_min_y_values = np.array([item['min_y'] for item in data]).reshape(-1, 1)
clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples).fit(orig_min_y_values)
for item, label in zip(data, clustering.labels_):
cluster_points = [data[i]['min_y'] for i, cluster_label in enumerate(clustering.labels_) if cluster_label == label]
item['adj_min_y'] = round(statistics.median(cluster_points))
# You could also count the number of lines with the same min_y, this can be
# useful for post-processing algorithms that expect a certain number of items
# per column, just uncomment the following:
min_y_counts = Counter([item['adj_min_y'] for item in data])
for item in data:
item['line_count'] = min_y_counts[item['adj_min_y']]
return data
def sort_lines(page):
# Sort entities from top to bottom and left to right so we can step through them in a predictable reading order
lines = []
for line in page.lines:
line_text = layout_to_text(line.layout, document_response.text).strip()
x_values = [vertex.x for vertex in line.layout.bounding_poly.vertices]
min_x, max_x = min(x_values), max(x_values)
y_values = [vertex.y for vertex in line.layout.bounding_poly.vertices]
min_y, max_y = min(y_values), max(y_values)
start_index = [segment.start_index for segment in line.layout.text_anchor.text_segments][0]
end_index = [segment.end_index for segment in line.layout.text_anchor.text_segments][0]
lines.append({'text': line_text, 'min_x': min_x, 'min_y': min(y_values), 'max_x': max(x_values), 'max_y': max(y_values), 'confidence': line.layout.confidence, 'start_index': start_index, 'end_index': end_index})
items = group_by_visual_row(lines)
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: (item['adj_min_y'], item['min_x']))
return sorted_items
# Where document is a response from a Google Cloud Document AI processor
for page in document.pages:
lines = sort_lines(page)
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